Gauging Interest on a D20 Modern / Sci-Fi Campaign

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Chainsaw wrote:

Thanks, I'll be keeping track of your progress. I'm flexible with whatver level of cybernetics you decide to incorporate.

As far as Chasm City goes, it's a book. Decent read if you get the chance.

Awesome, Chainsaw. I'll make it known once I'm accepting characters, so just check in around monday or tuesday (depending) and then I'll give everyone about a week to finalize their character concepts and then play.

Devils Advocate Droid wrote:
Chainsaw wrote:

Thanks, I'll be keeping track of your progress. I'm flexible with whatver level of cybernetics you decide to incorporate.

As far as Chasm City goes, it's a book. Decent read if you get the chance.

Awesome, Chainsaw. I'll make it known once I'm accepting characters, so just check in around monday or tuesday (depending) and then I'll give everyone about a week to finalize their character concepts and then play.

So, are there still openings then? I'm not sure how to read the above. It could mean you will start accepting characters to choose from or that you will start accepting characters from those players you have already chosen...

*posting to show still interested* (^_^)

Devils Advocate Droid wrote:

lol sorry I was having a hard time remembering the title, d20 future and d20 future tech :)

Incidentally, did the character creation description above help any?

Ok. I do have both of those titles. But as for the character creation description ... I keep looking back above and I seem to be overlooking / missing it.

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

So, are there still openings then? I'm not sure how to read the above. It could mean you will start accepting characters to choose from or that you will start accepting characters from those players you have already chosen...

Not accepting as of yet, I was just checking to gauge interest, but I'm going to open up the formal application to play on monday or tuesday of next week, which will give me more time to work on the adventure. So if you like you can start working on your character concept/story now and when I'm officially recruiting for the PBP, you can submit it.

As for those who posted interest initially (like you), they will get first dibs on playing, but could be changed based on whether or not they actually create and finish their characters within the week. I want to be fair to those who are interested, but I want to have players that are able to meet the requirements of posting at least once a day (with weekends being the exception). Those left over have the option of becoming alts if they would like.

So far the list in order of posted interest is:
Billzabub Although he is a maybe based on what he's posted.
The Thing from Beyond the Edge
Scipion Del Ferro
DeathQuaker (alt 1)
Chainsaw (alt 2)

Urizen wrote:
Ok. I do have both of those titles. But as for the character creation description ... I keep looking back above and I seem to be overlooking / missing it.

Hmmm. I'm not quite sure what type of description/information you would need to help you, but I still want to help you out, so if you could, go into some detail about what type of information on the game world that would help clarify things. Sorry if I've been vague on details.

Just curious - what would the party be fighting against? Mutated humans? Aliens? Holocaust spawned horrors? Ookla the Mook?

So then! Here's something to show the prospective Dm what I am capable of creating. (^_^)



Billzabub wrote:
Just curious - what would the party be fighting against? Mutated humans? Aliens? Holocaust spawned horrors? Ookla the Mook?

All of 'em are going to be mooks to me. *blasts laser rifle* ;)

I think you meant 'Mok'. (?)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Still interested. I'll pick up the future books and start hashing out a character to audition.

Billzabub wrote:
Just curious - what would the party be fighting against? Mutated humans? Aliens? Holocaust spawned horrors? Ookla the Mook?

Ooooo that is something to be discovered :)

Since no one knows how Terra has progressed
over the time in stasis, the UNSF will be
sending down to the surface teams of recon
specialists/scientists/explorers to find out
the situation groundside. Guess who gets to
go do that? :)

Sunshine:Sweet profile :) Was that for a previous game?

Everyone who is interested, keep checking this alias and the information on the alias page for more info as I add it for game rules, character creation, and available equipment. I'll be editing it all week.

Scarlet was created for another Sci-fi game which sadly fell apart even before there was a discussion thread. V_V *sigh*.

I do hope the character gets a look in for this one. I shall try and smarten the character up and make the language easier to understand/read. *bows*

S.c.a.r.l.e.t. wrote:

Scarlet was created for another Sci-fi game which sadly fell apart even before there was a discussion thread. V_V *sigh*.

I do hope the character gets a look in for this one. I shall try and smarten the character up and make the language easier to understand/read. *bows*

Well I intend to bring this game well past that stage, so don't

worry about that. So any kind of questions specific to the world,
character creation, etc that you all have will definitely be welcome,
as it will help me find out what isn't clear and what things you
might like to see.

Billzabub wrote:
Just curious - what would the party be fighting against? Mutated humans? Aliens? Holocaust spawned horrors? Ookla the Mook?

Ok I'll give: you're fighting Mutated alien holocaust spawned hippies...and one mook.

UM, well a pointing in the direction of where to view these D20 Cybernetics rules would be nice. *^_^*


S.c.a.r.l.e.t. wrote:

UM, well a pointing in the direction of where to view these D20 Cybernetics rules would be nice. *^_^*


Do you mean the actual book or for my PBP specifically?

If you mean the book to reference, then check out D20 Future and d20 Future Tech; as far as my PBP, I'll be adding any specific rules for cybernetics very soon, it's still a work in progress.

The Exchange

Devils Advocate Droid wrote:
Billzabub wrote:
Just curious - what would the party be fighting against? Mutated humans? Aliens? Holocaust spawned horrors? Ookla the Mook?
Ok I'll give: you're fighting Mutated alien holocaust spawned hippies...and one mook.

There better be a campaign journal in the sorm of short story entries...

PS you'll be fighting REPAIRBOT(tm) who has a headache...his bioware has picked up a transtemporal flu that will only infect the first stupid TECH'R to download his wetware.

yellowdingo wrote:
Devils Advocate Droid wrote:
Billzabub wrote:
Just curious - what would the party be fighting against? Mutated humans? Aliens? Holocaust spawned horrors? Ookla the Mook?
Ok I'll give: you're fighting Mutated alien holocaust spawned hippies...and one mook.

There better be a campaign journal in the sorm of short story entries...

PS you'll be fighting REPAIRBOT(tm) who has a headache...his bioware has picked up a transtemporal flu that will only infect the first stupid TECH'R to download his wetware.


As far as campaign journel, do you mean some background history?

The Exchange

Devils Advocate Droid wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Devils Advocate Droid wrote:
Billzabub wrote:
Just curious - what would the party be fighting against? Mutated humans? Aliens? Holocaust spawned horrors? Ookla the Mook?
Ok I'll give: you're fighting Mutated alien holocaust spawned hippies...and one mook.

There better be a campaign journal in the sorm of short story entries...

PS you'll be fighting REPAIRBOT(tm) who has a headache...his bioware has picked up a transtemporal flu that will only infect the first stupid TECH'R to download his wetware.


As far as campaign journel, do you mean some background history?

CAMPAIGN JOURNAL: 250-350 page short story entries. Trust me...if you can come away with that kind of Journal you will have an IP asset. Something that you will be able to publish online as a PDF book. I look forward to reading it.

yellowdingo wrote:

CAMPAIGN JOURNAL: 250-350 page short story entries. Trust me...if you can come away with that kind of Journal you will have an IP asset. Something that you will be able to publish online as a PDF book. I look forward to reading it.

lol that is a mighty undertaking, but I'd love to do something like that.

Just a quick questions for those who are interested in playing: I wanted to know if you would prefer to start at level 1 or 2?

Updated campaign information on this alias.

Cool stuff with the campaign information on the alias, getting me hyped to play. I'm thinking a British Fast Hero type working towards gunslinger advanced class (maybe scout).

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Hrmm, I'm having more and more trouble resisting the mecha suits. Especially with a techie. Awesome at large scale outdoor combat. Great at skillful duties indoors. I'm going to have to look into acquiring and piloting those in more detail now. If a person wanted one of those would they have to make the DC 40~ Requisition check or are these items that might be granted to a person.

I picked up the associate books and am viewing them now. I'm familiar with d20 modern and the rest seem to just go into more details of certain technologies.

It looks like your Mecha rules are from d20 Future rather than d20 Modern; Future Tech. Those look a little wonky in comparison so good choice there.

You might want to change up the slots on them. The cockpit takes up helmet, torso, and back. You could put the jump boosters on the feat and sensory away on the shoulders though.

