The Treasure of Arainu


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Extended archery practice can really hurt your fingers (that was not supposed to be relevant, btw).

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

That's why Mash likes the swords

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

What's around? I mean I know I'm up a tree, but I'm not sure why. I'm trying to find the ambushers.
Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Dense trees and the road is near, within sight. You see nothing around you but trees, and Mash not far away, up a tree as well.

School's coming up, so my posting will be slower.

Colw whispers to his brother, "See anything?"

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

"Nope. Nothing. These guys are good."

Male elf 1 rouge

Keselous making another attempt to draw them out will be loud and obnoxious. Ba Guk Ba Guk bak bak bak bak Ba Guk! Making a loud chicken noises at the archers he then chuckles to himself can an eye out for any rustling in the trees.

Yucale wrote:

Initiative order so far;

Disguised attacker 22
Erodel 22
??? 19
Mash 18
Kes 13
Cole 12
Des 6
Raff 5

Des and Raff see a large figure trudge towards the road from the opposite side of the path, something menacing in its posture.

An arrow whistles by Raff, missing him. The motion reveals his attacker, a female humanoid completely swathed in dun-colored clothing, perched on a sturdy tree branch not 20' from him, who has drawn two weapons (an exotic looking shortsword and a magnificent looking scimitar).

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

Raff continues to climb. The arrow lodged in him continues to pain him terribly, but he knows his only chance at this point is to defeat his attackers before they kill him. If possible, Raff keeps the tree between him and this attacker.

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Des continues to watch the woods in the opposite direction from their archer assailant.

Perception Check:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Hope that's enough to see the big fellow coming in

Making sure the horse is steady and not inclined to go anywhere, he steps away and draws both his rapiers, shifting their blades to deliberately catch the sunlight and glint towards this other foe.

"Ah, perhaps some sport." He calls, "Of course, this could all be a miss-understanding and we might resolve any differences more amicably?" He calls louder to any and all involved.

"One coming in through the trees on our Left!" He adds, just so that all of his companions are aware of the changing tactical situation. He steps lithely towards this foe, "Come, let us dance." he purrs.

The newcomer is recognizable as a bugbear, and he isn't taking any pains to conceal his arrival, swinging his blood-stained morningstar lazily as he walks out of the trees onto the path.
"We might solve our differences with minimal paint to you," he agrees in surprisingly educated Common. "If you agree to give me what you carry and become my prisoners," he flashes a broken-toothed smile that holds brutish mirth.

Still Erodel's turn.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

Not wanting to be anyone's prisoner, Erodel moves with in range 30 ft and attempts to incapacitate the Bugbear

Slumber Hex = Will Save DC 13

A brief look of concentration crosses the monster's coarse face as he shrugs off the hex's effects.

Mash's turn.

Yucale wrote:
Yucale wrote:

Initiative order so far;

Disguised attacker 22
Erodel 22
Bugbear 19
Mash 18
Kes 13
Cole 12
Des 6
Raff 5

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

Mash attempts to make it to the woman on the branches (Acrobatics or Climb 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21). If there is enough time, Mash will take a swing at her.

Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Damage 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

The woman grunts in pain and mild surprise, retaliating with a swing of each sword. She lands a hit with the scimitar, which hits with unnatural accuracy (thirteen damage). Seeing her opponent fall unconscious, she stays her second blow, and pauses thoughtfully for a moment. She runs lightly over her branch to the bleeding Mash, who she hoists unceremoniously over her shoulder, and then attempts to jump to the ground. She lands rather awkwardly, but manages to keep her feet. She drops Mash.

Kes's turn.

Male elf 1 rouge

Keselous steps up to the woman who cockily just dispatched of their most fierceness, if drunk fighter. He rares back with his masterfully crafted morning star and proceeds to swing.1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 191d8 ⇒ 3

His blow glances off the armor she apparently wears under her clothes, and she ignores him, pushing past him and continuing to stride purposefully towards the bugbear and the others. "The half-orc is dying. You may want to stop his bleeding, if you have any loyalty," she remarks over her shoulder. Her voice is pleasant and even, with a strong Qa'drahn accent.
Qa'drah= a desert kingdom to the south of Arun. It acknowledges the Empire of Arainu's authority, but tends to be independent, even troublesomely so. It is known for it's religious authority, worshiping Iomedae mostly, and is a popular stop for merchants.
Cole's turn.

Cole, torn between helping his brother and saving the half orc's life, reluctantly chooses duty. He walks over to the unconscious Mash, and tries to stop the bleeding. Stabilize Heal check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Cole probably should have stayed in bed, he he

He hears the accent, and thinks, What is a Qa'drahn doing up here?

As he treats the unconscious orc, he rasps, "What are the Qa'drahn doing here interfering with affairs?"

Despite Cole's best efforts, Mash continues to bleed.
Des's turn.

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Squaring off against the large and brutish creature, Des steps up to the fight.

Readied action for when the Bugbear does strike.

"So, a couple of quick questions." He grins at the creature before him, showing slightly sharper teeth than an Elf should have.

"How much are you getingt payed to do this job..." He pauses for a dramatic moment, "...And did they hand you the money in advance?"

Initiative:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Att Roll:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Confirm Crit:1d20 ⇒ 2

Dam Roll:1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Deftly flicking in and out with a lightning attack.

Des is only attacking with one rapier, using the other to add a +1 to his AC.

