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Weeeesley's page

20 posts. Alias of Crimson Jester.


Gnomes are not real peoples and no one loves me.

All my friends are Bacon

Hudax wrote:

I blame CJ for Wesley Crusher.

By whyyyyy meeeeee...........

I feel the need for WINE and cheese.

Dr. Doom, MD. wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Well, if you've got it, flaunt it.

We're still trying to identify what you've "got"...


I think we may have discovered a new one here.

Say it isn't soooooooooo!

Jess Door wrote:
Spockurion wrote:
By the way, is anybody else doing a Star Trek: The Original Series rewatch on Netflix? Fascinating.

Our office goes all out for Halloween - we decorate and do coordinated costumes and each department competes against the other. Last year we lost only because out Matrix theme was lost on two of the three judges...the CEO and EXVP in charge of Aquisition had never seen the movie before (WTH, even I've seen that movie!).

So we're trying to think of a theme that these guys will be aware of, and yet won't suck. I offered the suggestion that instead of Landmark Aviation, we are "Landmark Spaceways", offering commercial transporation throughout Federation Space.

What? We're IT! We're supposed to be geeks!

Now I need a star trek uniform outfit. And we're going for original series / new movie, not the next generation or any of those. So...boots too. Hmmm.

All of this is to say...I need to do research! :D


Must. Have. Pictures.


Mona Jester wrote:
Michigan Jones wrote:
Malcolm wrote:
Llama Prophet wrote:
Jasum the butler wrote:
Godfather of Crime! wrote:
Fishick wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
cyberfrog-0u812 wrote:
Blame On! wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
The thread title and alignment jokes make this look like a joke thread, so it is moved to off topic.
But Ross, what if we don't want it?
Bury it in smurfs, non sequitors, and amusing aliases until it is assimilated?
I guess we can do that.
Wont that mean it just gets bigger and sticks around?
We could always force choke it instead?
Or non Trollishly talk about gaming.
Not to much to ask is it?
Think about the Kittens.
They. do. not. ask. for. much.
We could lick it, or hump it.
or ignore it and post to other threads until it is archived instead.
Oh my baby this is long...
Oh smurf it...

bored now

It's My Candy!!!!

But I wanted to do it, my wayy!!

Woodraven wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I must not be awesome, then. I look like s%&! with a beard. Sort of like a homeless unwashed Charles Manson head stuck onto a homeless unwashed Mike Ness body. Eccchhh...
Here's a demonstration.
You look like Wesley Crusher without the facial hair. Uhmm shiny why are you aiming that shotgun at me?!!

he is soooooooooooooo cute! Oh, Snap.

Heathansson wrote:

It shoud be all based on Cockney Rhyming Slang.

It's the only logical answer.
It's not an anecdote either. It's scientifically proven.

Science bleh neva helped me wit da ladies.............. I want my mommy!

Smurfy good times.


I miss my daddy

Capt. Prikhard wrote:
Capt. Kirk Moorluck wrote:
Everyoneknows....that...Iamthe...greateststarfleet....cap...tian....ofallti me.
Oh go tell it to Priceline, you poor excuse for a Comanding Officer. Did you even care about those ensigns you got killed in every episode. And all so you could get another interspecies STD.

You killed my daddieeeeeeeeee..........

Capt. Prikhard wrote:
Weeeesley wrote:
This is why I walked off with the traveler so I could gain Q like power and kick your bald @$$.

At least you removed yourself from your mother's tit long enough for me to score. Let me tell you, she really did Make It So(TM) that night boy.

EDIT: And that got me on top of the page like I get on top of your mother. ;)

Ok Baldy you are in for it. I 'm gonna get me the android, the blind boy and your number one and.... wait a minute? Why IS HE your number one anyway? DO he Make it so {tm} for you too? The way he walks, its like John Wayne with a suppository. Now I know why you drink so much tea, you bloody Wanker!

This is why I walked off with the traveler so I could gain Q like power and kick your bald @$$.

Leave my mommy outta this!

Hey, am I in this one? I can do it captain.