Can the Eidolon speak?

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

Dark Archive

And there you go. I see no ruling on this. More importantly, what language(s) does it speak?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Goblins Eighty-Five wrote:
And there you go. I see no ruling on this. More importantly, what language(s) does it speak?

I've heard it said that eidolons know all the languages of their summoner. Apparently that was a ruling past down by the game designers.

I imagine whether or not the eidolon can actually speak the languages it understands, however, is up to the chosen form of the eidolon and the concept you the player had in mind.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
Goblins Eighty-Five wrote:
And there you go. I see no ruling on this. More importantly, what language(s) does it speak?

I've heard it said that eidolons know all the languages of their summoner. Apparently that was a ruling past down by the game designers.

I imagine whether or not the eidolon can actually speak the languages it understands, however, is up to the chosen form of the eidolon and the concept you the player had in mind.

The ability to speak is based on Int scores. If it has the int scores to speak, then it most likely can.

Jason said during the first part of the playtest that eidolons speak and understand any languages known by the summoner.

Dark Archive

Odentin wrote:
Jason said during the first part of the playtest that eidolons speak and understand any languages known by the summoner.

They need to put that in the final book.

That's certainly true.Being able to act as a messenger and /or spy would make the eidolon even more useful.

Morgan Champion wrote:
That's certainly true.Being able to act as a messenger and /or spy would make the eidolon even more useful.

You know I thought of that as well, I would really like to see a tiny evolution. The only way that I could think of doing that with the current abilities would to keep the eidolon in some kind of humanoid form and give it a daily ability to reduce person.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well regarding Summoner's and their Eidolon's I think it would be cool if the Eidolon could speak.

If I ever get the chance to be a player again (instead of a GM) I think I'd like very much to play a Summoner.

I'm a fan of an anime called Twelve Kingdoms, and I would TOTALLY portray my Summoner/Eidolon pair as a kirin/youma pair from that anime.

And it would only get better at higher levels. (And by that I mean being able to simulate creatures from Twelve Kingdoms and their "relationship" to my Summoner).

If no one has, I highly recommend you try and rent/buy Twelve Kingdoms, I think anyone "here" would really enjoy it.

Dean (TMW)

Dark Archive

You know, I was told the series was never finished, and that it kinda sucked for that reason (it ended in the middle or something). Is that not true?

Anyways, I wanted to know about Eidolon speech because I thought it would be cool if the Eidolon could be the party's diplomat (We usually call that character 'the mouth'.)

My flying, fire breathing maneless lion better be able to speak. Preferably in Oosaka-ben. Of course, I'll need to feed him lots of sweets, too...

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