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Is there any prestige classes anyone would like or think are essential for play in Ravenloft.
Currently for the lined up for the pdf are, the Scholar, the Detective, an undecided arcane magic user, a divine magic user (probably Anchorite Wanderer) and Night Lord (the NPC right hand man of a dark lord).

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Is there any prestige classes anyone would like or think are essential for play in Ravenloft.
Currently for the lined up for the pdf are, the Scholar, the Detective, an undecided arcane magic user, a divine magic user (probably Anchorite Wanderer) and Night Lord (the NPC right hand man of a dark lord).
Back at the tail end of 2E i joined an ongoing Ravenloft game and played an Avenger. The game continued on and converted to 3.0 and my DM homebrewed a similar class for me to carry on playing my character.
The Avenger class was a fighter variant that was heavily focused on a single weapon and had a "favoured enemy" class feature allowing extra bonuses when faced. Is there anything similar that you could include in your pdf?

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Caliban get +2 Str and -2 Cha.
Can they also put the additional "floating" +2 in one of those scores, or must it be one of the other four abilities?
I would allow it, freakishly strong or apparently normal (apart from some tell tale sign). I believe the Outcast Rating of 5 is enough to balance most of it out as it means they can't interact socially successfully in civilization very easily.
What does everyone think?
ugly child wrote:Is there any prestige classes anyone would like or think are essential for play in Ravenloft.
Currently for the lined up for the pdf are, the Scholar, the Detective, an undecided arcane magic user, a divine magic user (probably Anchorite Wanderer) and Night Lord (the NPC right hand man of a dark lord).
Back at the tail end of 2E i joined an ongoing Ravenloft game and played an Avenger. The game continued on and converted to 3.0 and my DM homebrewed a similar class for me to carry on playing my character.
The Avenger class was a fighter variant that was heavily focused on a single weapon and had a "favoured enemy" class feature allowing extra bonuses when faced. Is there anything similar that you could include in your pdf?
I believe there was an Avenger class in the 3.5 material that had a "thirst for vengeance against a nemesis". Essentially you suffer a personal tragedy and try to find those responsible; lots of bonuses to complete tasks related to you nemesis. Would that interest you?
In it's current state it can be found in the 3.5 Van Richten's Arsenal.

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While not technically Ravenloft, the knight of the raven is both thematic, appropriate, and just dang cool. One of my favorate Prestige Classes out there, especially as it works so good for a cleric. It is found in the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft D&D 3.5 book. For Divine Spellcasters, it does a much better job as an undead/evil monster hunter than the Monster Hunter Class.
Off the top of my head, the few things that might need changing are 1.) skills (minor adjustment),
2.) the animal companion (a raven) might need a little changed due to how Pathfinder has universalized familiars/pets/animal companions/etc a bit,
3.) some of it's class abilities like the feats it gets might need to change slightly to represent how Pathfinder has changed things like Level Drain.
4.) possibly changing the way it handles Turning/Channeling energy. It is more focused on Turning Undead and Channel Energy for healing is not really that appropriate.

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While not technically Ravenloft, the knight of the raven is both thematic, appropriate, and just dang cool. One of my favorate Prestige Classes out there, especially as it works so good for a cleric. It is found in the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft D&D 3.5 book. For Divine Spellcasters, it does a much better job as an undead/evil monster hunter than the Monster Hunter Class.
Off the top of my head, the few things that might need changing are 1.) skills (minor adjustment),
2.) the animal companion (a raven) might need a little changed due to how Pathfinder has universalized familiars/pets/animal companions/etc a bit,
3.) some of it's class abilities like the feats it gets might need to change slightly to represent how Pathfinder has changed things like Level Drain.
4.) possibly changing the way it handles Turning/Channeling energy. It is more focused on Turning Undead and Channel Energy for healing is not really that appropriate.
My Expedition to Castle Ravenloft is currently on loan, but I'll have a look at it over the weekend. Is it a knightly prestige class or is it just using the knight title. If so it might have a place as an Order for the Cavalier class to simplify things.
Also kind of drawing a blank as far as that arcane magic user prestige class. Charltan and White arcanist are the only ones coming to mind, but I don't think they fit. I do want magic using players to have an options.
Was thinking on Summoner a bit as well, eidolons have a intelligence score. Maybe the dark powers see this a split between ego and id. Dread eidolons could even look like you, be loyal to you but ultimately want to replace you.

