Small Demon

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Thanks Guys!

Hi, during the last session, I played a LG cleric of Torag and wished to cast « chaos hamer » against an LE outsider. My GM said to me that it’s not possible because I’m LG and not chaotic and the only spell that I can cast was « order’s wrath ». According to me, even if I’m a LG caracter, I can cast « chaos hammer » (whereas it’s a shool evocation chaotic spell). Who had right ?
Jus to clarify the spell (chaos hammer), it hurts Lawful and neutral creatures, but why does it say (at the end of the description of the spell) that neutral creatures take only half damage ?

Concerning the armor, a +2 armor costs 4000gp for the enhancement?

What is the price for a sword +1 bane (deamon)?
When I fight against a deamon type, my bonus to attack is not +1 (like against all over creatures) but +2, isn't it?

THanks! The thing is that I kick their ass during all sessions and I'm afraid to kill them all during the last episod of this book! But they have to be smart to get out alive! Thanks guys!

My party (4 level 2) have to enter in the church in order to fight the bastards (they killed all foes in C-D-E and F areas), but I'm asking if they are "high" enough to go down the crypt? Shouldn't they be level 3 ?

Thanks a lot, that's right!

I just want to know if it's a undead's or a skeleton's thing to be able to only make ONE action (a move or an attack) during a round?

James Risner wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Each protection spell is a separate spell, a Wizard must learn it.

Thanks a lot !

I just want to know, when a wizard learn a new spell because of a level up, and choose "protection from..." does he know all of the protection from that is to say evil, chaos and so on or he has to choose which one he knows and if he win a anothoer level, he will be able to choose another "protection from"?

James Jacobs wrote:

Mammon's cult would qualify as an obscure deity, so it'd be DC 20 to recognize his symbol.


I wish t know that is the DC of the Knowledge (religion, I suppose) to identify the symbol of Mammon on coins in the last part of "The bastards of Erebus"?

Thanks a lot ! That's exactly what I thought!

I want ton know, if, because of the reach of the glaive, a PC with this weapon is in a flanking position (10 feet from the foe) with another PC who would be face to face with the foe (in an opposite side with the first PC)?
And has he had the right to do an attack of opportunity on a foe who would come in the threated zone (in the 5 feet)?

Thanks a lot !
I uderstand now why when I count the XP it was very hard to reach them a level up!

I want to know, at the end of the escape from the sewers (book 1), the PC have to be level 2 or not?
And does it exist a link to follow the "level evolution" of the PC during all the campaign? At which moment they have to be level 3 and so on?
Thanks !

Thanks everyone !!!!

I have 4 questions about wizard:
- At the beginning (level 1), his first spell book is free or the PC have to buy it?
- Each time the wizard gains a level, he gains 2 spells. For exemple a wizard level 5 (who can cast some 3rd level spells) must choose 2 spells from 1st, 2nd and 2rd spell lists or he gains 2 spell from the 1st spell list, 2 spells from the 2nd and 2 spells from the 3rd?
- If a wizard want to activate a divine wand, has he ahd to make a "use magic device" (DC 20+ spell level) like if he want to use a divine scroll?
- In order to craft (pages 550 to 553 Corebook), you need, of course to have the correct feat, but you only have to have one the described skills and nt all of them? For example, to create a rod you only have to use Spellcraft OR craft 'jewelry) OR craft (sculpture) OR craft (weapons) and not 3 of them. Is that correct? What is the DC to create magic item?
Thanks a lot !

in my group I have a sorcerer, bloodline Serpentine, who has the alignment Lawful Evil (Asmodeus). According to you, what should be his attitude during this campaign? with the NPC? with the other PC (a wizard, a rogue coming from a minor old noble house and a paladin of Shelyn)?
Thanks a lot !

Pathos wrote:
Only with finesable weapons that allow for maneuvers, such as whip/trip or disarm for example.

Thanks, a little difficult to manage it because I have to determin 2 CMB according the combat manoeuvre, but that's what I thought! Thnaks !

In choosing weapon finesse, do I have to use my dexterity bonus to calculate my CMB and CMD?

