John Mangrum |

Part of my confussion is that is one of the few big differences between an Afflicted and Natural Lycanthrope in Core D&D. The other two being the higher D.R. of Naturals and th lack of need to check for Alignment change.
The third big difference was that natural lycanthropes could change at will, whereas afflicted lycanthropes were forced to change by the full moon (or, in Ravenloft, more generally their lycanthropic "trigger") or had to make Control Shape checks to transform.
You're right on the point I didn't quote, too: for afflicted lycanthropy to work as the "curse" it's intended to be, you really need to add focus to the ol' werebeasts with both "fluff" and rules. For core D&D, their decision was the right one in many ways.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading Classic Horrors to see what tricks Paizo has up its sleeve.

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A quick one on the text for Knowledge (Planes)
Knowledge (Planes):Knowledge (Planes) is consulted when dealing with the nature of the realm of dread itself. Knowledge regarding the dark powers, darklords and the nature of domains are covered by this skill. Such a skill is a powerful and rare resource for heroes and is treated as a cross class skill even by classes that receive all knowledge skills as class skills.
To gain ranks or further ranks in this skill the GM may ask that the character engage in exhaustive research with appropriate study material. Another route by which players may be allowed to gain ranks in this skill, is through a grim realisation when confronted with one of the many unique horrors of Ravenloft.
Knowledge checks regarding planes other than ravenloft, the plane of shadow and the ethereal plane have their DCs increased by 10 for residents of ravenloft. Travellers from other planes have no such increase, but instead have their DCs regarding the nature of ravenloft increased by 20.

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I think I'd be on tricky ground rewriting the feats found in the 3.5 campaign setting book. So for now here's some minor alerterations to those base feats. I will be adding additional feats not in the core book later.
Please refer to the Ravenloft 3.5 Core Campaign Setting for new feats available for characters in ravenloft. Please adopt the following changes to those feats when using Pathfinder.Cold One,
You must have gained a negative level from an energy drain attack to gain this feat. Your slowed metabolism loses 1 hit point every 2 rounds if you are reduced to -1 or less hit points.Ghostsight,
Ethereal creatures must succeed at a perception check to realise you are not on the Near Ethereal.Haunted,
The geist allows you a second roll on Perception checks.
Any idea for feats beyond the basic ones?

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I cannot suggest the Wolfman more. It's an excellent watch for someone running or playing in Ravenloft.
I am glad to hear that. It looked good, and has a few actors that I can not name a bad movie (off hand) that they have been in, but I was still a bit worried that it just might not work. Previews are purposefully deceptive these days. I hope I don't already know the plot and twist of the movie, though. :(

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Thanks, Ugly Child. Stepson and I are going to use our snow day to see it. Are you still going to put your work out in a final pdf? The sample layout looked good to me!
Yep, though it'll be the end of March at least before it's finished minus the art.
Again that's another hint to the artistic amongst you, I'll be posting a very brief description of small pieces I'm looking for.