Raff's turn.

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

If I've followed this right, the lady on the limb that was closest to me, jumped down, thumped Mash, then started walking towards the bugbear.

Raff will jump down next to the Qa'drahn woman, wincing from the pain of his injuries, and strike out at her using his stunning fist for the day (DC14)
Acrobatics 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Unarmed Strike 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 Damage 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

The Qa'drahn fails to dodge, wheeling around to face her attacker. She is apparently not stunned. She strikes out at her assailant with the flat of her blade, (sixteen non-lethal damage), and after felling him, continues on to face the bugbear, standing by Des and ignoring him.

"I have legitimate business with these vagabonds. If their possessions will be taken, then I will be the one who takes them, and what justice they need face may as well be given out by me, if it comes to that. They carry something that must not fall into the hands of my enemies, and you may be in their service. Give me, then, a reason that I do not need to come to these unsavory people's defense against you."

Erodel's turn.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

Erodel will fire his crossbow at the woman, and then fall back 30 ft.

Attack:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Damage if successfull:1d8 ⇒ 4

She easily dodges his attack, and turns a bit to cast him what seems to be an annoyed look.
The bugbear moves to strike Des, but is interrupted by the tiefling's attack. He grimaces in pain at his wound and retaliates, but misses.

Constitution save, Mash.
Kes's turn.

Initiative order so far;
Qa'drahn 22
Erodel 22
Des 20
Bugbear 19
Mash 18
Kes 13
Cole 12
Raff 5

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20


Mash stops bleeding on his own, though still wounded and unconscious he is stable.

You're at -10 hp currently.

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Des glances to the woman, though he does not understand the ugly language she speaks.

"While I would normally be more than happy to be the gentleman? I fear in this case m'lady, I must ask you not to cut in on this waltz." He quips with a smile.

Diplomacy Check:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 ( To be charming, of course. ;) )

"If you would rather fight, I won't interfere in the duel. For now."

Male elf 1 rouge

I think he will get the sneak even if he doesn't get the sneak attack as des is flanking.

Keselous moves to sneak around the woman sense she is paying more attention to des. He will atempt to get behind her and preform a sneak attack.

sneak1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

sneak attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 171d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (3) = 7

The attack glances off her concealed armor, and she doesn't even seem surprised, turning coldly around to face her attacker and point her scimitar at him menacingly. "You and your troupe of vagabonds are already rather low on numbers to be facing the attacker you have, so it's not wise to provoke an attack from me as well." She gestures pointedly towards Mash.

Cole's turn.

Cole hisses at the impetuous elf, "Don't be a fool, Kes! I can't put you together if she decides to finish you off! She is not our enemy here!" as he reaches down to touch the unconscious half orc and murmers a quick prayer Lose Command to sponaneously cast Cure Light Wounds on Mash, 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

After that he stands up, warily watching her, and rasps at her again, "Listen you bloody Qa'drahn, what are you doing here?"

Go CHA 9 characters, he he

Male elf 1 rouge

I must've read something wrong or missed something.I'll go back threw things.

Keselous Shakes his head at the woman takes a step out of her reach and looks around for who the heck is supposed to be fighting.

"I don't see how you are in a position to demand answers," she tells Cole. "I am here to fulfill a mission I was given by my master, and recover information and an item of great value to him. It is possible that we may work out an agreement, if the street urchin and the rest of you refrain from attacking me."

Erodel's turn.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

"I'm listening....what sort of arrangement do you propose?" Says Erodel, while he loads his crossbow.

Ready my standard action to shoot her, if we don't like the terms.

"Perhaps you should come to your comrade's aid before we negotiate?" she asks, gesturing to Des. "I was under the impression that you are fulfilling a contract. It may be prudent for me to talk to at least one of your employers before taking rash action. But I should also like to know the location of the item I was sent to retrieve, if possible."

Des's turn.

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Only partly paying the woman part of his attention, Des still watches the Bug-bear.

Att Roll:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Dam Roll:1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

"You still haven't answered my question?" He prompts the big lug with a poke to make sure the creature is still aware of him.

The bugbear growls in annoyance and retaliates. (six damage)
Kes's turn.

Male elf 1 rouge

Keselous leans up against a tree. what in the abyss is going on?!? You fire arrows at us and then what you want to talk? if you wanted to talk then why not stand on the road and ask to talk. This is ridiculous.

Keselous jogs in a circle looping around the bugbear to flank the beast with Desvartes.

If he still has a chance to attack he will.

Morningstar.1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 251d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (6) = 7

crit1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 101d8 ⇒ 7

The Qa'drahn ignores the rogue.
The bugbear growls in pain, swinging his weapon at Kes in retaliation. 8 damage.

Cole's turn.

Male elf 1 rouge

Keselous falls to the ground at exactly 0 hit points hitting the ground with a solid thud.

You're disabled, not unconscious.

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Hearing an ally fall Des takes a five foot step back from the Bugbear.

"Okay, new plan. Lets every one kill the big bad fuggly." He calls.

Over to you, Cole.

Cole thinks Well that's one less one I have to worry about. then he stands up after casting his spell, and draws his sword, and moves up next to Desvartes, and says to the bugbear "Look, you son of a b****, you damn well better rethink this. I'm gonna make you pay for this!" Attack, longsword 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3, damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Hmmm, maybe next round, he will pay, he he.

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