Starting the campaign:
- do the players know that Cheliax's history is often rewritten? That part of the history of this country has been destroyed?
- Are they aware of rumors of a pact between Abrogail II's grandmother and Asmodeus ? And the pact between Abrogail II and Asmodeus?
- The existence of General Gorthoklek?
- Are they aware of the existence of the gate next to Egoria?
- What do they know the council of thieves?

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Since Minor Magic lets him have it as a Spell-Like Ability, and SLAs do not have any components, the rogue should be fine. :)

Magic wrote:
Spell-Like Abilities: Usually, a spell-like ability works just like the spell of that name. A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus. The user activates it mentally. Armor never affects a spell-like ability's use, even if the ability resembles an arcane spell with a somatic component.

You're right!

Hobbun wrote:
You unfortunately cannot speak in a whisper to cast a spell.

I agree, and the one that he's concerned by that is not a real spellcaster, it's the rogue with minor magic (rogue talent), who wish to cast in a very soft manner rather than shout his spell ;-D

my players (spell casters) have some problems with the fact that to cast a spell you have to say it loud (without a metamagic). They wish to whisper it, but they can't do it.
I wish to know, what is the DC to hear a spellcaster casting a spell? or how much noise they have to do, to cast a spell?

Just a stupid question, how to be in?

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james maissen wrote:

Armor, shield and natural armor bonuses do not apply to touch AC.
Dex and Dodge bonuses do not apply to flat footed AC (unless you have an ability like uncanny dodge to mitigate things)


I want to know a thing, to calculate the flat footed score, you have to forget your dexterity, for the touch score, it's the armor, but what about the deflection modifier, misc modifier, natural modifier and size modifier, are they used in the total for the flat flooted and touch scores?

cfalcon wrote:
sempai33 wrote:
OK, so at level 9, the eidolon has only 13 points to use for its evolution. Thanks a lot!
Hey, 13 is a lot :P

I see it when I buildt the eidolon against the PCs for friday ;-D

Paul Watson wrote:
The number of evolution points in the table is the total number of points an eidolon has. You get to rearrange them at every new level.

OK, so at level 9, the eidolon has only 13 points to use for its evolution. Thanks a lot!

I want to know a thing about eidolon. Does it gain each level 3-4-5 points for its evolution, or we have to make the difference between the number of point gain on the level 1 and the level 2 to know how much evolution points you gain? I ask that because for high eidolon, quickly, it will have more evolution point than the evolution possiblities.

Snorb wrote:

Okay, I'm back, and yes, I have d20 Modern's corebook open on my lap as I type this:


That's the way I think to manage it, but I find that the caracter would be able to hold his breath a number of round equal to his constitution a little too long, it's not the same thing to take a deep breath to swin under water and to be surpise by someone who tries to kill you via that way. Don't you think?

James Jacobs wrote:

Cheliax is indeed under the thrall of an evil house that is associated with the worship of Asmodeus... but the nation is also lawful. If they just tortured and arrested ALL worshipers of chaotic deities, they'd have a civil war and probably all sorts of other wars on their hands. The government has to be a lot more subtle than that.

There's no alignment restriction on Council of Thieves, in other words. You can play a chaotic character in Cheliax just as you can play a lawful character in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords; you might stick out more, but its not a death sentence. Nor should it be.

Tha,ks James, in fact it's in the companion for Cheliax, page 25, it is written "some faiths are forbidden upon pain of torture ans execution. These include the worship of any god of chaos or any demons or devil other than Asmodeus" :-D

Ice Titan wrote:

Pretty much all Good, Neutral, Chaotic and Lawful alignments are fine in CoT.

I asked that because in my memories (I don't know if it's in the player guide dedicated to CoT or in the pathfinder companion for Cheliax) but I believe that people worshiping Chaotic or other evil gods (other than Asmodeus) are toturated and so on.

Richard Leonhart wrote:

I don't think there is a rule, my suggestion would be pin him (with grapple) and deliver nonlethal damage. You might even pin him and use drowning rules. (In normal in combat this takes too long, so it's not really unfair)

However someone pinning and muting him, and a second giving him some good punshes to the head might be easier. Strangling is more about flavor than rules I guess.

