Design Thy Kingdom!


My players and I have almost finished playing through Stolen Land and are all eagerly waiting for the follow up Adventure Path.
While they wait out the days, doing small side-quests from the covers and other mini encounters I've included, they've also begun thinking about their Kingdom... especially it's name.

So anyone have good ideas for Kingdom and City names? My friends decided on germanic/old english cross names, like Nachtwood for example.

Then, they went on to print out multiple copies of the Buildings and have been having fun guessing the building's purpose.

Anyone want to have fun with us guessing them? That graveyard sounds tempting for our local gnome necromancer!

(CURRENT KINGMAKER PARTY: Gnome Necromancer, Human Cavalier, Human Alchemist, Half-Elf Cleric: Current Level: 4)

How about 'Spryngefylde'

Can't believe that you guys have already finished the chapter and I haven't gotten my pdf yet...

Liberty's Edge

DM Wellard wrote:
Can't believe that you guys have already finished the chapter and I haven't gotten my pdf yet...

Yeah, wow! Holy long multiple D&D sessions, Batman! The first book just came out a couple days ago!

DM Wellard wrote:

How about 'Spryngefylde'

Can't believe that you guys have already finished the chapter and I haven't gotten my pdf yet...

Not only do I also not have access to the pdf but my subscription isn't showing it at all :( what's all that about?

Jon Brazer Enterprises

stuart haffenden wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:

How about 'Spryngefylde'

Can't believe that you guys have already finished the chapter and I haven't gotten my pdf yet...

Not only do I also not have access to the pdf but my subscription isn't showing it at all :( what's all that about?

Lisa said elsewhere that if you haven't gotten the email by thursday, send customer service a email/call/forum post/animal messenger/sending spell/smoke signal/pizza with the message spelled out in pepperoni.

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Lisa said elsewhere that if you haven't gotten the email by thursday, send customer service a email/call/forum post/animal messenger/sending spell/smoke signal/pizza with the message spelled out in pepperoni.

I'd bet the pizza would work the best.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Lisa said elsewhere that if you haven't gotten the email by thursday, send customer service a email/call/forum post/animal messenger/sending spell/smoke signal/pizza with the message spelled out in pepperoni.
Geeky Frignit wrote:
I'd bet the pizza would work the best.

Unless they eat the pizza before noticing the message.

Well this post has gone so far off the starting topic...

And yeah, we got lucky. Our group was at my house Friday, doing a playtest of the new Advanced Player's Guide classes when I noticed that the Kingmaker stuff was in my Downloads. Well, we already had characters made for Kingmaker months ago (minus the Campaign Traits) and we started after an hour or so... And the fact that we had Saturday and Sunday as a sleepover D&D grouping, meaning we played for more than 16 hours straight...

But no one's answered my questions yet really...

And I've got another cool question, courtesy of the Gnome Necromancer (who happens to be named Jiggins)...

Jiggins asks everyone at Paizo, "How will your Kingdom's city be designed?"

Now I KNOW that he wants gallows and dead bodies decorating the cities and regions, with swathes of undead patrol troops... but Golarion has so many cultures that depending where your characters are from, I can see that making a Cheliax held city will be far from the same as a Taldor made one...

How do you see YOUR city/kingdom's appearance???

Helsbrandt of Taldor wrote:

Golarion has so many cultures that depending where your characters are from, I can see that making a Cheliax held city will be far from the same as a Taldor made one...

How do you see YOUR city/kingdom's appearance???

Our Kingmaker party is going to be a group of displaced dwarves (we're playing the evil party that "displaces" them in a one-off before we start the campaign, heh) from down south somewhere, so our city is going to be decidedly dwarven in aspect. We're still trying to get our hands on a hard copy of Dwarves of Golarion to read up on the different cultures.

Helsbrandt of Taldor wrote:

Well this post has gone so far off the starting topic...

And yeah, we got lucky. Our group was at my house Friday, doing a playtest of the new Advanced Player's Guide classes when I noticed that the Kingmaker stuff was in my Downloads. Well, we already had characters made for Kingmaker months ago (minus the Campaign Traits) and we started after an hour or so... And the fact that we had Saturday and Sunday as a sleepover D&D grouping, meaning we played for more than 16 hours straight...

But no one's answered my questions yet really...

And I've got another cool question, courtesy of the Gnome Necromancer (who happens to be named Jiggins)...

Jiggins asks everyone at Paizo, "How will your Kingdom's city be designed?"

Now I KNOW that he wants gallows and dead bodies decorating the cities and regions, with swathes of undead patrol troops... but Golarion has so many cultures that depending where your characters are from, I can see that making a Cheliax held city will be far from the same as a Taldor made one...

How do you see YOUR city/kingdom's appearance???

You asked if anyone had any good city names and I gave you one.

I could also have given you some genuine Briish place names such as Micheldelving,Nether Wallop and Mousehole(pronounced mouzzle)


Or maybe Merisieland.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:


Or maybe Merisieland.

Growlhooten, nice Germanic ring to it.

maybe Scandinavian... cant decide.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dunno about names or overall look yet, but with my group being made mostly of Ulfens (including one daemon-spawn tiefling of Ulfen extraction), including the most probable ruler, I'm gonna guess a Norse/Germanic/Celtic/Russian name of some kind. Unless somehow the outliers (a half-Keleshite/half-Garundi and a half-Keleshite/half-Kellid) throw their weight around.

I hope not, since I know the former PC would want to name it something with "Poke" or "Stab" in it. Think "human Merisiel" and you're halfway there. :P

Dark Archive

I'm suggesting 'A New and Loyal Colony of Cheliax' and 'Asgetrionesse' -- you can't go wrong with those two! ;P

The Exchange

DM Wellard wrote:
Helsbrandt of Taldor wrote:

Well this post has gone so far off the starting topic...

And yeah, ......

How do you see YOUR city/kingdom's appearance???

You asked if anyone had any good city names and I gave you one.

I could also have given you some genuine Briish place names such as Micheldelving,Nether Wallop and Mousehole(pronounced mouzzle)

My favourite two Cornish villages, not far from Mousehole are Praze-an-beeble and Comfort. I lived next down to Comfort for a while...

What about Dunharvestin' for the necromancer?


The Exchange

Brynstan: Burning Stone, Brimstone, Coal

Of course there is one thing more important than a cool community name...and that is that:

Resources Build kingdoms: One square mile of light forest equals 6400gp of firewood.

For that you could hire fifty soldiers to protect twenty woodsmen while they chop down the forest...and come away with a monthly income.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Renraku wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:


Or maybe Merisieland.

Growlhooten, nice Germanic ring to it.

maybe Scandinavian... cant decide.

Growlhooten would be an excellent name for the capital of RESHECoPS, the Rostland-East Sellen River Headwaters Economic Co-Prosperity Sphere, but if there's any sissy Issians in the party, I could see going with BrESHECoPS, the Brevoy-....

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