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I am thinking of making a character and using Fezzic from the princess bride as my major inspiration. I’m not trying to completely duplicate the character, but use him for a major inspiration.
I think we well be doing a rise of the Rune lords campaign arc. How might you suggest I build this character?
In what ability scores should I put my high rolls/ point buys?
½ or? Human? Barbarian? Monk? Fighter?
What do you all think?
" anyone want a peanut?" "no more rhyming and i mean it!"

Anburaid |

I am thinking of making a character and using Fezzic from the princess bride as my major inspiration. I’m not trying to completely duplicate the character, but use him for a major inspiration.
I think we well be doing a rise of the Rune lords campaign arc. How might you suggest I build this character?
In what ability scores should I put my high rolls/ point buys?
½ or? Human? Barbarian? Monk? Fighter?
What do you all think?
" anyone want a peanut?" "no more rhyming and i mean it!"
I'd go monk, with improved grab, toughness, hmmm deflect arrows maybe, dodge if you want to let him b a little more agile. Fezzik never really got angry in the movie, just intimidating, and in many ways was a gentle giant, which says to me, high wisdom score. He also didn't really use any weapons other than his huge fists, and rocks. There was a feat in the forgotten realms (the silver marches book, I believe) that might apply, where by the character is treated as large for the purposes of grappling and possibly even other maneuvers.

Caineach |

Mechanically, I would build him as a human grappling barbarian. I would focus on rage powers like strength surge and animal fury. Unfortunately, I don't feel as though this gets the feel right, since I don't see him as much of a rage character. He is way too much of a nice guy, and things just roll off of him.
Monk could work. Fezzic is kind of a low int moderate wis type of guy. Once again, the fluff of the class doesn't really fit though, especially the type of things you get latter in the class.
Fighter works out ok, but a lot of its bennefits are wasted. If I went this way I would ask for the alternate one floating arround the boards that drops armor profficiencies for monk AC.

Kobold Catgirl |

If we were statting up Fezzik, he'd probably be half-ogre or something. However, you're doing somebody like Fezzik. So I would say half-orc. A half-orc fighter or monk (a multiclass if possible, though it'd be rather unfavorable). He doesn't do much martial-arts stuff, and doesn't strike me as a meditator. So, on second thought, fighter with Improved Unarmed Strike. Though that isn't very effective, either.

anthony Valente |

I am thinking of making a character and using Fezzic from the princess bride as my major inspiration. I’m not trying to completely duplicate the character, but use him for a major inspiration.
In what ability scores should I put my high rolls/ point buys?
In order:

Lokie |

Hmm...I'm seeing good points for Monk, Fighter, and Barbarian.
If there is one defining characteristic for Fezzik it would be his massive strength and thus Barbarian could fit him very well. Going this route you could use rage more as "extreme effort" and use it in short spurts instead of an extended fury.
However, if you'd like to skip rage altogether and go for the Gentle Giant approach you could just stick with the Fighter class and pump the majority of your ability points into Strength.
I'd also suggest picking up Power Attack and Improved Unarmed Strike for powerful punches. The Lunge feat effectively gives you reach and allows you to mimic being a largish creature regardless of if you choose Human or Half-Orc. If you like the idea of rock-throwing I'd suggest Throw Anything, Deadly Aim, and Vital Strike. However... the more Fezzik type of thing to do is to be "Sportsmanlike" and thus you could go for very Andre the Giant wrestling type feats such as Improved Grapple and Greater Grapple.
Along the lines of Grappling... a Monk does not need be asian to use Martial Arts. Greco-Roman wrestling is also Martial Art. A 1st Level Human Monk starts off with more feats than a 1st level Human Fighter if we do not include weapon proficiencies. They get Improved Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows (Two-weapon Fighting), Stunning Fist, a bonus feat from a list, 1st level feat, and bonus human feat for a grand total of 6 feats at first level.

Barator |

The number one feat that I would see him using is Cleave and Great Cleave. Remember when he tells Wesley that he isn't so good at fighting one person because he fights groups of people, and the tactics are very different? It seems like that would specifically goes towards the Cleave tree.
Also, in response to the thoughts about Improved Grapple, I just don't see it. Wesley beat him in grappling and brought him down because of it.
I would think Fighter/Monk would probably be a good way to go thematically. Of course, you say a character "like" Fezzik, and that means a lot of different things to different people.
I would avoid the Barbarian rage from my image of him and my image of rage.
Happy gaming, and have fun with your character.