Um, a hint abut these rules?

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

Hrmm, I'm having more and more trouble resisting the mecha suits. Especially with a techie. Awesome at large scale outdoor combat. Great at skillful duties indoors. I'm going to have to look into acquiring and piloting those in more detail now. If a person wanted one of those would they have to make the DC 40~ Requisition check or are these items that might be granted to a person.

I picked up the associate books and am viewing them now. I'm familiar with d20 modern and the rest seem to just go into more details of certain technologies.

It looks like your Mecha rules are from d20 Future rather than d20 Modern; Future Tech. Those look a little wonky in comparison so good choice there.

You might want to change up the slots on them. The cockpit takes up helmet, torso, and back. You could put the jump boosters on the feat and sensory away on the shoulders though.

Glad you like the mecha. I've been thinking about balance issues for having a party with some using mecha and some not using. I would like feed back from other players on what they think, and if they would have a problem with it, but if no one does then thats fine with me. Of course piloting a mecha suit will have its own inherant drawbacks; you're most likely the main target during a firefight, some areas are still too narrow for a suit to pass thru, the critical hit system (I will be using) makes it so that a lucky shot can possibly kill the pilot, etc.

If you do decide to use a mecha suit, keep in mind these things and try to build your character concept around being able to function outside of it, since it might not be conveniant in some situations. Of course these mecha suits are 12 ft tall, so these aren't the massive suits many anime/sci-fi generes have, so thats why Appleseed is a good show to view to get an idea of how I've designed them. Something more like Powered Armor.

As for the cost, PCs who can pilot suits can use them as part of their military duty. PCs will be able to use Requisition to add additional features as the game progresses, but these are seperate modifications, so that if the suit is destroyed, you may be able to salvage the gear or not.

On large mecha, from the D20 Future it says the cockpit occupies 2 of 3 slots from chest, head, and back. That's what I was going from as far as selecting the cockpit locations.

Sunshine: Which rules do you mean?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I realize I'll probably be unlikely to get in at this point, but will do my best to apply, so some questions, re: Character Creation:

32 Point Buy - This is standard d20 Rules, yes? IIRC it's start at 8, one point per raise up to 15, then 2 points to raise to 16 and then 17, and 4 points to raise from 17 to 18?

Skills - Amael, you'd mentioned possible Pathfinder consolidations. Are you going to do that? I ask because d20 Modern often did a weird thing where some classes would, for example, have Spot as a class skill, but not Listen or Search. It would help to choose starting occupation class skills as well as skill rank allocations if we know we have "Perception" as a class skill, rather than Listen/Search/Spot, where some might get full ranks and some get cross-class.

RE: Mecha: They look okay to me, and I think the fact that you're not going to be able to pilot a 12' armored suit into every place is going to be limitation enough. I have never played in a d20 Modern game that used Mechs, however. My only experience with mechs was playing a game of Storyteller System Aeon/Trinity, where one character had essentially a mech and no one else didn't; he certainly was a powerhouse in some combats, but size and mobility limitations worked well. OTOH, that was a game where everyone had psychic powers. But I think basically as long as the campaign is well-rounded to give everyone something to do, which it sounds like it will be, they will be fine.

I don't think I have Future Tech but I don't think I need anything from it (might be in SRD too, come to think of it).


DeathQuaker wrote:

I realize I'll probably be unlikely to get in at this point, but will do my best to apply, so some questions, re: Character Creation:

32 Point Buy - This is standard d20 Rules, yes? IIRC it's start at 8, one point per raise up to 15, then 2 points to raise to 16 and then 17, and 4 points to raise from 17 to 18?

Skills - Amael, you'd mentioned possible Pathfinder consolidations. Are you going to do that? I ask because d20 Modern often did a weird thing where some classes would, for example, have Spot as a class skill, but not Listen or Search. It would help to choose starting occupation class skills as well as skill rank allocations if we know we have "Perception" as a class skill, rather than Listen/Search/Spot, where some might get full ranks and some get cross-class.

RE: Mecha: They look okay to me, and I think the fact that you're not going to be able to pilot a 12' armored suit into every place is going to be limitation enough. I have never played in a d20 Modern game that used Mechs, however. My only experience with mechs was playing a game of Storyteller System Aeon/Trinity, where one character had essentially a mech and no one else didn't; he certainly was a powerhouse in some combats, but size and mobility limitations worked well. OTOH, that was a game where everyone had psychic powers. But I think basically as long as the campaign is well-rounded to give everyone something to do, which it sounds like it will be, they will be fine.

I don't think I have Future Tech but I don't think I need anything from it (might be in SRD too, come to think of it).


I wouldn't count yourself out of it yet, DQ, but I do appreciate you building your character anyway. Now for the answers:

32 point buy: 32 pts is a little bit higher then the d20 modern rules, but I wanted to make the party a bit more "above average" since the nature of their task tends to have the more gifted of the human race. There should be a conversion chart for point buy on page 15 of the d20 modern core book.

Skills: Yes this I am working on now, as I wanted to figure out just what would be the best way to go about this. I'm open to suggestions on this as well. If it looks like it may get too complicated I may just have to default to the standard skill sets for d20 modern. Personally I am more then willing to consolidate Spot/Listen/Search into just Perception because I never thought having them split into 3 separate skills made any sense.

Mecha: I'm going for variety here, so I intend to make Mecha a feature, but not the be all end all. The mecha in my campaign are like tanks, and even a puny human with a LAW can do some serious damage to a large target like that. The suits of course will be able to take some good punishment, but like I said, they will be a high priority target to enemies that can process information like that...which leads me to my enemy logic.

Enemy Logic: I intend to run the creatures/enemies/mooks you face based on my perspective of their intelligence/racial traits/alignment; so what that means is that an intelligent enemy will have a far different approach to target prioritization as opposed to just a lumbering beast who lashes out at the threat that hit it last.

In the End: If mecha does become a problem, I will allow any PCs to either go all mecha, or no one has mecha, and will allow the PCs effected by this change to retool their character with no penalties. I want the game to be fun but fair to everyone as much as possible.

The Exchange

yellowdingo wrote:

proper way to post a wall of text:
THis was the campaign Journal/Adventure timeline from my Met Alpha/SS Warden D20 game.



“Has anyone seen my little Turku?” Mother Enwoad asked the Villagers working in the field.
“Nay Mother Enwoad, We see not the Spout of thy field.”
“He returned not from play with the other sprouts.” Mother Enwoad wept in distress at the prospect of her sprout being harvested by the Farmer.
“Fear not! We shall send out a searching probe that we may seek him here and there.”

DM Briefing: One of the Villagers in RECREATION AREA 36B has gone missing. He as made his way through a forgotten hatch to impress and pollinate a pretty young flower from the fishing village. Unfortunately the hatch leads down into the recycling systems that maintain the functioning of RECREATION AREA 36B. If not rescued soon, Turku Enwoad may wind up as soil nutrients.



SST56 contemplated the mission packet that had been hardwired into his mind and headed off with his companion clones.

DM Briefing: A team of Cloned Technicians are dispatched to retrieve the mega-brain from TRAINING FACILITY 45F and deliver it to LAB 341B.



CT23 contemplated the mission packet as the access to Transit Tube 4 opened. The clones entered and the Transit sealed and began moving…

DM Briefing: A team of Cloned Technicians are dispatched to eject the ship reactor core. Unfortunately Transit 4 is cut by a breech at SUBFRAME ALPHA TRANSITFASTLOCK 4-2WT. They are going to encounter the Aquatic Empire of the Gaal (a species that evolved from bacteria in the water storage tank –TANKDIMENSIONS: 5 miles x 6 miles x 20 miles).


“A…Not of our Crop!” Young Turku Enwoad suddenly pointed at the stranger approaching over the far field. Jermai Enwoad turned to see what disturbed his Seedling’s growth.
“I shall harvest the Stranger while you alert the village.” Jermai Enwoad threw himself at the stranger with his Scythe seeking brutal harvest only to meet iron flesh.
“Run Sprout, Run!” Jermai Enwoad’s cry set Turku running.
“What Farmer planted you?” Jermai Enwoad smashed his scythe into the stranger a second time.
“CONTAMINATION MUST BE SAMPLED FOR ANALYSIS…” Its voice barely understood as the robot engaged the Farmer. A large metal sampling needle emerged with intense speed from a multi-sample collection canister fitted as a right hand into Jermai’s head, killing him instantly.