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Hi all, time for another update. This time the paladin, as always if you spot mistakes or unworkable mechanics let me know.
PaladinPaladins are a rare and special thing in Ravenloft, beacons of good and defenders of the ordinary folk of a realm. Unfortunately shining so brightly they attract the attention of not only the helpless, but those who would stalk them. No one chooses the route of a paladin, it is merely who they are. In some cases a paladin may not even know that they are a warrior of light.
Higher Standards: When paladins make a powers check they do so at double the usual chance of failure.
Detect Evil: This ability functions as detect chaos or as detect evil in the case of evil outsiders.
Divine Grace: This ability has the additional effect of the paladin’s charisma modifier being added a sacred bonus to Diplomacy when dealing with those of a good alignment. This bonus becomes a penalty when dealing with those of an evil alignment.
Aura of Courage: The paladin remains immune to fear of a magical nature, but still must take fear saves. They add a +2 sacred bonus to all such saves.
Divine Health: This class feature does not protect a paladin from diseases caused by a Darklord or curse (this includes lycanthropy).
Mercy: Mercy is somewhat strained in ravenloft and cannot remove conditions inflicted by a Darklord, curse or interaction with a closed domain border.
Spells: Magic is altered within ravenloft in some cases. Please refer to the magic section.
Divine Bond: If the paladin chooses to use this class feature to gain a mount, the mount is a dread companion.
The paladin may only use the celestial spirit section of this class feature if a close friend or loved one has died. The spirit summoned from the mists to aid the paladin is the spirit of this loved one. If a weapon bonded with a spirit is destroyed, the paladin may call on another loved one to aid them; but the original spirit is now lost in the mist forever.
The paladin is under a -1 to all rolls in the 30-day period after losing their mount or spirit, not just attack and damage rolls.
Aura of Faith: This class feature only allows good-aligned individuals treat their attacks as good-aligned.
Aura of Righteousness: This ability does not allow the paladin to ignore compulsion effects caused by a closed domain border.
Holy Champion: Upon gaining this class ability the paladin is under an effect similar to the spell Sympathy, with an area of 100ft around the Darklord of the domain as the target. This effect does not cause elation or positive sensations nor does it create a desire to touch or possess the Darklord. It does however cause the paladin to feel that a time of reckoning or their destiny approaches. The area of the effect moves with the Darklord and the paladin may take a DC 25 sense motive check to sense the direction the effect is in.
Disruption: The very presence of a paladin in their domain is an irritation to a domains Darklord. The Darklord of a domain may make a sense motive check (DC 25- the paladin’s level) to ascertain the paladin’s location with their domain. The Darklord gains an approximate location with 1 mile (“in the town of Ludendorf” or in the mountains to the north of Teufeldorf”), and may use this ability once a day. In the presence of a paladin a Darklord may ascertain that a paladin stands before them with a sense motive check (DC 20- the paladin’s level). If the paladin reaches 20th level a Darklord at will knows the paladins location automatically and within 100ft.

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Right then the ranger, first of the more martial classes. You may noticed I've removed the weakness feature for the martial classes and the rogue. I just didn't think a powers check every level for gaining a level seemed a bit arbitrary. Instead in the case of the ranger a penalty to some social skills and interaction with urban elements.
RangerSolitary: Rangers as isolated figures have less experience with people and have often lost touch with the niceties of social interaction. Rangers have a -2 on all diplomacy, sense motive and linguistics rolls related to paperwork and documentation. In addition, unless or until a ranger’s favoured terrain becomes urban they receive a -2 penalty on all perception rolls in a city or large town; as they are unaccustomed to it’s hustle and bustle.
Favoured Terrain: A may still be tracked by any creature with the Scent special ability in their favoured terrain.
Hunter’s Bond: In the case of bond with allies or hunting companions, the ranger must travel with or be accompanied by an individual for at least a week to grant that individual any bonus from this class feature. This is a matter of trust and instruction by the ranger.
An animal companion is not a dread companion, but may be influenced by the darklord of a domain. If the ranger’s animal companion falls under a darklord’s control, it flees confused away from its master for fear of harming them. It takes no action against its master and allies but can merely shadow their master at a distance. If a ranger is or ever becomes evil their current animal companion flees, not to return. An evil ranger may then attract a dread companion. In most towns a ranger with an obvious wild animal companion has their outcast rating increased by 1, domesticated animals cause no such effect.
Spells: Magic is altered within ravenloft in some cases. Please refer to the magic section.
Woodland Stride: This ability does not allow you to cross closed domain borders.

