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I had a little time this weekend and wanted to experiment with a new mapping style. I thought it turned out kinda' neat and may make a nice handout for those of you who are starting this campaign right away (my group won't see it for years - we're still plodding through Rise of the Runelords). Anyway, feel free to yoink if you can use it...
http://www.rlucci.com/images/olegs.jpg (1744x1769, 938k)

Glass Castle |

Very nice map.
It brings up an interesting question though for the Kingmaker designers- where does water come from at Oleg's; I suppose it's all placed in barrels, but is there no well-spring? I would assume that an old fort should have some sort of water-source on the premises in case of sieges, no?

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Very nice map.
It brings up an interesting question though for the Kingmaker designers- where does water come from at Oleg's; I suppose it's all placed in barrels, but is there no well-spring? I would assume that an old fort should have some sort of water-source on the premises in case of sieges, no?
The absence of a river is one of the reasons why Oleg's hasn't grown in size according to the adventure...

Geeky Frignit |

Very nice map.
It brings up an interesting question though for the Kingmaker designers- where does water come from at Oleg's; I suppose it's all placed in barrels, but is there no well-spring? I would assume that an old fort should have some sort of water-source on the premises in case of sieges, no?
Before the PCs arrive. Rain collection, possibly. With the size of the forest and swamp to the west, the area probably gets a significant amount of rainfall.
There could be an aquifer under the Greenbelt with wells close to the surface at Oleg's. There's also the Skunk River which comes from underground which would help support the aquifer theory.
Two days after the PCs arrive, there's a level 4 cleric...
After that, no problem.

Glass Castle |

I was figuring it must be an aquifer- sort of annoyed that Paizo didn't mention that in the adventure's original map--it would have made the fort's original location more justified. I'll just assume that there is a well somewhere on Oleg's property and that an aquifer runs underneath it (and perhaps caves.... who knows?)
The idea of catching rain is a good one as well- as long as the barrels are sanitized- if there's metal in the barrels, then everyone likely may catch iron poisoning, if I recall correctly. In Africa these days they use special barrels, I seem to recall from a documentary-- they can't just use any old thing to catch the rain.
Thank you for the other explanation ideas! The cleric should certainly take care of other needs for the purposes of the adventure.

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Absolutely amazing work, and I hope you'll continue to do more as it goes on. I like to have lots of handouts for a campaign like this, and I want my PCs to have a solid idea of Oleg's since they'll be spending the majority of their down-time there (and I hope to run a few encounters around the place as well; I got one involving a troll in "disguise" seeking to buy "throw-fire" to kill a rival that might be a regular goofy NPC cameo).
Once I get a new place, I hope to have printouts of your map-work lining the walls of whatever passes for the gaming room. Kingmaker demands a wall covered in maps.

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What program did you use by the way?
What did you draw that with?
Except for the labeling and layout, it was 100% Sketchup (http://sketchup.google.com). Someday, I'll pony up for the Pro version, but for now I still use the free version.
Would you consider posting a text-free version for your international audience? :)
Done. Here you go.
http://www.rlucci.com/images/olegs-I.jpg (1744x1769, 924k)

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Great work Cinch! Thank you for sharing.
@Light Dragon - perhaps the absence of a well or other water source is a means for another side trek quest.
My players have taken it upon themselves to rebuild the catapults, perhaps an with the wizards use of engineering, they can come up with the "blueprint" for providing a well or other such source.
They seem to enjoy this sandbox mentality - they're gathering supplies while exploring the Greenbelt to fix up Oleg's place. The well can just be added to the mix.

Glass Castle |

>>The well can just be added to the mix.
That does sound like a potentially interesting side-quest. Thank you Robert- turning a potential flaw into a feature. Perhaps the old well dried up and that is why it is not on the map.
Adventure Progression:
Find a source of water!
Step 1: Find a dowsing rod
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

Dalvyn |

Dalvyn wrote:Would you consider posting a text-free version for your international audience? :)Done. Here you go.
http://www.rlucci.com/images/olegs-I.jpg (1744x1769, 924k)
Thank you! I added a direct link to your image on the French fan site Pathfinder-FR and I'm sure many players will appreciate your work!

Dorje Sylas |

Very lovely. I've been looking at doing similar for mapping out town development when the second part comes out. You're Sketchup skills far surpass mine, like I draw with big crayons and you use fine point brushes. I've also been nibbling around the edges of rendering a campaign level map... still haven't gotten the hang of the Sandbox tools yet for 3D topography and natural landform creation.

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I've been looking at doing similar for mapping out town development when the second part comes out.
You mean, like, model each building listed in the player's guide so when your players start making their town you can quickly provide a 3D view of whatever they come up with?
What a great idea! I think I'll do that, too. I'll share whatever I come up with, of course...

Dorje Sylas |

Likewise most intrigude.
I have what looks like a Lego block keep from that now. I'm waiting for the next issue to get the correct scale. Right now I'm more focused on 'natural' terran. Creating slopes and hills and such. Dungenons are fairly easy to convay but large are battle fields would be fun to have as fly throughs.
This may go to far but for buildings that longer to build in-game time to have half built stages to put in when PCs visit home town.

Dorje Sylas |

Sorry, though I'd link this.
Not finished and very crude but the idea comes across. I was just guessing that each smaller green square was 80' to a side.

Erik Freund RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |

It brings up an interesting question though for the Kingmaker designers- where does water come from at Oleg's; I suppose it's all placed in barrels, but is there no well-spring? I would assume that an old fort should have some sort of water-source on the premises in case of sieges, no?
Now that AP #34 is out we have an answer to this. Just read the text around encounter area "A": the Flooded Mine.