Nightflier's Eberron


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Illmanthonil remains quiet, listening intently to the answers provided by the warforged until he mentions warforged production, "The Darkstar Company has the means to create new warforged?"

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"That sounds like something I can live with"

"I had heard that rumours that xen'drik held some ancient giant designed components, to tell the truth they were my main reason for signing on with Darkstar. As for darkstar producing warforged, I see no problem... bit hypocrtical if I did."

Female Gnome Artificer 6
Illmanthonil Moorvare wrote:
Illmanthonil remains quiet, listening intently to the answers provided by the warforged until he mentions warforged production, "The Darkstar Company has the means to create new warforged?"

"If they did... or plan on doing so... Considering that it would be a crime in violation of the Treaty of Thronehold, that's not something that's going to be admitted to us." She paused and continued. "They may be looking into clues on the theory that warforged may have been created long before the founding of the Five Kingdoms. They may find new means of modifying extant warforged, which is well within the bounds of legality."

Dark Archive

Guys, I just got my new PC with 24'' Samsung monitor. I'm gonna need some time to install all the software, but I should be back to posting in ten hours or so.

Dark Archive

Illmanthonil Moorvare wrote:
Illmanthonil remains quiet, listening intently to the answers provided by the warforged until he mentions warforged production, "The Darkstar Company has the means to create new warforged?"

"Yes, we do. Do any of you have any problem with that?"

nightflier wrote:
Illmanthonil Moorvare wrote:
Illmanthonil remains quiet, listening intently to the answers provided by the warforged until he mentions warforged production, "The Darkstar Company has the means to create new warforged?"
"Yes, we do. Do any of you have any problem with that?"

"Wait, what? How'd they get their hands on a forge? Wait, don't answer that, I don't want to know. This is still a bit more, how should I put this, illegal than I expected. Doesn't matter if you don't get caught but it's pretty damn hard to hide a dozen shiny new 'forged don't you agree?"

Female Gnome Artificer 6
Honest Fineal wrote:

"Wait, what? How'd they get their hands on a forge? Wait, don't answer that, I don't want to know. This is still a bit more, how should I put this, illegal than I expected. Doesn't matter if you don't get caught but it's pretty damn hard to hide a dozen shiny new 'forged don't you agree?"

"Actually the easiest way would simply be to hide them in plain sight. There was never a full accounting of every warforged that was created for the Last War, especially the ones that fought under the banner of lost Cyre. So any new ones that come out could have an alibi for them. Still it was foolish of you to reveal that without need. Apparantly arrogance has replaced your good sense."

Fharalkakhad speaks quietly, "Although we did sign your contract, which apparently justifies us. I take it this is a secret shared with only a few people?" He glances at Rhiannon, knowing her House has connections with Darkstar, judging her reaction to this troubling news.

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"My question is this, does our mandate to 'protect' Darkstar's interests include protecting from the Sharn authorities should word get out about these activities?"

Rhiannon looks at the others, trying to guage their moral positions.

Male Shifter Cleric 4 - Herald Caller

"Whether such actions are legal or illegal is meanignless to me . My concern is for those of us who have been paid for 'security'. If I can get no answer to my question I will hope the Silver Flame grants me wisdom in my choices before any incident occurs." Reth climbs into one of the unoccupied bunks to get rest and consider the current developments still of course keeping his hood over his face.

"No," the elf says slowly, blinking in surprise but carefully trying to mask further emotion, "no problem at all... I am merely surprised, though I suppose that it explains the prevalence of warforged on this ship's crew. Are you a creation of the Darkstar company?"

"I myself was created after the thronehold treaty was signed, but far from Khorvaire so I am not sure the rules of the treaty apply. Anyway, I am sure Il Yannah would not have lead me to join a company with bad intentions."
Invar stopped for a second, considering the implications of possibly setting himself against an authority like the rulers of Sharn before continueing carefully.
"As for any possible conflict with authorities in Sharn. I have no affiliation with the city or the country in general and as I have just signed an agreement with Darkstar company I see it as my duty to defend my new team mates and superiors to the best of my ability against any threat."