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I will be treating it in pretty much the same way as the 3.5 material. As such I won't go into much detail on it in the pdf and refer to the 3.5 handbook.
Beasties get a will save at a -2 when summoned to break free of control. Calling leaves an outsider stuck. No templates on what you summon so just dire rats not fiendish ones and only from the domain you are in. Elementals are always dread elementals and you are free to summon creatures of the mist descriptor. So some modified summon lists might be needed.

Leomund's Hairy Chest |

I will be treating it in pretty much the same way as the 3.5 material. As such I won't go into much detail on it in the pdf and refer to the 3.5 handbook.
Beasties get a will save at a -2 when summoned to break free of control. Calling leaves an outsider stuck. No templates on what you summon so just dire rats not fiendish ones and only from the domain you are in. Elementals are always dread elementals and you are free to summon creatures of the mist descriptor. So some modified summon lists might be needed.
Sounds good!

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ugly child wrote:Sounds good!I will be treating it in pretty much the same way as the 3.5 material. As such I won't go into much detail on it in the pdf and refer to the 3.5 handbook.
Beasties get a will save at a -2 when summoned to break free of control. Calling leaves an outsider stuck. No templates on what you summon so just dire rats not fiendish ones and only from the domain you are in. Elementals are always dread elementals and you are free to summon creatures of the mist descriptor. So some modified summon lists might be needed.
Didn't notice the reference to familiars and animal companions companions in my first reading. I think we'll still be seeing Dread Companions for familiars and special mounts who are really quite loyal but also quite evil. They will work towards a masters unspoken desires and protect the master at all costs. Druids and rangers will be receiving normal animal companions. As mentioned above I'm think about what to do with Dread Eidolons.

Leomund's Hairy Chest |

Didn't notice the reference to familiars and animal companions companions in my first reading. I think we'll still be seeing Dread Companions for familiars and special mounts who are really quite loyal but also quite evil. They will work towards a masters unspoken desires and protect the master at all costs. Druids and rangers will be receiving normal animal companions. As mentioned above I'm think about what to do with Dread Eidolons.
That was one of the fun things about Ravenloft for PCs with pets (well, maybe not fun for the PC with the pet LOL), and an interesting potential plot device for the GM to use.
If nothing else, the GM can instill a sense of unease and paranoia (which imo really makes for a good Ravenloft game) by having animal companions, mounts, etc. act in a more sinister (if not rebellious) fashion.

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My Expedition to Castle Ravenloft is currently on loan, but I'll have a look at it over the weekend. Is it a knightly prestige class or is it just using the knight title. If so it might have a place as an Order for the Cavalier class to simplify things.
Also kind of drawing a blank as far as that arcane magic user prestige class. Charltan and White arcanist are the only ones coming to mind, but I don't think they fit. I do want magic using players to have an options.
Was thinking on Summoner a bit as well, eidolons have a intelligence score. Maybe the dark powers see this a split between ego and id. Dread eidolons could even look like you, be loyal to you but ultimately want to replace you.
It is a religious order of holy warriors, arguably more Cleric than Paladin. They are full divine casters that are sort of a blend of the good aligned "dark knight" and Undead Hunter. Both the Paladin and the Cleric can easily enter the class, but I think it really lends itself well to Clerics as it gives some Paladin-like abilities (against Undead mostly), but I don't think they stack with Paladin abilities.
The other mjor class feature is that it basically grants the Knight a Celestial Raven, that is something between an Animal Companion and a Familiar. The Organization is an ancient religious group from the land of Barovia (before it came to Ravenloft). There isn't much about it, though I know it makes appearances in 2nd Ed Ravenloft material, and in the novel "I, Strahd". I'm not sure about copyright, or I would copy some of the Class here.

