The Treasure of Arainu


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Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Des thanks the servant, rises, enjoys as long a bath as he thinks he can get a way with, then dresses in his full 'adventuring' kit before heading off to a light breakfast. He returns to his room to 'weapon' up then casual saunters to the reception room, smiling and greeting his traveling companions cordially as he does so.

Cole wakes up early, long before his brother does and performs his prayer rituals quickly, before he washes and dresses himself and then wakes up Raff, saying, "It is time, brother.' He grabs a few bite to eat from the leftovers from last night befor he hrries to the meeting place, hoping all of his fears are unfounded.

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

"I'm already awake. You woke me with your prayers and I didn't want to interrupt." Raff joins his brother in finishing off the leftovers and follows him to the meeting place.

"You always say that, but then you fall asleep again. Still at least you hear them."

Kyras, seeming more tense than last time, as sitting at the desk and waiting for them.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

Erodel awakes when the servant comes to get him and not a moment sooner. Quickly washes and eats a simple breakfast before going to meet with his employer.

Erodel enters the meeting chamber and finds a comfortable seat to wait in. While waiting, Erodel casually glances around the room while feeding the raven on his shoulder a small amount of bread.

Noticing the tension in Kyras' bearing, Erodel asks, "What has you so worried this morning? Bad news, or just nervous about the mission you send us on?"

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

Mash walks in casually, with a bit of uncooked meat dangling from his protruding fangs.

"Dabu, magic-man and money-man."

Cole arrives at the meeting, and gives the mage a nod of greeting. He also notices the half-orc, and also nods at him, although with a more forced smile on his face.

He looks at Kyras and adds to Erodel's question, Is there something wrong?"

Kyras gives a somewhat strained smile. "I'm simply anxious about the mission. I hope everyone has their equipment? One of my servants shall lead you out of Luskan, taking a rather secret route. Although, our good cleric might be able to get you outside the city gates without too many questions?"

Cole gives Kyras a steady look and replies, Yeah, i should be able to get us out of the city on pretense of church business. Of course, it might be somewhat...damaging to the reputations of those involved." the last part said with a note of amusement.

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Desvartes smiles at the turn of words used.

"Our mark of reputation seems to rely more upon our performance with this commission, than the wagging tongues of the gossip mongers on the street." He comments slightly philosophically.

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

Sense Motive 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 to see if there's more to what he's saying.

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

"By Gorum, lets get going."

Mash is obviously excited. The city life is much too mundane for one with fiery orcish blood in his veins.

Male elf 1 rouge

is there anything else you would have us know before we depart?

"No, I have already given you the map and any advice you should need. My friend shall show you to the gate through which you shall leave," Kyras says. He looks expectantly, frowning slightly, at the door for a moment, which opens to admit a furtive-looking cloaked figure.

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

Mash will be the first to walk over to the cloak figure. He shows no hesitance as he strides over.

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Des stands, bows to their employer but does not immediately move. More interested in the behavior of the Half-orc of the party and his actions.

Cole glances at Raff, and the others, but says nothing.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

Studying the cloaked figure, Erodel will rise from his seat, make sure the object is secure in its pouch, and prepare to leave.

Perception (On the Cloaked Figure):1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Sense Motive (Cloaked Figure):1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

Raff stands close to Cole, waiting for their 'guide'.

The cloaked figure appears to be a lanky human, and his stance suggests that he would rather be somewhere else. "C'mon," he says impatiently, apparently ignoring Mash, and turning on his heel strides out of the room.
"You'd best follow," Kyras says. "My apologies for Ausk's attitude, but he's trustworthy."

Cole thinks, Yeah right, and I am the high priest of Luskan.. He merely says to Ausk, "Lead the way then."

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

Waiting for at least the half-orc to head out the door first, Erodel will follow the cloaked figure.

Male Gnome Summoner/5

Keselous hops out ofhis seat and follows along, how long hasit been since he leftthe city...years?

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Desvartes saunters out, casually following the guide.

Once everyone has left, including Raff, Cole will bring up the rear.

Ausk leads them out of The Globe and through several furtive-looking alleys, eventually coming to a large main road, which leads to a guarded gate. While not abandoned, the road has relatively few travelers for such a large city, and a port city at that. Ausk remains in the alleyway. "Well, I've brought you here, and now I can leave and go mind my own business. Good luck."

perception 15:
The lower part of Ausk's cloak has occasionally moved in an unusual way.

Des gets a +5 circumstance bonus to the check.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Erodel grins to himself, choosing not to divulge what he saw.

