Off-Topic Discussions

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just posting not reading

The Exchange

Studpuffin wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
redheads are hot
Only when you dowse them in gasoline and strike a match.
I prefer to douse them in something else...


just posting not reading

ballroom blitz

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
just posting not reading

Good strategy.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
just posting not reading

I think that's kind of a cop-out.

Liberty's Edge

The filter is f$#&ing with the BBC code tags.

Twin Agitate Dragons wrote:

Please stop.

The Exchange

I ask for Mt Dew, she gives me Mello Yello. What is wrong with her? :P

just posting not reading

Why work? I Haz Blu-Ray! MINE! MINE MINE!

just posting not reading

just posting not reading

Treppa wrote:
Now I can talk smack and blame it on the filter.

F@$@ f@*& f~!#ity f~@$!!!

The Exchange

Studpuffin wrote:
The filter is f#%*ing with the BBC code tags.

I've been afraid to try one.

ballroom blitz

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Twin Agitate Dragons wrote:
Please stop.


Gary Teter wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
just posting not reading
I think that's kind of a cop-out.

Hey, I'm helping. Dammit, you tricked me into reading!

Twin Agitate Dragons wrote:
Why work? I Haz Blu-Ray! MINE! MINE MINE!

You're starting to piss me off. Is that the objective? To run me off these boards forever? It's insulting. I thought you were a friend.

just posting not reading

Liberty's Edge

Jeezus leweezus

I like horse balls!

just posting not reading

Woodraven wrote:
ballroom blitz

It is actually normal but not showing that way in the...whatever.

it will continue ballroom blitz

just posting not reading

Treppa wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
ballroom blitz
It is actually normal but not showing that way in the...whatever.

Whats happening Treppa?

just posting not reading

The Exchange

Thar she blows!

just posting not reading

Liberty's Edge

I hate fruit flies. So glad we bought a fly catcher gluey trap majigger.

just posting not reading

Mairk, you should read.

just posting not reading

The Exchange

Nien Nien vertershwine!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Moorluck wrote:
Your clothes stay on TAD. It's a rule.

Once again, the filter did an awesome job.

Treppa wrote:
Mairk, you should read.

Why? What am I missing?

Irony is one bit butthurt.

what has happened to our lovely home

The Exchange

Studpuffin wrote:
I hate fruit flies. So glad we bought a fly catcher gluey trap majigger.

Bleach your drains. It helps.

Liberty's Edge

Hold your tongue, because that's what half these posts sound like phonetically.

Woodraven wrote:
what has happened to our lovely home

Teters been messing with the code. :S

Ich zur zum Shopping nach dieser. Woot!

RPG Superstar 2012

Treppa wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Mine fields are so Spanky's thing.

And everyone knows that Spanky is inimitable.

Besides, isn't there a thread for Mines?

Started by *sigh* "taig's" Heathansson.

I have won the interwebz!!!

The Exchange

Woodraven wrote:
what has happened to our lovely home

It's chaos I tell you! Pure Chaos!

I'm right now smurf it

Moorluck wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
I hate fruit flies. So glad we bought a fly catcher gluey trap majigger.
Bleach your drains. It helps.

Faith and begorra, we'll be tryin' it!

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