Nightflier's Eberron


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Amihan froze for a moment by the sudden question, before falling into the familiar mannerisms of her current face. Giving the strange gnome her most winning smile, she answers, "Ready as I'll ever be." And hurries up the stairs before the gnome can say a word.

Sorry, I've been overlooking this pbp.

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"Well there you go, I guess you're all in. Might as well get on with it then."

Bull at her side, Rhiannon boards the ship leading the others along behind her.

Fharalkakhad follows along behind Rhiannon, nodding politely at the gnome as he walks by him.

Dark Archive

"Yes, yes... step this way...yes, in this circle... Now, in few moments you shall find yourself in the office of our recruitment officer. There you will sign some papers and of to the ship you go. Any questions?"

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"Not on my end. I think it's pretty self explanatory"

"Before we head off, I am a little curious," the elf begins to ask, "is the ship above currently the only one operated by the Darkstar Company?"

Male Shifter Cleric 4 - Herald Caller

Reth steps forward following the others. He opens his mouth to ask the Gnome a question but then closes it and instead stands silently against a wall waiting for the paperwork to come his way.

Dark Archive

Illmanthonil Moorvare wrote:
"Before we head off, I am a little curious," the elf begins to ask, "is the ship above currently the only one operated by the Darkstar Company?"

"Only elemental airship."

"Ready to go as I'll ever be."

Fharalkakhad thinks to himself in response to Fineals statement, That is as honest as he will ever be, he he

"I see," Illmanthonil says to the gnome, stepping into the circle, "shall we be off then?"

Dark Archive

A flash of blinding light and you find yourself teleported to what seems to be top of the tower. It's so high that clouds make most of the city invisible. There is large number of warforged and elves loading strange looking black elemental airship. You take a moment just to stare at two elemental rings, one of fire and one of air, which is configuration you've never seen before. Another gnome beckons to you. "Ah, you are away team, right? Yes, yes, by the hamster - you are a sorry lot! Come, come, let's introduce you to the captain!"

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"I would take offense to that, but you've been around warforged all day so...." Rhiannon shrugs.

"Shall we?" she guestures to the others.

Fharalkakhad nods at her again, thinking, Warforged, they should be safe from the Inspired.

He looks at Bull, who growls at him again, and decides to wait until they have continued past him. Better to be safe than sorry, he figures.

Male Shifter Cleric 4 - Herald Caller

Reth looks over at Illmanthonil and states, "I am confused, did he mean this is their only airship or their only elemental airship. Is there another kind of airship?"

Reth Kaskin wrote:
Reth looks over at Illmanthonil and states, "I am confused, did he mean this is their only airship or their only elemental airship. Is there another kind of airship?"

"Nothing I've ever heard of. Yes, let's get going."

Dark Archive

Just to let you know that I probably will not be able to post much in the Game Thread till Monday. I won't be at home so I will check the board on my cell phone.

Female Gnome Artificer 6

Another flash behind you marks the arrival of a dark haired female gnome, clearly just arrived at the nick of time as she gasps to recover her wind. Her dark eyes sparkle as she catches sight of the craft. "Siberys Shards! What a beauty!" She waits until her breaths becomes regular before she introduces her self.

"Liriel Opaline... I believe I'm signed on as engineering assistant... and other stuff. Pleased to meet you!"

"It is certainly an amazing ship. My name is Fharalkakhad. Pleased to make your acquaintenance."

A second flash delivers a warforged covered in gleaming ceramic plates to the top of the tower. It spends a few moments examining its surroundings, its glowing eyes lingering on the magnificent ship before focusing on the small group ahead of it.
It steps forward and nods in greeting to the group before introducing itself.

"I apologise for my tardiness, I was accosted by the local youths in the market. My title is Invar, I have been contracted as part of the away team for the Darkstar One."

Invar notes a few remaining smears of charcoal from where the local urchins had spent a happy few minutes scrawling obscenities all over his body and wipes them away with the edge of his cloak, amused at the strange things children did.

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"Well it looks like we're all here, I'm Rhiannon, this is Bull," she says indicating a large mastiff. I'm secuity for the away team, and honestly I only know slightly more about the voyage than the rest of you."

