Kingmaker Obituaries


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Name: Rakkshaw
Race: Stone Giant
Classes/levels: Stone Giant 4 (Savage Species character)
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Lonely Barrow
Catalyst: Overconfidence + Being a novice player

My first death! This character had always been an effective tank, due to his NA and also had dealt the most damage, due to his 24 STR. After a tough fight with the skeletal champions in the previous room (using the suggestion from the excellent 6-player conversion) the party sallied forth into the cairn wight's tomb. The druid threw "conjure flame" iterations, the wizouge cast "disrupt undead" and the paladin lay down the hurt with a warhammer. After a successful Knowledge check about Energy Drain, the stone giant's player knew what it would do to him. Still, he figured he could take additional hits, and so continued to attack (even having very little luck hitting, and with two negative levels). The cairn wight gutted him, with one hit point remaining. Before he raised as a cairn wight of his own, however, the party chopped him up and deposited him in separate graves.

Sovereign Court

Name: Jake
Race: Human (Taldan)
Class: Bard 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Cathedral of Urgathoa
Catalyst: Novice Player, Poor Choices, An Angry Paladin.

I was the angry paladin in question. Jake was a novice player who was interested in balancing the cosmic forces of the planes. Unfortunately for Jake, he wasn't aware that the planes were already balanced, and though the rest of the party tried to convince him otherwise. He insisted on trying to balance the planes himself. At level one.

So he bound an archon and a quasit within himself, without consulting the party. Though we were (eventually) able to dispel the binding, his soul got linked to the abyss; and, even worse, he was going to be dragged to the abyss by a Marilith. He was (SOMEHOW) able to preserve his neutral alignment.

Suffice to say, things went to s~~* at a certain point, and suddenly, Jake started detecting Evil. Me, the normally chatty paladin, had witnessed something traumatic and kept the knowledge of Jake's alignment change to himself. He did cast Smite Evil on Jake, though he did not act on it, ad only the druid of the group heard him. Later, after they had arrived back in the city, within the Cathedral of Urgathoa, the party was able to force Jake to reveal his secrets via tricking him into wearing a cursed item that compelled him to tell the truth.

He revealed the situation with the Marilith, and the paladin (me) told him to face the justice of a paladin, but Jake was suddenly repentant and tried to kill himself via landing on his sword. However, he rolled a natural one.

The now furious paladin rolled an 18, with Smite Evil bonuses.

I chopped Jake's head off.

The cleric of Urgathoa was pissed that we got blood on his carpets.

And there was much rejoicing.

Rather interesting that a paladin had any dealings with Urgathoa beyond cleave and smite, what was the story behind this?

Silver Crusade

A BRUTAL day, 3 party deaths after 7 levels without a death.

Name: Odil
Race: Halfling
Classes/levels: Cleric 13
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: Tusker Raiders hill giant camp
Catalyst: Attempting to use magic in sight of the giants during negotiations
The Gory Details:

The group attempted to negotiate with the hill giant army - fifty giants, who were being paid by Pitax to invade their kingdom. When it became clear the party had nothing to offer and the giants were threatening to "take" whatever they wanted, the players tried activating various fly abilities to flee the area. The giants, vigilant, charged on their mammoths. Odil rolled a 2 on initiative (ouch!) and was simultaneously impaled by 3/5 hill giant lancers mounted on mammoths. A Breath of Life kicked in and Odil was alive, but when a party member tried to help while invisible, the giants set their mammoths to trampling the area, effectively destroying the halfling and the other PC. To add insult to injury, the giants collected the corpses of the two and put them in a stew, then threw the bones to feral dogs.

Name: Tempest
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Inquisitor 13
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: Tusker Raiders hill giant camp
Catalyst: Attempting to use magic in sight of the giants during negotiations
The Gory Details:

She was the player who attempted to help Odil while invisible and died when the mammoths began trampling the area. The player (in real life) was pretty upset about the death and the rest of the group chipped in (long story) to get her a Wish and bring Tempest back to life.

