How to Create and / or Report Your Pathfinder Society Session(s)

Pathfinder Society

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Howdy folks!

Today we rolled part of the Phase 2 changes for Pathfinder Society Organized Play, which included a new reporting system and several changes to the "My Pathfinder Society" page interface. Below are the new directions for creating/reporting your Pathfinder Society events and sessions!


1. Go to and click on "My Pathfinder Society." Login.

2. Click on the "GM/Event Coordinator" tab.

3. If you have not previously created a event for the session(s) you are reporting, then continue to step 4. If you already created an event for the session(s) you are reporting, then skip to step 9.

Create Your Event

4. Click "Create Your Event" under "Create New Event" (keep in mind that all New Events default to "public" event and that if your event is not a public event, you'll need to click off "public").

5. Input the following:

  • Enter event name and description.
  • Input the event schedule
    Type in date of day 1.
    Click slot "Morning," "Afternoon," or "Evening."
    Click "Add."
    Repeat for additional days/slots as needed.
  • Click "Select Location."
    Choose an existing location and click "Select Location" under the existing location or input address/location if there is no existing location.
    Click "Select Location" which takes you back to the Event Basics page.
  • Input contact information.
  • Make choices under "Event Restrictions:"
    Is the event Public or Not Public? (All events default to Public.)
    Does the event have a fee for participating?
  • Select scenario(s) for the event.
  • Input the number of sessions to generate a sessions record sheet to hand out to your GMs for each session.
    A "session" is a single table of Pathfinder Society playing a single scenario. If your event has two time slots and each time slot runs two tables, then you are said to have two sessions per time slot for a total of four sessions.
    The order in which sessions are later inputted doesn't matter. The system auto-selects your first reported session as #1, your second as #2, and so on. If you choose to report in the order in which they are played, that's fine, but it is not required.

6. Click "Update," "Cancel," or "Save Changes."

  • "Update" saves the data inputted and keeps you on the same page.
  • "Cancel" clears the data inputted.
  • "Save Changes" saves the data inputted and takes you back to your player page.

Download Session Sheets

7. Click GM/Event Coordinator tab.

8. Click "Download session sheets" next to event name to download session tracking sheets for your event's GMs.

Report Your Event

9. Next to the event that you wish to report on, click "Report."

10. Type in event name (if there isn't one, typically there will be).

11. As noted above, each session is forced numerically by the order in which you report it and isn't necessarily the order in which the sessions were played.

12. Select the scenario of the first session you are reporting.

13. Input the date on which the scenario was played, the GM's Pathfinder Society ID #, and the GM's name (which should auto-populate from the GM's Pathfinder Society ID # if that GM is registered in our system).

Report Each Character

14. Input the first character's Pathfinder Society ID # plus appropriate dash (-1, -2, etc) for 1st, 2nd, etc character.

15. The character's name should auto-populate if you typed the ID # correctly and the character currently exists in our system (it's possible that it may not).

16. The character's faction should auto-populate if you typed the ID # correctly and the character currently exists in our system (it's possible that it may not).

  • If the character you're reporting does not auto-populate, be sure to enter that character's name and faction correctly.

17. Input the number of prestige that character received (0, 1, or 2).

18. If that character died, mark them dead (this will gray out other entries for that character).

19. Repeat steps 14 through 18 for each additional character that played in that session.

20. If the GM is taking credit for that session as part of his GM Rewards, then add the GM's character to the bottom of that session's report.

21. If there are more characters at the table than space available in the session report, click "Add Extra Character."

22. Click "Save Session," "Save and goto new session," "Save and Exit," "Cancel Changes," or "Cancel and Exit."

  • "Save Session" saves your data inputted so far and keeps you on that session's reporting screen.
  • "Save and goto new session" saves the current session and moves to the next highest numbered session automatically.
  • "Save and Exit" saves your progress and exits the reporting system entirely.
  • "Cancel Changes" resets the session you are currently reporting but keeps you on the same session.
  • "Cancel and Exit" cancels all changes and exits the reporting system entirely.

Reserving Pathfinder Society Registration Cards

If you need to reserve Pathfinder Society registration cards for a future event, you are able to reserve 10 per day on the GM/Event Coordinator Tab.