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Right this one is very rough. Druids I think struggle as a class to find a place in Ravenloft. I mean Forlorn is a great domain, but that seems to be the only spot for them. The witch seems a better fit for a lot of the vodoo flavoured stuff, as well as their traditional role.
So as such I'd really like some feedback on this entry, I tried to change up the window dressing for druid so you don't end up with wildshape velocirapors with top hats and monocles.
Of the Land:
A druid is more linked to the land they live in than others; as such they are more susceptible to the realms sinister nature. If a druid is within 10 miles of a sinkhole of evil or an area blighted by a hag, they sense and contact the corruption. They then take a will save with a DC depending on the intensity of the corruption (table below) if they fail their save their alignment move one step along the morale axis Good – Neutral – Evil; if they fail their save by 5 or more they are moved 1 or 2 steps along the morale axis to Evil. This effect lasts until the druid leaves the area but only has to take this save once a day for a particular corruption; the druid is allowed a fresh save daily to regain their former alignment. Any bonuses or penalties that effect madness saves affect this save.Sinkhole Rating 3 DC15
Sinkhole Rating 4 DC20
Hag’s BlightSinkhole Rating 5 DC25
Spells: Magic is altered within ravenloft in some cases. Please refer to the magic section.
Nature Bond: An animal companion is not a dread companion, but may be influenced by the darklord of a domain. If the druid’s animal companion falls under a darklord’s control, it flees confused away from its master for fear of harming them. It takes no action against its master and allies but can merely shadow their master at a distance. If a druid is or ever becomes evil their current animal companion flees, not to return. An evil druid may then attract a dread companion.
Woodland Stride: This ability does not allow a druid to cross closed domain borders.
Trackless Step: A druid with this ability may still be tracked by any creature with the Scent special.
Wildshape: A druid is limited in their choices in the forms they assume with wildshape. They may only choose forms native to the domain that they start the day in. If the druid is of sufficient level they may always assume an elemental form. In addition to animals, when a druid uses wild shape to function as any beast shape spell, they may assume the form of non-swarm vermin. You are still limited by the abilities granted by the beast shape spell and your choice in forms is still limited to creatures within the domain that they start the day in.
Venom Immunity: Does not render you immune to the effects of a closed domain border.

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I agree, the class really doesn't fit very well in Revenloft in general. Concider using the variant "Urban Druid", which could easily play a role in nearly all Domains (exceo the ons that Druid's work well).
As far as the Druid goes, everything looks good to me. Possibly take a loof at Wild Shape. The thing hat pops out a me as odd is the Wild Shape into anything native to the Domain you start the day in. Possibly change that to animals you are familiar too, (typically those native to your home domain, but if the Druid moves, with DM approval, they may learn other forms). It just strikes me as odd that a Druid could change into a wolf one day, (fairly common animal) and finds it impossible the next. I can also see it 1.) freaking certain people out if the see a new monster they have never seen. ("What manner of beast is this, flee! Flee for your lives!!!!") or 2.) possibly risk unravelling the fabric of the Domain, risking corruption (maddness). I like the idea, but it seems a bit complicated.

Freehold DM |

The Paladin in particular seems to be inspired. I really, really like what you did here. Excellent. I can only hope my own paladin is as good.
The Ranger seems just fine.
With respect to the Druid, why not go in a more Voodoo direction with them? As written they seem shoehorned into the setting(note- I do NOT dislike Druids in any way, shape, or form, my comment is meant just as it is written). If there was one class I'd like to see you rework from the ground up for Mistfinder, it would be this one, followed closely by the rogue(too many 2nd ed memories of having to make checks every time I picked a pocket or tried to backstab someone). I'd really like to see what you can do with these two classes.

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I agree, the class really doesn't fit very well in Revenloft in general. Concider using the variant "Urban Druid", which could easily play a role in nearly all Domains (exceo the ons that Druid's work well).
As far as the Druid goes, everything looks good to me. Possibly take a loof at Wild Shape. The thing hat pops out a me as odd is the Wild Shape into anything native to the Domain you start the day in. Possibly change that to animals you are familiar too, (typically those native to your home domain, but if the Druid moves, with DM approval, they may learn other forms). It just strikes me as odd that a Druid could change into a wolf one day, (fairly common animal) and finds it impossible the next. I can also see it 1.) freaking certain people out if the see a new monster they have never seen. ("What manner of beast is this, flee! Flee for your lives!!!!") or 2.) possibly risk unravelling the fabric of the Domain, risking corruption (maddness). I like the idea, but it seems a bit complicated.
Hmmm looking at wild shape again I may change the wording so, you are limited to the domain you're in at the moment. It's kind of an attempt to make the domain and "Land" you're in meaningful for a druid and also to keep a druid to the flavour of domains. So you don't end up with T-Rex's having tea in Paridon. I originally had "domain you start the day in" more for flavour reasons, as this would be the land you drew your power from when you got your spells and the like. The inclusion of vermin was to help with domains that don't have many animals and the Beast Shape spells are solid enough to deal with it.