Name: Svany
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 13
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: Somewhere in the wilderness
Catalyst: Got lost
The Gory Details:

This one is odd. In search of high-level clerics to help resurrect his friend Odil (above), Svany decided to use a Wind Walk spell cast by another to fly to Mivon and find a powerful caster since Cayden Cailen was not a big fixture in Brevoy. He got lost. He'd never been to Mivon alone, much less flying. He eventually had to land and forgot to bring food or water, having relied on his clerical friend to conjure food each day. Although he foraged, he barely had enough to survive. To complicate matters, he had contracted filth fever from a rat swarm days earlier and it hit him. To complicate matters even worse, in the middle of the night in a forest, shambling mounds snuck up on him. He escaped with a handful of hit points only to succumb to the filth fever, fatigue, and starvation/thirst the next morning. His friends, thinking he'd be gone a few days, paid his absence no mind...

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Love the last one, no offense.

Little things can creep up and put an end to your character.
Maybe it's a sucky way to die (opposed to being impaled by a mammoth-riding hill giant) but it comes to show that the Stolen Lands are indeed a very dangerous place, for those who are not accustomed to the way of the land (and are without back-up).

Silver Crusade

I saw it coming in advance as the character took off and got lost with no ranks in Survival in a hostile wilderness but kept my GM composure. Having been so used to others magicking up food and drink, he totally forgot the basics of a waterskin much less food. Had to crack open the thirst and starvation rules.

The players have come across bodies in their travels that were unknown explorers from long ago. Just never know what the wilderness brings.

Nice work on sticking to the basics. Learn 'em not to get a ring of sustenance. ^_____^

Sovereign Court

Andrea1 wrote:
Rather interesting that a paladin had any dealings with Urgathoa beyond cleave and smite, what was the story behind this?

It's Lethal Reword campaign; we're playing ourselves as characters (for valid story reasons!) All agree that when it comes down to it, I'm basically a Paladin; Lawful Good, interested in the wel being of others, pursue redemption before death, yadda yadda yadda -- BUT. But I'm kind of a horrible person who really likes undeath and necromancy. If my real world intelligence was higher, I would have been a necromancer (albeit one who tried to be Lawful Good.)

That being said, I'm a paladin of Sarenrae. I'm interested in redemption and shtuff. Urgathoa and her undead aren't yet on the 'past redemption meter', particularly givent he unusual way she and her followers have been acting in our Kingmaker campaign.

Urgathoa's being weird, the player who is obsessed with necromancy is the paladin.

Dark Archive

LichLoved wrote:
Andrea1 wrote:
Rather interesting that a paladin had any dealings with Urgathoa beyond cleave and smite, what was the story behind this?

It's Lethal Reword campaign; we're playing ourselves as characters (for valid story reasons!) All agree that when it comes down to it, I'm basically a Paladin; Lawful Good, interested in the wel being of others, pursue redemption before death, yadda yadda yadda -- BUT. But I'm kind of a horrible person who really likes undeath and necromancy. If my real world intelligence was higher, I would have been a necromancer (albeit one who tried to be Lawful Good.)

That being said, I'm a paladin of Sarenrae. I'm interested in redemption and shtuff. Urgathoa and her undead aren't yet on the 'past redemption meter', particularly givent he unusual way she and her followers have been acting in our Kingmaker campaign.

Urgathoa's being weird, the player who is obsessed with necromancy is the paladin.

I'm confused why you murdered another PC who expressed desire to repent, and who wasn't attacking you. That seems like a very un-paladin of senrenrae thing thing to do.

Sovereign Court

Victor Zajic wrote:
LichLoved wrote:
Andrea1 wrote:
Rather interesting that a paladin had any dealings with Urgathoa beyond cleave and smite, what was the story behind this?

It's Lethal Reword campaign; we're playing ourselves as characters (for valid story reasons!) All agree that when it comes down to it, I'm basically a Paladin; Lawful Good, interested in the wel being of others, pursue redemption before death, yadda yadda yadda -- BUT. But I'm kind of a horrible person who really likes undeath and necromancy. If my real world intelligence was higher, I would have been a necromancer (albeit one who tried to be Lawful Good.)