Viewing Your Sessions

Your "Sessions" tab on your "My Pathfinder Society" page shows your sessions played under "Player Sessions" and your sessions GMed under "GM Sessions." Both Player Sessions and GM Sessions are automatically collapsed to save space--you can expand the list by clicking the right arrow next to the appropriate header.

Registering a New Character
Your "Player" tab has your Pathfinder Society ID # and a link to download your Pathfinder Society ID card.

To register a new character, click "Register a new character."

  • Input the character's name.
  • Select a faction for your character.
  • Input optional fields if you so desire.
  • Under character image click "change."
    Find and select an image.
    Once you select an image, you will return to your Character Settings page.
  • Click "Submit Changes" to save.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Hey Josh, is it possible to add to the title of this thread that this is Phase 2 changes, similar to your Phase 1?

No, because this thread also needs to function as a general how-to for the new reporting system and is linked to from the main Pathfinder Society page. Once all of the Phase 2 changes are rolled, I'll do a full Phase 2 post.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
No, because this thread also needs to function as a general how-to for the new reporting system and is linked to from the main Pathfinder Society page. Once all of the Phase 2 changes are rolled, I'll do a full Phase 2 post.

I missed the part that this was only part of phase 2...makes sense...

Dark Archive

If you run more or fewer sessions during an event than you initially planned, can the reporting system still accommodate that?

I guess I don't get your meaning.

You tell the reporting system how many sessions you're going to have for your event so it can spit out that many session reporting sheets for you. If you run more sessions at your event than what you initially told the system (and thus run out of tracking sheets), it's up to you to maintain the tracking of each session at the game.

What you input for # of sessions for an event in the reporting system in no way determines how many sessions you can report for that event.

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

I guess I don't get your meaning.

You tell the reporting system how many sessions you're going to have for your event so it can spit out that many session reporting sheets for you. If you run more sessions at your event than what you initially told the system (and thus run out of tracking sheets), it's up to you to maintain the tracking of each session at the game.

What you input for # of sessions for an event in the reporting system in no way determines how many sessions you can report for that event.

That's exactly what I meant, thanks!

It looked as if the number of sessions was just to produce the right number of tracking sheets, but I just wanted to make entirely sure that this wasn't going to carry over so that you'd only have four session slots to report if you'd told the ordering system that there were going to be four sessions.

Glad I could help. :-)

Shadow Lodge 5/5


I tried adding some session information today but it doesn't seem to be automatically populating the character name/faction after entry of their character number like the old system did. Is this something changed, something not working in general, or just a fluke of the system this morning when I tried?

I tried it and it auto-populates for me.

Are you sure you have the correct XXXX-YY number? If so, are you sure that their character is registered?

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Hmmm...I just tried again and it's auto-populating again for me. I don't know what caused it; if I see it again I'll let you know.

Dark Archive

Ello all,

I'm fairly new to the site but a very long time gamer with a quick question. If I were to start a home game for Pathfinder Society, would I still use this exact same method to create and report the game to the "Mothership" as it were?

Correct. You would just check off "Public" at step 5. There is only one kind of event now: an event. You can make some choices during your event creation to customize your event, but having a reporting system with three different types of events was causing massive confusion.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Hi all,

If I have some incorrect information on my character, how can I get it changed?

For example,

I guess I must have accidentally chosen the wrong faction when initially creating my character and I didnt notice at the time, but how can I change it to the correct faction?

Also, some of my earlier games were reported with the wrong character name and the wrong faction, can I get these changed so my character has all the correct information reported?


I have several monthly game days I've organized at various local stores and each has an event code I reuse. At some point I marked them as fully reported even though I add a new session every month. Is it possible to undo this demarkation?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
yoda8myhead wrote:
Is it possible to undo this demarkation?

we can name you Fred.. that should demark you..;)

Hilarious stuff here. Really funny. Serious question posed above still pending, however.

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Correct. You would just check off "Public" at step 5. There is only one kind of event now: an event. You can make some choices during your event creation to customize your event, but having a reporting system with three different types of events was causing massive confusion.