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With respect to the Druid, why not go in a more Voodoo direction with them? As written they seem shoehorned into the setting(note- I do NOT dislike Druids in any way, shape, or form, my comment is meant just as it is written). If there was one class I'd like to see you rework from the ground up for Mistfinder, it would be this one, followed closely by the rogue(too many 2nd ed memories of having to make checks every time I picked a pocket or tried to backstab someone). I'd really like to see what you can do with these two classes.
The only problem I see with rebuilding the class from the ground up is I wouldn't be left with much of druid. I think the voodoo stuff will be more easily covered by the upcoming Witch that's in playtest.
Or for a true taste of swampy spookyness, there is the Voodan class in Dark Tales and Disturbing Legends. It's the only 20 level class I think 3.5 Ravenloft did and if I remember well thought out but required a lot of book keeping due to the nature of their spell choices. I've no plans to re-work it yet, but I can see a second pdf of prestige classes and the classes from the advanced players guide on the horizon (as this is a bigger project than I thought).

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Hmmm looking at wild shape again I may change the wording so, you are limited to the domain you're in at the moment. It's kind of an attempt to make the domain and "Land" you're in meaningful for a druid and also to keep a druid to the flavour of domains. So you don't end up with T-Rex's having tea in Paridon. I originally had "domain you start the day in" more for flavour reasons, as this would be the land you drew your power from when you got your spells and the like. The inclusion of vermin was to help with domains that don't have many animals and the Beast Shape spells are solid enough to deal with it.
After thinking about it like that, you are right, keep it that way. I like the concept of Druids pulling power, literally, from the land around them, and that makes perfect sense. I agree with the Vermin part, too. It might be better to, later, just explain it if you do anything with the Domains themselves.

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ugly child wrote:Hmmm looking at wild shape again I may change the wording so, you are limited to the domain you're in at the moment. It's kind of an attempt to make the domain and "Land" you're in meaningful for a druid and also to keep a druid to the flavour of domains. So you don't end up with T-Rex's having tea in Paridon. I originally had "domain you start the day in" more for flavour reasons, as this would be the land you drew your power from when you got your spells and the like. The inclusion of vermin was to help with domains that don't have many animals and the Beast Shape spells are solid enough to deal with it.After thinking about it like that, you are right, keep it that way. I like the concept of Druids pulling power, literally, from the land around them, and that makes perfect sense. I agree with the Vermin part, too. It might be better to, later, just explain it if you do anything with the Domains themselves.
You're right I might have to do a listing for available beasties in each domain. But for now I'll leave it to GMs to make rulings on.

Sigurd |

I think the different domains will present a challenge. I don't think player supernatural powers will be immune to regional influence. Perhaps some example domains or a table would help the DM use the setting.
I like the concept that a Paladin might be tracked by the big baddie but I think you need a mechanic to give the player some protection. In many games the baddie has a legion of servants seemingly with nothing to do accept track the players.

Theeo123 |

okay, Old fan of ravenloft, New to pathfinder.. the fact that this thread even exists is testament to the love felt by many for my favorite setting.
it seems there's a lot of info here, has anyone considered posting it in the fan-creation section over at the pathfinder SRD or on a Wiki or something, to make it a little more manageable?

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okay, Old fan of ravenloft, New to pathfinder.. the fact that this thread even exists is testament to the love felt by many for my favorite setting.
it seems there's a lot of info here, has anyone considered posting it in the fan-creation section over at the pathfinder SRD or on a Wiki or something, to make it a little more manageable?
Cheers for the interest. Currently putting together a combined pdf for all the info, but I have been meaning to post the classes and races up on the pathfinder database link below. The pdf should be ready around the end of March.

