
Pett's Mullet's page

41 posts. Alias of Callous Jack.


Richard Pett wrote:
Patience, cupcake, soon you shall feast again

Thy unctuous curls await your command, Your Repulsiveness!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Richard Pett wrote:

Please do get some reviews up of these puppies if you would, I look forward to all reviews - good and bad ...


Shall I throttle those who give bad reviews, O Most Loathsome One?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Richard Pett wrote:
Pett's Mullet wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:
Mark Sweetman wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:
Plus, there's a handy list of 7 words for each district, that will hopefully survive in their current form where the words are sized to their relevance by district in a wordcloud way
Nice :) - is there somewhere that's unctuous? I've always liked that word.
Beautiful word Mark, it might well have snuck in there somewhere, these obscure words need love:)
Would your lovely tresses be considered unctuous, O Most Glorious One?
Patience, cupcake, but spread the word far and wide that Sister Blight is slumbering too much now, she needs feeding or she may die before she has even opened her many, many eyes...

Yes, O Most Abhorrent Lord!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Richard Pett wrote:
Mark Sweetman wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:
Plus, there's a handy list of 7 words for each district, that will hopefully survive in their current form where the words are sized to their relevance by district in a wordcloud way
Nice :) - is there somewhere that's unctuous? I've always liked that word.
Beautiful word Mark, it might well have snuck in there somewhere, these obscure words need love:)

Would your lovely tresses be considered unctuous, O Most Glorious One?

Richard Pett wrote:
Now, cupcake, back to your darkness.

Yessss, Masssster.

*slurgles away*

Huzzah! Master Pett returns!

Hear, hear! Mullets for all!

Happy Birthday O Most Hideous One!

*slurgles away*

Huzzah for our great lord and master!

Richard Pett wrote:

Huzzah for Mnar!

*slithers back into place*

I go bump in the night.

Richard Pett wrote:
Back, petal, into your rightful place.

Yes, O Glorious Master.

Richard Pett wrote:

There's something in my head.


Could that be me?

eric kiser wrote:
What happened to Logue?

I taught him a lesson he won't forget.

Lilith wrote:
Plaug the Merely Adequate wrote:
Richard Pett's evil brain...and some First World creatures.
Truly a ferocious opponent.


Röne Bartön wrote:
Pett's Mullet wrote:
Röne Bartön wrote:

Oh no, sir. It does not compare. My mane brings the girls to the school yard for things other than a milk shake. First things first; you got to venture outside the house and swing it like you bring it. When my mane is in its full glory, it shimmers sparkles and draws down four score and six packs of teens and cougars to their knees in a semi-circle in a matter of five minutes flat.

Your rat-infested toupee is no match for me and my luscious curls!
I got a scrub I can recommend for your Brit-nappies. Either that or copious amounts of starch and pomade. Venture across the Atlantic for details.

Keep your pomade to yourself, not all of us want to look like a reject from Grease.

Röne Bartön wrote:

Oh no, sir. It does not compare. My mane brings the girls to the school yard for things other than a milk shake. First things first; you got to venture outside the house and swing it like you bring it. When my mane is in its full glory, it shimmers sparkles and draws down four score and six packs of teens and cougars to their knees in a semi-circle in a matter of five minutes flat.

Your rat-infested toupee is no match for me and my luscious curls!

Huzzah for Pett!

Zohar wrote:
Pett's Mullet wrote:
Huzzah! The unwashed masses will worship Lord Pett now that all this dastardly Loguery has been exposed!

Long live the Pett!

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

Qua? Aside from a nearly imperceptible crimson highlight that lasted for all of three days five years ago I have never dyed or otherwise despoiled my luxurious mane. Perish the thought.

Your mane will never look as good as my luscious curls.

*slithers off*

Huzzah! The unwashed masses will worship Lord Pett now that all this dastardly Loguery has been exposed!


Richard Pett wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
C'mon Heathy... I'm still waiting for you to run it as a PbP! ;)
March is a mess.
C'mon Heathy, stop making excuses

Shall I throttle him, milord?




Huzzah! All hail Lord Pett!

Hal Maclean wrote:
Mr. P is back!


Richard Pett wrote:
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
All Rich Pett's Adventures are better than mine. This is very true.
Good of Greg to come clean at last, an honest start to 2010, bravo.

Shall I not throttle him with my vibrant tresses, master?

Crimson Jester wrote:
Nicolas Louge wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Casts: Summon Nick
Wrong nick, I knew I shouldn't have gotten my spells from that street vendor. The watch is nice though.

Send him back to the stygian hell from whence he came!

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

Actually, I'm surprised that Paizo are letting you stat up Nick Logue and put him in one of their adventures.... ;)

Hush you! Do not mention that wretched name or I will throttle you with my luscious curls!

Rule, Britannia!

Richard Pett wrote:

Yes, quickly, and when you're done with them, hand them back.

And where's my gown? I have a ball to go to!

Yes sir, right away!

Richard Pett wrote:
Pett's Mullet wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:
Pett's Mullet wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:
No, no curry - get back to your frog-flaying
Very good sir, here is your plastic, pink Barbie tiara.

That was a close one.

Oh dear, I've just had an accident with making the curry

Shall I mop it up with my gorgeous curls?

Richard Pett wrote:
Pett's Mullet wrote:
Richard Pett wrote:
No, no curry - get back to your frog-flaying
Very good sir, here is your plastic, pink Barbie tiara.

That was a close one.


Richard Pett wrote:
No, no curry - get back to your frog-flaying

Very good sir, here is your plastic, pink Barbie tiara.

Richard Pett wrote:
and bring me my tiara!

Yes sir!

And might I have some of that curry too?

Richard Pett wrote:
Ah, that's better, carry on

Yes sir!

Celestial Healer wrote:
Ain't seenim roun' these parts.

Did I mention he made fun of NASCAR?

Could someone shoot that hippeh Logue fer me?

Down with the Logue!