"Yes, Invar, we do not hold this against you. Whatever actions the Darkstar company has taken does not reflect on you. You are a follower of Il Yannah?"

"I am, I was created by the Haztaratainian monks and instructed in the Path of Light. I am sorry if I am too forward, but are you Kalashtar by any chance? I have met few of my creators kin on my travels and it would be good to know I was working with a fellow follower of the path."

Fharalkakhad pauses for a second, as he searches his quori for advice, and then replies, "Yes, I am Kalashtar, and we do share the same path. I am gratified by your acknowledgement.". He turns to the rest of the group and continues, "Please keep this information quiet, as there are many enemies of my people. they would not hesitate to destroy you for my death."

Dark Archive

"Where you are going the last thing you should be worried about is the law. DC has a policy to be honest with it's employees. If you are loyal, you will be rewarded. If you are not - be assured that Darkstar will prevent you from harming it. On the other hand, Darkstar Company has no interest in harming anyone or anything on this world. You can keep your allegiance to whomever, secure in the knowledge that Darkstar will not act against them unless provoked."

"Well, isn't that nice of you. Just remember, I'm not being paid enough to keep Cannith from tearing this thing apart if they find out your making warforged."

Dark Archive

Honest Fineal wrote:

"Well, isn't that nice of you. Just remember, I'm not being paid enough to keep Cannith from tearing this thing apart if they find out your making warforged."

"Of course not. We do not have any wish to engage the House of Cannith in contest of arms. But should we do so - we shall win. Perhaps not the same year or century, but Darkstar can afford to wait. Remember this, now." Warforged stops as if listening to something. "I must go. We approach the Vortex. Tomorrow we will together go on our first drop." He turns and leaves.

Dark Archive

Some time passes and you spend it in the confines of your quarters talking and getting to know each other. Suddenly, ship is affected by strong rocking as if sudden storm caught it. That last perhaps a hundred heartbeats and then just stops. Sickle once again enters and says: "We have arrived. Get your gear ready. We make landfall in an hour."

Female Gnome Artificer 6
nightflier wrote:
Some time passes and you spend it in the confines of your quarters talking and getting to know each other. Suddenly, ship is affected by strong rocking as if sudden storm caught it. That last perhaps a hundred heartbeats and then just stops. Sickle once again enters and says: "We have arrived. Get your gear ready. We make landfall in an hour."

"About time! I've had with being caged up in this room!" Liriel starts getting her kit together, which doesn't take her that long as she didn't take out that much.

Dark Archive

A moment after Sickle, Lady Antaria arrives. She is dressed a bit differently now. Gone is the armor and weapons. Now she has beautiful dark green dress decorated with flames of golden thread. "Alright, now. Are you ready? Here, take this badges everyone. They are connected to mine so that when i teleport so do you and to same destination. Any of you been to Stormreach before? We're going there first. You will be introduced as my bodyguards and I will be reach matron-merchant traveling home after making lucrative deal. Understood? Any questions?"

"Are we to have any objective other than acting as your protection?" Illmanthonil asks, pinning the badge to his jacket and securing his longsword to his belt.

Dark Archive

Illmanthonil Moorvare wrote:
"Are we to have any objective other than acting as your protection?" Illmanthonil asks, pinning the badge to his jacket and securing his longsword to his belt.

"Not at first. I'm to meet a contact who will provide me with a map of a site that is of interest to us. Our eventual objective is to recover a docent hidden there. Everything else is ours."

Fharalkakhad silently pins the badge to his vest, and then grabs his few items, preparing for departure. After finishing, he turns to Lady Antaria, and asks quietly, "Do you sense betrayal here?"

Warforged Ardwright 1

Daedal attaches the badge to his bandoleer. "Will you or the people of this Stormreach take offense if I am to observe, examine, and inquire about the various magical effects that are present? I am quite eager to enlighten myself with the knowledge of exotic arcane techniques, but I can restrain my curiosity if you believe it would be a problem."

Invar took the proffered badge and looked for a place to put it. After a frustrated few seconds he gave up and flipped open one of the hiden compartments in his forearm, dropping it in before collecting his spade and bag. "Is it normal for the wealthy in Stormreach to need quite so much security?"