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Simple and to the point, Fighter.
FighterBonus Feats: Fighter adds Back to the Wall, Courage, Dead Man Walking and Jaded to their list of possible bonus feats.
Replace the current Bravery class feature with the below.
Bravery (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against Horror and Fear (including magical fear effects). This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.

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Generally a more complicated class than most, but I may add some social disadvantages to monks. But for now.
MonkStill Mind: The bonus from still mind also effects madness saves.
High Jump: The bonus granted to acrobatics checks from spending a point from a monk’s ki pool is reduced to +10.
Purity of Body: This class feature does not protect a monk from diseases caused by a Darklord, a closed domain border or a curse (this includes lycanthropy).
Diamond Body: This ability does not render a monk immune to the effects of a closed domain border.
Abundant Step: This ability does not allow travel across closed domain borders.
Quivering Palm: In most cases use of this ability to slay a victim at a later rime is consider premeditated murder and may require a powers check.
Timeless Body: A monk who gains this ability and reaches their appointed time of death from old age may be offered a deal of sorts from the dark powers. No direct communication with the dark powers occur, but a week before the monk’s appointed time of death from old age they know their time is near. At the moment of their appointed time of death they choose whether to remain alive. If they choose to remain alive their alignment shifts to evil and are now considered an NPC. Apply the Lich template to such an individual without the Rejuvenation supernatural ability.
Perfect Self: A good or evil monk who gains this ability gains a reality wrinkle as an evil or good outsider. The initial radius of the wrinkle is 1,000ft per level. If the monk fails any powers checks, add 1d4 corruption points and halves the wrinkle’s radius.
If a monk who chooses to remain alive after their appointed time of death with the timeless body class feature gains this class feature, their type still changes to outsider, but they must choose between their Lich damage reduction and the damage reduction granted by perfect self. In addition such individuals gain 4 corruption points and halve the usual reality wrinkle radius.

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Right the another rough one as I think there is a fair bit more that can be done with rogue talents.
Rogues are prone to self interest and the dark powers are more aware of their wants than the wants of other individuals. When a rogue takes a powers check as a result of an action that the rogue knows will result in the gain of wealth, power or knowledge for them increase the chance of failure by 2%.Rogue Talents:
The following rogue talents and advanced talents are altered in RavenloftBleeding Attack: Use of this bloody ability requires a powers check for grievous assault.
Crippling Strike: Use of this sadistic ability requires a powers check for grievous assault.
Add this rogue talent as an option for rogues.
Hold It Together (Ex): A rogue with this talent may delay the effects of a horror or fear save for a number of rounds equal to their Intelligence modifier. If a rogue is using this talent to delay one type of save they may not delay the other, this ability is usable once per save.
Master Strike: When a rogue uses the master strike ability to paralyze a victim they must take a powers check for routine torture. When a rogue uses this ability to slay a victim they must take a powers check for premeditated murder.
Also I missed this one on the first pass on Bard.
Deadly Performance:
When a bard uses this ability to slay a victim they must take a powers check for premeditated murder.

Freehold DM |

Simple and to the point, Fighter.
FighterBonus Feats: Fighter adds Back to the Wall, Courage, Dead Man Walking and Jaded to their list of possible bonus feats.
Replace the current Bravery class feature with the below.
Bravery (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against Horror and Fear (including magical fear effects). This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.
I'd increase the rate at which Fighters get a bonus to save vs. fear and horror effects to maybe once every other level, or maybe every time they get a fighter bonus feat or something. But that's with me thinking in my 3.x mode, not Pathfinder.

Freehold DM |

stuff on the rogue
Okay, good. So long as I can use most of my class abilities without growing fangs and tufts of fur, I'm happy
Deadly Performance:
When a bard uses this ability to slay a victim they must take a powers check for premeditated murder.
Hmm...Unsure about this. Will think on it and return to it later.