She looks over to Amihan observing silently. "Hi, I didn't catch your name."

Warforged Ardwright 1
nightflier wrote:
... and I can always rule that ardwright is already on the ship

An ideal suggestion

Some sparks fly out of one of the many loading mechanisms, immediately followed by a string of cursing in mixed dwarvish/gnomish. A slender, gray warforged slides out from under the mechanism. "!@%$^^*%(()(*)*&##$$%%%% in a $@#%)&%^ upside down! back to common I said to wait for my signal." The machinery whirs to life "Well, it's working now in any case." He notices the new arrivals, and walks over. When he speaks, his voice is completely different from the harsh voice he was just shouting in. It is now smooth and slightly mechanical. "Pleased to meet you kind sirs and ladies. I am called Daedal."

Fharalkakhad looks at the unusual warforged for a few seconds, trying to see if maybe he was joined with a quori, then he discounted that theory. The warforged were a mixture of 2 parts, living and unliving, much like the Kalashtar themselves were. Perhaps this one will prove to be capable of providing further insight on how to grow together as one being.

Fharalkakhad nods at him, and replies, It is a pleasure as well for us. I am Fharalkakhad. You are one of the engineers, I take it?"

Rhiannon d'Deneith wrote:

She looks over to Amihan observing silently. "Hi, I didn't catch your name."

"Amihan." She replies, perhaps a little more brusquely than intended. She smiles apologetically for a moment, then looks away. She wonders again; if the shifter was yet another Tyrant, if they were already looking for her, and when the airship leaves. Until then, she could do nothing but wait.

Warforged Ardwright 1
Fharalkakhad wrote:

Fharalkakhad looks at the unusual warforged for a few seconds, trying to see if maybe he was joined with a quori, then he discounted that theory. The warforged were a mixture of 2 parts, living and unliving, much like the Kalashtar themselves were. Perhaps this one will prove to be capable of providing further insight on how to grow together as one being.

Fharalkakhad nods at him, and replies, It is a pleasure as well for us. I am Fharalkakhad. You are one of the engineers, I take it?"

"Indeed I am. And what might your positions on this magnificent vessel be?"

"I am Illmanthonil," the elf introduces himself, and looks to the warforged engineer, "I am as yet unsure what my own position on the airship will be... though speaking of the ship, I hear that it is quite unique."

I will be on the security detail, or so I have been told. Presumably to guard against pirates and uther undesireables.

Fharalkakhad looks around the ship, and continues to Daedal, "How does this"

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"Security. Glad to meet you."

Male Shifter Cleric 4 - Herald Caller

Reth nods to Daedal and replies, "Security and of course spiritual guidance. The Silver Flame shall shed light on our darkest moments."

Dark Archive

"You have all arrived, I see", says the tall Elf stepping of the ramp that connects ship to the docking tower. He is like no other Elf you have ever seen. Dressed in purple robes and with slender rapier at his side, he looks more like a tavern fop than captain of elemental airship that the silver badge on his chest proclaim he is. "It was about time. I would hate to depart without my away team. Please, come aboard. You will be shown your berths. You will all share one cabin. The space is at premium, I'm afraid, although the Darkstar One is larger than usual for an airship, as you can see."

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"Not quite what I expected, but that's life isn't it? Lead on Captain."

For a fraction of a second Rhiannon seems about to react negatively, ten her posture and bodylanguage takes on a more militaristic manner as she adapts to her situation.

Fharalkakhad sees her reaction, and understands her issue with the lack of privacy. Being used to the presence of others all around him, he is not as troubled, but he respects her wishes.

"Do not worry about this, Rhiannon. We will adapt to this situation."

Illmanthonil inclines his head to the strange elven captain, following him onto the airship, "Might I ask the objective of this maiden voyage, captain? All I have managed to learn thus far is our eventual destination."

Warforged Ardwright 1

Daedal does a final check of his equipment to make sure it is all accounted for.
Noticing the discomfort of the others, he grins "Don't worry, I don't take up much space"

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)
Fharalkakhad wrote:

Fharalkakhad sees her reaction, and understands her issue with the lack of privacy. Being used to the presence of others all around him, he is not as troubled, but he respects her wishes.

