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An editor recently asked me how long it would take to write up 2,000 new spells for a book. I had a little fun with him, and pretended I didn't understand he wanted 2,000 words of spells. As with many little bits of humor, I mentioned this on my Facebook status.
One of the commentators thought it might not be -possible- to write 2,000 new, interesting, unique spells for a d20 game. And while I'm absolutely not going to take the three months to do it, I fully believe it's possible.
I wondered if there were 2,000 good, new spell ideas out there. We just need the spell name, and (if it's not obvious) a one-word description of what it does. All must be new, neither adapted from an existing source nor simple cold-for-fire iceball spells.
I'll start.
1. Animate Broom. It sweeps, it carries water, it lets you fly!
2. Prismatic Sword. Roll a d8 to see what overpowered effect each hit deals.
3. Mage's Flying Cloud Castle. What it says on the tin.
4. Mount, Mass. Here comes the cavalry.
5. Retrieve. Fire a line of magic webbing at a target, and pull it adjacent to you.
What have you all got?
Owen K.C. Stephens
Super Genius Games

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12. Entangling Strands of Delicious Pasta: Low level single target entangle spell, deals a small amount of fire damage (the sauce is really hot!) and the remains are edible, feeding 1 full grown person per caster level.
Note: this is a domain spell for Pastafarian clerics. :-D

Urizen |

Convict #24601 wrote:12. Entangling Strands of Delicious Pasta: Low level single target entangle spell, deals a small amount of fire damage (the sauce is really hot!) and the remains are edible, feeding 1 full grown person per caster level.Note: this is a domain spell for Pastafarian clerics. :-D
Haha! Behold his Noodliness!

Convict #24601 |

14. Bloody Bolt - Evocation, ranged touch attack, deals 1d8 points of damage, but deals 1 point of damage to the caster. The caster can increase the damage of the attack by sacrificing additional hit points, every 2 hit points lost in this fashion increases the damage by 1d8, but the caster cannot sacrifice more hit points than their caster level (this includes the first one lost in the most basic casting of this spell). For every 4 hit points the caster sacrifices, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus on the attack roll made with this spell.

Convict #24601 |

22. Instant Replay - (For prepared spellcasters only) Casting this spell has no effect by itself, but if it is used in the round immediately after the spellcaster has cast a different spell, Instant Replay mimics the exact effects of that spell (so long as it is the same spell level as Instant Replay). Instant Replay cannot mimic the effects of meta-magic feats, but may be prepared at any spell level.

Dark Psion |

Here's the ones I suggested in the Scry & Die Thread.
23 Divert Teleport: Everyone in the closet
24 Stasis Teleport: Your raid is important to us, please wait and we will be with you as soon as possible
25 Teleport Glyph (Fatigue, Stun, Enervate, Petrify): Oh shiny!
26 Scry Symbol: Here look at this instead
27 Scry Flash: Smile!
28 Sensor Trap (Fascinate, Blind, Disjunction): Pretty Colors
29 Scry Identify: I know what you did last summer

Convict #24601 |

30. Summon Pips - (Bard, illusion) Summons 1d4 pips to accompany the Bard in their musical performance. Each pip adds a +2 bonus to the Bard's performance check.
31. Now that I have your attention - Instantly kills the target (no saving throw) and then immediately resurrects them with no penalties except slight disorientation (fort save negates this penalty)

Convict #24601 |

34. Atopy - Conjuration, summons a small amount of a substance that the target is violently allergic to. If the target fails their Fortitude save they are Nauseated, if they succeed they are Sickened. Effects last 1 round per two caster levels regardless of saving throw. Only effects living creatures.

Convict #24601 |

36. Alms - Creates 1d4 copper coins
37. Glass Knives - Creates 1d4 glass throwing knives that deal 1d6 points of damage and shatter on impact, dealing 1 point of splash damage to all targets within 10 feet (Reflex save avoids)(19-20 x2 crit, 20 foot range increment).
38. Gray's Anatomy - Target adds 1 to the threat range of all their attacks for 1 round per caster level.
39. Single-Serving Fireball - Same as the Fireball spell, but only affects one target.

Evil Genius |

39. Leadfoot: Target's legs turn into solid lead (Fort negates), preventing him from moving. The extra weight increases the target's weight by a factor of 5, causing him to sink in water. While the target cannot move across land or swim normally, he can move by crawling at a speed of 5 ft. If the target is capable of flight, reduce his fly speed and maneuverability as if he were carrying a heavy load.

Convict #24601 |

47. Wall of Whirling Falchions - Summons a wall made of animated, dancing Falchions that attack anyone within 5 feet with a base attack bonus equal to the casters Caster Level and a Strength modifier equal to the casters primary spell casting attribute modifier (Int for Wizards, Cha for Sorcerers, etc.)

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

48. Swift Sapling: arrows take root and grow into trees
49. Beast Step: gain the movement of one selected animal
50. Spellsink: floating orb absorbs spells and then explodes
51. House of Cards: makes buildings fall down
52. Chainform: your body sprouts 4 barbed, dancing chains
53. Mage's Miring Orbs: adhering orbs stick to and hinder opponents
54. Crackling Ground: walking in the area is like walking on crinkle paper
55. Dust Devil: a moving, swirling cloud obscures vision
56. Libris Mortis: a written object causes a deathlike trance when read
57. Wall of Linen: instant concealment
58. Hubris: the target takes a -4 penalty to all Bluff and Intimidate checks

taig RPG Superstar 2012 |

61. Web of Lies -- anyone passing through this invisible web becomes incapable of telling the truth.
62. Financial Ruin -- the target of this spell loses all material wealth not on his person.
63. Devil-Demon -- the target devil or demon is replaced with a demon or devil, respectively, of the same CR.