That being said, I'm a paladin of Sarenrae. I'm interested in redemption and shtuff. Urgathoa and her undead aren't yet on the 'past redemption meter', particularly givent he unusual way she and her followers have been acting in our Kingmaker campaign.

Urgathoa's being weird, the player who is obsessed with necromancy is the paladin.

I'm confused why you murdered another PC who expressed desire to repent, and who wasn't attacking you. That seems like a very un-paladin of senrenrae thing thing to do.

Ah, I sort of neglected a very important detail in this story. There was a demon coming out of him; as long as he survived, there was going to be a demon that was coming out of him. She chose this moment to try to come out of him. When I cut Jake's head off; her hands were already outside of his gut. To protect the party, and to protect our citizens, Jake kinda had to die. Our DM has houseruled that demons/devils -can't- be redeemed. It's literally impossible.

This is off the topic of the thread, however. Just some clarification. :)

Name: Thong
Race: Orc
Classes/levels: Barbarian 2
Adventure: Stolen Land
Location: Bandits of the Greenbelt
Catalyst: Tried to take on Kressle by himself while already utilizing his Orc Ferocity
The Gory Details:

Thong was enlarged by the party sorcerer and proceeded to lay the smack down on most of the bandits while Kressle sniped him with a couple of daggers from the trees and bushes as he got closer. Once he noticed Kressle, he took after her (unable to attack due to foliage which prevented a charge), but she backed off just out of his threatening range, and proceeded to toss a dagger right in his eye-socket (critical hit card: Eye Patch For You. Triple damage, 1d2 CON drain, -4 sight-based perception, and -4 ranged attacks), killing him instantly.

Silver Crusade

A most brutal back-to-back series of sessions wherein 3/4 of the PCs perished....One, a rogue, managed to hide out in the wine cellar for a few days and later sneak out invisibly. It brings our PC death tally to 8 so far, with 1 retirement and 1 converted to evil per an artifact. Been a rough ride but the players are resilient!

Name: Tempest
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Inquisitor 14
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: King Irovetti's keep
Catalyst: Guns a' blazin' strategy
The Gory Details:


The party used invisibility to enter Irovetti's keep and were spotted in the King's throne room during an audience. Irovetti was being attended several guards, troll fighters, and his generals. It wasn't pretty. Greatly outnumbered and outgunned, the characters went down one by one. Tempest, as general of the kingdom, was beheaded by Irovetti as an example to dissidents. The player has the only original character from 1st level, and thanks to a wish spell, she will rise again.

Name: Bear
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Barbarian 14
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: King Irovetti's keep
Catalyst: Guns a' blazin' strategy
The Gory Details:


As with Tempest, went down making a run for it when things went bad.

Name: Davon
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 14
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: King Irovetti's keep
Catalyst: Guns a' blazin' strategy
The Gory Details:


New to playing a caster after his last character went down, the player launched chain lightning and a quickened fireball at the enemies. Had he lived past the next round when a hasted Villamor Koth went into a rage and hit him with a massive vital strike, the battle might have gone differently. But losing a PC in the 2nd round was nasty and chain-reacted into more PC deaths. The player was running a fighter last session, and his body was finally recovered in the wilderness where he had died. He'll get his fighter back, which he is much more comfortable with!

The king/queen lived to fight another day after getting a chunk of Ye Royal Cabinet 86'd? Haw.

Sovereign Court

Name: Eventine
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Ranger 5/ Wizard 1
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Owlbear Cave
Catalyst: Had a "Mis-Step"
The Gory Details:

After the party defeated the owlbear in V6 they decided to explore the tunnel to the south (V4 area). They had cleared the cave out, and had thought that all threats were nullified. Eventine however decided to check out the tunnel to confirm that nothing was in it. He decided to sneak in just in case something was taking residence in the tunnel. Relying on his low light vision to see an threat from the light of the party behind him he ventured forth. However he failed to look at the weakling floor, and wasn't able to avoid the yawning pit as the ground crumbled around him.

With this is plummeted into the 40ft drop and landed in the green smile. With no light source and the feel of burning acid all he could do was scream to his death. The party did mount a rescue attempt and they themselves took damage from various sources during their rescue attempt, but of course it was to no avail.

