I think Captain Picard could totally kick Captain Kirk's ass

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Ahem. Sorry; I just couldn't say that with a straight face.

The Exchange

Flame war begins.............LOL

Everybody knows that one of Kirk's judo chops to the back of the neck would end the fight before it even started.

The Exchange

Or his patented drop kick.

Prerequisite #1: Some red-shirt/yellow-shirt is required to die to prove how dire the situation is, on both sides.

Besides, Sisko would own them both.

Liberty's Edge

Three-way, pay-per-view, Tables, Ladders and Chairs match between Picard, Kirk and Sisko with the winner mud-wrestling Janeway for the belt.

Make it so!

Sovereign Court

Crimson Jester wrote:
Or his patented drop kick.

Never fight Kirk near a table. You're inviting a world of pain if you do.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32


  • Would you have both men be in the same age bracket? (i.e., Movie Kirk vs. Picard?)

    In that case, Sir Patrick Steward was in better physical condition that William Shatner was. So, I would think that Picard would win.

  • Or are we talking in space?

    Pacard's Enterprise at 70 to 100 years of technological improvements over Kirks Enterprise. So, Picard wins again.

    So Yeah.

  • I once read a great article

    a group of klingon's are guarding a tunnel that a starship captain and his/her friends want to go through

    Kirk gives the klingons a kicking, then walks through

    Picard negotiates with the Klingons, anyone can go though

    Sisko goes back in time, and goes through before the Klingons get there

    Janeway blows up the tunnel, noone can go through

    noone knows what Archer does, because noone is watching

    Liberty's Edge

    This just in! Picard takes a level of cavalier!

    Liberty's Edge


    Guy Humual wrote:
    Crimson Jester wrote:
    Or his patented drop kick.
    Never fight Kirk near a table. You're inviting a world of pain if you do.

    You seem to have accidentally included "near a table." ;-)

    RPG Superstar 2012

    Picard would adjust his shirt, and that's all the opening Kirk would need.

    Sturmvogel wrote:

    Prerequisite #1: Some red-shirt/yellow-shirt is required to die to prove how dire the situation is, on both sides.

    Besides, Sisko would own them both.

    Prerequisite #2: Worf has to have his ass handed to him so everyone knows they're in serious, serious trouble.

    My vote..Janeway for the win.

    She was tougher than both of the nancy boys from the enterprise.
    Kirk needed his vulcan to get his ass outta everything
    Picard didnt even have a vulcan
    Janeway taught her vulcan to kick ass and had a really hot second in command to boot.
    Ok OK so picards second in command was mega hot with the beard and all but still over all Janeway for the win in the tough captain competion

    Liberty's Edge

    I hear that Pike had quite the razzle dazzle back in the day.

    But I gotta say Janeway FTW though. Don't mess with someone who channels Katharine Hepburn 24/7. :)

    The Exchange

    Steven Tindall wrote:

    My vote..Janeway for the win.

    She was tougher than both of the nancy boys from the enterprise.
    Kirk needed his vulcan to get his ass outta everything
    Picard didnt even have a vulcan
    Janeway taught her vulcan to kick ass and had a really hot second in command to boot.
    Ok OK so picards second in command was mega hot with the beard and all but still over all Janeway for the win in the tough captain competion

    Wow there are just some thoughts I don't want in my head Steven.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Sisko could take on both Picard and Kirk.... together. This man don't take no guff, he even backhanded Q!

    You hit me! Picard never hit me!

    I'm .... NOT.... Picard!

    Crimson Jester wrote:
    Steven Tindall wrote:

    My vote..Janeway for the win.

    She was tougher than both of the nancy boys from the enterprise.
    Kirk needed his vulcan to get his ass outta everything
    Picard didnt even have a vulcan
    Janeway taught her vulcan to kick ass and had a really hot second in command to boot.
    Ok OK so picards second in command was mega hot with the beard and all but still over all Janeway for the win in the tough captain competion

    Wow there are just some thoughts I don't want in my head Steven.

    Then I would suggest staying away from anything resembeling slash fanfiction CJ. The sites dedicated to cha-co-tey/paris/kim love affairs are very popular but then again so are the janeway/7 sites so 6 of one half dozen of the other. Some of the best stories are of riker and his clone becomeing involved, after all riker could never really love anyone that wasnt as pretty as himself so perfrect solution.

