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The Exchange

Cryptids for TotP

How is everyone doing this fine evening????

Liberty's Edge

deer with fangs.

and they're real, unlike drop bears, which are fake.
Unless a rabid koala falls on your ass.
Then they're sorta real.

Liberty's Edge

Crimson Jester wrote:

Cryptids for TotP

How is everyone doing this fine evening????

Grilled Cheese.

That is all.


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012


Liberty's Edge

Two thumbs up.

They don't get it.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
They don't get it.


taig wrote:

Then don't get out of that chair, there's one in the room with you!! O_O

Crimson Jester wrote:

Cryptids for TotP

How is everyone doing this fine evening????

Waiting for wife to get home from doing month end paperwork. :/

Feeling so bad. Back to bed.


Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:
Feeling so bad. Back to bed.


The soup didn't help?

Treppa wrote:
Feeling so bad. Back to bed.

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Bed does sound good though.

~Wanders off towards the back.~

RPG Superstar 2012

Mister Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:
Then don't get out of that chair, there's one in the room with you!! O_O

But he is so cute! I'll call him "Foamy".

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Studpuffin wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Feeling so bad. Back to bed.


The soup didn't help?

No soup for you!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Good night.

Treppa, I hope you feel better.

Moorluck wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Dreamt I was in Myrtle Beach with all you fine folk last night.
How exactly did you imagine it? And was your mom there with us? ;-p

Well, we were all at some kind of a bar/video game parlor. Everyone was calling everyone else by their forums handle, except for Moorluck and Solnes. You were seriously slammin' back the drinks Uri. Sharoth was doing something with his iPad.

My mom wasn't in the dream. However, mom & I have discussed the situation and the two of us will be flying out next year.

TAD** spoiler omitted **

I am fully aware of the situation. My mom has been informed as well. She's never been to South Carolina, and I'm sure that there's plenty for her to do there on her own. I'd really like it if I could be invited to hang out with the group though. I can take care of my own accomadations.

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Mister Moorluck wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Good day all. I managed to organize all my D&D stuff last night. I put my 4th ed stuff and my pathfinder stuff on the same shelf (that oughtta stir the pot :P) No seriously I checked out my collection and I have so many friggin minis, flip mats, and dungeon tiles it's ridiculous. But I'm actually planning on taking a picture of this ridiculous next week. You see I get my Orcus next week, one of only 2 of the things that are entering my province. And the store owner (a buddy of mine) has told me to come and get it before the store opens on the day it arrives and not the release date. Despite his best efforts there is going to be a huge lineup looking for the thing on the 15th. And frankly he wants me nowhere around on the 15th with that thing lol. So pics coming soon of my D&D room.

Can't wait to see it, the room and the pics of the Orcus (not so) mini.

But aren't you afraid that the PF stuff is gonna kill and eat the 4e books? ;)
Nah they're all fairly inanimate. But seriously I am running out of mini storage. I have a mobile storage drawers filled to the brim with them, an office box filled to the top, and they take a huge portion of my shelf and the entire top of the shelf and a bag full on top of the mobile drawers. I seriously have thousands of dollars worth of minis at this point and I'm running out of storage. But still I just don't stop I plan to buy a whole case of the new "Lords of Madness" set in august. I think I'm kind of addicted. Luckily my husband just finds it funny and tells me it's my money to spend, and all the bills are paid so have at it.
You can send me all your minis and related stuff. I will be GLAD to help you out on the storage issues. ~grins~

hands off my minis or I call sebastien >:)

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:

deer with fangs.

and they're real, unlike drop bears, which are fake.
Unless a rabid koala falls on your ass.
Then they're sorta real.

I want a Caucasian Shepard. I may need to feed it a small child once a week but damn no one will mess with me from then on!

just another bookmark


Morning all, hope the long weekend treated you OK


Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
TAD** spoiler omitted **
I am fully aware of the situation. My mom has been informed as well. She's never been to South Carolina, and I'm sure that there's plenty for her to do there on her own. I'd really like it if I could be invited to hang out with the group though. I can take care of my own accomadations.


Actually, I don't think you are fully aware of the situation. I am only speaking for myself, but if I were the host I would have some general concerns. What would have me worried is that you would require custodial accompaniment is a bit of a liability concern. I would be unable to make general guarantees -- nor would I want to -- to make sure that you would be 100% accounted for when not in the company of a legal guardian. There are no guarantees as to exactly what we will (or will not) be doing and the last thing anyone would want to be concerned with is having to answer to someone else with regard to your actions and/or whereabouts if something may occur that was not intended.

You may think it might not be a problem, but I know that I wouldn't want to chance it. The realization alone that you would have to fly across the U.S. accompanied by a legal guardian would give me pause. Mind you while there's a difference in age and maturity, I would react in the same fashion if Moorluck & Solnes brought their children along and left them in my purview while they go off and do something else to bide their time. Frankly, I cannot afford the liability of what could happen if something did. It would distress me to no end.