That's what I think, because suffocating rules don't speak about this fact.

mdt wrote:

Yep, he can use UMD, but he is likely going to set off the symbol trap, if it's present, just as someone deciphering.

You're right, but the player doesn't think like that (for the moment) and want to use some scroll in order to help the group (or itself, perhaps) ;-D

I wish to know what is the rule for a PC who wants to strangle a foe in order to make him loose conscious or to kill him?

I want to know a thing, playing in Westcrown have some alignment limitations? What are alignments prohibiting?

Sorry, I forget the use of "use magic device", so he can use a scroll or wand using this way, sorry for the question ;-D

mdt wrote:
Do note that really evil bad guys like to put symbol traps on scrolls, so that when you try to decipher them you go BOOM. :)

You're right, but a rogue can wish to read a scroll (invisibility or cure moderate), can he?

How can a rogue use a scroll ?

just to be sure, in order to identify a scroll, a caster have to :
- use "read magic",
- or made a spellcraft DC=20+level of the spell
That's it ?

uriel222 wrote:

The Urban Druid chooses a spell from the Cleric domains of Charm, Community, Knowledge, Nobility, Protection, Repose, Rune, or Weather.

Only one spell ? Doesn't he get a spells each time he levels up? For exemple (rune domain), erase (lvl1), secret page (lvl2) and so on?

uriel222 wrote:

This domain works exactly as if she were a cleric. The urban druid does not get the choice of taking an animal companion.

OK, so in thaht way, to read a scroll you must have the spell in your spell list, so in that way, can an urban druid read and use scroll form the cleric list? And does it allow him to read ALL scroll dedicated to a cleric or only the spell he knows (obtain thanks to his chosen domain)?

Hi, i read the APG and the section for the druid and in that section it is written taht the druid choose to not have an animal companion but must choose one of a following domains. Theses are domains seem to be the cleric domain from the Corebook (like rune domain page 47). Do I understand the thing in the good way? And if the PC choose the rune domain, does he have to follow the "cleric evlution" with the gain of one spell by level and the granted powers?

I just want to be sure, a PC who is grappled, when he tries to break this grapple (standard action) can he drink a potion during the same round (because it's a standard action too) ?
Thanks a lot !

Travinator wrote:

If not Rogue, a Cleric certainly wouldnt hurt. In my mind though, not sure how a Tiefling Cleric would work.

I'm running CoT right now with a group of 5 (Half-Elf Cleric of Iomedae, Halfling Rogue, Dwarf Ranger, Human Paladin, Human Sorcerer) and I'm here to tell you that the Cleric, with the Sun and Good domains is a beast vs undead. especially at higher levels.

Also, the Paladin is really good too.

I've got my Paladin in my group but of course a cleric is a good idea. I think about a ranger tiefling spe human and demon (to have revenge on his life). Tonight I'll see my players with their own ideas, I'll tell you it tomorrow !

Travinator wrote:

A Rogue of some flavor or another would be useful.

In reading books, I think about that too, but the player played a rogue during the CoCT campaign, difficult to imagine him play another time this class.

I think also to make him as a tiefling, in order to have a caracter un little more powerful (to help the group), i don't know ?

Hi, I'll manage soon this campaign with friends of mine, but we won't be 4 players (like for CoCT) but only 3. Two of us have already their PC with :
- a sorcerer gnome (spe illusion),
- a paladin human (desna)
- The third doesn't answer me for the moment.

So two questions :
- Is the campaign managable with 3 players ?
- Which class the 3rd player should choose to "help" the 2 others ?

Thanks !

The way I understand the area B3, the tower of perpetuity, is if the PCs try to walk the stairs, they basically won't get anywhere, coming back to the start. To reach either the hallways or the landing to B4, they have to jump into the shaft and try to land at those areas(DC15 reflex after 2 rounds). In fact, they allways suceed in jumping on the hallways, but they can take damage, can’t they?

Thanks a lot for your answers!

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