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This next one is intended as a NPC prestige class
The Night LordThe Night Lord is a darklord's trusted lieutenant or thrall. They have shown promise by being violent or efficient in their Lord's service.
Alignment: Any Evil
BAB: +5
Skills: Knowledge (The Planes) 4, Ride 6.
Feats: Leadership, Mounted Combat
Special: The night lord must have a patron Darklord who has accepted them as a vassal or right hand man.Class Skills
The night lord's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis).Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1 +1 +0 +0 Serve Me, Trample
2 +2 +1 +1 +1 Twisted Minions
3 +3 +2 +1 +1 Channel Energy (Negative), Command Undead
4 +4 +2 +1 +1 Know My Lord’s Will, My Lord’s Creature
5 +5 +3 +2 +2 Serve Me In Death, My Lord’s FavourWeapon and Armor Proficiency: Night Lords gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Serve Me (Su): Beginning at 1st level, for the purposes of the leadership feat a night lord may use their wisdom modifier in place of their charisma modifier.
Trample: At 1st level the night lord gains the Trample feat as a bonus feat.
Twisted Minions (Su): At 2nd level your minions become strong but at a cost to their souls and humanity. Any followers or cohorts you attract due to the leadership feat are always evil. They receive a +2 to their strength and constitution; you must choose a mental ability for each individual to receive a -2 to.
Channel Energy (Negative) (Su): At 3rd level the night lord may channel energy as an evil cleric of 2 levels lower.
Command Undead: At 3rd level, the night lord gains the Command Undead feat as a bonus feat.
Know My Lord’s Will (Sp): At 4th level, the night lord may contact their patron darklord. The may use Sending as a spell like ability 3 times a day, with their darklord as the target.
My Lord’s Creature (Su): At 4th level, the night lord loses 2 points of charisma permanently. They receive the Frightful Presence special quality, with the will save dc of (DC 10 + 1/2 Level + Wis modifier). The Nightlord now no longer take fear horror and madness saves.
Serve Me in Death (Su): At 5th level, whenever one of the nightlord’s followers dies they may have them rise again as Bloody Skeleton or a Plague Zombie, the night lord s free to attract new followers. If the night lord’s cohort dies they may have the cohort rise again as a skeletal champion. These undead are automatically under the night lords control.
My Lord’s Favour (Su): At 5th level, a night lord gains a bonus equal to her Wisdom bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

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On second thought, Wisdom to saves can be nasty in a Blackguards hands (and maybe an antipaladin?). Might reword it to take that into account so that it doesn't fully stack but rather add + 1 or something.
Something like, at 5th level a Nightlord adds their Wisdom bonus to al saving throws. If th Nightlord already has a similar ability, (such as Divine Grace), these to abilities do not stack. Rather, The night Lord can use the higher ability of the two (such as Wisdom or Charisma), and simply adds an additional +1 to all saves.
Possibly a similar treatment of Channel Energy, so that if the character already has the ability to Channel Energy (Negative), they simple keep their old progresion, (+1 level for Cleric/Necromancer, at -2 for Blackguard).

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On second thought, Wisdom to saves can be nasty in a Blackguards hands (and maybe an antipaladin?). Might reword it to take that into account so that it doesn't fully stack but rather add + 1 or something.
Something like, at 5th level a Nightlord adds their Wisdom bonus to al saving throws. If th Nightlord already has a similar ability, (such as Divine Grace), these to abilities do not stack. Rather, The night Lord can use the higher ability of the two (such as Wisdom or Charisma), and simply adds an additional +1 to all saves.
Possibly a similar treatment of Channel Energy, so that if the character already has the ability to Channel Energy (Negative), they simple keep their old progresion, (+1 level for Cleric/Necromancer, at -2 for Blackguard).
Point taken; I'll modify to reflect that channeling and divine grace doesn't stack.
I'd say drop the Knowledge: Planes for a prereq. In Ravenloft, it has special rules, but also doesn't make sense for the class. I can definetly see Knowledge: Local, though. Otherwise, looks nice, I think.
In the 3.0/3.5 material they were abit all over the place as to what Knowledge Ravenloft was. I'm settling with the definition in the 3.5 RHB, that Knowledge (The Planes) was the exclusive skill that told you about the planar structure of Ravenloft. I'll be doing a revised skill description for the converstion guide. It kind of makes sense since the night lord would know about the Darklord's existence for them to have it.