DM Briefing: A Robot enters RECREATION AREA 36B to maintain the functioning of RECREATION AREA 36B. It is intent on sampling the entire population of RECREATION AREA 36B and has already killed the Fishermen by the lake (but not the woodsman) by the time it gets to the Village.


“We gather here the wood of cremation that Jermai Enwoad should return to the soil of his tilling. The Iron farmer harvested him in the prime of life.” Manur spoke eloquently of his now deceased childhood friend.
Emerging from Spiderwood were four strangers. These were unlike the Man of Iron. Their uniforms marked them of some foreign and distant army.
Turku Enwoad screamed and pointed at the strangers.
“The Enemy comes to check on their Iron Man.”
MO34 contemplated the distressed humanoids now fleeing to gather up weapons.
“Perhaps we might speak with these people…?” MO34 looked at his fellow clones.
“Squish That!” WO195 pulled his weapon and opened fire, the mental defect finally kicking in.

DM Briefing: The Computer has dispatched a squad of clones to RECREATION AREA 36B to investigate the Sampling Robot’s whereabouts. They are met with force.


“They said we were weeds to be pulled!” Turku Enwoad struggled to rally his surviving companions.
“They came here to sow their own seed in our fields!” The Crowded hut shook with foot-stomping anger.
“I say they are the weeds to be pulled!” The Crowed began to rise in frenzy.
“I Say we shall sow their fields with our seed-stock.” Turku descended into fury. He would have his revenge.
Beyond the crowded hut, several clones stood scarecrow, impaled on wooden poles.

DM Briefing: A number of villagers now armed with technological weapons prepare an expedition beyond RECREATION AREA 36B. Their only access beyond RECREATION AREA 36B is the Hatch to the 36B ENVIRO-MONITORING STATION and the SYSTEMS MANTENANCE CAUSEWAY LEVEL 12D beyond it. This 20 mile long causeway links 35 other Recreation Areas on this side of the ship, a loop round to the other-side of the ship and 36 other Recreation areas there. There is a Robot Storage at each end of this horse shoe like causeway. The Robot storage Areas are linked by a Second Causeway for Technician Access to the robots.
Over a dozen Security robots (POLICE ROBOTS) patrol the MAINTENANCE CAUSEWAY LEVEL 12D. The Security robots will converge on the position of intruders.


Turku emerged from the Hatch of RECREATION AREA 35B. The Long sandy beach encircled the huge lake. Beyond everything, a single dwelling stood invitingly on the edge of the sand.
A pretty female approached from the shadows of a nearby tree. She was smiling.
“Hi! Welcome to Laguna Beach. You are welcome to sample many of the fine beverages at the Bar. If you desire a recreational sail vessel, there are several to choose from. Life-safety vests are available at the Bar, Just ask for Walt.” The droid turned to the next villager and smiled.
“Hi! Welcome to Laguna Beach. You…” Turku Enwoad fried the annoying robot with his Laser pistol.

DM Briefing: A number of villagers now armed with technological weapons penetrate RECREATION AREA 35B. There are two robots here willing to meet the PC’s needs. Alcohols in the bar are poisonous to non humans even in small quantities.



ROBOTICS TECHNICIAN RT113 stared at the mission Packet and looked down at the smashed robot nearby. And then back at the Primitives hold up in the Bar as they screamed for blood and continued to return fire.
This was defiantly not in the MISSION PACKET.

DM Briefing: A cloned Maintenance crew enter RECREATION AREA 35B to repair damaged bots and are confronted by Spiderwood Villagers.


The GAAL was done with extracting the brains and thoughts of its victims. The technical response team that had been dispatched to eject the core had given up their secrets.
It moved now with the Nuclear Ejection Initiator over a great distance and placed the device with the many others it had retrieved the same way. Twenty six identical devices would be enough to penetrate the water tank’s many layers and finally grant it access to the rest of the great ship. It would finally spread its dominion beyond the water tank.
It would become the Ship, one living machine.

DM Briefing: The GAAL nukes a hole in the water tank flooding many parts of the STARSHIP WARDEN. It will now attempt to expand its influence into the many areas of the ship until it has total control.


The explosion was distant. At first they thought the sound a figment then came the rumbling...
"What is that noise?" Turku Enwoad looked back down the access tunnel. His companion villagers moved slightly faster.
Nem Wiltwood placed a hand against the wall. The vibration was terrible.
They hurried faster. The water took a corner and raced at them.
Nem reached the Access hatch and reached back with a hand as the wall of water grabbed Turku.
"Grab my hand!" Turku reached out and was instantly dragged away.

DM Briefing: A Breach in the water tank floods MAINTENANCE CAUSEWAY LEVEL 12D. Anyone Caught on that level may be carried off to parts unknown.


Mother Enwoad was alone with the women and children of the Village of Enwoad. Was this the end of the village? Their sons had gone looking for a fight with a distant enemy.
WO 23 jabbed her in the back with a weapon as his companions emerged from concealment.
“You will come with us.” Lydia Enwoad passed out.
A few of the clones fired their flamers into the habitats igniting the wood cladding of the ancient buildings.

DM Briefing: The Village is raided by a second band of Clones, This time in overwhelming numbers. They carry off the remaining villagers to LAB 194.


“We have you surrounded old man!” The Raiders of Huseyville looked all conquering on their riding roaches.
“Send your daughter out and nothing will happen to you!”
“Not by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin you dung ball!”
The drain-valves that had for so long remained dormant burst into life spewing a torrent of water into the sea.
Turku Enwoad’s body crushed the leader of the Raiders on impact.
Turku Woke from a nightmare of water mixed with a familiar warmth.
“Hi! Stranger, you kind of saved us with that downpour of yours…” An old man and young female smiled at Turku. “This is my daughter, whom you met last night.” She was dressed and oddly clean.
“During your fever, she shared body warmth with you.”
“And by tradition, you have both been married, thanks to Pastor Envil here.” The old man pointed to a third person in the room. He was wearing the head of a giant bug.
“Hi! Want some watroach?” Pastor Envil smiled and held up a crunchy piece of something.
Whatever they were saying, it couldn’t have been good…

DM Briefing: Floodwaters carry a number of the Spiderwood villagers in MAINTENANCE CAUSEWAY LEVEL 12D into WASTE DIGESTION TANK 12. WDT12 is currently home to a small community.

13. LAB 194

Widow Enwoad woke to find her companions being genetically sampled. The Strangers had also retrieved part of the Iron man that had taken the life of her beloved Jermai.
“The Samples are good.” The strangers were talking amongst themselves.
An Iron man loomed over her and fired its sampling tool into her head. Lydia Enwoad passed into oblivion.

DM Briefing: A few of the villagers are taken to LAB194 where they are genetically sampled.


Nem Wiltwood struggled to find shelter above the rising flood waters.
“I’m Sorry Turku.” His friend was gone, swept away by the waters fury. The mechanical arm grasped Nem from behind and dragged him screaming to his doom.
Nem awoke strapped down to a frame. One of the hated people who had come to the village of Spiderwood was hunched over a workspace examining an actual head. Was that the head of a Villager? It looked like Nem’s Father.
“Who are you? What have you done to me? Whose head is that?” Nem realized as he stared down at the hideous metal Exoskeleton encasing his body that he didn’t want to know the answer.

DM Briefing: A few of the party are picked off by the rogue clone GO125 who decides to conduct a few experiments on her hapless victims. This is an opportunity for the DM to give the victims a CYBORG makeover.

15. WAR

ALL SECURITY ROBOTS TO LEVELS 11-D, 12-A, 12-B, 12-C, 12-D, 13-A, 13-B…oh crap.
The GAAL absorbed the MEGABRAIN in LAB 341 breaking its connection to the security computer. The GAAL learned a substantial amount of information on Asteroid Mining and continued on.

DM Briefing: SECURITY BOTS are dispatched to all habitation levels between 11-D and 17-A. They are going to confront the GAAL but a THREAT LEVEL OMEGA authorizes termination of all intruders in these regions.