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RogueAdd this rogue talent as an option for rogues.
Hold It Together (Ex): A rogue with this talent may delay the effects of a horror or fear save for a number of rounds equal to their Intelligence modifier. If a rogue is using this talent to delay one type of save they may not delay the other, this ability is usable once per save.
Is that onc per day per save, or only once ever? Also, why is this a Rogue ability? I can see Cleric, Monk, Wizard, even Figher, but Rogue???

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I'm currently running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft with a pathfinder party and even though I'm not particularly familiar with any of the actual old Ravenloft stuff, I've definitely put some fear into my players with some of the things in the book. They rightly fear doing anything at night, and two PC's have already been claimed by the foul forces that abound the land. The lycanthropes have been a disappointment, as the party has trounced every one that they've seen without a problem, so I'm going to have to greatly power them up... but that's no big issue. I've also had a problem with a flying/invisible warlock, but he had a near-death experience with a wraith and hasn't been so fearless since then ;).

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I'm currently running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft with a pathfinder party and even though I'm not particularly familiar with any of the actual old Ravenloft stuff, I've definitely put some fear into my players with some of the things in the book. They rightly fear doing anything at night, and two PC's have already been claimed by the foul forces that abound the land. The lycanthropes have been a disappointment, as the party has trounced every one that they've seen without a problem, so I'm going to have to greatly power them up... but that's no big issue. I've also had a problem with a flying/invisible warlock, but he had a near-death experience with a wraith and hasn't been so fearless since then ;).
Expedition to Castle Ravenloft is a great book.

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ugly child wrote:Is that onc per day per save, or only once ever? Also, why is this a Rogue ability? I can see Cleric, Monk, Wizard, even Figher, but Rogue???
RogueAdd this rogue talent as an option for rogues.
Hold It Together (Ex): A rogue with this talent may delay the effects of a horror or fear save for a number of rounds equal to their Intelligence modifier. If a rogue is using this talent to delay one type of save they may not delay the other, this ability is usable once per save.
Right so I've had a think about this one and I'm moving it to Horror saves only. The reason I gave something like this to rogue is to represent a rogue keeping it together while having to do the nastier work that a party sometimes does. Generaly the more morally dubious stuff, this gives rogues if they want a chance to take a powers check without freezing (sometimes someone needs to be tourtured to see where they've been hiding the kidnaped girl). I was going with a once per save meachanic as rogue talents seem to be mostly use all day stuff, but is this ability that broken it's at most 5 rounds before the horror kicks in and there is still fear and madness to consider?

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Here is my wishlist for all you artists out there, if anyone feels they want to contribute please contact me. I'll set up a gmail account for the project and post it up tonight.
Hopefully these are general enough titles that most people would be comfortable drawing from.
Medieval Priest praying into a candle light at night
Paladin Art
Fighter and Bard Art
Horrific scene on isolated road
Man writing in journal at night
Caliban and Half Vistani
Flintlock, garlic and poison
(Cover piece for cameo) Ominous Castle on hill overlooking

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I'm currently running Expedition to Castle Ravenloft with a pathfinder party and even though I'm not particularly familiar with any of the actual old Ravenloft stuff, I've definitely put some fear into my players with some of the things in the book. They rightly fear doing anything at night, and two PC's have already been claimed by the foul forces that abound the land. The lycanthropes have been a disappointment, as the party has trounced every one that they've seen without a problem, so I'm going to have to greatly power them up... but that's no big issue. I've also had a problem with a flying/invisible warlock, but he had a near-death experience with a wraith and hasn't been so fearless since then ;).
I've found rain, snow or enviroments that leave tracks can be the bane of invisible folk. Dusty rooms or paths another as the people who tend to be invisible are generally not the stealthy or untrackable ones.
Wizards did a great job with Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, but I think they see the setting as a bit of nostalgia. Not something they can make any more than a little money off of with a few books. That said they are doing Darksun and it didn't sell great in the old days if I remember.