Honestly - my recommendation would be if you'd want to hang out with some of us, a better solution would be to attend something like PaizoCon .... especially when events will be concentrated around the hotel facility where it is hosted. Also, I'd reckon that Seattle would prove to be more interesting for your mother versus Myrtle Beach. To quote Moorluck, Myrtle Beach is essentially a 'Redneck Riviera'. :p

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Good Morning FAWTLYers!

Slow day on the message boards while I was driving all day. I take that as a good sign that everyone was out enjoying their Memorial Day holiday with family and friends. I hope it was a great day for all.

As for me, traffic for our 19 hour drive yesterday was actually light which made for a good drive. And this time the car made it through the trip without a scratch. And now I get to do it again in 3 weeks for a graduation party.

In the mean time, lots of pathfinder goodness in the next two weeks. My first pathfinder society game this Friday, and more Runelords the following Friday. Plus, once the last son is home for the summer, the family summer campaign starts. Yippee!

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Good Morning FAWTLYers!

Slow day on the message boards while I was driving all day. I take that as a good sign that everyone was out enjoying their Memorial Day holiday with family and friends. I hope it was a great day for all.

As for me, traffic for our 19 hour drive yesterday was actually light which made for a good drive. And this time the car made it through the trip without a scratch. And now I get to do it again in 3 weeks for a graduation party.

In the mean time, lots of pathfinder goodness in the next two weeks. My first pathfinder society game this Friday, and more Runelords the following Friday. Plus, once the last son is home for the summer, the family summer campaign starts. Yippee!

Are you doing the 19 hour drive in one shot? Ugh. What is the difference of driving versus picking up a round trip flight (aside from obviously the difference in time spent getting from point A to B and back to A)?

Thing wrote:
I have spent a big chunk of the day working on a Champions Campaign. I plan on having it make a sharp turn toward an Age of Apocalypse setting. The problem is that I am the only one with the rules and I think I have only one or two of my gaming group that has ever even played any edition of Champions. :(

Have you considered Mutants and Masterminds? It has some advantages over the Hero system, especially for those unfamiliar to Hero. It is d20 based, so the play rules are easier to pick up. Building characters requires less math. The numer 12 is not a central part of combat. You don't have to keep track of endurance. It has mechanics for doing cool bits that are not on your character sheet. The game has a reasonably cheap players book. And it is only 2nd edition and none of the core rulebooks has been proven to be so thick it will stop light caliber bullets (I've seen the picture).

The down side- it doesn't use hit poits which can be weird for some.

niel wrote:
Thing wrote:
I have spent a big chunk of the day working on a Champions Campaign. I plan on having it make a sharp turn toward an Age of Apocalypse setting. The problem is that I am the only one with the rules and I think I have only one or two of my gaming group that has ever even played any edition of Champions. :(

Have you considered Mutants and Masterminds? It has some advantages over the Hero system, especially for those unfamiliar to Hero. It is d20 based, so the play rules are easier to pick up. Building characters requires less math. The numer 12 is not a central part of combat. You don't have to keep track of endurance. It has mechanics for doing cool bits that are not on your character sheet. The game has a reasonably cheap players book. And it is only 2nd edition and none of the core rulebooks has been proven to be so thick it will stop light caliber bullets (I've seen the picture).

The down side- it doesn't use hit poits which can be weird for some.

Now that Green Ronin has picked up the DC license, they're going to follow up with a 3rd edition to M&M this fall. Just an obligatory FYI.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Urizen wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:

Good Morning FAWTLYers!

Slow day on the message boards while I was driving all day. I take that as a good sign that everyone was out enjoying their Memorial Day holiday with family and friends. I hope it was a great day for all.

As for me, traffic for our 19 hour drive yesterday was actually light which made for a good drive. And this time the car made it through the trip without a scratch. And now I get to do it again in 3 weeks for a graduation party.

In the mean time, lots of pathfinder goodness in the next two weeks. My first pathfinder society game this Friday, and more Runelords the following Friday. Plus, once the last son is home for the summer, the family summer campaign starts. Yippee!

Are you doing the 19 hour drive in one shot? Ugh. What is the difference of driving versus picking up a round trip flight (aside from obviously the difference in time spent getting from point A to B and back to A)?

Yes - 19 hours one shot. On this particular trip there were 3 of us so tickets x3 (well 4 on the way back) is much more than gas. Plus, we had to haul back college dorm stuff. Next trip will be my wife and I plus hauling more dorm stuff for my other son.

Urizen wrote:

niel wrote:

Thing wrote:
I have spent a big chunk of the day working on a Champions Campaign. I plan on having it make a sharp turn toward an Age of Apocalypse setting. The problem is that I am the only one with the rules and I think I have only one or two of my gaming group that has ever even played any edition of Champions. :(

Have you considered Mutants and Masterminds? It has some advantages over the Hero system, especially for those unfamiliar to Hero. It is d20 based, so the play rules are easier to pick up. Building characters requires less math. The numer 12 is not a central part of combat. You don't have to keep track of endurance. It has mechanics for doing cool bits that are not on your character sheet. The game has a reasonably cheap players book. And it is only 2nd edition and none of the core rulebooks has been proven to be so thick it will stop light caliber bullets (I've seen the picture).
The down side- it doesn't use hit poits which can be weird for some.