16. NEM001

NEM001 looked out across the sea of waste. In the distance he recognized one amongst many.
“Nem? What happened to you?” Turku was paralyzed with fear. The Huseyville locals fled for weapons and cover as the CYBORG opened fire with its primary arm weapon cutting several in half with the sweep of its beam...

DM Briefing: A previous companion/now CYBORG is sent to round up the rest of the Spiderwood Warband. The Confrontation should be terrible and violent.


NEM001 pulled his companion from the pod and dragged him across the lab. Turku struggled to wake.
"Its Ok Turku, we are out of here."
"Nem?" Turku stared at the pieces of metal fused to his once-friend.
"Its OK Enwoad! We'll talk when we are clear of this thornpatch."
"Thanks!" Turku passed out.
I hope so. NEM001 stared at the barcode burned down Turku's fore-arm.
I just hope nothing went wrong in the download.
DM Briefing: The Party having been abducted and rendered unconscious wake in clones of themselves with a few programmed skills and secrets. Fortunately none of them realize immediately that they are in-fact duplicates of the originals. The only evidence will be inconspicuous Barcode Tattoos burned into un-inspect-able body locations.


Turku stared at the clone in horror. It was his mother.
Weapon Officer-147 raised the weapon in her hand and fired.
Cyborg NEM001 pulled his companion into cover.
"My Mother, She’s on their side." Turku Enwoad was in shock. NEM001 slapped his friend.
"Snap out of it Enwoad! Don’t ya get it? The Village has been taken out. They're all gone! That ones just a SIM."

DM Briefing: The Party run into clones of their loved ones. The Clones are programmed to get close enough to take out the troublemakers.


NEM001 reacted first to the nuclear fire burning through the bulkheads toward them.
"PERIMITER ALERT: RADS AT +10...+15...+20...+25..." NEM001 kicked awake and threw his friend over his shoulder as he retreated at full velocity down the miles long corridor.
There had to be an interface somewhere.
It sealed behind him.
"+35...+40..." The rads still continued to climb.
Still he ran...Sliding under the next bulkhead as it dropped to a Metre. The far bulkhead was sealed.
"GAAH!" NEM001 Punched into the Duralloy wall in frustration.
"+45...+43...+40...+35..." Thank the Farmer!
"Gonna live you weeds!"

DM Briefing: The Party take a heavy dose of rads (DC45 to avoid Latent Mutations). The Rads came from a nuclear detonation triggered during a Clone Suicide Bombing attempt to take out the GAAL.


Turku coughed up blood as he stared at his Green skin.
"I get the green skin but where did the Burn come from?" Turku rubbed at the Barcode.
"Sorry, maybe I rested you against something hot."
NEM001 lied. Couldn’t tell his friend just yet.
Turku collapsed into the arms of his friend.
"I got to get you to a lab."

DM Briefing: Some of the Party members are suffering side effects- Rads, Toxic environment, Viruses, Clone vat not cleaned before their turn, what ever, they are drawn to LAB 181 to seek medical treatment. There they find Medical Officer-124 who treats their injuries and decides to join their explorations.


"We need to help these people because it is the right thing to do." MO-124 looked at Turku and NEM001 until they gave in.
"Alright Doc Let the negotiations begin." NEM001 looked at Turku and walked toward the gathered primitives and began his attempt to translate their language.
"I hope you are right Doc! I don’t know how to put Nem back together if they decide to collect his organs for jewellery." Turku walked over to join his friend.

DM Briefing: The MO-124 harasses the party into helping a bunch of primitive pure strain humans with an inbreeding problem. This is going to require some role-playing with social skills.


MO-124 coughed up blood.
"Your mother's consciousness is alive Turku. You just got to retrieve it from the database and download to a clone of her body. You just need to find it."
"What are you talking about?" NEM001 looked downcast.
"Turku? You need to know that I killed you. Did not want to but it happened. I downloaded your consciousness to a new, cloned body."
"That’s insane!" Turku backed away from them both.
"It’s true Turku! You just need to find LAB-194."

DM Briefing: The PCs are given the opportunity to recover a few of their lost members who have been genetically sampled and uploaded to the computer. They must lay siege to LAB 194.

23. THE RIGHT STUFF (Part 1)

The Robot stumbled through the hatch and onto the flight deck of Mining Shuttle PX-345. The GAAL heavily infested in its neural pathways, struggled to guide its host to the right controls.
"REACTOR: ACTIVE...TURBINES: ACTIVE...LAUNCH DOORS: OPEN." The Shuttle surged down the launch bay into free space.

DM Briefing: The GAAL (a fragment now separated from the main body) infests a shuttle and departs the Star-ship Warden for a nearby world. This is an opportunity to infest some campaign world with ultra-intelligent Bacteria.

24. THE RIGHT STUFF (Part 2)

The Shuttle descended through the atmosphere with a sonic boom and a trail of fire off its heat shield.
The GAAL ignored the life readings and activated the weapon.
The bomb dropped into the thousand square mile valley with utter disregard to the primitive civilization that had established itself there.

DM Briefing: The GAAL establishes a foothold on some unknown world populated by primitives. This is an opportunity to introduce a hostile, ultra-intelligent Alien Bacteria to your setting. The GAAL has knowledge of Mining, Engineering, and a desire for galactic domination-something it can achieve over millennia.
The TERRAFORM POD can create a wide array of environments and considering it has long ago mutated itself, will cause unusual varieties of otherwise normal life to spring up over the centuries.
Considering the shuttle carried two TERRAFORM PODS this is an opportunity to have what is essentially a one use super weapon fall into the hands of primitives.


Turku Enwoad slid back the clonepod hatch. The clone of his mother was still unconcious.
"Well?" Turku looked at NEM001.
"Well what? A thousand things can go wrong with this..."
"The Download is complete isn’t it?"
"Yes." NEM001 nodded at the readings. Everything looked good.
Lydia Enwoad woke and began screaming. Her memories of Sampling were still with her.
The screaming stopped when she recognised Turku despite his green skin.
"I hope that washes out."
"Afraid not Mother Enwoad." NEM001 leaned over to look at her.
"Nem? I should have known you would be involved in this somehow." The Multiple personality of WO-147 could now bide her time before taking out these hostiles.

DM Briefing: The Party recovers some of their lost along with a few new problems to deal with.


The Shadowlab disengaged from the docking points that it had been attached to for a month. The interspace framework was still intact. The AI Software checked for the next destination. Level Six.
The Mechanism adjusted and moved the ten ton room slowly down.
y-1, y-2, y-3, y-4. It halted and prepared to move again.
x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4, x+5, settled at x+20.
z-1, z-2, z-3, z-4.
DESTINATION REACHED. The locks activated and the lab once again became a room.
Weapons Officer 230 opened the Vault with a handprint access and placed the alien bodies and artefacts inside as instructed.
The Room Disengaged and prepared to move to its next destination.

DM Briefing: The Shadowlab is a room that moves through the ship superstructure and has access to an assortment of locations in the ship. The Shadowlab has considerable alien technology and deploys to a region where an incursion has been detected so that the artefacts can be stockpiled.



The GAAL has control over several MEGABRAIN units (It absorbed them). These AI controlled numerous systems (Several Strategic clone banks amongst them).
These CLONE troops are drawn from the core of the Genetic Archives. The crew and numerous passengers make up these archives, and with plotting and scheming of the GAAL, these forces are directed into battlefields throughout the Star-ship Warden (and depending on how things go - beyond the ship limits).

The SHAKL was contained until recently in a Laboratory known as the SHADOWLAB. The Shadowlab was specifically a laboratory where any ALIEN tech that might be discovered onboard the ship could be disposed of. The SHAKL was stored in a containment unit in this lab. More importantly the lab was mobile - allowing it to relocate to numerous points within the ship by moving through the ship superstructure.
It was in this lab that events occurred which caused the exposure of a CYBORG named Nem Wiltwood to the Alien Nanoform. It is from this point on that the Nanoform spread to infect Bots and other Cybernetic-enhanced beings.
Once the victim is infected, the SHAKL Nanoform transforms the victim into something faster and far more vicious. A predator species that is absolutely loyal to its master.