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Thank you everyone for your Posts. They have been very helpful.
This is my initial idea:
I know it’s a hefty slice of cheese.
This is all of course contingent on DM approval and I may very well change my mind.
I plan to do first level as a Barbarian, with a NG alignment, then shift his alignment to LG, and take second level and thereafter as a monk. I am planning to change the “fluff” of the rage power to Chi channeling but to keep the mechanics the same. At second level, where I take my first level of monk, I plan to see if I can take Improved grapple in place of the improved unarmed strike feat. Also I plan to ask if I can take the Precise Strike alternate class feature from the PHB II to replace the Flurry of blows.
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 7 -2
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 7 -2
20 point buy
Level 1 Barbarian ½ orc
Fast movement- +10 feet
Rage- 6 rounds a day. Enter rage as free action. While in a rage +4 to strength and +4 to constitution and +2 to will saves.
Climb +9
Profession: ( agriculture,) Farmer: +4
Swim +9 ( he only doggy paddles) ( scratch the swim one too many skills)
Feat: Improved Unarmed strike.
Not sure yet
Attack: +6 1d3 +5 Damage
This is a first draft of his history. Ill come up with the names in a couple of days.
Fezzic had a relatively normal childhood. He grew up on a farm the youngest of five children. His parents and family are still alive. He was born almost 9 months after an Orc raid in the village and surrounding farmsteads.
The orcs burst into the farmhouse just after Fezzic's older brothers and sisters were hidden in the root cellar. The orcs ravished Fezzic's parents and then decided to carry them off as slaves. They helped themselves to the family livestock. As the orc war band was heading out of the village with their captured slaves and lives talk, a band of rangers happened upon them. The Rangers took the orcs by surprise and were able to kill them with arrow fire.
Luckily Fezzics parents can’t be sure he was the product of the rape. Fezzic looks completely human, except he is much too big and strong. He was raised as part of the family. His uncle was the local sheriff and he would often stop by for dinner at his brother’s home.
Fezzic is 8’6” tall and weights 500 pounds. Her grew up on his parents farm, doing everything from ploughing, to fishing to planting. He was big and strong enough to shoulder the yoke and drag the plough shear behind him. He could drag the family draft horse around when it was in a bad mood. He was always good with the animals. He loved to fish.
The local rancher’s daughter made friends with him. She found him fishing settled down and began talking. Fezzic listened, caught some fish, prepared it and cooked it for her. She came the next day and the next. Fezzic fished, and she prattled.
Her father began worrying that she was spending too much time with the village idiot, son of one of the small landholders on the periphery of his grazing lands.
He sent a couple of his cow hands to retrieve his daughter with orders to kill Fezzic. They found Fezzic and the girl in their usual place. One of he cowhands dragged her off. She screamed “ no don’t let go your hurting me” Fezzic stood up. He simply said “stop” Un nerved the farm hand hit fezzic on the head with his wooden club. It broke. An angry gash opened up on the side of his head and began bleading. The girl screamed. Fezizic hit the first cowhand and he collapsed. The cow hand threw the girl behind him and he ran at Fezzic with his club raised. He hit Fezzic on the head opening up another gash. Fezic hit him and he crumpled.
About then His uncle the sheriff arrived. He took the rancher’s daugher and then Fezzic aside to get their stories. The girl told the truth. Fezzic could only tell the truth. The sheriff realized thet Fezzic was not guilty of murder, he was merely defending himself, and trying to protect his friend the ranchers daughter. He also knew that her father would take revenge for the death of his men.
The Sheriff took both Fezzic and the girl back to his brother” Fezzic's father’s house and he told them to stay with Fezzic’s mother.
The sheriff then arranged the bodies of the dead cowhands so that they looked like they had been fighting each other. He put all of the gold from one cowhand and put it in the pouch of the other cowhand. He then soaked the bodies in alcohol.
After that he wrote a letter to his old friend Sheriff Hemlock in Sandpoint. He explained what had happened and recommended that Fezzic might make a good constable. Fezzic left his home village.
The Sheriff told The Rancher that he found two of his men. They had killed each other in a drunken brawl the Sheriff said; apparently one had stolen the others gold. The Rancher was satisfied. He had his daughter back. Fezzic was gone. And he didn’t care that his two men were dead. He didn’t want the sheriff to look to closely into the matter, because he had ordered his men to kill the sheriff’s nephew Fezzic. The matter as far as the rancher was concerned was closed.
Fezzic traveled to Sandpoint and presented his letter to Sheriff Hemlock. Sheriff Hemlock was not sure what to do with Fezzic. He decided to put Fezzic on cat duty.
Sheriff hemlock put Fezzic up at the rusty Dragon Inn. At first Amiko was worried about Fezzic eating her out of House and Inn. He seemed to like the music there, and his mere presence at the Rusty Dragon had a calming effect on the other patrons. Fezzic could easily catapult drunken revelers out the windows if they bothered the barmaids and the bards. He didn’t like his music interrupted. All he had to do is stand up.
Fezzic excelled at cat duty. Whenever a resident of Sandpoint needed to get their cat rescued from a tree, Fezzic would retrieve the frightened feline. They seemed to relax and purr in his hands. Usually Fezzic was tall enough to simply pick the cat out of the tree. If the cat had climbed higher up in a sapling Fezzic would simply grab a branch and pull on the branch, bending the tree down so he could then pluck the cat out of the tree. Other times he would bend the trunk of the tree and shake it, knocking the cat out of the tree. Other times he would have to climb up and get the cat.
One day he rescued a very special cat. He rescued Sabyl’s cat. She was the monk the monk who owned the house of blue stones. Sabyl was very pleased that Fezzic rescued her cat from a tree. She decided to train him. He has been able to sit still and meditate. To him its like sitting and fishing. She has begun to teach him how to control his breathing, and how to channel his Chi to temporarily boost his strength and constitution ( rage: I’m changing the fluff) She soon hopes to teach him how to strike instead of smash.
This training has helped him become a better watchman.
Fezzic is looking forward to the swallowtail festival. He is looking forward to the food.