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Another thought while looking at the skills in ravenloft.
Do we need a separate Hypnosis skill?
I would say no. I think that there are a few things you could do to duplicate it, easily.
1.) allow a Knowledge Arcana or Religion (or other relavent Knowledge, based on the user) to have the same effects
2.) tie it in with the Heal skill
3.) simply making it a wisdom or charisma check
4.) along the lines of #3, making it a level (Caster Level?) check
Personally, I think Bluff has enough user already, and it really doesn't fit, so I wouldn't advocate using Bluff. Possibly Diplomacy, though. At it's heart, it is similar to Diplomacy in that you are trying to change someone's mind and attitude in some way. All in all, though, I think Heal would be the best option as to which Skill fits best, while the Knowledge Religion/Arcana might be the most balanced option.

Dabbler |

2.) the animal companion (a raven) might need a little changed due to how Pathfinder has universalized familiars/pets/animal companions/etc a bit.
Look up the wereravens in Ravenloft - they are the one lycanthrope in that setting not evil and sent there to combat evil. There might be possibilities for a link between then and the knights. Also, animal companions are normal in Ravenloft, it's supernatural familiars and paladin's mounts' that are Dread Companions.
I am curious about the Summoner - 'eidelon' is usually a term referring to the 'higher self' of an individual. Is the Summoner's eidelon a manifested aspect of their own psych or a summoned being? If the former, it would be unchanged unless the summoner was failing Powers checks, and if the latter it will be a Dread Eidelon.

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I am curious about the Summoner - 'eidelon' is usually a term referring to the 'higher self' of an individual. Is the Summoner's eidelon a manifested aspect of their own psych or a summoned being? If the former, it would be unchanged unless the summoner was failing Powers checks, and if the latter it will be a Dread Eidelon.
The Summoner is a new class from the Advanced Player's Guide. As to if it's an actual summoned being or a manifestation of the summon himself I think it's left to the individual player or DM to decide that. Apologies if you already were aware of this but it sounded like the class was new to you. Paizo's actually got a copy out for playtesting right now.
Now to the rest of the thread. Very cool all around. I've always liked Ravenloft as a setting (I think it's because I enjoy freaking out, scaring and just generally unnerving my players). This is very nice. Well thought out and well balanced. I do have a question though, what 3rd edition book are you referencing for this project? The only Ravenloft book I can remember being put out was the remake of Expedition to Castle Ravenloft that Wizards did.

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Now to the rest of the thread. Very cool all around. I've always liked Ravenloft as a setting (I think it's because I enjoy freaking out, scaring and just generally unnerving my players). This is very nice. Well thought out and well balanced. I do have a question though, what 3rd edition book are you referencing for this project? The only Ravenloft book I can remember being put out was the remake of Expedition to Castle Ravenloft that Wizards did.
The Ravenloft 3.5 material was released by White Wolf's Sword and Sorcery imprint.

Dabbler |

The Summoner is a new class from the Advanced Player's Guide. As to if it's an actual summoned being or a manifestation of the summon himself I think it's left to the individual player or DM to decide that. Apologies if you already were aware of this but it sounded like the class was new to you. Paizo's actually got a copy out for playtesting right now.
I looked at the preview before I posted above, and it states there that the Eidolon: "A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who, forever after, summons an aspect of the same creature. An eidolon has the same alignment as the summoner that calls it. Eidolons are treated as summoned creatures, except that they are not sent back to their home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than their Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures."
But while it defines the eidolon as being an outsider, it does not define from where. So is it really summoned from the Summoner's own psyche? This would need a ruling, because summoning is affected very strongly by the environment of Ravenloft.

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Nostri wrote:The Summoner is a new class from the Advanced Player's Guide. As to if it's an actual summoned being or a manifestation of the summon himself I think it's left to the individual player or DM to decide that. Apologies if you already were aware of this but it sounded like the class was new to you. Paizo's actually got a copy out for playtesting right now.I looked at the preview before I posted above, and it states there that the Eidolon: "A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who, forever after, summons an aspect of the same creature. An eidolon has the same alignment as the summoner that calls it. Eidolons are treated as summoned creatures, except that they are not sent back to their home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than their Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures."
But while it defines the eidolon as being an outsider, it does not define from where. So is it really summoned from the Summoner's own psyche? This would need a ruling, because summoning is affected very strongly by the environment of Ravenloft.
I'd say that an eidolon is constructed from the mists as a reflection of the Summoner's id. Still thinking about what to do with it mechanically. Might draft up a sample path of corruption where the eidolon becomes more and more like the summoner.

