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Aghhhhhh....It's tearing through my skull....Must stay sane for Kingmaker. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
I'm pretty excited about it. I hope it can live up to my expectations. Building a legitimate kingdom/barony is something I've never done successfully with an RPG outside of maybe a short Birthright campaign.

Arthun |

Geeky Frignit wrote:Aghhhhhh....It's tearing through my skull....Must stay sane for Kingmaker. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.I'm pretty excited about it. I hope it can live up to my expectations. Building a legitimate kingdom/barony is something I've never done successfully with an RPG outside of maybe a short Birthright campaign.
Sadly I never got to know birthright. Started with a germany game (DSA) and developed a taste for "grand style" and "sanbox" gaming not until about 10 years had passed.
So I really look forward to the Kingmaker path.
Not to mention that I will get to play it :)
So.. Is there a countdown like the one for the White Wolf Gehenna some years ago?
Kingmaker is just bigger for me then Gehenna.

Devil of Roses |

I've got one group playing Legacy of Fire and another group chomping at the bit to get started with Kingmaker. Running my two most anticipated AP's at once... that's some kind of awesome for my gaming experience.

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Tick tock tick tock tick tock
Consider carefully your players, and in particular the degree to which they tend to be number-crunchers, and keep that in mind when you decide whether to simply hand them the full kingdom-building rules or whether to lay things out in sparse detail and handle all of the mechanical elements yourselves.
This is a new rules subsystem, and you have a chance to have your players kind of feel their way through it, like when we all hit our first dungeon back in the day. That can be exciting and fresh and new.
However, like any system kingdom building can be maxed for efficiency, and some players might really enjoy delving into the numbers of it, or might feel frustrated when they try to build or buy or do something and it doesn't work out like they thought.
The point is: You can go both ways when running the system, so I just encourage you to think about your players, and heck maybe talk to them about whether they'd rather have all the rules or learn by doing.
Either way, you're gonna love it!

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Hey! How come I no get email notification?
I believe (and I could be wrong) that's becuase we ship out THOUSANDS of these things over the course of several days. And email confirmations/notifications don't happen until we enter that into the computer. So if your particular volume happens to ship on day 4 of a 4 day shipping cycle, you'll get that notification 4 days after those who get their notification on day 1.
It's not perfect, but it's more or less the way it has to be. Because the laws of physics prevent us from shipping thousands of books simultaneously.

Fletch |

Woot Kingmaker! Everyone loves to play in the sand!
I'd been hoping to catch you in a conversation about Kingmaker.
I've been looking for San Diego Paizo-ers to form a group for the campaign (here) and thought you might either have an open seat or be in search of an open seat.
Sorry to interrupt. You all may now get back to your anticipation.

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Sebastian wrote:Woot Kingmaker! Everyone loves to play in the sand!Sebastian!!
I'd been hoping to catch you in a conversation about Kingmaker.
I've been looking for San Diego Paizo-ers to form a group for the campaign (here) and thought you might either have an open seat or be in search of an open seat.
Sorry to interrupt. You all may now get back to your anticipation.
Hey Fletch,
Sorry about that, I didn't notice the other thread. I am in the San Diego area, but unfortunately I've got a pretty full group at the moment. I wish I could commit to more gaming, but I barely make my current group on a regular basis. I'll let you know if we lose anyone, but we haven't had a new player in 3+ years.

Fletch |

I'll let you know if we lose anyone, but we haven't had a new player in 3+ years.
Thanks all the same. I'd gotten the vibe that you had a pretty solid gaming group, but since I knew for a *fact* you were local, I had to give it a try. I'll keep looking, but if I don't find a table by the time my copy of KM#1 ships, I don't think I'll be able to resist reading it.
Y'know, the Paizo boards really could do with a personal message system...

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I can't decide if I want to run it right away or wait until the second issue comes out (in case my players want to hurry into kingdom building). I wish I had another DM in my group confident and organised enough to run this so I don't have to.
I'm just going to sit quietly by my inbox waiting to be informed of my new download. Possibly for the next 2-4 days...

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I can't decide if I want to run it right away or wait until the second issue comes out (in case my players want to hurry into kingdom building). I wish I had another DM in my group confident and organised enough to run this so I don't have to.
I'm just going to sit quietly by my inbox waiting to be informed of my new download. Possibly for the next 2-4 days...
One thing to keep in mind... kingdom building is EXPENSIVE. 1st level, brand new PCs won't be able to afford it. They'll need to do some adventuring first, which is why we don't start the kingdom stuff until part 2.

gang |

In my over-excitement, I made a copy of the charter in Photoshop to hand out to my PCs for signing. I could make it into a downloadable PDF for folks if there's interest (free, of course, as a fan-created dealy-bob).
Photo available here.
That's mad-wicked-awesome. Consider this post to be one hundred votes for a PDF please.
*big-eyed cute smile*

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Alright, I gotta go to bed, like, two hours ago, so here's a downloadable copy. Go hog-wild, gang! :D
I hope y'all enjoy it, and while I know it isn't perfect, well, it's free. And I bet your PCs will LURVE it. They seem to got a thing for handouts. :D