Clone troops are being hatched in proximity to numerous zones of conflict. The Clone troops have no idea that their leader is the GAAL. They simply follow a chain of command which ends at the DATAPACKET.

Bots and Cybernetic enhanced (CYBORGS) are enslaved by the SHAKL, changed into something monstrous, and set loose on its enemies.

Either side of this conflict is playable as Miniatures and RPG.
• As MINION OF SHAKL you can choose to begin as BOTS and CYBORG who have been altered by the SHAKL.
• As a CLONE, BOT, CYBORG, or one of the UNCLONED in unsuspecting service to the GAAL, you think you are fighting for humanity and life.
Either way you are in the war to end all wars…


27. A CLOSE ENCOUNTER (part 1)

Turku watched the BOT take its alien prize through the hatch of an undesignated lab. Even from this distance, Turku and his companions could see the strange wonders concealed within.
"Turku?" Lydia Enwoad spoke up.
"I dont know how but I know that we need to investigate that lab."
NEM001 nodded in agreement.

DM Briefing: The Warband encounter the Shadowlab during their travels. They are drawn to the alien tech within.

28. A CLOSE ENCOUNTER (part 2)

Turku Enwoad held his intestines in, struggling to remain concious. NEM001 had put his weapon to the head of Lydia Enwoad/WEAPON OFFICER 147.
"Now I dont want to have to kill you. Turku here loves his mother so I am loath to burn your brains out for the simple fact that you share her body."
"So I'm going to give you a chance to live."
WO147 was developing a fondness for life. Lydia Enwoad/WO147nodded in agreement.
NEM001 Didnt notice the Alien Nanoware infesting his ear canal.
"You still alive Turku?" NEM001 glanced in the direction of his only friend in the room.

DM Briefing: Trapped in the Shadowlab, the warband find a traitor in their midst. Unfortunately due to circumstances, they cannot kill them so an uneasy alliance must be formed if all are to survive.
Within the Shadowlab, there are strange and terrible things of alien splendour (the DM should go nuts).

29. A CLOSE ENCOUNTER (part 3)

"Is this thing on? ATTENTION! YOU ARE NOW THE MINIONS OF THE SHAKL!" The voice came from NEM001 but the words were unfamiliar to Turku.
"Nem?" Lydia/WO147 grabbed Turku's arm as he reached out to his Cyborg companion.
"I don't think so." WO147 had a sneaking suspicion that the Cyborg had unleashed Alien Nano machines during their earlier struggle. This simply confirmed her suspicions.
Before their Eyes the Cyborg NEM001 was transformed into a terrible half-machine predator. The human called Nem was devoured by his artificial systems.
"NEM!" Turku Screamed at the destruction of his friend.
"Run." WO147/Lydia Enwoad snatched up a pair of Alien weapons and burned through the door revealing the vast transit framework that supported the movement of the Shadowlab and jumped out into the darkness. Turku, suffering and in pain, followed.

DM Briefing: Something terrible is unleashed in the Shadowlab. All Cyborgs (even partials with bionic systems) and robots are infected by an alien Nanomachine referred to as SHAKL. They are transformed into killing machines. The only way for rest of the party to survive this is to burn their way out of the lab and climb to safety through the ship superstructure.


NEM THE DESTRUCTOR, MINION OF SHAKL pursued the two faint scent trails down the Corridor. The trail ended at a hatchway.
Burning through the hatch he was confronted by something insane: The GAAL.
The GAAL was disturbed by the encounter. It absorbed the entity known as NEM THE DESTRUCTOR and reacted with aggression to the Alien NANO.
Every trace of this Alien would have to be destroyed. The Universe wasn’t big enough for the both of them.

DM Briefing: The GAAL encounter the SHAKL and war for Universal dominance begins.


WEAPONS OFFICER 223 stepped into the rapidtransit with the others. She had been designated MC according to the DATAPACKET.
"Heads up to you new people. Let me see your eyes." The clones clutching their weapons looked in the MC's direction.
"We are up against some sort of nano that apparently transforms cyberenhanced and bots into potential troops." WO 223 breathed out.
"Our mission is to recon habitat area 27, take out any of these MINION OF SHAKL that show up, and hold our position till the people up top can back us with foothold support." WO 217 checked his flamer.
The rapidtransit halted at the recreation deck and the doors slid back.
"OK people, this is it." WO 223 stepped out onto the platform.
SURI THE DESTROYER was on her immediatly. Her flesh ripped from her face and she fell back into the rapidtransit in one twitching moment. WO 181 opened with his chaingun, cutting through WO 223 and the MINION OF SHAKL in a wave of the weapon.
WO 217 stepped cautiously over the two corpses and spotted the next hostile. WO 181 staggered out behind him to provide support.
Slowly the squad moved into the infested urban megaplex.

DM Briefing: The CLONE unit is deployed to habitat area 27- an urban community that once was dominated by game arcades, and shops. There are currently a dozen MINION OF THE SHAKL through the area, and several uninfected bots in a storage/maintenance area which will if infected double their current numbers.


WO 101 crawled through the sewer pipe.
The smell was beyond foul but he figured it would get him into the target area without a direct confrontation with the MINION OF SHAKL that controlled the ground between.
WO 101 struggled to keep the nuclear initiator above the biowaste.
Get in, Set the nuke, get out. WO 101 pushed forward through the waste.
On the surface, HURN THE HUNTER noticed his radiological proximity alarm activate.
A single thought echoed amongst the MINION...WE-GOT-NUKES.
HURN moved to find it before it went off.

DM Briefing: CLONES are sent through the sewers to deploy a tactical nuke into the heart of a MINION OF SHAKL nest.


The message ended abruptly.
WO 121 looked up from the MPR (MISSIONPACKETREADER).
"Well They need help and we are going to give it to them. Lock and Load."
The unit powered up their armor and jumped from the top of Tower Six to an adjacent building.

DM Briefing: The unit recieves a packet from another unit requesting support. The MINION of SHAKL presence consists of DURN THE DEVOURER and six Bots.


WO147/Lydia Enwoad held her newborn to her. Nem Enwoad, Son of Nem Wiltwood struggled to feed.
Turku was disgusted that the dark personality that had inhabited his Mother would seduce his friend.
Turku shook his head and pushed out through the hatch access to RECREATION AREA 36B.
Home at last.
Turku and his "mother" pushed through the darkness of Spiderwood and out into the open farmland of their Village.
"Well squish me!" A thriving community populated by strangers lay before them.

DM Briefing: Time has progressed. The Community they left behind has been restocked by others. These intruders have come from RECREATION AREA 36A on the other side of the ship. They were driven out by a small army of robots who are fortifying their hold on the starboard side of the Ship.


They met now on fields bloody and drowned. Mighty factions unleashed in a confusing and shifting maze-works.
The MINION OF THE SHAKL, deformed and transformed, the CYBORGS, the BOTS, all trapped in beastly servitude.
The GAAL, having lost none of its need to survive, engaged with its own forces. Having assimilated control of so much, it absorbed, learned, and Survived. But only barely as its opponent found its weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It deployed its own BOTS and CLONES to the battlefields.

DM Briefing: The Ship-wide WAR has escalated thanks to the expanding forces of the GAAL, and the SHAKL. The major corridors of movement have become conflict zones.
THE SHIP, struggling with its own problems, begins to deploy CLONE personnel to the conflict regions not knowing why it had lost control of its BOTS.


The Powered Armour hummed with damage as its occupant struggled up the access and out into the deep of Spiderwood.
Manur, long from his home staggered into the field and laughed to himself at the sight of terrified farmers. Is that how he and the others had appeared to the CLONES who had come that fateful day?
He barely recognised Turku Enwoad as the green young man who ran toward him with the Laser weapon.
Manur cracked the helmet.
“Greetings Farmer Enwoad.” Manur smiled.
“Greetings FIELD-SCOUT Manur.” Turku lowered his pistol and smiled.

DM Briefing: One of the Farmers long lost since the very beginning of their adventures shows up in Powered Armour. He reports having been involved in the ongoing conflict against the GAAL and the SHAKL.