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As an aside, one of my players for my upcoming campaign wants to play the Scientist class (from Legacies of Blood I think). As I'll be running the game with really slow level progression from 3rd level, he'll not be able to get in to the prestige class for a long while. So I'll be rebuilding the Scientist class as a full progression Mad Scientist. Using bizarre technology for magical effects, I'll be borrowing some bits from the new alchemist. I'll be posting it up here but have no plans to put it in the PDF because it would take up a fair amount of space and complicate things for new players.
If anyone has any suggestions for the Mad Scientist please let me know.

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I think the Eberron artificer class might be better suited than the alchemist to adapting to this concept. Obviously they wouldn't be making magic items but 'devices' with the same effect, and infusions would be gadgets ....
Unfortunately I have not seen a satifactory adaption of the artificer for pathfinder as yet.

Dabbler |

They are pretty much usable as is. The only thing I'd add is the Master Craftsman feat at 5th level, readjust the levels of gaining some of the other crafting feats appropriate to Pathfinder and replace the craft reserve with a suitable discount on creating items and/or the time it takes to craft.
If you like I can work through it and pop it up here?

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In fact here's a draft ...
I'll let the player have a look, but I still don't think it's a great fit for Ravenloft. Since your the party's kitbag of bling and boom.

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Looking for ideas for a capstone ability for Detective?
So far there's a stalking bonus against fugitives, uncanny dodges of both sorts, being able to assess a crime scenes, slippery mind is already at level 10 and some bonus feat smattered in there.
It's a rogue based class with more emphasis on skills, interacting with people and following a target.

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Has anyone read this?
Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Horrors Revisited (PFRPG) Print Edition
I was wondering if it had useful material for Ravenloft?

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Right I’m working on a more interesting Avenger prestige class right now. I hope to have a draft document ready by the end of February or if all else fails, the middle of March. Hopefully my artist will have most of the art done by then as well.
I have one person who has volunteered for proof reading; if anyone else fancies giving a hand with this thankless job you'll get to see the near finished document first.

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Has anyone read this?
Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Horrors Revisited (PFRPG) Print Edition
I was wondering if it had useful material for Ravenloft?
I'm still diging into it. I would imagine so, but I'll let you know.

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Has anyone read this?
Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Horrors Revisited (PFRPG) Print Edition
I was wondering if it had useful material for Ravenloft?
I've looked at it a bit, and it is a very nice little book. Basicaly, an Ecology (or sometimes Necrology :) ) of various horror related monsters. Included are the Flesh Golem, Vampire, Werewolf, Ghoul, Derro (Dark Dwarf), Skeleton/Zombie, Hag, and maybe a few other things. Each is given about a 3 page description, and about 2 pages of example character and racial feats/abilities/etc.
I would imagine, from what I have seen so far, the best value it might have for Ravenloft are 1.) that it is about horror based monsters, and therefore might give some new ideas or options for them, and 2.) that it is a Pathfinder book, and so has some mechanics for the system that work nicely with Mystfinder. I wouls say, all in all, it is worth the price, but if your a particular fan of movie mosters, it is for you.
I believe, that anyone that does not have the book already (through subscription), has to wait about two more weeks to pick it up, but could be wrong.

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ugly child wrote:Has anyone read this?
Pathfinder Chronicles: Classic Horrors Revisited (PFRPG) Print Edition
I was wondering if it had useful material for Ravenloft?
I've looked at it a bit, and it is a very nice little book. Basicaly, an Ecology (or sometimes Necrology :) ) of various horror related monsters. Included are the Flesh Golem, Vampire, Werewolf, Ghoul, Derro (Dark Dwarf), Skeleton/Zombie, Hag, and maybe a few other things. Each is given about a 3 page description, and about 2 pages of example character and racial feats/abilities/etc.
I would imagine, from what I have seen so far, the best value it might have for Ravenloft are 1.) that it is about horror based monsters, and therefore might give some new ideas or options for them, and 2.) that it is a Pathfinder book, and so has some mechanics for the system that work nicely with Mystfinder. I wouls say, all in all, it is worth the price, but if your a particular fan of movie mosters, it is for you.
I believe, that anyone that does not have the book already (through subscription), has to wait about two more weeks to pick it up, but could be wrong.
Think I'll ask my local games store to pick it up seems like it has a good ammount of content.