    The Exchange

    Steven Tindall wrote:
    Crimson Jester wrote:
    Steven Tindall wrote:

    My vote..Janeway for the win.

    She was tougher than both of the nancy boys from the enterprise.
    Kirk needed his vulcan to get his ass outta everything
    Picard didnt even have a vulcan
    Janeway taught her vulcan to kick ass and had a really hot second in command to boot.
    Ok OK so picards second in command was mega hot with the beard and all but still over all Janeway for the win in the tough captain competion

    Wow there are just some thoughts I don't want in my head Steven.
    Then I would suggest staying away from anything resembeling slash fanfiction CJ. The sites dedicated to cha-co-tey/paris/kim love affairs are very popular but then again so are the janeway/7 sites so 6 of one half dozen of the other. Some of the best stories are of riker and his clone becomeing involved, after all riker could never really love anyone that wasnt as pretty as himself so perfrect solution.

    LMAO yes I could see him going for his other half. Now I am going to have to go scrub my brain. My friend loved Slash fic but preferred the Harry and Malfoy ones. ~shivers~ Must. use. more. brain. bleach.

    Picard > Kirk

    Liberty's Edge

    Captain Sisko or Captain Janeway?

    Studpuffin wrote:
    Captain Sisko or Captain Janeway?

    Sisko > Janeway

    Reasoning: the Defiant was his brainchild.

    EDIT: and he's kind of Space Jesus or something.

    Liberty's Edge

    Loopy wrote:

    EDIT: and he's kind of Space Jesus or something.


    Studpuffin wrote:
    Loopy wrote:

    EDIT: and he's kind of Space Jesus or something.


    No! Really!


    Liberty's Edge

    Loopy wrote:
    Studpuffin wrote:
    Loopy wrote:

    EDIT: and he's kind of Space Jesus or something.


    No! Really!


    Oh I wasn't disagreeing. I've watched the whole series. It just seemed a really odd thing to add to Star Trek after TNG.

    However, I would call anyone who designed the defiant as someone with a god-complex.

    Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

    Heathansson wrote:

    +1, you young pup!!

    Studpuffin wrote:
    Loopy wrote:
    Studpuffin wrote:
    Loopy wrote:

    EDIT: and he's kind of Space Jesus or something.


    No! Really!


    Oh I wasn't disagreeing. I've watched the whole series. It just seemed a really odd thing to add to Star Trek after TNG.

    However, I would call anyone who designed the defiant as someone with a god-complex.

    Hell yes. They should have named it "The Machine of Great Reckoning".

    space jesus or not. I still say janeway for the win. Sisko as much as I love him was still all "must not violate prime directive" he did to get the romulans involved in the dominion war but he was all guilty and as emo-ey as a sparkly vampire over it.

    Janeway was like"were over 170 light years from the nearest starbase Mr. Nelix I dont think starfleet cares, tuvox fire"
    Plus sisko was like a half-breed celestial template type janeway was just a plain old human.

    Dark Archive

    Oh, I love unwinnable arguments.

    But I'm for Kirk. The only character with balls on the Next Gen Enterprise was K'Ehleyr, and she was just visiting.

    What did Sisko do when he met Picard in Emissary? Told him off (since he'd already 'met' him as Locutis, in the battle where his wife died).

    What did Sisko do when he met Kirk in Trials and Tribble-ations? Got his autograph!

    Sheridan > Kirk, Sisko and Janeway.

    Sovereign Court

    Sisko would win over everyone!

    RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

    Steven Tindall wrote:
    space jesus or not. I still say janeway for the win. Sisko as much as I love him was still all "must not violate prime directive" he did to get the romulans involved in the dominion war but he was all guilty and as emo-ey as a sparkly vampire over it.

    Just remember, in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Captain Benjamin Sisko was still on the frontier of Federation space. If he goes and starts ignoring the "Prime Directive" Star Fleet security would come an "have a polite chat" with him. Justified as it was, the way he got the Romulans involved in the Dominion war would get him sent directly to a "re-education" colony, if the Federation ever actually found out what really happened.

    Now, with Star Trek: Voyager, Kate Mulgrew had to overcome some of the worst writing ever shown on TV. Exceeded for pure awefulness only by Star Trek: Enterprise. So in some real ways, comparing Captain Kathryn Janeway (or Jonathan Archer) to either Kirk or Picard is just plan unfair.

