Barsaivian Tales [Earthdawn 3e PbP]


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Rey will be joining the game for the next we have 4 players.

I have to finish creating the character. he'll be a background character...

"Oi gents, good o'you to bring them loggers back...Haven eh? I've been there fact, Oi was on me way back when I 'eard 'bout yer village troubles...I wouldn't mind a bit o' comp'ny on th'wee back, Oi nearly got ett by an ogre on the way 'ere...

"Glad to have the company Rey.
My name is Glottal Cha and it's good to meet you."

Ay, pleasure t'meetcha...

several weeks pass as everyone trains, and plans are made to evacuate the village of Tsennan, the new stranger, Rey Ar'teb is very helpful in organizing and cataloging. It is decided that Glottal Cha and Rey Ar'teb are to travel to Haven seeking audience with Hiermon. The area around Parlainth is dangerous, only the treasures of the seat of the Theran Governor city Kaer/Citadel of Parlainth keep adventurer's employed, as the ruins are rife with danger. Spies from Thera abound in Parlainth, As many loyal to Throal are killed by Therans within the ruins as are killed by Constructs, Horrors, and beasts changed by the Scourge. Rumors even tell of a True Dragon within the ruins. Haven is a frontier town if ever there were one...

The rest of the Tsennites will be accompanied by the rest of the adepts in their journey to Bartertown, Glottal knows he'll always have a place amongst them, as a savior of the woodsmen, but for now, adventure awaits.

Glottal has his pack at his feet and is in the process of eating a breakfast sausage while he waits for Rey near the Bartertown gates.

"I'm early, hungry, and ready for a trip," Glottal says to himself and smiles.

Glottal Cha Cliffchaser wrote:

Glottal has his pack at his feet and is in the process of eating a breakfast sausage while he waits for Rey near the Bartertown gates.

"I'm early, hungry, and ready for a trip," Glottal says to himself and smiles.

Tsennan gates...the rest of the Tsennanites are heading to Bartertown.

You wait by the gates for Rey, it's been a trying couple of weeks, after Tartuk's death, his ork mother lost the will to live, and died two days later, funeral rites were performed, and a funeral pyre was set. It took two weeks to prepare the rest of the town for the journey, wagons and litters were crafted, and the rest of the supplies were packed for the journey. The last thing to happen only last night was the sealing of the Kaer, the entrance collapsed while a marker stone was set to indicate that the Kaer was abandoned, and to seek the Tsennaites in Bartertown.

You hear a whistle from outside the gates, turning to look you see Rey down the trail, he waves for you to come to him.

"When did you get over there?"
"I'm coming, hold on." Glottal Cha yells.
He picks up his pack, stuffs the last bite of sausage in his mouth, and catches up to Rey.

"I slipped out early, wanted to make sure there were no nasties waiting for us out here.

Rey and Glottal head down the road, several hours pass the day is nice, it's a good day to be on the road. The weather is warm with a light breeze.

As you travel down the road, you hear some rustling from the underbrush ahead...

Glottal Cha puts his hand on his sword.
"We got something over there, probably a critter," he says quietly.
He stops and waits to see what comes out of the bush. (if anything)

Rey pulls his short sword and drops into a battle stance as a speckled pair of blue lizards about 2 foot long run across the path.

"Luckily, they were doing a mating ritual or those lightning lizards would have been trouble."

After the lightning lizards blast across the pathway, the rest of the day goes well, only 5 more days to Haven.

It is now coming up on evening, what do you want to do for camp.

"Let's a find a good tree to shelter us for the night. I'll take first watch."

a peaceful night, and another on the road the next day. You're of the foothills more now, the land is more sparse, you camp on the top of a hill on the second night. You note a campfire burning in the distance, yours was sheltered, so wouldn't have been so visible. Better watch out on the road tomorrow, who knows who'll you'll meet on the road tomorrow...

"We better keep a watch out on the road since it looks like we'll be meeting up with some others."
Glottal Cha keeps a hand on his sword while traveling.

" Agreed, I don't know about those fires, could be bandits, Theran slavers or worse" Rey states in a dead serious tone, "Then again could be some good wholesome folk!" he reiterates cheerfully.

As you approach the area near where the fires might have been, a T'skrang leaps down from the tree, bow in hand, arrow knocked, and a funny look in his've seen that look in the Archer adepts back in Tsennan...

"This here road b'longs t' Sk'Reet Valkos" The T'Skrang says in a matter of fact tone. "1 silver t'pass me by un'armed...

Looks in on the thread...nope, no more action.../sigh

SD Comic Con starts tomorrow, I probably will be too worn out to post until Monday.

Of course that post will probably be the Horror Corrupting the thread and eating it

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