Kobold Catgirl |

The number one feat that I would see him using is Cleave and Great Cleave. Remember when he tells Wesley that he isn't so good at fighting one person because he fights groups of people, and the tactics are very different? It seems like that would specifically goes towards the Cleave tree.
Also, in response to the thoughts about Improved Grapple, I just don't see it. Wesley beat him in grappling and brought him down because of it.
Not in the book. The reason he lost was because he was 'set' to fighting groups, and was fighting that way. At the last minute in the book, he remembers and switches back to the one-man style, but too late. He can fight both groups and single people.
Besides, he doesn't use any sort of cleavy weapon.

AvalonXQ |

Besides, he doesn't use any sort of cleavy weapon.
Fezzik's use of the Cleave feat would basically be "knock two guys' heads together". Mechanically, it's Cleave (a single unarmed strike against two opponents), even if the flavor doesn't match traditional Cleave flavor.
I'd also say to look at Bull Rush as well. Its ability to force through multiple opponents by pushing them all back seems very Fezzik-flavored to me.
Barator |

Not in the book. The reason he lost was because he was 'set' to fighting groups, and was fighting that way. At the last minute in the book, he remembers and switches back to the one-man style, but too late. He can fight both groups and single people.
Besides, he doesn't use any sort of cleavy weapon.
Gotcha, I haven't ever read the book for it, I just have the image of Andre the Giant when I think of Fezzik. As for a cleavy weapon, Andre's oversized fists seem to do pretty well for me. And as AvalonXQ said, pushing two guys skulls together would work pretty well.
Happy gaming.

AvalonXQ |

I know we're looking at a Fezzik-like D&D character, but this got me thinking about how I'd represent Fezzik himself. In my opinion, having read the book, it's pretty clear what Fezzik would be mechanically:
A humanoid without any class levels at all, size large, with an outrageously-high strength score.
The book has him go up against various world-class martial artists and defeating them all easily without any training whatsoever. It specifies that he's just so much bigger and stronger than everyone he encounters that their training just isn't enough to make up for that.
How do we mechanize that? Well, Combat Maneuvers look at BAB, and also at strength mod and size. A trained martial artist would have a good CMB from their BAB (either actual, or virtual in the case of monk), and probably a decent strength.
Give Fezzik an outrageously-high strength score, say 30. A large humanoid with a 30 strength and 10 dex has a CMD of 21, assuming no BAB or other bonuses. It's starting to get hard for even a very well-trained martial artist to affect him.
I believe this is all that the book would imply Fezzik is: a freakishly large and freakishly strong boy/man.

