Pathfinder Fiction Announced!


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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Pathfinder novels are 300-page mass market paperbacks.

The first two titles:

September: Winter Witch, by Elaine Cunningham.

October: Prince of Wolves, by Dave Gross.

Additional novels—including a new adventure from popular novelist Paul Kemp—will follow roughly every three months throughout 2011.

Subscription details will be announced in the near future.

PDFs will be available, and we're exploring other electronic publishing options. Look for more details on that in the coming months.

Both covers are mockups, and will change dramatically.

The Exchange

I will subscribe immediately.

You mean you want me to put a gun to my head?

Like this, ok, pull the trigger.

Oh, remove the safety.

Ok, this should work now.

Any other wishes before I go to heaven?

Sovereign Court

Vic Wertz wrote:
Subscription details will be announced in the near future.

Near enough to start the refreshing now?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Calixymenthillian wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Subscription details will be announced in the near future.
Near enough to start the refreshing now?

Not that soon...

Well, it's about time. Definitely curious as to what the frequency is going to be like, though.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Calixymenthillian wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Subscription details will be announced in the near future.
Near enough to start the refreshing now?

Gary said next week in chat.

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Preordered and right pleased about it, too. :)

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:

Pathfinder novels are 300-page mass market paperbacks.

The first two titles:

September: Winter Witch, by Elaine Cunningham.

October: Prince of Wolves, by Dave Gross.

Additional novels—including a new adventure from popular novelist Paul Kemp—will follow roughly every three months throughout 2011.

Subscription details will be announced in the near future.

PDFs will be available, and we're exploring other electronic publishing options. Look for more details on that in the coming months.

Both covers are mockups, and will change dramatically.

Do I see NovelSuperstar 2011?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
emveedasher wrote:
Do I see NovelSuperstar 2011?

Hope not. The WOTC one didn't go over so well.

I can't wait to hear about the other authors

Cunningham, Gross and Kemp! oh my!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Urizen wrote:
Well, it's about time. Definitely curious as to what the frequency is going to be like, though.

See the first post: roughly every three months.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Well, it's about time. Definitely curious as to what the frequency is going to be like, though.
See the first post: roughly every three months.

Thats a pretty decent clip to start off with

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Is the listed price (9.99) correct? Most 300 page mass market paperbacks are 6.99-7.99 last time I checked.


Elaine C. is the BEST!

I am going to HAPPILY devour Pathfinder fiction, no fear!

Excitedly yours,

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

That is the correct price.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

emveedasher wrote:
Do I see NovelSuperstar 2011?


James Jacobs wrote:
emveedasher wrote:
Do I see NovelSuperstar 2011?

Aw, man!

How about ShortStory Superstar?
Or an anthology of shorts?

The Exchange

Very exciting news! Congrats to all of the Golems!

Shadow Lodge

It time for some Golarionlore. Rock on Paizo!

I'm officially stoked!
But... there's always a "but" isn't there?
What about international shipping? I'm used to getting my subscriptions in the flat cardboard packaging, which isn't going to hold a 300-page paperback, so I'm dreading a hike in shipping costs if I subscribe to the fiction line.
I guess I have the same fears when it comes to the updated campaign setting (Inner Sea), which is part of the Chronicles subscription.
Anything to address these concerns?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Awesomeness!! I await subscription details.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

GentleGiant wrote:

I'm officially stoked!

But... there's always a "but" isn't there?
What about international shipping? I'm used to getting my subscriptions in the flat cardboard packaging, which isn't going to hold a 300-page paperback, so I'm dreading a hike in shipping costs if I subscribe to the fiction line.
I guess I have the same fears when it comes to the updated campaign setting (Inner Sea), which is part of the Chronicles subscription.
Anything to address these concerns?

We get a pretty decent bound printed matter rate on books, so long as the total package isn't over 4 pounds, so you shouldn't see too many problems. You can try it now—add 'em to your cart, and start checkout. You'll see the price before you commit to buying.

Dark Archive

Wow! Elaine doing a book on... Baba Yaga?!? Amazing! :)

What's next -- China and Ed writing Golarion novels?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Awesome news. Can't wait to be a PF Fiction Charter subscriber.

Just awesome

Shadow Lodge

Michael Brock wrote:
Awesome news. Can't wait to be a PF Fiction Charter subscriber.

