taig RPG Superstar 2012 |
Aberzombie wrote:Do you actually have an enemies list? I checked your profile and I didn't see it. Are you sure you're not just envious of Sebastian and are trying to be more like him......I always thought Josh idolized Cosmo, not Sebastian...
Josh is a fickle mistress. Um, like the sea...
Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
Shinmizu |
(Ok, maybe "annoyed" isn't the right word, but it doesn't make me happy that I'm specifically being asked to help and I can't.)
Ok, Mr. Passive-Aggressive, you could have just told me directly that you don't have a samophlange I can borrow to fix my brother's 1985 Cougar (or just don't want to lend it to me) instead of just ignoring me and complaining here on the forums.
Mike Welham Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012 |
CourtFool |
I hear what you are saying, but I can not concur. I don't want to be rude or disrespectful, and I truly don't want to start an argument, but the "freedom" that Paizo is always so keen to talk about is a sheep's freedom to choose the patch of grass in which it will graze while growing wool and mutton for its owners. Here's the story: Paizo justifies its nasty, shameless ideals with fallacious logical arguments based on argumentum ad baculum. In case you're unfamiliar with the term, it means that if we don't accept Paizo's claim that it can make all of our problems go away merely by sprinkling some sort of magic, pink, pixie dust over everything that it considers loathsome or indelicate then it will create a kind of psychic pain at the very root of the modern mind. Let's consider for a moment, though, that maybe passive-aggressive, brainless scoundrels do nothing but eat, smell bad, and reproduce while contributing little or nothing productive to society in return for their upkeep. Then doesn't it follow that to Paizo, acting like a beastly sewer rat is a lot of fun?
Although I respect Paizo's right to free speech just as I respect it for repugnant slaves to fashion, stinking, impetuous apostates, and conniving, unregenerate slubberdegullions, it insists that society is supposed to be lenient towards disgraceful, lackadaisical witlings. This fraud, this lie, is just one among the thousands they perpetrates. We must move as expeditiously as possible to stand by our principles and be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost. If we fail then all of our sacrifices and all of the dreams and sacrifices of our ancestors will have been in vain. The key is to realize that Paizo consumes, infests, and destroys. It lives off the death and destruction of others. For that reason alone we need to preserve the peace.
My message is clear: Paizo's most progressive idea is to weave its supercilious traits, depraved imprecations, and insensitive undertakings into a rich tapestry that is sure to strip the world of conversation, friendship, and love. If that sounds progressive to you, you must be facing the wrong way. Paizo craves more power. I say we should give it more power—preferably, 10,000 volts of it. If we let Paizo spread misoneism all over the globe like pigeon droppings over Trafalgar Square, who's going to protect us? The government? Our parents? Superman? Probably none of the above. That's why it's important to expose some of Paizo's officious deeds. I sometimes feel like Paizo has forced us into a danse macabre with its impertinent excuses leading us to the grave. Never forget that and never let Paizo invent a new moral system that legitimizes its desire to waste everyone else's time.
CourtFool |
It could stand just as well for any piece of Post[fill-in the blank] criticism. They should be really radical and take their stand outside the academy [or whatever institution], instead of clinging to the power structures of the past like social lampreys.
There you go with your antidisestablishmentarian rhetoric again.
taig RPG Superstar 2012 |