As a side note we do use hero points so the PC used 2 to avoid his fate. However he is now horribly disfigured and has to hide his appearance at all times. The party is now harvesting the green smile to weaponize it with a combination of levitate/mage hand/glass jars. We will see how that works for them over the course of time

AUGH! I completely forgot about that pit when my party went there - I moved Howl's lair there instead of the owlbear, it's elsewhere, so my party went there a few months back. The rogue went poking around in the back for resources, and I forgot completely about the collapsing floor.

Sovereign Court

It is a pretty nasty trap. Good news is it is easy to move into any other cave....or nice dwelling. I might actually use it again as it had my party all freaking out. Almost got the king and magister with it with their attempts to save the ranger. (evil grin)

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I'll probably slip it into Hargulka's lair somewhere. Have it be his depository for minions who displease him. >=)

Sovereign Court

Orthos wrote:
I'll probably slip it into Hargulka's lair somewhere. Have it be his depository for minions who displease him. >=)

HA!! To bad there isnt a "like" button that could go with this.

Duskrunner1 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I'll probably slip it into Hargulka's lair somewhere. Have it be his depository for minions who displease him. >=)
HA!! To bad there isnt a "like" button that could go with this.

*points to + button underneath reply/flag* =)

Name: Errol Genio, Magister of Iomrall
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Magus 9
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Tatzylford
Catalyst: Only one in Melee range + Crit Deck
The Gory Details: Hargulka sent a large gang of trolls, trollhounds, and scrags to put an end to the construction of Tatzylford before it could begin, led by a bloated, cyst-covered, greataxe-weilding troll named Rundtokk and an Umber Hulk. With the aid of their Diplomat Akiniyi, her two daughters, and cover fire from militiamen sent to defend Tatzylford's workers, the group managed to rout the trolls and eventually tackle the monstrous beetle as well.

Errol managed to be uninjured for the entire fight, taking to the air with fly early on and barraging enemies with fireballs and scorching rays from above. He even hit both Rundtokk and the Umber Hulk with a slow, mirroring Akiniyi buffing the party with haste and contributing to the beast not inflicting near its potential damage. Secure the battle was won, he descended to engage Rundtokk directly, after being socked a few times by the troll's throwing axes... only to receive a greataxe crit almost immediately. That would have been bad enough, dropping him deep into the negatives, except our group uses the Crit Deck - and Rundtokk's crit gave him a second attack at -5 despite his slow effect, which also crit, knocking Errol to about -86. The troll went down the next round, and the party's healer Elegy managed to reach him in time to use breath of life (thanks to a fastball special with the aid of Takeshi the Samurai), but couldn't manage to overcome the massive glut of damage the troll had inflicted.

As with Jaekah and Takeshi before him, his belongings were collected up and a hand taken for reincarnate purposes. We went ahead and rolled the percentile last night, since everyone was curious - Errol will be returning as a Glaistig, a satyr-like Fey race homebrewed for my setting. Errol hates Fey, so there's a 50-50 chance he'll be here again due to a suicide.

Orthos wrote:
knocking Errol to about -86.


Sovereign Court

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Lol. Coming back as that which you hate. Funny. Reminds me of a certain kobold.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Name: Luigi, Brother of Mitts
Race: Wacky vat-grown monstrosity
Classes/Levels: Barbarian/Sorceror, level 3, not sure the exact combo
Adventure: Carrion Hill (inserted into Rivers Run Red)
Location: Fungus lake under an abandoned church
Catalyst: Tentacled mushrooms and hot dice

The Gory Details:

After Mitts got killed, the group decided to let his player bring in his palette-swapped brother Luigi, since the character never really got a chance to come into his full potential as a dragon disciple. He did fine, until they got to an underground lake with killer mushrooms on the far side of it. Luigi swam out to deal with them, while most of the rest of the party hung back since they couldn't swim as well. Turns out the mushrooms have four attacks each and do Con damage. Luigi had a high AC, but out of eight attacks, six hit.

