what happen to my Arcane Bond weapon if i retraining archtype

Rules Questions

I'm building a wizard and planing to retrain to Spell Sage when lv5

the Focused Spells will replace the Arcane Bond

so what will happen if i bond a weapon to be a Masterwork Weapon ?

Liberty's Edge

Wizards who select a bonded object begin play with one at no cost. Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond must fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon. These objects are always masterwork quality. Weapons acquired at 1st level are not made of any special material.

As a wizard with a bonded weapon, you start the game with a masterwork weapon. It is a physical object and it will still be a masterwork weapon after you retained. It will lose any magical ability you added.

As you lose the arcane bond class feature it will count for your WBL. Your GM could ask you to pay for it as part of your retraining to adjust it, but that will make little difference at 5th level.

Diego Rossi wrote:
Wizards who select a bonded object begin play with one at no cost. Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond must fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon. These objects are always masterwork quality. Weapons acquired at 1st level are not made of any special material.

As a wizard with a bonded weapon, you start the game with a masterwork weapon. It is a physical object and it will still be a masterwork weapon after you retained. It will lose any magical ability you added.

As you lose the arcane bond class feature it will count for your WBL. Your GM could ask you to pay for it as part of your retraining to adjust it, but that will make little difference at 5th level.

I got it, thank you.

The added abilities of a bonded item only function for the wizard that has it as his bonded object. That means that any abilities you added to it through the arcane bond class feature no longer function when you lose the arcane bond class feature. So, even if you added abilities to it those abilities no longer work for anyone.

yanagi670303 wrote:

I'm building a wizard and planing to retrain to Spell Sage when lv5

the Focused Spells will replace the Arcane Bond

so what will happen if i bond a weapon to be a Masterwork Weapon ?

as stated it starts out as a masterwork item; sword, amulet, ring etc. Mwk is needed to change enchant it into a magic item.

As noted it becomes a normal (worthless) item if you retrain out of the class ability (Arcane Bond - Bonded Object).

You DO have other options. As you paid half(or full) to enchant it into whatever it is, you could pay the other half to "upgrade" it into a normal magical item. Paying full means it is a regular magic item and doesn't become mundane afterwards. Paying half is the class benefit/option. As you're only 5th that does limit you as to what it can be, consult the item requirements.
Aegis of Recovery [neck] $1500 CL:3

Advice: stay a specialist wizard (like diviner, evoker, conjurer).
see Items that can save you thread
amulet usually goes; aegis of recovery(3), amulet of spell cunning(7), amulet spell mastery(11). As a bonded object it ignores some special materials requirements which can be a minor GM road block. Weapons are not a wizard's thing so you are expending resources on something you don't use and if you have to use a melee weapon you are in serious situation you should have avoided. Stick with a heavy crossbow or two and some cold iron bear traps assisted by your unseen servant.

thanks to everyone for your help

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