SALIS THE BLOODY moved quickly now. SHAKL compelled him forward toward the Armory.
It was guarded by a cluster of civilians with crude weapons but they were less than nothing.
SALIS consumed them and pushed past their remains into the vault.
The Powered Armor hung in their racks like puppets as SALIS moved amongst them. Slowly they awakened to a life that they could never have known without this moment.
The HOLLOWMEN struggled out of the armory and joined the ranks of the SHAKL.

DM Briefing: A MINION OF SHAKL is dispatched into unclaimed territory to find an armory and infect the several suits of powered armor that are stored there.


The MINION OF SHAKL came over the rise. WO 343 noticed they were somewhat different from the regular MINION Bot.
SABRE23 detected the GAAL marine unit instantly and raised the oversized weapon pod that had replaced its genetic sampler.
A fury of fire unleashed and closed the distance ripping into the CLONE troops.

DM Briefing: The SHAKL discovers a new weapon-tech in the SHADOWLAB and assimilates its engineering data. Bots now come with a heavy weapon pod rather than the bayonet mod of the medical sampling tool.

39. I AM NEM

His consciousness stirred. He built a wall between himself and the GAAL to protect that single surviving NANO machine of the SHAKL.
He accessed the NANO that had devoured his body and began to work.
It took forever - Centuries? Yet he found himself in a body built on the life of the GAAL and held together by the SHAKL.
He spoke now.
“I am Nem.” His voice echoed as he focused on the thought of a weapon.
His hand changed shape becoming a weapon. Nem could feel the energy ready at his thought.
“I AM NEM!” He screamed the name and his voice was thunder.

DM Briefing: An opportunity arises for one or two lost in the GAAL/SHAKL conflict to return as NANOCONCIOUSNESS. These characters pull together control of their NANO infestation and achieve a new level of Life and Machine.


The suits of Powered Armour pushed through the tree-line and out into the agricultural heart of SPIDERWOOD village. They moved awkwardly over the fields.
Turku could feel that something was wrong.
A Suit twitched its weapons at a couple of surprised farmers killing them instantly.
WO 147/Lydia Enwoad and Turku Enwoad opened with their laser weapons, cutting into the SHAKL infested armour.
Manur Jaks emerged from his hut in full armour.
"We got some fore ya!" Manur opened with the full force of his heavy weapons.

DM Briefing: The SHAKL infest an armory containing powered armour. The NANO infest several suits and dispatch them into RECREATION AREA 36B to investigate something it learned from NEM THE DESTRUCTOR.


WEAPONS OFFICER 147 ran with her child clutched to her chest. She could not understand why the Hollowmen would want her child.
Behind her in the grey distance, Turku screamed as a Suit of Powered Armour attempted to tear his arms and legs from their sockets.
Somewhere on the inside, Lydia Enwoad wept at the loss of her firstborn. He could still be restored, but first she would need to get herself and the child to safety.

DM Briefing: The attack of the Hollowmen (SHAKL infested power armour) has once again decimated the Village of SPIDERWOOD. A few survivors manage to flee RECREATION AREA 36B burdened with a single child and information on a lab containing the download information and clone templates for several of the original SPIDERWOOD population.


MANUR THE BETRAYER moved slowly now through the superstructure of the hydroponics systems. His target had come this way. Perhaps it was at great risk. Much of the plant life was evolved far beyond its humble beginnings as a food source.
The once-Lettuce reached out to crush his Powered Armour with its lower fronds.
The Flamer burned on and decimated the foliage.

DM Briefing: As the party flees the HOLLOWMEN currently in pursuit, they are forced to take a climb up through the framework on the hydroponic deck. The plants are toxic and hostile.


Weapons Officer 147 felt Lydia Enwoad begin to reassert her dominance.
“No! Not now!” Lydia woke from one nightmare to find a child in her arms and several strange metal men closing on her.
She screamed.
A flash of heavy laser cut through the Hollowmen and they turned on their new enemy.
Clone troops poured into the lab.
WO 383 approached the civilian clutching the child and pulled off his helmet.
Lydia stared at Jermai.

DM Briefing: The party are rescued from the HOLLOWMEN by a number of Clone troops in service to the GAAL. Some of their numbers are clones of Spiderwood Villagers.


Turku Enwoad woke inside the clonepod to a view of a strange room. Littered across the floor was the debris of metal men. Something not quite...
Something not of his people. Turku shook off the distraction.
What could he remember? There had been a wall of water and Nem had come for him. Nem? Was it Nem? He had killed everyone around Turku and carried him off.
Something had changed his friend. Destroyed his friend. Turku pushed the clonepod hatch back and emerged naked.

DM Briefing: Lost in the ship, the clone of a Spiderwood Villager emerges from clone development to an uncertain destiny. Conceivably this sort of thing will happen all the time once the party are sampled and uploaded.


GHAN THE SLAYER moved down on the GAAL Clone unit with all the stealth he could muster.
They were patching their wounded and the few on spot were not as experienced as they should have been.
As SABRE045 had reported, one of their unit was a CYBORG. He would do.
A small gob of NANO formed on a claw and found itself flicked the distance onto the CYBORG relaxing amongst the GAAL kill-team.
It would happen soon.
Penn screamed as the reality of the transformation kicked in. The others turned on their friend with little thought to anything but survival.
GHAN THE SLAYER jumped through the group slashing CLONE flesh in an effort to keep the new MINION OF SHAKL alive.
PENN THE SLAUGHTERER lashed out at the last of his once-companions.

DM Briefing: MINION OF SHAKL are dispatched to infect a CYBORG travelling amongst a GAAL CLONE unit. The idea is to infect and escape with the new MINION.


The NANO finished repairing the damage to its BOT servitor and reached out to find a link with the rest of its kind: Nothing.
SABRE67 activated and found itself berated by the voice in its brain…
“We must return to the others.”
Diagnostic complete.
Odd. The explosive penetration ammunition in the weapon pod had been swapped out for less-destructive polymer rounds.

DM Briefing: A lone SABRE (a BOT MINION OF SHAKL) wakes to find itself cut off from the rest of the MINION OF SHAKL. It is in a large section of infrastructure alone with some green CLONE TROOPS of the GAAL faction. It has been abducted from the battlefield and is being used for training behind the lines. Escape is possible.


Turku was hungry now. It had been almost three days since he emerged from the strange sleep module to a room filled with broken machines and the best he had found was mould on a cooling-pipe.
His stomach churned.
Turku needed food and water.

DM Briefing: Some of the Surviving SPIDERWOOD Villagers find themselves in a region with little to no food and water. They are presented with food in a form that they wont recognise. A robot with a Brain that is edible if they kill and break it open. The alternative is to ask it to lead them to food and water (It knows where a food store is and has the security clearance to access the store).
The Food-store is a storage bin of moss and mould cleaned from the pipes. Something that will keep them alive long enough to escape the region.


NEM001 searched the strange jumble of Ideas in his mind. He saw there an idea that what he was trapped in had limits. Dimensions outlined a shape.
He could see it in his mind. It was a Ship.
He could see in that idea where he was and where he needed to be.
A reactor needed to be ejected and the GAAL had prevented that from happening. He had to save the ship.
"I need a Nuclear Ejection Initiator." Nem moved. That was six decks up.

DM Briefing: One of the Cyborg PCs exposed to the GAAL and the SHAKL become aware of the nature of their immediate universe. The Ship (whatever that is) needs one of its reactor cores ejected. They have now the information needed to prevent a disaster.


The crates tumbled as the airlock sealed on the storage vault. A sound of movement in the darkness... Turku looked back into the vault.
Enwoad watched now as three metal creatures waddled out of the darkness.
"WHUFF! WHUFF!" came the voices.
"By the Farmer, what now?"

DM Briefing: The PCs encounter three robot dogs (CERBERUS-A's: Killer DogBots) except these have only the puppy programming and form an emotional attachment on the first person they encounter. They will follow and play with the lucky party member.


Lydia Enwoad continued to chew at the strange food that Jermai/Weapon Officer 383 had given her. She knew it wasn’t her husband. He was returned to the soil.
“How you doing mam?” Weapon Officer 383 stared at the child in the Civilian’s Arms. He only had vague memories of ever having seen one.