Kobold Catgirl |

I know we're looking at a Fezzik-like D&D character, but this got me thinking about how I'd represent Fezzik himself. In my opinion, having read the book, it's pretty clear what Fezzik would be mechanically:
A humanoid without any class levels at all, size large, with an outrageously-high strength score.
The book has him go up against various world-class martial artists and defeating them all easily without any training whatsoever. It specifies that he's just so much bigger and stronger than everyone he encounters that their training just isn't enough to make up for that.
How do we mechanize that? Well, Combat Maneuvers look at BAB, and also at strength mod and size. A trained martial artist would have a good CMB from their BAB (either actual, or virtual in the case of monk), and probably a decent strength.
Give Fezzik an outrageously-high strength score, say 30. A large humanoid with a 30 strength and 10 dex has a CMD of 21, assuming no BAB or other bonuses. It's starting to get hard for even a very well-trained martial artist to affect him.
I believe this is all that the book would imply Fezzik is: a freakishly large and freakishly strong boy/man.
Nah, class levels don't always mean practise or training. They're power indicators.
I say we make him a Warrior. In true accuracy he's have no weapon proficiencies, but Throw Anything and Catch Off-Guard. Warriors are really only guys with good BABs and Fort saves.

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Thank you all for your thoughts and opinions.
So far here is what im going to try.
Fezzic ½ orc 1st level barbarian.
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 7 -2
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 7 -2
20 point buy
Level 1 Barbarian ½ orc
Hit points: 14
Fast movement- +10 feet
Rage- 6 rounds a day. Enter rage as free action. While in a rage +4 to strength and +4 to constitution and +2 to will saves. The DM is fine with my changing the fluff of rage to channeling Chi. I don’t think fezzic would get angry very often.
Barbarian level feats : Simple weapons, Martial weapons, Light armor, Medium armor.
The DM is allowing me to swap these feats out for Catch off guard, Throw anything, Point blank shot and precise shot.
Climb +9
Profession: ( agriculture,) Farmer: +5
Feat: Improved Unarmed strike.
Not sure yet
Attack: Unarmed strike +6 1d3 +5 Damage
Thrown Rock: +3 1d3 +6 Damage ( Point blank shot +1+1)
I realize that I will have some drawbacks, namely my character wont be proficient in any armor nor any weapon. But I like the idea that my character prefers to use benches, tree branches, large rocks, and his fists as weapons rather then swords and clubs.
At this level he will only have an ac of 11. With a level of monk his ac will be 12.
Next level, the DM is going to allow me to take a level of Monk. Ill pick up improved grapple.
Again thank you for all of your thoughts and ideas.

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He has to be a Half Giant from Arcana Evolved. No other Race is acceptable, right?
I would not put anything in DEX, INT or CHA. Let them be 7s or 8s or 9s. Make STR and CON as gross as possible. And I do like the idea of a solid WIS, maybe 14+2.
I don't think even 1 level of Bbn is appropriate. Fezzik in Rage?!? No way.
I also don't see any levels in Mnk. I was following the argument and it seemed superficially reasonable, but, come on, the fluff for Mnk is all about training, mental discipline (WIS) and early life at a monastery or something.
I have to wholeheartedly agree with a pure Ftr build focusing on Unarmed Combat, grappling, and the Cleave tree.
But no matter what build you eventually make, he has to be Half Giant

Firest |

I also don't see any levels in Mnk. I was following the argument and it seemed superficially reasonable, but, come on, the fluff for Mnk is all about training, mental discipline (WIS) and early life at a monastery or something.
Don't get married to the fluff, the Monk class doesn't just mean the guys who spent time in a monastery, it can also encompass the hermit deep in the mountains, the drunken master passed out in the corner of the bar, or the punk kid who started following around and imitating the weird guy he saw take down a dozen gang members.
I don't think anyone would argue that any build of a Chuck Norris character would count as a monk, but neither he nor any of his roles spent any time in a monastery.