Now that Green Ronin has picked up the DC license, they're going to follow up with a 3rd edition to M&M this fall. Just an obligatory FYI.

I heard that rumour, but didn't know it was confirmed.

Still not bullet-proof though.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Yes - 19 hours one shot. On this particular trip there were 3 of us so tickets x3 (well 4 on the way back) is much more than gas. Plus, we had to haul back college dorm stuff. Next trip will be my wife and I plus hauling more dorm stuff for my other son.

Do you do all of the driving or do you & your wife switch off? 10 hours behind the wheel isn't a big deal. I've done 15 once on my own and I admit I'm beat at the end.

"No, b*tch ... I do not want to go directly to the French Quarter. I don't care if you're not tired. Did you drive? Oh wait, you don't have your license right now." -- random passing comment to psycho ex-stripper g/f

niel wrote:
Urizen wrote:

Now that Green Ronin has picked up the DC license, they're going to follow up with a 3rd edition to M&M this fall. Just an obligatory FYI.

I heard that rumour, but didn't know it was confirmed.

Still not bullet-proof though.

Definitely confirmed.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mister Moorluck wrote:
Hey FLASH!!!, send Taig those pics. :P

Which ones? I think I might be able to just squeeze them all onto a DVD to send to him...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mister Moorluck wrote:
Well we are hoping to get him over here next year...

Mel says I can come as soon as we win the Lotto... that of course would necessitate that we actually buy Lotto tickets. :/

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Heathansson wrote:

deer with fangs.

and they're real, unlike drop bears, which are fake.
Unless a rabid koala falls on your ass.
Then they're sorta real.

Drop Bear

Silver Crusade

Morning, all! What did I miss?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I think someone got eaten by some scary arse deer and squashed by a Drop Bear...

Silver Crusade

flash_cxxi wrote:
I think someone got eaten by some scary arse deer and squashed by a Drop Bear...

Someday I want a Drop Bear of my own.

RPG Superstar 2012

Celestial Healer wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
I think someone got eaten by some scary arse deer and squashed by a Drop Bear...
Someday I want a Drop Bear of my own.

That would be a Bad Idea™.

Sovereign Court

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all! What did I miss?

Flash_cxxi gave taig a wedgie.

RPG Superstar 2012

Callous Jack wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all! What did I miss?
Flash_cxxi gave taig a wedgie.

And I liked it...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

taig wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all! What did I miss?
flash_cxxi gave taig a wedgie.
And I liked it...

And it was an Atomic Wedgie to boot!

RPG Superstar 2012

flash_cxxi wrote:
taig wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all! What did I miss?
flash_cxxi gave taig a wedgie.
And I liked it...
And it was an Atomic Wedgie to boot!

As long as it doesn't involve a rabid koala attacking my ass. :S

::Pokes nose in thread::

Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:
::Pokes nose in thread::

Eeep! A Ph.D!!!

Mornin', all. Feeling some better. I shouldn't complain; I have neither atomic wedgies nor rabid koalas bothering me. Hope everyone is doing well!

Treppa wrote:
Mornin', all. Feeling some better. I shouldn't complain; I have neither atomic wedgies nor rabid koalas bothering me. Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm finally getting over the cold that kept me out of work last week. But now that I feel better physicly, I'm sad.

My wife is mad at me (for giving her my cold). :(

Silver Crusade

taig wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all! What did I miss?
Flash_cxxi gave taig a wedgie.
And I liked it...

Sounds kinky.

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:
Mornin', all. Feeling some better. I shouldn't complain; I have neither atomic wedgies nor rabid koalas bothering me. Hope everyone is doing well!

Hi Treppa. Are you preparing for any more concerts?

RPG Superstar 2012

niel wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Mornin', all. Feeling some better. I shouldn't complain; I have neither atomic wedgies nor rabid koalas bothering me. Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm finally getting over the cold that kept me out of work last week. But now that I feel better physicly, I'm sad.

My wife is mad at me (for giving her my cold). :(

Share and share alike. :)

Celestial Healer wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Mornin', all. Feeling some better. I shouldn't complain; I have neither atomic wedgies nor rabid koalas bothering me. Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Treppa. Are you preparing for any more concerts?

No, and I'm really jealous that you are rehearsing an opera. I'm relieved at the same time because I don't have any musical commitments. It's a nice break.

The community college is staging "Guys and Dolls," which I've played pit for before. I'm considering doing that, but I'm in kind of an energy well right now.

taig wrote:

niel wrote:

Treppa wrote:
Mornin', all. Feeling some better. I shouldn't complain; I have neither atomic wedgies nor rabid koalas bothering me. Hope everyone is doing well!

I'm finally getting over the cold that kept me out of work last week. But now that I feel better physicly, I'm sad.

My wife is mad at me (for giving her my cold). :(

Share and share alike. :)

That's what I said, mentioning my love and our wedding vows. She replied with a less than complimentary bit about about my parentage and personal habits. All said in a single wifely glare.

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