Look what Demint found in the healthcare bill!

Off-Topic Discussions

I found this starting in USA Today's site and it led to this article:

Forever Gone

The article" wrote:

'Page 1,020" — it may soon be a mantra for one of the most disturbing abuses of legislative power in history. In setting up an Independent Medicare Advisory Board, that page of the Senate health overhaul bill passed in the dead of night early Monday says, "It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection."

What does everyone think of this "provision" that was slipped in and would (provided it is constitutional) prevent future congress and senates from making changes to it?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Damn. I was hoping it was my pie. I haven't seen it in a long time. I think it might have been stolen.

Sebastian wrote:
Damn. I was hoping it was my pie. I haven't seen it in a long time. I think it might have been stolen.

What type of pie? Pumpkin?


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Sebastian wrote:
Damn. I was hoping it was my pie. I haven't seen it in a long time. I think it might have been stolen.

You must not have had detect magic active. Invisible Celestial Healer got your pie again.

Dark Archive

Sebastian wrote:
Damn. I was hoping it was my pie. I haven't seen it in a long time. I think it might have been stolen.

Did someone say pie? Was it pecan?

Repost of OP looking for responses...

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

I found this starting in USA Today's site and it led to this article:

Forever Gone

The article" wrote:

'Page 1,020" — it may soon be a mantra for one of the most disturbing abuses of legislative power in history. In setting up an Independent Medicare Advisory Board, that page of the Senate health overhaul bill passed in the dead of night early Monday says, "It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection."

What does everyone think of this "provision" that was slipped in and would (provided it is constitutional) prevent future congress and senates from making changes to it?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

taig wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Damn. I was hoping it was my pie. I haven't seen it in a long time. I think it might have been stolen.

You must not have had detect magic active. Invisible Celestial Healer got your pie again.


At least I still have my stapler...

Dark Archive

I hope you are prepared for the flame war you are about to unleash. Enjoy. Grabs marshmellos for smores.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

What type of pie? Pumpkin?

David Fryer wrote:
Did someone say pie? Was it pecan?

The ingredients of my pies are a state secret. If you look at page 342, subparagraph 5(3)(xii), you would see the following:

"Sebastian's pies are yummy, and it shall be a federal offense to disclose the ingredients of such pies."

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

David Fryer wrote:
I hope you are prepared for the flame war you are about to unleash. Enjoy. Grabs marshmellos for smores.

I doubt anyone's dumb enough to take the bait, but, then again, this is the internet.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

mmm, bait.

yoda8myhead wrote:
mmm, bait.

Is bait as tasty as pie?

The Exchange

AionicElf wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
mmm, bait.
Is bait as tasty as pie?

Are we talking Jailbait?

Just Kidding. I do not condone nor engage in lewd acts with minors.... unless their really hot 17 year old cheerleaders. :P

Moorluck wrote:
AionicElf wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
mmm, bait.
Is bait as tasty as pie?

Are we talking Jailbait?

** spoiler omitted **

17 year old hot cheerleaders are legal in Texas!

David Fryer wrote:
I hope you are prepared for the flame war you are about to unleash. Enjoy. Grabs marshmellos for smores.

David, where were you during the "Victim Jailed; Burglar Goes Free" thread fiasco? You missed out on all the fun. ;)

Liberty's Edge

I made me a Rorschach mask just for that thread.

Heathansson wrote:
I made me a Rorschach mask just for that thread.

You should you bloodthirsty savage. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Some things never cease to amaze me.

Heathansson wrote:
Some things never cease to amaze me.

You ain't kidding.

The Exchange

Jailbait Smurf?

The Exchange

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

I found this starting in USA Today's site and it led to this article:

Forever Gone

The article" wrote:

'Page 1,020" — it may soon be a mantra for one of the most disturbing abuses of legislative power in history. In setting up an Independent Medicare Advisory Board, that page of the Senate health overhaul bill passed in the dead of night early Monday says, "It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection."

What does everyone think of this "provision" that was slipped in and would (provided it is constitutional) prevent future congress and senates from making changes to it?

I guess I don't get it. WHat does it cover?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Heathansson wrote:
Some things never cease to amaze me.

Not surprising. The simple-minded are easily amused.

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Some things never cease to amaze me.
Not surprising. The simple-minded are easily amused.

Eyooooooooooooooo. burn.....

*choip* ptoooooop!

Sebastian wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Some things never cease to amaze me.
Not surprising. The simple-minded are easily amused.



Crimson Jester wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

I found this starting in USA Today's site and it led to this article:

Forever Gone

The article" wrote:

'Page 1,020" — it may soon be a mantra for one of the most disturbing abuses of legislative power in history. In setting up an Independent Medicare Advisory Board, that page of the Senate health overhaul bill passed in the dead of night early Monday says, "It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection."

What does everyone think of this "provision" that was slipped in and would (provided it is constitutional) prevent future congress and senates from making changes to it?

I guess I don't get it. WHat does it cover?