Umbral Reaver |

67: Capacitance - Absorb electrical energy damage for one round and subsequently release it as a ranged touch attack.
68: Thermal Sink - As Capacitance but for cold or fire damage, chosen at time of casting.
69: Tilt - All objects and creatures in the target area not firmly attached to the ground are all knocked in the same direction.

Sigurd |

70: Count Spells -- Cast on a target item or place, this spell creates a wizard mark that counts all spells cast within a 21ft radius. Spells must be visible to the naked eye or a detect magic spell as cast by a 10th level caster. The mark may be set to advance to a given number, as high as 2000, or function for 1 day per caster level.
The wizard mark records the terms of the spell and the final total. The mark is permanent unless dispelled.
Material Components: Three freshly minted gold coins and a piece of chalk. Both are consumed in the casting.

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Wyldfire wrote:71: Baleful Reincarnation - Kills and reincarnates the subjectRemind me to not play with you as GM. o_O
Lol was actually got approved from an previous GM who was running a druid game (basically we where also druids), was a higher level spell and I used to cast it on people who abused nature. We where not a very freindly group and sought to recapture cities for nature.

Abraham spalding |

72. Cascading Catastrophe
Evocation [force], Level 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Full Round Action
Range: 400 ft + 40 ft/ caster level
Area of Effect: 20 ft burst (special)
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resist: No
Everyone in the area of this spell takes 1d4 + 1d4/ 5 caster levels of force damage. Anyone who does not save for half damage causes another 20 ft burst to radiate from them dealing another 1d4 + 1d4 / 5 caster levels of force damage with another Reflex save for anyone in the new burst area for half damage. Again anyone that fails their Reflex save causes another explosion. Any given person in affected by this spell may only cause one extra explosion (i.e. if a goblin is in the initial blast and fails he reflex save throw he causes another blast... if he fails his reflex save again he doesn't cause a third blast, but if someone else fails their save and causes another blast the goblin would still take damage again).
73. Lesser Juxtapose
Level: Wizard/sorcerer 4
Components: V
Range: self
Casting Time: Swift action
Save: Will (harmless)
SR: No (harmless)
Lesser Juxtapose is cast right before another spell of 3rd level or lower. The spell cast after the lesser juxtapose can be altered in one of the following ways:
1. Energy type maybe changed with another energy type (fire, cold, electricity, sonic, acid, only)
2. Range may be changed from self only to touch, from touch to 30 ft ray, or from ray to 10 ft burst, or 30 + ft line to a 20 ft burst or back.
3. The type of save throw allowed may be change to another type.
74. Juxtapose
Level: Wizard/sorcerer 6
Components: V
Range: self
Casting Time: Swift action
Save: Will (harmless)
SR: No (harmless)
As lesser Juxtapose but you may alter spells up to fifth level. Any spell you alter of 3rd level or less you may alter in two ways with Juxtapose.
75. Greater Juxtapose
Level: Wizard/sorcerer 9
Components: V
Range: self
Casting Time: Swift action
Save: Will (harmless)
SR: No (harmless)
As lesser Juxtapose but you may alter spells up to 8th level. Any spell you alter of 3rd level or less in as many ways as you like. Spells of 6th level and under may be altered in two ways with Greater Juxtapose.
76. Quasar
Classes: Wizard/ Sorcerer
Effect: Ray (see below)
Saves: See Below
Range: Long
SR: No
Casting Time: 1 round (see below)
When the caster starts casting this spell he disrupts space/time causing a density anomaly at the point of his index finger. This anomaly gives all ranged attacks against him a 20% miss chance until this spell is complete. With a ranged touch attack this spell does 2d6 per caster level damage to the target of this spell. Everyone within 20 feet of the ray takes 2d8 sonic damage from the concussion wave created by the ray, and must make a fortitude save or be deafened (this includes the caster and target). If the target is reduced to -10 HP from the damage he takes from this spell his earthly remains are completely destroyed, just as if he had been killed by a disintegrate spell.
77. Juxtapose Other
Level: Wizard/sorcerer 5
Components: V
Range: Short (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
Casting Time: Swift action
Duration: Instantenous
Save: No
SR: No (harmless)
Juxtapose other is like lesser juxtapose except it is cast a spell cast by someone else. In order to affect the target spell with juxtapose other you must succeed on a caster level check (DC 11 + original spell's caster level).
78. Greater Juxtapose Other
Level: Wizard/sorcerer 8
Components: V
Range: Short (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
Casting Time: Swift action
Duration: Instantenous
Save: No
SR: No (harmless)
Greater Juxtapose other is like juxtapose Other except it is cast a spell cast by someone else. In order to affect the target spell with juxtapose other you must succeed on a caster level check (DC 11 + original spell's caster level).
In addition you can instead choose to change the target of the original spell to a new target provided the new target is within legal range and is a legal target of the original spell.