Qwilion |

I would recommend JPjr Studio's Obsidian Twilight which has alot of Ravenloft flavor and is already stated for Pathfinder Rpg

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Something for you all to have look over. I'm still working on the gordian knot that is detective. Please tell me if you spot anything unbalanced or any corrections that need to be made.
THE AVENGERThe Avenger is a prestige class entered into by an individual who has suffered greatly at the hands of another. They have suffered a terrible emotional event such as the loss of a loved one to violence, financial ruin of a parent or kidnap of a child. They become filled with cold rage and determination to bring whoever is responsible to whatever justice they see fit.
To qualify to become an avenger, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +2.
Skills: Survival 5 ranks
Feats: Weapon Focus (any type of sword)
Special: Must have suffered a great tragedy, such as the violent death of a loved one.Hit Die: d10.
The avenger's class skills are Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1 +1 +0 +0 Nemesis, Vengeance Feat
2 +2 +1 +1 +1 Track, State of Focus
3 +3 +2 +1 +1 Vengeance Feat
4 +4 +2 +1 +1 I Will Find You!
5 +5 +3 +2 +2 Vengeance Feat
6 +6 +3 +2 +2 Quarry
7 +7 +4 +2 +2 Vengeance Feat
8 +8 +4 +3 +3 Tremendous Focus
9 +9 +5 +3 +3 Vengeance Feat
10 +10 +5 +3 +3 Avatar of RetributionNemesis (Ex): Some one person has done you a great wrong. Perhaps they have murdered your wife or perhaps they have ruined your father leaving him a shell of a man. This person is your nemesis and you have sworn to end them. You gain bonuses from this class when combating, following or dealing with your nemesis. If at any point your nemesis dies or it reveals that your nemesis was not the person ultimately responsible for you personal tragedy you may choose another who is responsible or wronged you in a similar fashion. If no such individual exists you do not receive any of the bonuses relating to your nemesis.
Vengeance Feat (Ex): At 1st level, and at every odd level thereafter, an avenger gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats, except in the case of feats in which you choose a weapon (such as weapon focus, improved critical, etc), in these cases the avenger must choose a sword of some sort.
Upon reaching 5th level, and 9th level, an avenger can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the avenger loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. An avenger can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.
Track (Ex): At 2nd level, the avenger adds half their level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks. The levels from the classes that grant Track stack to determine the bonus to survival skill checks.
State of Focus (Ex): At 2nd Level, the avenger can enter a state focus and concentration. Starting at 2nd level, an Avenger can Focus for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Wisdom modifier. At each level after 2nd, they can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to wisdom such as those gained from spells like owl’s wisdom; do not increase the total number of rounds that an Avenger can focus per day. An Avenger can enter a State of Focus as a free action. The total number of rounds of focus per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
When in a State of Focus an Avenger gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves and a +10 feet morale bonus to their base speed. When in this state of focus the avenger must choose a task to complete to the exclusion of all else, this task must be described in 25 words of less. Examples could be, “Survive this battle to hunt down the Count Prenderville” or “Discover the entrance to the lair of the Beast of Pirate Bay”. This state of focus may only be entered if the Avenger has a current Nemesis.
I Will Find You! (Ex): At 4th level the Avenger may find the trail of their Nemesis. Spells and abilities that render their nemesis’s tracks unreadable, such as pass without trace, the ranger’s favoured terrain and the druid’s trackless step, do not function as written and merely add +5 to the DC to follow and spot the tracks.
Quarry (Ex): At 6th level, an Avenger can, as a standard action, denote one target within his line of sight as his quarry. Whenever he is following the tracks of his quarry, an Avenger can take 10 on his Survival skill checks while moving at normal speed, without penalty. In addition, he receives a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls made against his quarry, and all critical threats are automatically confirmed. An Avenger can have no more than one quarry at a time and the creature's be his nemesis or know agent of his nemesis. He can dismiss this effect at any time as a free action, but he cannot select a new quarry for 24 hours. If the Avenger sees proof that his quarry is dead, he can select a new quarry after waiting 1 hour.
Tremendous Focus (Ex): When the Avenger reaches 8th level when in their state of focus the morale bonus to their Strength increases to +6; the morale bonus on their Will saves increases to +3 and the morale bonus on their base speed increases to +20 feet.
Avatar of Retribution (Ex): The Avenger upon reaching 10th level becomes their wrath incarnate. When in combat with their Nemesis or agents of their nemesis they gain DR5/- and the effects of the Diehard feat. For the duration of the combat the Avenger is immune to being stunned, dazed, panicked or frightened. In addition the Avenger may treat any sword weapon they wield as having double the threat range of a weapon of that type and has its damage multiplier increased by 1, when striking their Nemesis or agents of their nemesis.