I don't use a screen either, so cries of dismay went up all around the table whenever the d20 hit the mat. For the rest of the fight, those two mushrooms couldn't roll single digits. The rest of the party cleaned up with ranged attacks. My favorite part of this is that in five years of gaming with this player, I've never even come close to killing one of his characters, and now he's the only person to lose a character (twice!) in the Kingmaker campaign so far.

He's decided that it must not have been meant to be if the same character got killed twice, so to get back at me he created a Master Summoner named Ash with an eidolon called Bidoof.

Hahaha, great payback.
At least it's not Pikachu ;)

Silver Crusade

Reincarnate, had a player ranger come back as her favored enemy and did commit suicide. Interesting to see how that one plays out for you!

Touc wrote:
Reincarnate, had a player ranger come back as her favored enemy and did commit suicide. Interesting to see how that one plays out for you!

The group's ruler has stated her intent to do so if she gets any of the more monstrous races or anything that can't pass for (reasonably) normal humanoid, even in the excess available races in my homebrew world, between her vanity and the political expediency of her appearance.

She's one of only two in the party who hasn't died yet... but her dice are notorious for rolling stupidly well most of the time then failing her horribly when it would be most amusing/hilarious/ironic, so I don't imagine she'll survive the upcoming fight with Hargulka.

Heh, at this rate you should have your pc's go off on another adventure and when they come back they have some fey claiming to be them on the throne. Wouldn't even need to use much illusion if the party comes back looking completely different from reincarnating all the time. :)

Silver Crusade

This is our 4th PC death in the Keep so far. And the battle is not yet over...

Name: Svany
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 14
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: King Irovetti's keep
Catalyst: Overwhelming Presence spell
The Gory Details:

Players returned to the Keep after making a deal with the Vascari and Liacenza families, offing the Cattanai patriarch in the process. As mobs roamed the city and clashed with the guards, the players attacked the keep and drew the King's ire. I recast Irovetti as an Arcane Duelist, which with some precast buffs and the right equipment makes him just plain nasty. They'd already been slaughtered by him before in a botched attempt, and this one kept with the tradition though the battle is far from over and angry mobs of starving citizens, tired of martial law, have poured into the open keep doors. The King cast his above spell and Svany fell prostrate, worshipping the King, at which time bodyguard Villamor Koth did the coup de grace.

Fortunately for the players, they have cast multiple successful dispels, stripping away some powerful spells that were making Irovetti near-invincible in combat. With the mobs in the keep, curious to see how this one plays out.

Addax wrote:
Heh, at this rate you should have your pc's go off on another adventure and when they come back they have some fey claiming to be them on the throne. Wouldn't even need to use much illusion if the party comes back looking completely different from reincarnating all the time. :)

Heh, well they're almost done with RRR, so they'll be taking off to visit Varnhold in the not-too-distant future, methinks.... >=)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

@Rickmeister: He has a totally non-magical mundane puma named Pikachu that he trained with HA. Whenever he casts a Summon Monster/NA, he names them after other Pokemon. ><

Our Cleric, Robert, passed away suddenly in the middle of a battle with an undead Cyclops who had a glowing red eye. Not a hand was laid on him, nor did he suffer and physical damage from a spell. Instead his face took on a contorted look of horror, he half screamed, and then collapsed stone dead!

That is, of course,:
what happens when you fail all of your saves against Phantasmal Killer

Name: Narlack
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Gunslinger 3/Rogue 2
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Outside the Troll lair
Catalyst: Troll rend

The Gory Details:
As the party approached the troll lair, they attempted to conceal themselves from view as they discussed they best way to mount an attack. In the midst of their converation, a troll hunting party arrived, returning home from a night's outing. During the ensuing battle, the gunslinger rogue engaged one of the trolls, in hopes of being joined by the party's other rogue for a flanking frenzy which never came due circumstances of combat.

Name: Keeva
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Rogue 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Inside the Troll lair
Catalyst: Two-Headed troll rend

The Gory Details:
During an unpleasant combat in the unfinished passageways of the troll lair, the rogue tumbled into flanking position just before the Magus in the party went down before the two-headed troll, leaving the rogue alone and unflanked. The two-headed troll then turned on the rogue the following round, and proceeded to tear her limb from limb.