"Do not worry about this, Rhiannon. We will adapt to this situation."

[b]"Think nothing of it, Fharalkakhad." Rhiannon replies, seeminggly chargrinned at showing any reaction.

"I won't take up a bed either, just need a space to store my things."

Invar vaguely waves his spade and shakes the small rucksack on his back in an attempt to show how lightly he travels.

Dark Archive

You enter the hold of the ship and one of the warforged members of the crew leads you to the small cabin without any windows. There are eight bunks there with ironwood trunks at the foot of the bunks. "There you can put your stuff", grumbles the warforged. "Trunks have more storage space than it looks." He turns away and starts to leave. "You were the last ones. We go now. Do not leave the cabin for the next two hours, till we clear Sharn."

Female Gnome Artificer 6
nightflier wrote:
You enter the hold of the ship and one of the warforged members of the crew leads you to the small cabin without any windows. There are eight bunks there with ironwood trunks at the foot of the bunks. "There you can put your stuff", grumbles the warforged. "Trunks have more storage space than it looks." He turns away and starts to leave. "You were the last ones. We go now. Do not leave the cabin for the next two hours, till we clear Sharn."

Liriel dumps her bag on her bunk, intending to sort it out later and exclaims in reply. "But... but! there's no windows here! I've always wanted to see what Sharn looks like, departing from an airship! We should at least get be able to see outside!"

Rhiannon d'Deneith wrote:
"Think nothing of it, Fharalkakhad." Rhiannon replies, seemingly chargrinned at showing any reaction.

Fharalkakhad studies her reaction for a moment, unsure of the cause of her reaction. "I meant no offense." He moves to the bunk above the little gnome, and says, "Do you mind if I take this bunk?"

Male Shifter Cleric 4 - Herald Caller

Reth sits with his back against the wall placing his backpack next to him. "I have slept on the ground before so it will not bother me to do so again if that will make others more comfortable with the accomodations". Reth looks up at Rhiannon, "My lady you stated earlier that the old security team was relieved. Do you know why that is the case?"

"Good to know." Fineal tosses his pack into his trunk before gingerly setting the suitcase next to it. "Hey, there are eight beds and seven people who actually sleep. Just take a damn bed."

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)

"Well most teams sign on for a specific period of time. I happen to like the action and signed up for signed up for a second tour,back to back." Rhiannon replies placing her shield and gear at the foot of one of the bunks while Bull sniffed at the trunk.

"So you have served on this ship before?" the elf asks Rhiannon as he places his pack beside one of the trunks and hangs his heavy jacket over the post of a bunk.

Female Human Cavalier 8 (Order of the Dragon)
Illmanthonil Moorvare wrote:
"So you have served on this ship before?" the elf asks Rhiannon as he places his pack beside one of the trunks and hangs his heavy jacket over the post of a bunk.

"With this company, but not this ship. This is the big reveal. Until now everything about the ship has been really, hush hush."

Warforged Ardwright 1

Daedal walks the room slowly, only half-paying attention to the conversation as he attempts to find the spot in the room best suited to listening to the creaks and groans of the ship's workings.

"Ah, I see," Illmanthonil says to Rhiannon's answer, "I don't really know what to expect here, do you know what our duties will involve?"

"I presume we were hired to guard the ship, and its contents."

"That was my assumption, but the captain referred to us as his 'away team'. I suspect that such a role involves activities off the ship... but what that may be is a mystery to me."

Dark Archive

"It's simple", says the melodious voice from the door. "You go to the surface to fight and die so that Darkstar employees don't have to." You all turn around to look at the speaker - and find yourself taken aback by midnight-black beautiful elf, dressed like some warrior princess from the bard tales. Her skin covered by strange whirling white designs, she is dressed in tight and articulated black leather and bronze armor and her hair is gathered in a thick snow-white braid that reaches her hips. "And I lead you. Any questions?"

Fineal springs off of the bed and moves to greet the woman. "A pleasure to meet you miss, I'm Honest Fineal but you can call me Fin. It'll be a pleasure working for you, although I for one hope we don't do much dying. Now, what did you say your name was again?"

Diplomacy, to make that seem charming and not annoying: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

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