The provision creates an "independent" medical advisory board. "Independent" means that this bill sets up all the rules governing it (as decided by Harry Reid and those who added the provision) AND prevents any future congress/senate from changing it. So, if the congress/senate screwed up the initial creation we are still stuck with it. If it is good now but things change in the future so that it is screwed up then we are still stuck with it.

This gives the small number of people who had a say in the provision an enormous and permanent stamp on what it can do.

Silver Crusade

Sebastian wrote:
taig wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Damn. I was hoping it was my pie. I haven't seen it in a long time. I think it might have been stolen.

You must not have had detect magic active. Invisible Celestial Healer got your pie again.


At least I still have my stapler...

It was apple.

And it was delicious.

Speaking of pies, I really hope they include a provision setting pi = 3. I'm sick of all those decimals: 3.14159264; just make it 3 for cripes sake.

Silver Crusade

I don't think people want to talk about this. at least not here. It's an important issue to Americans, no doubt, but on a game website, people are looking for fun things, to escape from worries, not focus on them.

The Exchange

Sound bad on a sound bite, and that is all this is.

Shadewest wrote:
I don't think people want to talk about this. at least not here. It's an important issue to Americans, no doubt, but on a game website, people are looking for fun things, to escape from worries, not focus on them.

So, this is a game web-site and people are looking for fun things, to escape from worries, not focus on them?

How about this 569 post thread:

NYC Marriage Bill

...or how about this 5,583 post thread:

A Civil Religious discussion

It seems that a lot of people wish to speak of something other than just happy fun thoughts.

So, why trash a new thread without even giving it a chance?

The Exchange

Well I put in my few copper. =D

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Tensor wrote:

Speaking of pies, I really hope they include a provision setting pi = 3. I'm sick of all those decimals: 3.14159264; just make it 3 for cripes sake.


Crimson Jester wrote:
Well I put in my few copper. =D

:tip hat:


Silver Crusade

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Shadewest wrote:
I don't think people want to talk about this. at least not here. It's an important issue to Americans, no doubt, but on a game website, people are looking for fun things, to escape from worries, not focus on them.

So, this is a game web-site and people are looking for fun things, to escape from worries, not focus on them?

How about this 569 post thread:

NYC Marriage Bill

...or how about this 5,583 post thread:

A Civil Religious discussion

It seems that a lot of people wish to speak of something other than just happy fun thoughts.

So, why trash a new thread without even giving it a chance?

Who's trashing? I responded to the original post, instead of talking about pie.

Shadewest wrote:
Who's trashing? I responded to the original post, instead of talking about pie.

Then pretty sure he wasn't talking to you ;)

The Exchange

Fudgy Chocolate Cream Pie

1 (9 inch) pie crust, baked 1 1/4 cups white sugar 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups milk 4 egg yolks 2 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In medium saucepan, combine sugar, flour, cornstarch and salt. In a medium bowl, beat milk and egg yolks until smooth. Gradually stir into sugar mixture. Stir constantly over medium heat until mixture thickens and comes to a full boil. Boil and stir for one minute.
Remove from heat and stir in chocolate, butter and vanilla. Stir until melted.
Pour into pie shell. Place plastic wrap over filling to prevent skin from forming and chill for several hours. Top with meringue or whipped cream and chocolate curls if so desired.

Serves 8

Pie is good, I prefer pumpkin myself, but my Dad likes strawberry rhubarb. Apple pie with vanilla ice cream on top is a classic though and few things rival its sheer goodness.

Also congress cannot pass or approve of a law that commits future congresses to a course of action or prohibits them from taking one. Note the nice deal Nebraska got for the democratic senator's vote.

The section you are referring to does not prevent legislation from making changes to the Medicare Advisory Board. What it does is prevent legislation from making changes to recommendations made by the Medicare Advisory Board regarding costs. Even then, it only prevents Congress from making changes to the advisory board's recommendations if the recommendations do not meet certain standards. For example, if the Medicare Advisory Board makes recommends that we ration healthcare, raise premiums, or reduce medical payment rates, then the legislation can step in and make changes to their recommendations.

Also, the paragraph doesn't completely prevent legislative branches from making changes to the provisions laid out in the bill. The paragraph right after states, "This paragraph may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of three-fifths of the members duly chosen and sworn." In other words, if 60 members of the Senate decide that the limitations of the bill need to be waived, then they can waive them.

One last thing: The provisions in the bill that restrict the legislative branches from making changes to the advisory board's recommendations expire in 2018 and 2019. So even if the Senate doesn't vote to waive the limitations between then and now, future Congresses and Senates can just let them expire.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

David Fryer wrote:
I hope you are prepared for the flame war you are about to unleash. Enjoy. Grabs marshmellos for smores.

Here, David, as a victim of the capitalist philosophy of endless consumption, I'm sure you'll need this for your s'mores. I hear it also works on s'murphs. (They're like s'mores but blue with more protein.)

The Exchange

Smurf spam

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