Name: Hayabusa
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Inside the Troll lair
Catalyst: Troll bite, claw rip, and morningstar bash

The Gory Details:
Covering his companions retreat, the fighter attempted to engage the lead troll. He lasted two whole rounds before he was ripped and pounded into a bloody mess. But his companions were able to fall back, regroup, and eventually win in the end.


My group of level 6's is going in, one of these... Let's pray it works out :)

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Rickmeister wrote:


My group of level 6's is going in, one of these... Let's pray it works out :)

We do indeed pray that it works out that most of them are horribly disemboweled and dismembered by big, nasty, vicious trolls. :D

Yesterday my PC's entered the Valley of the Dead and headed on to the Crypt on the island... And there they had their third encounter with the grim reaper...

Name: Kendra
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Paladin of Erastil, Level 8
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Vordakais Crypt, Room W7
Catalyst: Wyvern Poison and a crit with a Battle-Axe
The Gory Details:

During the fight with the wyverns Kendra got injured and poisoned. She was able to shake of the poison quiet quickly (made her two saves directly after the infliction), but the poisoned weakened her nontheless (with the lost of two temporary constitution points). She already used her Lesser Restoration which she had learned to heal the wisdom damage on the magus, which was the target of the Soul Eater earlier that night. So they just went on.
They made their way into the crypt and "found" the two Cyclops in the next room (W7). They encountered already one of these Zombies on the stairs, which wasn't a real thread to them (it dies so fast that it didn't made any full attacks). Kendra had already lost around 20 hp when she engaged one of the two cyclops. Thinking of herself as quiet save in her full-plate she didn't healed herself with Lay on Hands and cut big chunks out of the undead Cyclops. Then it was the turn on the zombie and he landed three hits (two with his axe and one slam attack). Unfortunatly for Kendra, one of the axe hits were critical and even when I rolled really bad for damage (I think I rolled a 19 with 8d6) it took Kendra to -13. As her actual constitution score was 12 (because of the wyvern's poison) this actually meant an untimely meeting with her god in his grove.

Kendra had two hero points to prevent this death and was patched up by the parties witch (up to 1 hp). The barbarian tripped the Cyclops (the other one went down just the moment before this) and when the turn was on Kendra, she Laid hands on herself, stood up and put the zombie back to rest with a mighty swing of her greatsword.

Killer Power wrote:
... it took Kendra to -13. As her actual constitution score was 12 (because of the wyvern's poison) this actually meant an untimely meeting with her god in his grove.

Just as a quick note, by RAW, Constitution damage does not work this way:

"[Ability] damage does not actually reduce an ability ... Damage to your Constitution score causes you to take penalties on your Fortitude saving throws. In addition, multiply your total Hit Dice by this penalty and subtract that amount from your current and total hit points. Lost hit points are restored when the damage to your Constitution is healed. A character with a Constitution score of 0 is dead."

Ability damage only ever has certain specific effects, and for Constitution, lowering the point-of-death is not among them. Ability drain is the one that would do this:

"Ability drain actually reduces the relevant ability score. Modify all skills and statistics related to that ability."

You may, of course, have been playing under house rules or something, in which case no worries, but I thought I'd mention it.

Turin the Mad wrote:
We do indeed pray that it works out that most of them are horribly disemboweled and dismembered by big, nasty, vicious trolls. :D

Tee hee...

My Lvl 6 peeps are just venturing into these same caverns.
Next is a certain 2 headed chap, I'm looking forward to laying some
serious smackdown!

Kyrademon wrote:
Killer Power wrote:
... it took Kendra to -13. As her actual constitution score was 12 (because of the wyvern's poison) this actually meant an untimely meeting with her god in his grove.

Just as a quick note, by RAW, Constitution damage does not work this way:

"[Ability] damage does not actually reduce an ability ... Damage to your Constitution score causes you to take penalties on your Fortitude saving throws. In addition, multiply your total Hit Dice by this penalty and subtract that amount from your current and total hit points. Lost hit points are restored when the damage to your Constitution is healed. A character with a Constitution score of 0 is dead."