Awesome! Thanks for the info. I'm really looking forward to giving this a try.

yoda8myhead wrote:
I have several monthly game days I've organized at various local stores and each has an event code I reuse. At some point I marked them as fully reported even though I add a new session every month. Is it possible to undo this demarkation?
yoda8myhead wrote:
Hilarious stuff here. Really funny. Serious question posed above still pending, however.

No, you'll need to create a new event you crotchety old man you.

chimera521 wrote:

Hi all,

If I have some incorrect information on my character, how can I get it changed?

For example,

I guess I must have accidentally chosen the wrong faction when initially creating my character and I didnt notice at the time, but how can I change it to the correct faction?

Also, some of my earlier games were reported with the wrong character name and the wrong faction, can I get these changed so my character has all the correct information reported?


For the incorrect faction: email me ( with your email address, the name of the character in question, and the faction he should be.

Re incorrect reporting: you'll need to get the GM or coordinator who reported on you to correct the entry.

I was trying to set up a session so that my cousin and his group can have some fun. however, there is a database problem or something. Can you guys look into it?

The Exchange 2/5

Question on the new system--when I look under the new sessions tab under player, all of my previous sessions are showing fine. When I look under sessions tab for GM, it says I have no sessions. However, if I go to the GM Coordinator tab and look under completely reported sessions, my GM history is there. Just wondering--is it only supposed to display pending seesions under GM coordinator in the sessions tab or should my one GMd game be showing there, too?

The Exchange 2/5

I also just reported my first two events. There doesn't seem to be a mark as completely reported button anymore--is that right? The credit is showing on my characters, so I'm guessing I did it right and saving it reports it, but it doesn't show under completely reported status? The new sessions are showing under my
GM sessions, but the old one also still isn't. Help?

My best answer for you is that the new reporting system works exactly as I detail it in my first post. There is nothing missing--it is a different system. :-)

I'll have Ross look into your missing GM sessions on your GM tab.

It looks like your missing sessions are because you entered your GM number incorrectly. Since one of those sessions is #15, which can't be reported on anymore, Ross has to fix it in the database. It'll take some time, but it's not fixable immediately.

The Exchange 2/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
It looks like your missing sessions are because you entered your GM number incorrectly. Since one of those sessions is #15, which can't be reported on anymore, Ross has to fix it in the database. It'll take some time, but it's not fixable immediately.


Scarab Sages 1/5

Do you use this system to retrospectively report events from before the release of phase 2?

I have 3 games I have not reported online yet - they are home games with my local play group.

The Exchange 5/5

Masika wrote:

Do you use this system to retrospectively report events from before the release of phase 2?

I have 3 games I have not reported online yet - they are home games with my local play group.

Yes, you can do that. All that has changed is the interface, not the root system. I post-date events I have run in the past all the time.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Does that mean I have to place the event in the calander first or just report the event?

Masika wrote:
Does that mean I have to place the event in the calander first or just report the event?

You can't report an event that doesn't exist, so you have to create it—thus adding it to the calendar—before you can report the individual sessions that took place in that event.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

When reporting my events the GM name never auto-populates either for myself or any of the other three GM's who have run events. The credit is being applied correctly to my society page, so I have never been concerned about it. Is there a glitch or something that could be preventing the auto-populate?

edit...btw, the auto-populate does work for the player entries

Scarab Sages 1/5

Thanks all.

I will get the sheets off the players and record the events soon!

The Exchange 2/5

Couple of things all jammed into one post.

1) My GM name doesn't auto-populate when I enter my Pathfinder ID, is there a step I need to do to 'turn that on'? My player info does auto-populate.

2) I ran two home games this week and created Events for each. Skipping the coming weekend, I plan to run a different Pathfinder Society Scenario 3 or 4 times a month. Should I add additional sessions to my current events, changing the date for each night, or create a new event each time?

3) There's some incredible backstory built into each of the scenarios I've GM'd, but limited scripted ways of getting that across to the players. Is there a commonly accepted way (a Pathfinder Lodge Library perhaps) to incorporate more of the backstory into a module? I ran #45 Delirium's Tangle. There's an incredible mind control / underworld figure / 'Minotaur Prince' backstory to this and yet no scripted way to bring this in. We had a player familiar with Grandmaster Torch and Nuir in the party 'Herald' who GM's at GenCon btw, who volunteered this info as a player, but is there a commonly accepted way of doing this?