Freehold DM |

Beckett wrote:Right so I've had a think about this one and I'm moving it to Horror saves only. The reason I gave something like this to rogue is to represent a rogue keeping it together while having to do the nastier work that a party sometimes does. Generaly the more morally dubious stuff, this gives rogues if they want a chance to take a powers check without freezing (sometimes someone needs to be tourtured to see where they've been hiding the kidnaped girl). I was going with a once per save meachanic as rogue talents seem to be mostly use all day stuff, but is this ability that broken it's at most 5 rounds before the horror kicks in and there is still fear and madness to consider?ugly child wrote:Is that onc per day per save, or only once ever? Also, why is this a Rogue ability? I can see Cleric, Monk, Wizard, even Figher, but Rogue???
RogueAdd this rogue talent as an option for rogues.
Hold It Together (Ex): A rogue with this talent may delay the effects of a horror or fear save for a number of rounds equal to their Intelligence modifier. If a rogue is using this talent to delay one type of save they may not delay the other, this ability is usable once per save.
I say make it fear, horror OR madness, once per day. Or make it so that the rogue has to choose between each of these saves when they take the talent. To me, the Rogue class is about options, so give the player a chance to decide where they want to take their Rogue.

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Working on Wizard at the moment. What do people think of Sinister Possesions
Arcane Bond:
Sinister Possession
In the case of a bonded item all such items are cursed by the Dark Powers and become sinister possessions. Sinister possessions are a lens and focus to a wizards negative impulses, they are motivated by their own survival and being in the company of a wizard of power. Sinister Possessions are intelligent magic items, they are always evil but do not impose negative levels on owners of a different alignment. Sinister Possessions have a +5 to Ego, when it is first use by the wizard roll once on the Intelligent Item Powers table and half the result for a free power (essentially results 01-50% are acceptable).Wizards may use the sinister possessions of other wizards but must discard their own in order to do so. If a Sinister possession’s owner dies, or the item is replaced, the object reverts to being an ordinary masterwork item of the appropriate type, until it is picked up by another wizard (it's personality, ego and enchantments remain the same). Discarding a sinister possession requires a will save versus the DC = Ego of the Item, this save may be attempted once per week. Sinister possessions of dead wizard’s often believe themselves to be those said same wizards trapped in an item.
Sinister possessions may once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared while in the wizards presence, but of the item's own volition. This replaces a bonded item’s ability to be used to cast such a spell. When the item is enchanted by the wizard count the amount spent in enchantment as increases in the Possession’s intelligence, wisdom or charisma scores.
Bit rough but let me know if I need to trim add or edit.

Freehold DM |

Working on Wizard at the moment. What do people think of Sinister Possesions
Quote:Arcane Bond:
Sinister Possession
In the case of a bonded item all such items are cursed by the Dark Powers and become sinister possessions. Sinister possessions are a lens and focus to a wizards negative impulses, they are motivated by their own survival and being in the company of a wizard of power. Sinister Possessions are intelligent magic items, they are always evil but do not impose negative levels on owners of a different alignment. Sinister Possessions have a +5 to Ego, when it is first use by the wizard roll once on the Intelligent Item Powers table and half the result for a free power (essentially results 01-50% are acceptable).Wizards may use the sinister possessions of other wizards but must discard their own in order to do so. If a Sinister possession’s owner dies, or the item is replaced, the object reverts to being an ordinary masterwork item of the appropriate type, until it is picked up by another wizard (it's personality, ego and enchantments remain the same). Discarding a sinister possession requires a will save versus the DC = Ego of the Item, this save may be attempted once per week. Sinister possessions of dead wizard’s often believe themselves to be those said same wizards trapped in an item.
Sinister possessions may once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared while in the wizards presence, but of the item's own volition. This replaces a bonded item’s ability to be used to cast such a spell. When the item is enchanted by the wizard count the amount spent in enchantment as increases in the Possession’s intelligence, wisdom or charisma scores.
Bit rough but let me know if I need to trim add or edit.
I'd say that last paragraph needs work, but overall it's pretty cool. Been watching Friday the 13th: The Series, have we? ;-)

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I may leave off the item being able to cast spells from the wizards spell book itself. But I think the item needs a way to increase in malevolence so the enchantment and mental score increase link seems an ok way to go. Linking it to level seems a bit off, linking it to a wizards greed for power seems a bit more on point.