Ability damage only ever has certain specific effects, and for Constitution, lowering the point-of-death is not among them. Ability drain is the one that would do this:

"Ability drain actually reduces the relevant ability score. Modify all skills and statistics related to that ability."

You may, of course, have been playing under house rules or something, in which case no worries, but I thought I'd mention it.

Uh, thanks! Didn't knew that! And no, we didn't played under any house rules.

Well... maybe I have to give my wife her two hero points back.

Edit: Then again, I don't have to give them back to her, as we forgot to subtract the 8 hp from the constitution damage. So she was dead (because she went to -21). But nevertheless, it is good to be reminded, how constitution damage exactly works!

Turin the Mad wrote:
Rickmeister wrote:


My group of level 6's is going in, one of these... Let's pray it works out :)

We do indeed pray that it works out that most of them are horribly disemboweled and dismembered by big, nasty, vicious trolls. :D


Name: Sot-Vokun
Race: Kobold
Classes/levels: Rogue 4
Adventure: The Stolen Land
Location: The Stag Lord's Fort
Catalyst: Walked into an ambush without adequate backup
The Gory Details:

After the party got involved in a major brouhaha with the Stag Lord and his minions, a battle in which the party was able to claim victory, albeit with heavy damage, the rogue and the monk interrogated Falgrim Sneeg after he surrendered. Falgrim told them of the loot in the cellar, so they proceeded to bring him downstairs, leaving the other 3 party members to search for loot upstairs.

The rogue kept watch at the stairs along with Falgrim, who did his best to keep a straight face while the druid cast Summon Nature's Ally to summon a giant ant behind the monk while he checked for treasure. The giant ant was unable to do much more than distract the monk long enough for the swarm of bats to be summoned into his square. While this was going on, Falgrim grappled the rogue, forcing the monk to fend for himself for a bit. The rogue was able to escape his grasp and the monk rushed over to trip Falgrim.

The swarm of bats then turned its attention to the nearest living creature, Sot-Vokun the rogue, wounding him and causing him become nauseated as he bled profusely. It was at this point that the wolverine dropped from the ceiling to attack poor Sot, clawing him in the process. The monk, meanwhile, KOed Falgrim with a pair of fists to the upper torso and proceeded to haul him upstairs, expecting the rogue to follow suit. Unfortunately, with bleeding wound and a wolverine hot on his tail, the rogue fell unconscious as he bled out. The wolverine dragged the rogue's body back into the cellar as the monk escaped with Falgrim's unconscious body.

The monk returned with reinforcements to kill the druid, but it was too late. Poor Sot had bled out and perished before he could be saved. The cleric of Zon-Kuthon cast gentle repose on his corpse and announced his plans to animate Sot as a zombified servant.

At least he isn't making boots out of the flesh from his calves and feet.
Kuthites are FUN!! ^_______^

Second death, this time an animal companion!

Name: Unknown
Race: Axe Beak
Classes/levels: Animal companion for 6th-level druid
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Lair of the Lizard King
Catalyst: Long, drawn-out fight with every lizardfolk
The Gory Details:
So our party's samurai couldn't resist nailing the wall guards on the lizardfolk village with his bow, and killed one. (they were having a lot of trouble getting across the river because of awful Swim checks). The alarm was sounded, and the lizardfolk all came out of their village to attack the 'invaders', a.k.a the party. They numbered six average lizardfolk, four advanced lizardfolk, Vesket, and a pair of trolls (I am using Dudemeister's excellent RRR additions and the trolls were there to negotiate). A few of them died to lightning bolts as they were crossing the river, and one troll successively failed his Swim checks before giving up and running away, but something like five lizardfolk, three braves, Vesket, and a troll made it across. A long and drawn-out fight happened, with our samurai and druid taking on Vesket, bard taking on the troll, and the sorcerer feeling useless near the back. A lot of lizardfolk attacked the Axe Beak, too. During the course of the fight, the samurai dealt 45 damage to Vesket in a single round to bring him down, him and his horse were both brought unconscious by the will-o-wisp (who appeared right after Vesket died to re-moralize the troops)(although they were both healed by the druid) and the bard retreated from the troll, leaving it for the axe beak. Now, the axe beak had just gotten done taking on five lizardfolk alone. When the troll walked up and landed all three attacks, and rolling 31 damage, it didn't turn out so good. Reduced below negative CON immediately.
It was an excellent fight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I feel like chicken tonight ... ;)