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

Cole stares a little long at Ausk, but is unsure what to make of it, so he says nothing.

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Mash notices, placing his hand onto the pommel of his blade. He keeps a close eye as the figure walks away.

A few people on the main road give you odd looks as you stand at the mouth of the alleyway, but their curiosity is mainly directed at Cole.

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

Mash moves in close to Cole. Mash whispers. "I don't think they like you, god-man."

"So, which way do we go, magic-man?"

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

Looking somewhat curiously at the large half-orc,

"I believe Desvartes has the map. Unless I'm mistaken, which I am likely not, our first order of business is leaving through those gates." Erodel says pointing toward the guarded gate.

"Cole, I believe getting us outside the gates may be within your abilities. Correct?"

Cole looks at the half-orc and responds in kind, "The feeling is mutual...half-man."

Turning away from the half-orc, he approaches the gate with a business like stride, looking for the guard in charge.

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

Whispering to Cole, "Don't be so defensive, brother, you probably don't realize it, but you being a cleric of light may actually help us to stay unnoticed. People are so busy noticing your clericness that they don't notice the rest of us. Except for Mash of course. So lead on like you're in charge or something."

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Ignoring their guide, who obviously wants to be ignored anyway, Des saunters casually towards the city gates. At Mash's and Cole's little verbal repartee Des sighs,

"Gentlemen, please. Can we at least save any hostilities for those who might wish us harm?" He smiles to Erodel,

"Yes, indeed do I have the map. Though I do think perusing it should wait until we are outside the city?"

Male elf 1 rouge

Keselous Stays near Mash when they get near the guards, its a two fold plan if the guards come after him perhaps the barbarian will feel threatened and kill them all, or they might not notice the criminal in his shadow. He moves his hands to his pockets, giving his hands something more to do than simply fidget.

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

Mash will step ahead, up past the guards.

If the guards give Mash any hassle beyond a dirty look, he will respond with a intimidate check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Uh oh, we're boned!

Cole puts a hand on the impetuous half orc, muttering, "Let me handle this."

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

Mash whispers to himself, "How can he do that? His arms are so small and he has no sword." Nonetheless, he watches with curiosity.

The main guard, a rather portly, bored-looking man, snaps to attention when he sees Mash. Much of the hostility in his eyes fades, though, when he sees Cole. "Yes, cleric? Whadd'ya want? No more complains about ruffians I hope," he says offhandedly, though casting a somewhat suspicious look at the others. He edges almost imperceptibly away from Erodel and Mash.

Cole puts on what he hopes is a suitable bored look on his face, and says, How's it going, soldier? Just need to granted leave of the city, on church business. You can just charge the usual fees to the church account."

Edit, On account this might be a Bluff check, here you go: Bluff 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Male Elf (Aquatic) Fighter 1

Des stands at ease, trying to help the image of people who are going about normal business.

Bluff:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23(Aid another)

So, that's a +2, I do believe, for Cole to convince the guard. :)

Human Monk 4| HP 52/52| AC 21| Fo +9 (7) Re +11 Wi +9| Percep +7 Stealth +9| Move 35'| Hero Points 1/1 Focus 2/2

Raff also attempts to look the part of someone in Cole's employ.
Aid Another
Bluff 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

The guars looks mildly suspicious, but he's obviously bored, doesn't want to get on the wrong side of the church and doesn't relish getting on the wrong side of Mash, either. "You can go," he says. "None of my business anyways. Don't worry, if one of the church priests asks, I'll tell 'em where you went."

Male elf 1 rouge

Thats it! he was going to start dealing in holy symbols, maybe buy some white clothes instead of all this black leather. get a hair cut shave. he was going to start operating a whole new racket when he got back in this town!

Keselous smiles once he is on the outside of the gate, that was almost too easy.

Ahh great, if my superior finds out about this..

"Yeah , no problem soldier, ehh Burke is it? Hope you don't fall asleep here, you never know if your superior officer is just waiting to have you walk the midnight shift, he he. So, stay sharp, son."

Cole exits the gatehouse and breathes in the fresh country air. He hopes the rest of the journey is free of complications.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Chelaxian) Urban Ranger 5 | HP 23/52 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will+4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+14 Trapfinding) | Conditions: None

Once we are outside the city gates, "We done Cole, we'll make a dishonest man of you yet." Erodel says with a sly grin.

Male Half-orc Barbarian 1

Mash voices his confusion. "But, wait, uh, er. He's still alive! I don't get it! He let us go?!"

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