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Apologies for the off-topicness, but the thread title gave me a chuckle. How hard would it be to find mist in Ravenloft?
"Quick, we need a mistfinder!"
"To find mist of course."
"Uh...it's over there, dude."
"Yeah, and there, and there, and there, and there...seriously, are you blind, or what?"
It'd sorta be like having a sandfinder in Darksun.
Anyway, apologies again. Just struck me as funny.

Freehold DM |

I may leave off the item being able to cast spells from the wizards spell book itself. But I think the item needs a way to increase in malevolence so the enchantment and mental score increase link seems an ok way to go. Linking it to level seems a bit off, linking it to a wizards greed for power seems a bit more on point.
Maybe instead of casting a spell seemingly at random, once in a while(truly at random) it could extend, maximize, or apply some other metamagic feat to a spell the wizard casts? That's similar to what I do for item familiars in my homebrew, although these item familiars are always magic items before they become familiars and need to sacrifice charges to activate these abilities.

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Apologies for the off-topicness, but the thread title gave me a chuckle. How hard would it be to find mist in Ravenloft?
"Quick, we need a mistfinder!"
"To find mist of course."
"Uh...it's over there, dude."
"Yeah, and there, and there, and there, and there...seriously, are you blind, or what?"It'd sorta be like having a sandfinder in Darksun.
Anyway, apologies again. Just struck me as funny.
Ha ha ha, that was great.

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A question for you all. Do draconic and elemental bloodlines have a place in Ravenloft?
To some extent I can see doing something with dread elementals for the elemental bloodline (but that's stretching it). Dragons I can't see have much a place, given (that if I remember correctly) that there's only one in the core.
It could just be a case of giving people the mist bloodline as a compensation.

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I am really not that keen on the Mist Bloodline. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, (and technically, 90% of the Ravenloft population are Mist "bloodline"), but it also really fits as something special for the Cleric Domain. A Bloodline really cheapens that, in my opinion.
That being said, I think the Draconic Bloodline would be fantastic. It makes more sense to have the Draconic Bloodline if dragons are extremely rare. As for the Elemental Bloodlines, I am not sure. It really doesn't scream at me "Ravenloft". I am not against them, but for one, the nature of the connecting planes just makes it odd, as no one really knows about the Elemental Planes. Maybe, what you could do is kill two birds and lump the Elemental Bloodlines into Ravenloft Plane Bloodline. Keep the powers, but switch the fluff behind them. Not sure if that makes sense.

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I am really not that keen on the Mist Bloodline. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, (and technically, 90% of the Ravenloft population are Mist "bloodline"), but it also really fits as something special for the Cleric Domain. A Bloodline really cheapens that, in my opinion.
That being said, I think the Draconic Bloodline would be fantastic. It makes more sense to have the Draconic Bloodline if dragons are extremely rare. As for the Elemental Bloodlines, I am not sure. It really doesn't scream at me "Ravenloft". I am not against them, but for one, the nature of the connecting planes just makes it odd, as no one really knows about the Elemental Planes. Maybe, what you could do is kill two birds and lump the Elemental Bloodlines into Ravenloft Plane Bloodline. Keep the powers, but switch the fluff behind them. Not sure if that makes sense.
Well the mist bloodline is an attempt to give socerers a connection to mist creatures and not the more positive aspects of the mists (Ezra and the like). I'll be leaving it in as it's done already and fairly balanced.
Ebb is the only dragon in ravenloft (she had a mate once) and she doesn't appear to have been cruising for non-draconic mates ... ever. The only other reference to dragons is the imaginary dragon that Elena Faith-hold uses to cover her violent crimes. Still not convinced they have a place, but I'll see if they need conversion since there will be people from other planes to consider.
Think the dread elementals thing might be ok for the connection to the plane of ravenloft. The plane used as a filter means your elemental earth ray at first level is grave earth and bones and follow the dread elementals from there.