
Off-Topic Discussions

Dark Archive

Having just started a readover of The Devil Box in Dungeon #109, and having played a chunk of Sixfold Trial, I would like to get up on my soapbox *does so, with a natural 20 on the acrobatics check* and proclaim my adoration for this wonderfully twisted writer.

Thank you, Mister Pett, for putting a smile on my face and a gnawing fear in the pit of the stomach of my Beloved Spouse (Kobold chorus: "We love you!")

That is all.

If you like Mr. Pett's work,check out Carrion Hill. It's his most recent module. It numbers among his best.

Liberty's Edge

tekeli li! tekeli li!!!

Dark Archive

hazel monday wrote:
If you like Mr. Pett's work,check out Carrion Hill. It's his most recent module. It numbers among his best.

My Beloved Spouse (Kobolds chorus: "We love you!") Has that module and I am looking forward to it. Terrified... but eager

Bow your heads!

Mikhaila Burnett wrote:
hazel monday wrote:
If you like Mr. Pett's work,check out Carrion Hill. It's his most recent module. It numbers among his best.
My Beloved Spouse (Kobolds chorus: "We love you!") Has that module and I am looking forward to it. Terrified... but eager

As well you should be. I do hope you are not overly attached to your player character. Granted, in the CoC-styled atmosphere, you shouldn't be any way. ^_^


The Exchange

I still want to see what twisted mayhem Pett and Louge could come up with together.

Crimson Jester wrote:
I still want to see what twisted mayhem Pett and Logue could come up with together.

There appears to be a tentative agreement between them for a project for Logue's Sinister Adventures line...

The Exchange

Turin the Mad wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
I still want to see what twisted mayhem Pett and Logue could come up with together.
There appears to be a tentative agreement between them for a project for Logue's Sinister Adventures line...

Iknow I know I know...I just have a geekgasm everytime I think about it.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
I still want to see what twisted mayhem Pett and Logue could come up with together.
There appears to be a tentative agreement between them for a project for Logue's Sinister Adventures line...

..due in 2012?

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Crimson Jester wrote:
I still want to see what twisted mayhem Pett and Louge could come up with together.

This kinda qualifies. ;)

The Exchange

Yes well it is set in a theater.

Sovereign Court

I have a shrine to Pett in the basement, right next to where I bury the corpses.

Zootcat wrote:
I have a shrine to Pett in the basement, right next to where I bury the corpses.

Inscribe "M'nar" on the placard. Make sure there's a roper guarding those 'yet to be buried'. Make fun of those Sir Pett makes fun of. Buy up your Vaughn Resistance. ^_^

Huzzah! All hail Lord Pett!


What the?

How have I missed this outstanding post with its highly intelligent and worthy comments by people of fine taste and sympathy? I must spend less time bricked up in the walls of my decayed farmhouse screaming at the sunlight.

Why thank you kindly, and I'm very glad you've had fun with some of my adventures. I may have mentioned before but right at the time WoT pulled the plug on Dungeon I was working on a sequel to Devil Box. Alas!

I also always add of course that the wonderful Mr James Jacobs should have co-writer status on my scribblings.

You may have fun with Sound of a Thousand Screams (Kingmaker 6) which is the next adventure I've been lucky enough to be asked to write for Paizo. Then again, it may give you some unpleasant dreams.


Copies link to Vaughn along with small parcel of rotting meat.

The Styles...

Mr Dory...


Richard Pett wrote:

What the?

How have I missed this outstanding post with its highly intelligent and worthy comments by people of fine taste and sympathy? I must spend less time bricked up in the walls of my decayed farmhouse screaming at the sunlight.

Why thank you kindly, and I'm very glad you've had fun with some of my adventures. I may have mentioned before but right at the time WoT pulled the plug on Dungeon I was working on a sequel to Devil Box. Alas!

I also always add of course that the wonderful Mr James Jacobs should have co-writer status on my scribblings.

You may have fun with Sound of a Thousand Screams (Kingmaker 6) which is the next adventure I've been lucky enough to be asked to write for Paizo. Then again, it may give you some unpleasant dreams.


Copies link to Vaughn along with small parcel of rotting meat.

My players gratefully remain unaware of the fact that your humble self is set to unleash multiple TPKs upon them, complete with eaten faces, shattered minds and sundered souls.

And the characters shall suffer, too ...


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