Where to find Official Erratum?

Rules Questions

I'm sorry but I want to know if there is a thread presenting OFFICIAL erratum concerning the Core Rulebook? Or perhaps a "pdf" listing all the errata?
Thanks a lot !

Dark Archive

Your download should start in a moment.

Found it just the other night when I realized that Sing was left of the Bard's Versatile Performance list. Whoops.

Thanks a lot ! I'm surprise to read so few update. So "read magic" is really a "divine" spell and not an universal spell? Strange thing.

sempai33 wrote:
Thanks a lot ! I'm surprise to read so few update. So "read magic" is really a "divine" spell and not an universal spell? Strange thing.

You're reading that a bit wrong. Read Magic is a Divination spell, it reveals information. Divine vs. Arcane is based on the caster.

And to add, they haven't updated the errata for quite a while.

Benjamin Trefz wrote:

Read Magic is a Divination spell, it reveals information. Divine vs. Arcane is based on the caster.

Excuse me, I wanted to say dininatio and not divine, SORRY ! But according to me, it's a mistake ;-D

I'm not so sure. The universal "school" is very limited, it only has 5 spells total, Arcane Mark, Limited Wish, Permanency, Prestidigitation, and Wish. I think Arcane Mark would work just as well in Transmutation, but the other 4 are spells that aren't limited to just one kind of magic. Permanency can affect a lot of spells and really only extends the duration. Prestidigitation and the Wishes aren't limited to just one kind of ability, Prestidigitation has a multitude of uses and Wish is the ultimate catch-all.

Read Magic, however, has only one use, divining the spell scribed on a scroll. The Divination school is for magically revealing information, which is exactly what the spell does. If you choose to prohibit Divination, then you are effectively saying you don't want magical help revealing information, and don't forget it is always possible to determine a spell simply through Spellcraft, no spell needed. Plus even if you prohibit divination, you can always prepare read magic anyway by using up two slots for the day, since most people only prepare read magic specifically for deciphering scrolls, it isn't that bad...

Benjamin Trefz wrote:
So "read magic" is really a "divine" spell and not an universal spell? Strange thing.

I know where you're coming from - read magic is supposed to be available to and known by all wizards. In 3.5 this was handled by barring the choice of Divination as a prohibited school. In Pathfinder this is also handled, by allowing anyone choosing it as opposed to still memorize it using two slots.

We're expecting an update to the errata in the next month or two, when the third printing is sent to printers.

Majuba wrote:

We're expecting an update to the errata in the next month or two, when the third printing is sent to printers.

Thanks a lot.

You said that the third printing, since in this thread there is only one link to an update, that is to mean that there is another document to download?

Grand Lodge

The current document is the errata between the first and second printings, the new errata document will be posted probably when the third printing goes to print.

Andrew Betts wrote:
The current document is the errata between the first and second printings, the new errata document will be posted probably when the third printing goes to print.


For anyone tracking this thread by chance, 3rd printing Errata is now available Here.

Anyone else notice that the file size is up to 170MB from about 90MB?

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