Female Gnome Artificer 6

Liriel snatches up the badge.. Oooh a teleport ride! Zap! like a beam of light! And we'll be disembarking... hmmm... something like this needs a new kind of phrase. I know... I think I'll call this kind of exit... beaming down!"

Liriel wrote:
Liriel snatches up the badge.. Oooh a teleport ride! Zap! like a beam of light! And we'll be disembarking... hmmm... something like this needs a new kind of phrase. I know... I think I'll call this kind of exit... beaming down!"

'Beaming down'...It will never catch on, he he.

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

Rhiannon attaches the badge to her beltande gathers up her gear, taking up her shield. "Well let's get on with it. Eyes open and stay near me if you can.

Fineal takes one of the buttons and pins it to his coat. "At least we won't going straight into the jungle."

Male Shifter Cleric 4 - Herald Caller

Reth pins the badge to his cloak and restrings his bow to make sure he is ready for any action that comes his way. "I am ready my Lady."

Amihan takes a badge and pins it on the inside of her cloak. She gathers her meager belongings, and draws herself up. "Anytime we're ready."

"Not literally, at any rate," Illmanthonil says, turning up the side of his mouth in a half smile to Fineal, before strapping on his shield and turning to Land Antaria. "Ready."

Invar reaches into his pack and pulls out a hand full of gleaming metal stars, dropping them into the same compartment in his forearm that holds the badge. He swings his pack onto his back and taps the weighted end of his spade on the deck to indicate his readiness.

Warforged Ardwright 1
Invar wrote:
Invar reaches into his pack and pulls out a hand full of gleaming metal stars, dropping them into the same compartment in his forearm that holds the badge. He swings his pack onto his back and taps the weighted end of his spade on the deck to indicate his readiness.

Daedal watches Invar with great interest, then begins to examine his own forearm and make a few sketches in his journal as he waits for the expedition to leave.

Dark Archive

I am going to be without internet connection for at least a week. Sorry.

Female Gnome Artificer 6

"There! We're already to beam down!"

Dark Archive

Guys, I'm very affected by this volcanic ash cloud from Island, so I don't know when will I get back to regular posting.

nightflier wrote:
Guys, I'm very affected by this volcanic ash cloud from Island, so I don't know when will I get back to regular posting.

Not stuck away from home are you?

Illmanthonil Moorvare wrote:
nightflier wrote:
Guys, I'm very affected by this volcanic ash cloud from Island, so I don't know when will I get back to regular posting.
Not stuck away from home are you?

Yeah he is on a business trip in Europe

Male dwarven kineticist 3

I have the same problem, went to Israel to visit family and now I'm stuck here.

Sovereign Court

Things aren't looking like they're improving any time soon, flights are still grounded until at least Tuesday by the looks of it. Though there have been some test-flights today to decide if the restrictions on flying through the ash can be relaxed.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

My Wife's cousin was supposed to get married in Ireland yesterday, no flights made that impossible, needless to say they sprnt the night in Atlanta getting drunk

Nightflier is returning to post here, he should be ready to go by Friday.

Dark Archive

I am back. Please check Discussion Thread.

Edit: Where in the Nine Hells is Discussion Thread?

nightflier wrote:

I am back. Please check Discussion Thread.

Edit: Where in the Nine Hells is Discussion Thread?


Dark Archive

After a flash of blinding light and a short track through the jungle, you find yourself at the City of Stormreach. The Drow lady seems to raise few eyebrows on the street, but no one stops you or asks any questions. It's early morning and the air is filled with scents that wind carries from the sea and usual bustling sounds of harbor make conversation difficult. You were told that you will meet your contact at Sleeping Giant Inn. Lady Morn leads the way and several warforged keep her company at the head of your party.

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"Well this should be interesting." Rhiannon leans toward Fharlakakhad, as she walks through the crowd.

Fharalkakhad trails the party keeping watch on the rear, trying to determine if any passersby have taken an unusual interest in the group.

He replies to her, "I agree, but I cannot say I am looking forward to it"

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