Yes Sir, when do we get to sign up?:-D

YAY! So great!

Dark Archive

Asgetrion wrote:

Wow! Elaine doing a book on... Baba Yaga?!? Amazing! :)

What's next -- China and Ed writing Golarion novels?

That would move Paizo from "medium rpg publisher" to "huge renowned publisher" status. It would Rock.

I can't see me *not* subscribing to this line.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Chock me up to being a subscriber <24 hours after it goes live. Glad to see these.


Dave, Elaine and Paul. Dude, that's an awesome list of authors for Paizo to snag. *glee*

Awesome, truly awesome to see Kemp doing fantasy again alongside his Starwars work (his FR novels were spectacular).

The Exchange

A couple of requests while your doing your e-book research:

Please don't tie me to a format that is only supported by a specific big-name reader.

Please have a chat to some partially-sighted folks about what works best for them - text to speech, variable sized fonts, etc.

Probably nothing new in that list, but I wanted to mention it.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

brock wrote:

A couple of requests while your doing your e-book research:

Please don't tie me to a format that is only supported by a specific big-name reader.

Please have a chat to some partially-sighted folks about what works best for them - text to speech, variable sized fonts, etc.

Probably nothing new in that list, but I wanted to mention it.

Well, ePub is pretty much the standard that is winning (has won) the format wars. Its usable on everything except the Kindle (and it probably is only a matter of time before the Amazon has a patch that allows people to read ePubs). Plus on any decent ereader you can increase the font size.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We are definitely looking into ePub.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I know nothing about epub, but the one thing that has bugged me about most ereads for ebooks is this. If I read it and put it down I have a hard time finding my place again. Unlike a real book you can put a bookmark in. Now Baen books has html books in a zip file. You download it unzip it and each chapter is it's own file. On each page is links at the top and bottom, back to last chapter, forward to next chapter or to page of content.

I really liked that cause it is easy for me to find my place again. The chapter links change color on the page and contents page as you read them, so easy to find your place again.

I am hoping what ever eread this work with has some sorta of system like that. I actually like reading novels on the computer more than just a book in hand.

Liberty's Edge

Can't wait to subscribe.

Erik Mona wrote:

We are definitely looking into ePub.

I prefer actual pubs. This eBeer is just not for me.

KaeYoss wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

We are definitely looking into ePub.

I prefer actual pubs. This eBeer is just not for me.

and the babes at those places are nuthin' special

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Now Baen books has html books in a zip file.

That's an ePub. All you need to do is change .zip to .epub and you got it.

No, I'm not kidding.

Erik Mona wrote:

We are definitely looking into ePub.

Excellent. I will gladly grab a paper + epub subscription; or subscribe to an epub only type of thing, but I would expect to pay less than for a dead tree copy.

I'm very excited about Pathfinder novels, particularly in epub format. I can hardly wait!

What I would like to know is if you expect these to be more readily available at Borders, Barnes & Noble and thier ilk

I know you can the Core book and Bestiary there but thats about it, will the novels be at those stores?

Awesome news! Looing forward to read some more of Elaine's PFF

MerrikCale wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

We are definitely looking into ePub.

I prefer actual pubs. This eBeer is just not for me.
and the babes at those places are nuthin' special

Badly compressed.

Grand Lodge

+1 to the list of folks waiting to for news on how to become charter subscriber. Someday, years from now, when my fresh faced ten year old points to my shelf loaded with PF novels, and asks, "What are those, daddy?", I will open up the internets and show him this thread...


I'm very excited about the news. Looking forward to these. Glad to see you have Elaine Cunningham on board!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

sozin wrote:
+1 to the list of folks waiting to for news on how to become charter subscriber. Someday, years from now, when my fresh faced ten year old points to my shelf loaded with PF novels, and asks, "What are those, daddy?", I will open up the internets and show him this thread...

I think a better course of action will be to open up the books and start reading them to him. If he's old enough to ask what they are, he's old enough to be indoctrinated.

Can I add a subscription yet? ;)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Can I add a subscription yet? ;)

Yes, just add a lot of money to my paypal account and I'll send you the books when I've finished them.

*Yanks Yoda's whiskers*

Dark Archive

I want to play too !

I can grow facial hair given three or four weeks.

Sure. Grab the side I let go of and we can both yank at the same time. That'll learn him.

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