Name: Krell
Race: human
Class/Level: Barb 6
AP #:Rivers Run Red
Location: The lonely Barrow
Catalyst: Glass Cannon, bad rolls
The gory details:Having had many difficulties in fighting off the bat swarms—both from the bats being of the swarm-type and the detonation of a fire ball right on top of the party with near max damage and many failed saves on the party’s side—the grave robbers advanced wearily deeper into the cairn falling prey to the breath of despair trap at the central crossing. Fascinated by the murals of the four winds the wizard and the cleric fell victim to the exhaustion effect of the trap only to be restored to normal via lesser restoration and the paladin’s Mercy.
Having experienced the portcullis traps I added to the entrance of each chamber before, the group sent in a summoned dog to sniff out the final resting place of the once great king of old.
With a group of five and three of them already lvl7 (the other too being lvl 6) I had two guards of honor (skeletal champions fighter 2) accompany the advanced king (cairn wight fighter 5) into death.
The bier was changed into a wagon, drawn by two skeletal horses facing east and looking onto a bas relief where a great battle was fought with hordes from the east of the Tors of Levenies being lead by one-eyed giants to conquer the west

(foreshadowing VV and the Cyclopes)
The dog was easily dispatched by the king and all made it into the chamber before it, too, was sealed off by the falling portcullis.
As expected, the pally took on the king and one of the guards, while Krell charged the other guard, oblivious to the braced longspear which took him full center, critted and brought him down to 50% of his max hp.
Very bad rolls on the barbarian’s player’s side and a low AC of 12 would have ended the fight quickly but our faithful cleric channeled and spontaneously casted cure spells dumping about 2/3 of his daily allotment of spell slots into the barbarian before the guard finally fell to the repeated assault by the wizard’s magic missiles.
The group now focused on the king and the other guard which had been held in check by the pally so far.
More bad rolls on the PCs’ side (the pally didn’t land a single hit in 5 rounds against the king despite his smite evil ability and having been buffed by the cleric) draw the fight out.
After having repositioned himself, the Krell opened with a Power Attack–Cleave combo, critted the king and the guard and immediately draw attention from both.
After some hits from the king and two negative levels the king finally critted Krell-who had just before spent his last round of rage for this day-sending him into negative double digits; all efforts to stabilize/heal the barb were for naught and he rose as a wight two rounds later.
In between, the king was dispatched by the pally who finally did what he was supposed to do and smited the evil being into oblivion (which was rewarded with a cut scene where one of the horses drawing the wagon was revived by his goddess netting him his bonded war horse).
Much of the found loot will be dumped into getting Krell back to full...


Did Krell the Wight collapse back into death, or did they put him down like the other horse?

This is where things got a little fuzzy for me. The cairn wight had used his create spawn special ability by killing Krell but was itself killed before Krell rose.
I ruled Krell would thus rise as a full-fledged wight--and was really disappointed in discovering the standard wight is a CR3 creature with 26hp and AC 15...) and thus the party killed Krell the wight in 1 round. I thought it'd be ok, since the party just defeated a 145hp, AC28, DR5/blud advanced wight with 2 attacks at +15/+10 and doing 1d8+8/17-20 with its +2 broken fey bane longsword.
Should I have used Krell's statblock instead?
The other horse was also a one-hit-wonder (I can't even remember which PC put it down).


Well ... there are actually wight templates ... but the way it went was plenty taxing from the sound of it. :)

See, I thought I had seen a template but couldn't find it ad hoc and thus had to use the standard wight. Ah well.

It was an epic fight, and a cool ending. Don't feel bad about using the regular wight... Obviously, it was still gathering its strength ;)

...cut scene where one of the horses drawing the wagon was revived by his goddess netting him his bonded war horse

This calls for a slow-clap!

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