4) Finally, thanks to all of you. I hadn't GM'd a game since we called 'em DM's and we were excited about the upcoming "Cavalier" class to be released in something called Unearthed Arcana. I played a dozen Pathfinder adventures or so as a player, jumped in 10 days ago to run one of these and found a pretty darn easy to run system. I like it, my players seem to like it, and 'Herald' is trying to talk me into volunteering at GenCon - I just may do that.

Thanks in advance


The Exchange 5/5

Alex MacKinnon wrote:

Couple of things all jammed into one post.

1) My GM name doesn't auto-populate when I enter my Pathfinder ID, is there a step I need to do to 'turn that on'? My player info does auto-populate.

2) I ran two home games this week and created Events for each. Skipping the coming weekend, I plan to run a different Pathfinder Society Scenario 3 or 4 times a month. Should I add additional sessions to my current events, changing the date for each night, or create a new event each time?

3) There's some incredible backstory built into each of the scenarios I've GM'd, but limited scripted ways of getting that across to the players. Is there a commonly accepted way (a Pathfinder Lodge Library perhaps) to incorporate more of the backstory into a module? I ran #45 Delirium's Tangle. There's an incredible mind control / underworld figure / 'Minotaur Prince' backstory to this and yet no scripted way to bring this in. We had a player familiar with Grandmaster Torch and Nuir in the party 'Herald' who GM's at GenCon btw, who volunteered this info as a player, but is there a commonly accepted way of doing this?

4) Finally, thanks to all of you. I hadn't GM'd a game since we called 'em DM's and we were excited about the upcoming "Cavalier" class to be released in something called Unearthed Arcana. I played a dozen Pathfinder adventures or so as a player, jumped in 10 days ago to run one of these and found a pretty darn easy to run system. I like it, my players seem to like it, and 'Herald' is trying to talk me into volunteering at GenCon - I just may do that.

Thanks in advance


1.) This is normal. You must always enter the GM's name manually.

2.) Create a new event, don't modify an existing event that you've already reported on.

3.) Until PFS creates an incentive for the players to discover the backstory of the scenario, most of them will languish in obscurity. A few authors have done a fantastic job bringing the backstory to light for the players through the setting, such as in PFS#39 The Citadel of Flame. Unless players are highly inquisitive they will likely miss it, until there's some reason to care (like an incentive such as a boon or extra access).

4.) GM slots are still open at GenCon :)

Scarab Sages 1/5


I played eyes of the crocodile king with people yesterday. I also have run a couple last year that I have not registered but I have collected up the data and ready to add the details online.

Only hick I can see is that some of them are now not legal. How do I register my Blood at Dralkard Manor (10/10/09) and Asmodeus Mirage (10/24/09) adventures?

BTW I LOVED Asmodeus Mirrage scenario. I was lucky enough to have an awesome GM and some great players in my group.

The Exchange 5/5

Masika wrote:
Only hick I can see is that some of them are now not legal. How do I register my Blood at Dralkard Manor (10/10/09) and Asmodeus Mirage (10/24/09) adventures?

That is a good question. I bet Josh could enter them when he comes back from vacation. Hold onto your information until then. I can't judge you because I have sat on some sessions for months before too. It really helps if you try and report as soon as you get home. One of the organizers in my area reports the session right from her laptop as soon as the game ends.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Good plan

Because our many game is RotRL and I work fulltime... when I have some free time and the wife lets me play we play PFS as they are packaged to be ready to go.

There are only 3 games from 2009 that I have not registered. Silent Tide from June and then those other 2.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Welcome back Joshua.

I have bumped this up so you can look at my previous posts. How to I report PFS I ran that were of discounted scenarios?

Silver Crusade 1/5

I ran my first Society Game as a GM yest, I am having trouble reporting it. I typed in my pathfinder society ID and its not auto populating my GM name. Says error. How do I go about registering as a GM for pathfinder society play?