DM Briefing: The Marines begin a debriefing of the PCs in an attempt to gather intelligence on behalf of the GAAL faction.

51. SABRE67 (Prelude to the Vegetable that ate the City)

SABRE67 moved through the hydroponics framework with all the paranoia of a professional Marine. A Cabbage attacked from above, attempting to crush the Bots armour.
“Hostile Detected!” SABRE67 devoured the plant with Polymer rounds.
“Take a sample for gene-splice.” The voice in his head seemed insistent.

DM Briefing: A SABRE from the SHAKAL FACTION collects a sentient killer vegetable for genetic experimentation.


WO 234 watched as the giant cabbage swatted the high-rise building aside and came toward the one on which he now rested. The Powered Armour was leaking Coolant.
“That sure as hell put me off Vegetables for a while.” WO234 opened with his shoulder mounted 50mm GATLING instantly drawing the plant’s attention.

DM Briefing: The SHAKAL faction deploys a Giant Killer Cabbage Clone in an Urban Habitat where it can unleash its fury on GAAL faction troopers.


d20 Cyyberscape has a few different options for cybernetics rules and provides quite a bit of detail. I'm not seeing any in Future Tech.

If you mean Cyberscape, I was looking at a Tough/Fast hero going towards Bionic agent.

If you are just talking about the d20 Future cybernetics, I'd probably go towards helix warrior with the implants explaining the helix warrior abilities.

Concept would be a thug/criminal recruited by one of the factions that oppose project seed. Conditioned and sent in as a 'manchurian candidate' to cause trouble. For whatever reasoning, the conditioning didn't take. Maybe we were frozen for the time in orbit and it erased my memory or when we were 'woken up' I needed to get hit with the paddles and whatever controlling implant they used shorted out. Maybe I just decided to say the heck with it. Whatever it is, you can choose to run with it or it can fade to be just background.

Alternatively, I was recruited by the military directly for bionic or chemical experimentation in exchange for a clean record. Perhaps I was an addict and they implanted an injector unit with Boost. Think Juicer if you are familiar with Rifts. The continued use of the chemicals cause the Helix Warrior abilities.

Like I said, I am flexible once you finalize your rules. I am ok at starting at 1 or 2. I would like to know where we physically will start. Will it be before Project Seed is launched? In orbit? Or right before we go back down to Terra.

Good stuff. Hope I make it =).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Devils Advocate Droid wrote:

I wouldn't count yourself out of it yet, DQ, but I do appreciate you building your character anyway.

Thanks. :)


Skills: Yes this I am working on now, as I wanted to figure out just what would be the best way to go about this. I'm open to suggestions on this as well. If it looks like it may get too complicated I may just have to default to the standard skill sets for d20 modern. Personally I am more then willing to consolidate Spot/Listen/Search into just Perception because I never thought having them split into 3 separate skills made any sense.

My suggestion might be to do at least Perception and Stealth (as opposed to L/S/S and Hide/Move Silently). I can do my character without them, but in general it'd probably make some (perfectly sensible) builds easier to aim for. (And one day I will understand why the Dedicated Hero has Listen and Spot but not Search, and why the Tough Hero only has Spot, and the Smart Hero only Search...)


In the End: If mecha does become a problem, I will allow any PCs to either go all mecha, or no one has mecha, and will allow the PCs effected by this change to retool their character with no penalties. I want the game to be fun but fair to everyone as much as possible.

I'm sure you could write in the "catastrophic destruction of the mecha" as a very cool and cinematic plot point, should it become necessary. :)

Chainsaw wrote:

d20 Cyyberscape has a few different options for cybernetics rules and provides quite a bit of detail. I'm not seeing any in Future Tech.

If you mean Cyberscape, I was looking at a Tough/Fast hero going towards Bionic agent.

If you are just talking about the d20 Future cybernetics, I'd probably go towards helix warrior with the implants explaining the helix warrior abilities.

Concept would be a thug/criminal recruited by one of the factions that oppose project seed. Conditioned and sent in as a 'manchurian candidate' to cause trouble. For whatever reasoning, the conditioning didn't take. Maybe we were frozen for the time in orbit and it erased my memory or when we were 'woken up' I needed to get hit with the paddles and whatever controlling implant they used shorted out. Maybe I just decided to say the heck with it. Whatever it is, you can choose to run with it or it can fade to be just background.

Alternatively, I was recruited by the military directly for bionic or chemical experimentation in exchange for a clean record. Perhaps I was an addict and they implanted an injector unit with Boost. Think Juicer if you are familiar with Rifts. The continued use of the chemicals cause the Helix Warrior abilities.

Like I said, I am flexible once you finalize your rules. I am ok at starting at 1 or 2. I would like to know where we physically will start. Will it be before Project Seed is launched? In orbit? Or right before we go back down to Terra.

Good stuff. Hope I make it =).

Ah maybe I was mistaken, but I was thinking of the D20 Future for cybernetics, since that is the one I'm most familiar with.

I like your background info and the concept with the helix warrior or the bionic experiment. I loved the Juicers in Rifts, and that concept would fit well with my campaign. As far as starting points go, I going to be a little bit vague, but I'll just say after the launch of project seed and the ships have all began their build up to 99.99% of lightspeed, which will take several years given the technology of Terra at the time. So you all will be put into a cryo-stasis/suspended animation state. And that is roughly where it begins. I think the thing I loved the most about playing rpgs stemmed from when I first started playing, that sense of wonder, discovery, and encountering the unknown, not having any idea what's around the next corner, and exploring an ancient civilization is how I'd like this to feel. So not everything will be explained all the time or maybe even at all.

I would love to be able to handle everyone who wants to play, but unfortuantely it would slow to a crawl I believe, and I'd like to keep the momentum going, especially in a PBP.

Glad you like it btw, I've been trying to work hard to make this a good pbp experience.

DeathQuaker wrote:

My suggestion might be to do at least Perception and Stealth (as opposed to L/S/S and Hide/Move Silently). I can do my character without them, but in general it'd probably make some (perfectly sensible) builds easier to aim for. (And one day I will understand why the Dedicated Hero has Listen and Spot but not Search, and why the Tough Hero only has Spot, and the Smart Hero only Search...)

That is exactly what I was thinking about, so I was figuring that if a class skill included Spot, Listen, or Search, I would allow it just to be under "Perception", with the same application for Hide/Move silently. Let me know what you think of this.

I'm sure you could write in the "catastrophic destruction of the mecha" as a very cool and cinematic plot point, should it become necessary. :)

lol very tempting, but if I was to take away the cool toys, I'd clear it with everyone first and try my best to compensate the players who may have lost out. I don't think that the mecha will be a problem though, as the PCs will have access to some very durable armor/environment suits at low levels due to their specialized role and nature of their mission (being very hazardous and all that).

Ah, so no building until things are finalized, then. *nods* Can do.

Me'mori wrote:
Ah, so no building until things are finalized, then. *nods* Can do.

You can still build if you like, most things are nearly set in place. Did you have anything specific you were looking at, Mori? I will most likely go with the consolidation of Spot/Listen/Search into just Perception, while Move Silently/Hide will go to Stealth.

As for mech's, I will allow their use as long as no one else protests or feels like they're too powerful.

Updated Alias Campaign Information: I hope this makes things easier for you all to create your characters. Definitely check out the character creation rules and let me know if you have any questions or problems with certain functions/features/etc. I want to make this as user-friendly as possible, so if there's any specific area where I'm not addressing, let me know. Comments are always appreciated.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Another question about character generation and Pathfinder bleed-through.

Will you be allowing humans to have +2 to an ability score of their choice?

I'm not sure how Favorite Classes work in d20 Modern, Pathfinder let's you choose +1 skill or +1 HP for each level in your favorite class.

If so my Smart Hero will have 14 skills compared to 12 ^_^

I'm working on a military engineer type chap who's spent a lot of time working with the big mechanical bits.

brief preview of hero stats:
Str 12 (+1)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 18 (+4)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 8 (-1)

Computer Use
C. (electronic)
C. (mechanical)
C. (structural)
Disable Device
K. (electronics)
K. (science)
Profession (military)

I'm not sure about feats for him yet, or which skill to make him a Savant with. Maybe Mecha Operation if we can use those right off the bat.