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Had a look at the new playtest document for the advanced player's. Inquisitor is great, I could easily see it in a number of roles in Ravenloft campaigns. What I notice was the Stalwart class ability, which should be added to Monster hunter instead of Mettle. Thereby avoiding any Non-Pathfinder mechanics.
But a question to you. Have a look at the monster hunter prestige class in the Ravenloft HB and the additions I've made here, is it a redundant class given people can play a fairly good monster hunter with the Inquisitor?
Just trying to have the PDF conversion to a low enough page count.

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Just trying to have the PDF conversion to a low enough page count.
If the thing is written I'd definitely put it in. I know we're kids in a candy store, beggars _and_ choosers, but what is the big problem with 3-5 extra pages of mostly text? I enjoy regional variations.
I agree with you about reducing non pathfinder mechanics but even if it's ready to be read add it. I'm sure people will appreciate it. Not everyone will get the APG.
Although I think it will be very popular.

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Something for you all to have look over. I'm still working on the gordian knot that is detective. Please tell me if you spot anything unbalanced or any corrections that need to be made.
The Avenger is a prestige class entered into by an individual who has suffered greatly at the hands of another. They have suffered a terrible emotional event such as the loss of a loved one to violence, financial ruin of a parent or kidnap of a child. They become filled with cold rage and determination to bring whoever is responsible to whatever justice they see fit.
Would you mind if I came up with some alternate Class Features and/or Substitution Levels for a Caster version of this calss and a Rogue version, as well?
One thing I always hated about prestige Classes like this, is that the premise is so generic that anyone should be able to go into this, (it is a concept not a class), but 9 times out of 10, they are Fighter or Rogue paths only (mechanically speaking).
I am thinking for example that the Caster version would lose out on the Feats, for 3/4th Casting, trade out "I Will Find You" for the ability for all Detection and Divination spells to get a +5 to hide the sensor or the target takes a -5 to a save, something like that.
A Rogue would lose have the option of getting the Feats or +1d6 Sneak Attack at 3rd and 7th Level, and a Talent thingy at 1st and 5th. At 9th they might get an Advanced Talent instead. A few other things would change slightly, such as HD, BaB, and Saves, too.

