Prestige Class requirements

Pathfinder Society

1/5 *

I was wondering if there were any special rules in place for prestige class special requirements. The one at the top of my mind is the Hellknight "Beat a devil and have a hellknight witness it" requirement, but I'm pretty sure there are other hokey requirements out there for classes. Is this something that's 'luck of the draw', pray that you're playing in a scenario that so happens to have the situation present, or is there any sort of allowance for individual, special missions for this?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

In general, specific prestige class requirements are apparently hand-waved to an extent in PFS.

Real reason I'm posting: Love your username. I'm playing a Summoner/Archer in a home campaign, and I have my Eidolon looking like a Bandersnatch :)

1/5 *

Austin Morgan wrote:

In general, specific prestige class requirements are apparently hand-waved to an extent in PFS.

Real reason I'm posting: Love your username. I'm playing a Summoner/Archer in a home campaign, and I have my Eidolon looking like a Bandersnatch :)

I hated the Tim Burtonization of the story, but I sat there trying to stat out my bandersnatch the whole time.

I would like clarification on The Dragon disciple. I have a lvl 4 dragon sorcerer and I plan on taking the Dragon disciple Prestige Class. Do I keep gaining skills and spells with my Bloodline or do I just gain spells and levels in the Prestige class? Also since I choose Wild Blood linorn background does it affect any of the skills from the Core Prestige class Dragon Disciple? What does "Add my level mean?

5/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Onificus wrote:
I would like clarification on The Dragon disciple. I have a lvl 4 dragon sorcerer and I plan on taking the Dragon disciple Prestige Class. Do I keep gaining skills and spells with my Bloodline or do I just gain spells and levels in the Prestige class? Also since I choose Wild Blood linorn background does it affect any of the skills from the Core Prestige class Dragon Disciple? What does "Add my level mean?

According to this post, Linnorn-blooded characters are not eligible for the Dragon Disciple prestige class in PFS.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Onificus wrote:
I would like clarification on The Dragon disciple.

The initial post in this thread was asking if roleplaying requirements, such as having Hellknights witnessing you defeating a Devil, were handwaved in PFS. They are.

But mechanical requirements, such as having the Draconic Bloodline if you're a Sorcerer, are still necessary.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I made a skald in 2011 using Arcane Duelist and Urban Barbarian. About a year later I leveled her high enough to enter Dragon Disciple, flavouring it as her linnorm-influenced background rising to the surface.

Just leveled her to level 13 last month. I don't call her a "linnorm skald" anymore, for obvious reasons...

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Captain, Texas—Waco

To answer the OP, look on page 23 of the Roleplaying Guild Guide, version 7, under the heading "Prestige Classes." Roleplaying requirements are handwaved.

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dan Simons wrote:

To answer the OP, look on page 23 of the Roleplaying Guild Guide, version 7, under the heading "Prestige Classes." Roleplaying requirements are handwaved.

**Behind hand**

The OP asked in March 2010...

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***


The question that necro'd this thread was regarding the Dragon Disciple.

Silver Crusade 3/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Re: Dragon Disciple. Also note that you need to have 5 ranks in Knowledge (arcana) before you start taking levels in Dragon Disciple. So the earliest you can take Dragon Disciple is your 6th character level.

I already have 4 ranks in Knowledge arcana. I put one per level. So that means I level to 5, put my 5th point in and then I qualify, Or do I have to play that level 5 and wait until my next level to choose Dragon disciple?

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

You don't have that 5th rank until you actually take the next level and have the class chosen. When you are leveling to 5th level, the requirements for the PrC is using the stats you have at 4th level, then you take what you qualify for, leaving out DD for that level as you only have 4 ranks before you apply the new 5th level.

Other PrC's have BAB requirements, so one needs to have that BAB before adding the new level in that PrC. (sucks for the Arcane Archer)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

In general, you do not gain any level-based upgrades until you select a class. When looking to qualify for prestige classes, etc. you have to earn the requirements prior to making your selection. Meaning that when you gain level five, you have gained nothing until you select a class. Then you get skills, etc. to apply. So, as stated, the earliest you can qualify to select Dragon Disciple is level 6 as it is the first time you will gain a level and have the option to chose a class having already fulfilled the requirement of 5 "ranks" in in Knowledge (arcana).

Silver Crusade 3/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also note that it works differently for feats. You can qualify for a feat the same level you gain the prerequisite.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

The Fox wrote:
Also note that it works differently for feats. You can qualify for a feat the same level you gain the prerequisite.

That is because leveling goes:

Pick class
Pick skills
Pick feat (if any.)

In that order

Grand Lodge 4/5

FLite wrote:
The Fox wrote:
Also note that it works differently for feats. You can qualify for a feat the same level you gain the prerequisite.

That is because leveling goes:

Pick class
Pick skills
Pick feat (if any.)

In that order

To put it another way, your class gives you skill points, base attack and saves, sometimes feats, so you can't rely on what you don't yet have. This is the same reason that prevents a feat supplying its own prerequisite.

thank you all. You all rock.

Grand Lodge 4/5

As a reference, from the Class section of the CRB in the PRD:

When adding new levels of an existing class or adding levels of a new class (see Multiclassing, below), make sure to take the following steps in order. First, select your new class level. You must be able to qualify for this level before any of the following adjustments are made. Second, apply any ability score increases due to gaining a level. Third, integrate all of the level's class abilities and then roll for additional hit points. Finally, add new skills and feats. For more information on when you gain new feats and ability score increases, see Table: Character Advancement and Level-Dependent Bonuses.

As a list:

First, select your new class level. You must be able to qualify for this level before any of the following adjustments are made.
Second, apply any ability score increases due to gaining a level.
Third, integrate all of the level's class abilities and then roll for additional hit points.
Finally, add new skills and feats.

Edit: Note that, if for some reason you get two feats at the same level, one of those feats can be the prerequisite for the other feat.

Example of getting two feats at one level:
3rd character level, multi-classed, so 2nd level of Fighter.

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