Any word on a Pathfinder "basic?"

Product Discussion

Hiya folks:

I don't hit this area of the boards much any more (not playing Pathfinder), but the RPG world can always use another good way to find a bigger audience, so: Has there been any word on a Pathfinder "basic" or Starter Set?

Dark Archive

I believe I remember Mona saying he had an intrest in such a product, but it would be down the line somewhere. Nothing official that I know of yet.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

galvatron42 wrote:
I believe I remember Mona saying he had an intrest in such a product, but it would be down the line somewhere. Nothing official that I know of yet.

That is indeed where we currently stand, officially.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
galvatron42 wrote:
I believe I remember Mona saying he had an intrest in such a product, but it would be down the line somewhere. Nothing official that I know of yet.
That is indeed where we currently stand, officially.

So what you're saying is that officially there is nothing official about it? :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
galvatron42 wrote:
I believe I remember Mona saying he had an intrest in such a product, but it would be down the line somewhere. Nothing official that I know of yet.
That is indeed where we currently stand, officially.
So what you're saying is that officially there is nothing official about it? :)


The Exchange

I'll take this opportunity to note that WotC is going to be releasing a rules-light D&D intended for kids and newbies etc. I haven't looked into the details much yet but I'd strongly suggest that since the future is always an important target demographic it might be important to help generate a simplified PF for kids and beginners.

Does anyone know of any such PF-Lite projects already ongoing or that I might help contribute ideas to? I'd really like to see something like this happen and if Paizo doesn't have the bandwidth to do it maybe its something the fan-community might better handle?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer wrote:
I'll take this opportunity to note that WotC is going to be releasing a rules-light D&D intended for kids and newbies etc.

I think you might mean this.

If we were working on something it probably wouldn't be really very much like that. :-)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Lyingbastard wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
galvatron42 wrote:
I believe I remember Mona saying he had an intrest in such a product, but it would be down the line somewhere. Nothing official that I know of yet.
That is indeed where we currently stand, officially.
So what you're saying is that officially there is nothing official about it? :)

Unofficially, that will be our official stance for a while. I wouldn't hold your breath.

Phew. *exhales*

The Exchange

Vic Wertz wrote:
If we were working on something it probably wouldn't be really very much like that. :-)

Granted, that's not how I'd approach it either. I'd make it a bit more "full featured" and not just one adventure, but its the idea that matters, a greatly stripped down system that handles the essential concepts and introduces young and very casual players to the hobby.

GURPS Lite or Quick Start Call of Cthulhu are good examples of 'stripped down' versions of their respective games.

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