The Exchange 2/5

LordKendrick wrote:
I ran my first Society Game as a GM yest, I am having trouble reporting it. I typed in my pathfinder society ID and its not auto populating my GM name. Says error. How do I go about registering as a GM for pathfinder society play?

It does that--it's annoying (and caused me to report my number incorrectly on my first module) but normal. You just hit okay and then type in your name. The players' information populates after you put in their numbers, but you have to type in the GM's name.

The GM name should auto-populate. Ross is looking into this.

The Exchange 2/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
The GM name should auto-populate. Ross is looking into this.

It does autopopulate if you key a -1, -2, etc. at the end of the number and doesn't give you the error, which is why the first time I reported a game in the previous system, I ended up reporting my number with a -1 (It seemed the right thing to do, since no -1 resulted in an error). But then it ends up screwing up your number in the final reporting (thus my not having credit for GMing Asmodeus mirage in the new system)

Yeah, but following the directions, you're not supposed to put the dash (as you found out). So hopefully Ross can find and fix the issue. No promise of a timetable just yet.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Yeah, but following the directions, you're not supposed to put the dash (as you found out). So hopefully Ross can find and fix the issue. No promise of a timetable just yet.

Josh, I am help run a Pathfinder game day in NYC tomorrow how do I go about getting Pathfinder Society Numbers for new people? Thanks.


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Natertot wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Yeah, but following the directions, you're not supposed to put the dash (as you found out). So hopefully Ross can find and fix the issue. No promise of a timetable just yet.

Josh, I am help run a Pathfinder game day in NYC tomorrow how do I go about getting Pathfinder Society Numbers for new people? Thanks.


here is how you do it..

Pazio Web Page-> Pathfinder Society Section-> My Pathfinder Society (On the top of page)-> GM/Event Coordinator tab-> Pathfinder Society Cards section-> Reserve 10 numbers and download and print the 10 cards out

The Exchange 5/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
Natertot wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Yeah, but following the directions, you're not supposed to put the dash (as you found out). So hopefully Ross can find and fix the issue. No promise of a timetable just yet.

Josh, I am help run a Pathfinder game day in NYC tomorrow how do I go about getting Pathfinder Society Numbers for new people? Thanks.


here is how you do it..

Pazio Web Page-> Pathfinder Society Section-> My Pathfinder Society (On the top of page)-> GM/Event Coordinator tab-> Pathfinder Society Cards section-> Reserve 10 numbers and download and print the 10 cards out

You're absolutely right, unless he's never built an event before. Unless he's got an event built the link for the cards will not show up.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Doug Doug wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Natertot wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Yeah, but following the directions, you're not supposed to put the dash (as you found out). So hopefully Ross can find and fix the issue. No promise of a timetable just yet.

Josh, I am help run a Pathfinder game day in NYC tomorrow how do I go about getting Pathfinder Society Numbers for new people? Thanks.


here is how you do it..

Pazio Web Page-> Pathfinder Society Section-> My Pathfinder Society (On the top of page)-> GM/Event Coordinator tab-> Pathfinder Society Cards section-> Reserve 10 numbers and download and print the 10 cards out

You're absolutely right, unless he's never built an event before. Unless he's got an event built the link for the cards will not show up.

Doug Doug is correct, I have never reported an event before, just GMed quite a feew.


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Natertot wrote:
Doug Doug wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Natertot wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Yeah, but following the directions, you're not supposed to put the dash (as you found out). So hopefully Ross can find and fix the issue. No promise of a timetable just yet.

Josh, I am help run a Pathfinder game day in NYC tomorrow how do I go about getting Pathfinder Society Numbers for new people? Thanks.


here is how you do it..

Pazio Web Page-> Pathfinder Society Section-> My Pathfinder Society (On the top of page)-> GM/Event Coordinator tab-> Pathfinder Society Cards section-> Reserve 10 numbers and download and print the 10 cards out

You're absolutely right, unless he's never built an event before. Unless he's got an event built the link for the cards will not show up.

Doug Doug is correct, I have never reported an event before, just GMed quite a feew.


Pre set up your event for tomorrow then you will be able to get the Cards, unless someone else is reporting it, if so then have that person print up cards.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Can a pathfinder society event be a play by post or chatroom event as long as all rules are followed or must it be a table-top event?

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