    Picard is my favorite captain. Nevertheless, I have to say that Kirk would kick Picard's ass in a fist fight. How do I know this? Simple logic.

    Observe the transitive property in action.

    Fact: Soran kicked Picard's ass.
    Fact: Kirk kicked Soran's ass.
    Conclusion: Kirk can kick Picard's ass.

    Sovereign Court

    DoveArrow wrote:

    Fact: Soran kicked Picard's ass.

    Fact: Kirk kicked Soran's ass.
    Conclusion: Kirk can kick Picard's ass.

    Fact: Sisko could stomp all three of them.

    Callous Jack wrote:
    Fact: Sisko could stomp all three of them.

    Only if you're talking about Sisko with his goatee. Sisko without his goatee is a total wimp.

    Sovereign Court

    DoveArrow wrote:
    Only if you're talking about Sisko with his goatee.

    Wouldn't that make him evil too by Star Trek logic?


    Chuck Norris could kick all their asses. At the same time!

    Emperor7 wrote:
    Chuck Norris could kick all their asses. At the same time!

    Even Chuck Norris wouldn't survive a photon torpedo bombardment from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

    Turin the Mad wrote:
    Emperor7 wrote:
    Chuck Norris could kick all their asses. At the same time!
    Even Chuck Norris wouldn't survive a photon torpedo bombardment from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

    The tried that on DS9, episode 3 and the torpedoes got stuck in the tubes out of fear. Chuck Norris is an Elder God. ;)

    Emperor7 wrote:
    Turin the Mad wrote:
    Emperor7 wrote:
    Chuck Norris could kick all their asses. At the same time!
    Even Chuck Norris wouldn't survive a photon torpedo bombardment from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
    The tried that on DS9, episode 3 and the torpedoes got stuck in the tubes out of fear. Chuck Norris is an Elder God. ;)

    Turin makes a mental note to use dumbfire torpedoes. Although if Upchuck Norris is an Elder Gawd, Turin also realizes that the massive SAN loss that would inevitably ensue is why he normally doesn't take shots at Upchuck Norris in threads and such in the first place.

    Callous Jack wrote:
    DoveArrow wrote:
    Only if you're talking about Sisko with his goatee.

    Wouldn't that make him evil too by Star Trek logic?


    That dosn't apply to people of African decent. How do I know, evil Uhura didn't have a beard.

    Liberty's Edge

    Xabulba wrote:
    evil Uhura didn't have a beard.

    Joke averted.

    Sovereign Court

    Studpuffin wrote:
    Xabulba wrote:
    evil Uhura didn't have a beard.
    Joke averted.

    I probably decided not to post the same thing.

    Callous Jack wrote:
    Studpuffin wrote:
    Xabulba wrote:
    evil Uhura didn't have a beard.
    Joke averted.
    I probably decided not to post the same thing.

    No joke too low, no joke too bad, no joke.

    But evil Spock had a goatee and he did it with Uhura, and he could kick all the captains' collective asses. But not as quickly as CN. ;)

    Everyoneknows....that...Iamthe...greateststarfleet....cap...tian....ofallti me.

    Capt. Kirk Moorluck wrote:
    Everyoneknows....that...Iamthe...greateststarfleet....cap...tian....ofallti me.

    Oh go tell it to Priceline, you poor excuse for a Comanding Officer. Did you even care about those ensigns you got killed in every episode. And all so you could get another interspecies STD.

    Capt. Prikhard wrote:
    Capt. Kirk Moorluck wrote:
    Everyoneknows....that...Iamthe...greateststarfleet....cap...tian....ofallti me.
    Oh go tell it to Priceline, you poor excuse for a Comanding Officer. Did you even care about those ensigns you got killed in every episode. And all so you could get another interspecies STD.

    Ensigns? Whatarethey.....Oh.... youmustmean....the......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....phaserspounges....w e keptthem.....on....everyawayshuttle.....incaseofemergency.

    Capt. Prikhard wrote:
    Capt. Kirk Moorluck wrote:
    Everyoneknows....that...Iamthe...greateststarfleet....cap...tian....ofallti me.
    Oh go tell it to Priceline, you poor excuse for a Comanding Officer. Did you even care about those ensigns you got killed in every episode. And all so you could get another interspecies STD.

    You killed my daddieeeeeeeeee..........

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