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

Another question about character generation and Pathfinder bleed-through.

Will you be allowing humans to have +2 to an ability score of their choice?

I'm not sure how Favorite Classes work in d20 Modern, Pathfinder let's you choose +1 skill or +1 HP for each level in your favorite class.

If so my Smart Hero will have 14 skills compared to 12 ^_^

I'm working on a military engineer type chap who's spent a lot of time working with the big mechanical bits.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm not sure about feats for him yet, or which skill to make him a Savant with. Maybe Mecha Operation if we can use those right off the bat.

As far as Pathfinder bleed-through; I'll say yes to the Favored Classes (they don't exist in d20 modern), but I'm going to have to say no to +2 to an ability score of your choice, only because the amount of points I've set for stat gen is pretty high already. I think it conveys an exceptional but not all powerful hero pretty well.

As far as character path, those sounds like good ideas, and I've updated the kit layouts depending on what type of route you go as far as psychic, cybernetic, mecha pilot, or just trooper (regular characters that aren't covered by the list).

Keep it up :) it looks good.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

One really nice thing about having the +2 racial modifier is they are applied after stat generation. So you can get that 18, without having to sacrifice every other stat.

I'll finish up character creation tonight and start on a nice little story.

Stats are done?

Now I need a story!

Hmm.. s'what I get for building and not reading.

I had in mind a character that was grown for these purposes, though not exactly "flash-grown". Regimented schooling programs, controlled upbringing, all monitored and maintained. Training with government-quality equipment before being assigned makes her a capable defender, her purpose being a "shield" for the expeditionary group.
Tough Hero, going towards Dreadnought

Usually assigned to defend the most important member of the party, or at least know their ranking in order of priority to the project.

Cybernetics: Subcutaneous Body Armor, Stabilizer

Man, at low levels a PC is just terrible in a mecha. Look out for my +2 to hit! Course when it does...kablooey.

Don't forget that most of the classes do not have any armor proficiency Me'mori Q _Q

Indeed. *competent grin*

Aww, I liked the Road Warrior avatar better. Really had that helixwarrior look to it.

I'm going for a grease monkey feel.

Ok I think you all will like this, I've decided to start you all off at level 2 instead. I feel it'll give you more durability and more options for your characters. I definitely want to keep the game in the level ranges of 1-10ish or 1-12ish in power, so keep that in mind in terms of advancement. Feel free to roll your level 2 hitpoints here, and reroll all 1's and 2's please.

Mori and Scipion, those characters look great, I also like the pre-typed damage outputs on your sheet Scipion, I'm gonna have to start using that too :)

Updated Alias Campaign Background information as well

Those of you selecting mecha, I'm adding a few more options as well so check on those later on, haven't added them yet.

Devils Advocate Droid wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

CAMPAIGN JOURNAL: 250-350 page short story entries. Trust me...if you can come away with that kind of Journal you will have an IP asset. Something that you will be able to publish online as a PDF book. I look forward to reading it.

lol that is a mighty undertaking, but I'd love to do something like that.

Just a quick questions for those who are interested in playing: I wanted to know if you would prefer to start at level 1 or 2?

Updated campaign information on this alias.

Is there any particular reason you're posting options to play level 1 or 2? I assume you're suggesting 2nd level as it may be a little deadly to start at 1st level and we'll have a couple more options if we start 2nd level, correct?

I'm currently away from home / out of state until next Monday/Tuesday, so I hope to have something working on when I return. I'm still interested (and I appreciate the wall of text on your avatar's profile :D.)

Urizen wrote:

Is there any particular reason you're posting options to play level 1 or 2? I assume you're suggesting 2nd level as it may be a little deadly to start at 1st level and we'll have a couple more options if we start 2nd level, correct?

I'm currently away from home / out of state until next Monday/Tuesday, so I hope to have something working on when I return. I'm still interested (and I appreciate the wall of text on your avatar's profile :D.)

At first I wanted to start the campaign at 1st level so that you could build your characters from scratch, but like you said about deadliness, plus a lot of characters would not have access to certain proficiencies to make them effective soldiers, so I went for level 2 to start.

lol is the wall of text too much? I can make more spoilers on there if it makes it easier for you to read :)

DQ here; I love to jump on bandwagons so here's my tentative character.

Background at bottom of profile.

All is subject to change, and suggestions welcome. I did the math manually so doubtless I've made 2 plus 2 equal 5 somewhere.

Jacquelin Serra wrote:

DQ here; I love to jump on bandwagons so here's my tentative character.

Background at bottom of profile.

All is subject to change, and suggestions welcome. I did the math manually so doubtless I've made 2 plus 2 equal 5 somewhere.

Wow nice background, everything looks very promising so far, good work on that and great detail, I like it. Keep it up DQ :)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Devils Advocate Droid wrote:
Jacquelin Serra wrote:

DQ here; I love to jump on bandwagons so here's my tentative character.

Background at bottom of profile.

All is subject to change, and suggestions welcome. I did the math manually so doubtless I've made 2 plus 2 equal 5 somewhere.

Wow nice background, everything looks very promising so far, good work on that and great detail, I like it. Keep it up DQ :)

Thanks. :) Let me know if I should adjust anything for your setting (where she worked with her team, etc.).

DeathQuaker wrote:

Thanks. :) Let me know if I should adjust anything for your setting (where she worked with her team, etc.).

Looked over your equipment layout, things look fine there except for the weapons, which you have a choice of 1 longarm (rifle) or light assault weapon, but you picked them both. Other then that, that's the only thing so far. I've been updating the alias campaign profile a lot so I can have it ready for Monday, but here's a breakdown of your equipment selection. Let me know if you have questions.

Select items from the Initial Equipment section; 1 combat pistol, 1 long arm or light assault weapon, 1 body armor type, 1 combat knife, 4 Grenades (any type available), 4 ammunition clips, can select 2 WL 8, 2 WL 10, 2 WL 12, 2 WL 14 equipment pieces.

With the equipment pieces available to you from above, you could probably get the explorers kit as well.

DeathQuaker wrote:

Thanks. :) Let me know if I should adjust anything for your setting (where she worked with her team, etc.).

Looked over your equipment layout, things look fine there except for the weapons, which you have a choice of 1 longarm (rifle) or light assault weapon, but you picked them both. Other then that, that's the only thing so far. I've been updating the alias campaign profile a lot so I can have it ready for Monday, but here's a breakdown of your equipment selection. Let me know if you have questions.

Select items from the Initial Equipment section; 1 combat pistol, 1 long arm or light assault weapon, 1 body armor type, 1 combat knife, 4 Grenades (any type available), 4 ammunition clips, can select 2 WL 8, 2 WL 10, 2 WL 12, 2 WL 14 equipment pieces.

With the equipment pieces available to you from above, you could probably get the explorers kit as well.

Keep checking this alias for more updates, I've added the frame work for some Allegiances, changed the secondary options for the Peltast light suit to fit its theme, added some extra character creation guides. Will be updating all day :)

Although I'm on the bottom of the list, I'll through the rough draft of my character up. It's still a work in progress.

I had a question about skills. Are we going with 1/2 ranks for cross class skills? I'm assuming the x4 at first instead of the Pathfinder +3 to class skills as well.

Chaz Halson wrote:

Although I'm on the bottom of the list, I'll through the rough draft of my character up. It's still a work in progress.

I had a question about skills. Are we going with 1/2 ranks for cross class skills? I'm assuming the x4 at first instead of the Pathfinder +3 to class skills as well.

So far, so good, Chainsaw. Yes we are going with the 1/2 ranks for cross class. As much as I like the Pathfinder skill rules, I'm just going to keep it straight on d20 modern just to avoid all the varying rules. I want to take some of the goodies from PF, but I don't want to have to make too many houserules or adaptations on PF if I can help it, just to keep things simpler. Keep going and let me know if you have any questions.

Note: I actually forgot that d20 modern didn't have alignment, so you all can scratch that and go with Allegences. :)

Updated Profile: Gear available

Campaign Background Information: As far as that goes, I'll be working on the background history so that you all have some information to frame your characters backgrounds.

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