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Here's another rough one, so opinions?
So that puts me at
Night Lord 99% done
Detective 80% done
Scholar 100% done
Avenger 100% done
Anchorite 99% done
Undecided Arcane Class 0% done
After finishing off the prestige stuff I'm on to minor base class changes, then feats, then skills (mostly done), then powers checks and fear, horror, madness.
The Anchorite OrderREQUIREMENTS
To qualify to become a member of the Anchorite Order, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Skills: Knowledge (Geography) 5 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks.
Special: Must be able to cast 2nd-level divine spells and channel energy. Must worship Ezra.Hit Die: d8.
The cleric's class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis).Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +1 +0 +1 Heavy Metal, Evil Dead, Channel Energy, Candle Communion +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
2 +1 +1 +1 +1 Detect Corruption +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
3 +2 +2 +1 +2 Shield of Ezra (DR 5/-) +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
4 +3 +2 +1 +2 Ezra’s Veil +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
5 +3 +3 +2 +3 See Invisibility +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class6 +4 +3 +2 +3 Shield of Ezra (DR 10/-) +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
7 +5 +4 +2 +4 Mistwalking +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
8 +6 +4 +3 +4 Absolution +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
9 +6 +5 +3 +5 Shield of Ezra (DR 15/-) +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class
10 +7 +5 +3 +5 Ezra’s Will +1 level of existing divine spellcasting classWeapon and Armor Proficiency: Anchorites are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, heavy armor and shields (except tower shields). They are also proficient with the long sword.
Heavy Metal : A member of the anchorite order may not wear light or medium armor. Members of the order wear either heavy composed of metal, to show the zeal of their order to act as protectors of the faith, or none at all to show their trust in the protection that Erza provides.
Evil Dead: When a member of the order channels positive energy, this action only heals the living. Do not count levels in this class for the purposes of the use of the Turn Undead feat.
Spells per Day : At the indicated levels, an anchorite gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming an ancorite, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.
Channel Energy(Su): Levels in the anchorite order stack for the purposes of the channel energy class feature granting additional damage dealt or healed.
Candle Communion (Su): Beginning at 1st level the anchorite may perform a ritual to contact another member of the clergy of Ezra, as if using the spell Sending once per day. The anchorite requires a quite spot, a lit candle to perform this 15 minute ritual. It is required that the member of the clergy they wish to contact performs this same ritual (whether they have levels in the anchorite order or not) and at a preordained time, such as dusk. A Darklord may sever all such communication by closing the borders of their realm.
Detect Corruption (Su): With a successful DC 20 wisdom check, an anchorite can tell with a touch if a willing individual has ever failed a powers check and whether they still are upon the path of corruption. If this ability is ever used on a darklord or evil outsider they take 1d6 wisdom damage and must take a madness check (DC to be decided by the GM).
Shield of Ezra (Sp): At 3rd level the anchorite may spend one of their uses of channel energy, as a move action, to gain DR 5/- for a number of rounds equal to their wisdom modifier. At 6th and 9th level this damage reduction increases by 5.
Ezra’s Veil (Su): At 4th level, the anchorite gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against spells spell-like abilities from the enchantment school.
See Invisibility (Sp): At 5th level the anchorite may cast see invisibility at will as a spell like ability this is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Mist Walking (Su): Once per month upon reaching 7th level the anchorite may travel on foot from one domain to another adjacent domain by walking into the misty border. They may bring up to their anchorite level in other travellers. This does not allow access to other islands or clusters in the mists.
Absolution (Su): At 8th level, an anchorite may attempt to remove the first stage of corruption of a willing repentant individual. The target must attempt a DC 20 Will save to remove the corruption and receives a permanent negative level (even if he passes the Will save). This process takes full night from dusk till dawn and may only be attempted by the anchorite one a month.
Ezra’s Will (Su): A 10th level member of the anchorite order may attempt to open the borders of a domain for 1 minute. The anchorite makes an apposed will roll against the darklord who has closed their domain. If the attempt fails and the anchorite is within the darklord’s domain, the darklord knows the anchorite’s exact location until dawn the following day. This ability may be used once per day.

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ugly child wrote:Something for you all to have look over. I'm still working on the gordian knot that is detective. Please tell me if you spot anything unbalanced or any corrections that need to be made.
The Avenger is a prestige class entered into by an individual who has suffered greatly at the hands of another. They have suffered a terrible emotional event such as the loss of a loved one to violence, financial ruin of a parent or kidnap of a child. They become filled with cold rage and determination to bring whoever is responsible to whatever justice they see fit.Would you mind if I came up with some alternate Class Features and/or Substitution Levels for a Caster version of this calss and a Rogue version, as well?
One thing I always hated about prestige Classes like this, is that the premise is so generic that anyone should be able to go into this, (it is a concept not a class), but 9 times out of 10, they are Fighter or Rogue paths only (mechanically speaking).
I am thinking for example that the Caster version would lose out on the Feats, for 3/4th Casting, trade out "I Will Find You" for the ability for all Detection and Divination spells to get a +5 to hide the sensor or the target takes a -5 to a save, something like that.
A Rogue would lose have the option of getting the Feats or +1d6 Sneak Attack at 3rd and 7th Level, and a Talent thingy at 1st and 5th. At 9th they might get an Advanced Talent instead. A few other things would change slightly, such as HD, BaB, and Saves, too.
Not sure if I want to overcomplicate avenger as it was meant as a fairly simple class. Also those arcane and sneaky types are more likely to plot and plan a revenge, than the avengers headlong rush.
I'll have a think about a more cerebral revenge class, but I doubt it'll be in this first pdf.

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I was thinking more a fan "web enhancement" or the like. It doesn't have to be in the PDF. I guess the problem is, it is true a Cleric or Wizard might be able to plan and scheme for revenge, but that doesn't work out so well in play or in game, typically.
But I'm not trying to force it, just thought it would be nice.