Forums Are Way Too Long: The Next Generation

Off-Topic Discussions

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Dark Archive

How long do you think it will be before someone explodes with nerd rage over the hijacking of the DM's Kia?

Silver Crusade

Is it 5 oclock yet?

RPG Superstar 2012

Embarrassing admission FtTotP!

RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
How long do you think it will be before someone explodes with nerd rage over the hijacking of the DM's Kia?

There should be nerd rage over the fact that the DM has a Kia! Seriously, what the hell.

Dark Archive

Celestial Healer wrote:
Is it 5 oclock yet?

[Alan Jackson]It's Five O'clock somewhere.[/Alan Jackson]

David Fryer wrote:
How long do you think it will be before someone explodes with nerd rage over the hijacking of the DM's Kia?

Let them come. We'll be ready.

The Exchange

Hello all and how is everyone today?

Solnes does you coworker know you told on her? out of curiosity how old is she? I have a theory she is just young and dumb. Maybe she really needed the money?

BTW the boss should have canned her on the spot, it gives a bad message to handle it quietly, but that is just me.

David you missed my questions, oh about 5 :) pages back now.

I had given up on the DM fiat is a religious discussion now? how did that happen?

Crimson Jester wrote:

I had given up on the DM fiat is a religious discussion now? how did that happen?

It's safe to enter.

Dark Archive

Crimson Jester wrote:

So David any luck with the Rats?

I'm almost done. Just a few more flaws to iron out. I only made it about 3/4th of the way through the first adventure.

Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

So David any luck with the Rats?

I'm almost done. Just a few more flaws to iron out. I only made it about 3/4th of the way through the first adventure.

You should never hide questions amongst inanity.

The Exchange

David Fryer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

So David any luck with the Rats?

I'm almost done. Just a few more flaws to iron out. I only made it about 3/4th of the way through the first adventure.
You should never hide questions amongst inanity.

It was late I was tired. I should have FB'd you but did not think of it at the time.

I am trying to update it for PFrpg.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

*sigh* Late for work again now 'cause I slept in and couldn't leavce 'til I caught up... :/

I may catch you all later or I may not. It's my wife's Birthday so I gots stuff to do after work.

Have fun putting me through another 15 pages of hell... :/

The Exchange

We will try for 20 this time Flash.

RPG Superstar 2012

flash_cxxi wrote:

*sigh* Late for work again now 'cause I slept in and couldn't leavce 'til I caught up... :/

I may catch you all later or I may not. It's my wife's Birthday so I gots stuff to do after work.

Have fun putting me through another 15 pages of hell... :/

Happy birthday wishes to Melodie! I hope I got the name right, because if I didn't, boy, won't I be embarrassed.

I won't be posting too much after this afternoon, so that might help with the page a page, maybe.

Dark Archive

David is still looking for dryads.

Oops wrong thread. :)

Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

By the way, Fryer, don't lose your cool! ;P
I don't know why he has his hate on for me. I never did anything to him or his posts. In fact, one could argue that I was standing up for him when I made fun of shifty's remarks saying that they would never agree because of religious differences. Of course that isll just sematics anyway. :)
Wait, who hates you today?
Auxmaulous. He's a noob. Judging by his post history the DM fiat thread is the only thing he has posted in with any regularity.

I new I had seen the name though. He has a big presence on the WOtC and Dwarvenforge boards. Judging from what I have read he is one of the 4E Avengers.

ugh,, I hate comp classes. Every time I leave them, I tend to be more and more pissed off. Now I know how you guys feel about pet shops.

Bookmark post.

this thread is dying, we must keep alive

Of course Manderin.

now to go to fundamentals of public speaking, where are you guys in the afternoon?

Swimming the oceans blue.

Scarab Sages

Woodraven wrote:
this thread is dying, we must keep alive

What's wrong with dying?

Silver Crusade

This thread doesn't die. It only rests.

Sorry, I'm too busy in my adulation for Mr. Fishy.

Dark Archive

David enjoys adoring Mr. Fishy. There are nymphs and dryads.

Dark Archive

I wonder if one should use the words "organic" and "fart" in the same post.

Only if The Jade is eating it. ;)

The Exchange

David Fryer wrote:
I wonder if one should use the words "organic" and "fart" in the same post.

Dare I ask what post?

Dark Archive

Crimson Jester wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I wonder if one should use the words "organic" and "fart" in the same post.
Dare I ask what post?

This one.

David Fryer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

By the way, Fryer, don't lose your cool! ;P
I don't know why he has his hate on for me. I never did anything to him or his posts. In fact, one could argue that I was standing up for him when I made fun of shifty's remarks saying that they would never agree because of religious differences. Of course that isll just sematics anyway. :)
Wait, who hates you today?
Auxmaulous. He's a noob. Judging by his post history the DM fiat thread is the only thing he has posted in with any regularity.
I new I had seen the name though. He has a big presence on the WOtC and Dwarvenforge boards. Judging from what I have read he is one of the 4E Avengers.

Mairkurion hopes not. Mairkurion does not like 4vengers. Mairkurion already has enough aliases devoted to that subject.

Oops, I thought I was in the other thread. Well, you get the idea.


Silver Crusade

Is it just me or are people not making as many aliases as they used to?

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

By the way, Fryer, don't lose your cool! ;P
I don't know why he has his hate on for me. I never did anything to him or his posts. In fact, one could argue that I was standing up for him when I made fun of shifty's remarks saying that they would never agree because of religious differences. Of course that isll just sematics anyway. :)
Wait, who hates you today?
Auxmaulous. He's a noob. Judging by his post history the DM fiat thread is the only thing he has posted in with any regularity.
I new I had seen the name though. He has a big presence on the WOtC and Dwarvenforge boards. Judging from what I have read he is one of the 4E Avengers.

Mairkurion hopes not. Mairkurion does not like 4vengers. Mairkurion already has enough aliases devoted to that subject.

Oops, I thought I was in the other thread. Well, you get the idea.



Dark Archive

Celestial Healer wrote:
Is it just me or are people not making as many aliases as they used to?

Aliasesssess we don't need no stikin' Aliases!

Godfather of Crime! wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Is it just me or are people not making as many aliases as they used to?
Aliasesssess we don't need no stikin' Aliases!

For some reason, I thought you were a cat. I guess you've still got whiskers.

CH, have you taken a look at my alias list lately? I don't think I've slown down that much. ;P

I've resisted the aliases thus far. Haven't crossed the Rubicon yet.

Dark Archive

look its a Green sheriff..........

Silver Crusade

Why did I eat a candybar? Because it was free, that's why. But it was still stupid. I'm going to have a stomachache all afternoon.

Silver Crusade

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Godfather of Crime! wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Is it just me or are people not making as many aliases as they used to?
Aliasesssess we don't need no stikin' Aliases!

For some reason, I thought you were a cat. I guess you've still got whiskers.

CH, have you taken a look at my alias list lately? I don't think I've slown down that much. ;P

Maybe it's just me who has slowed down, and it occurred to me as I was making Fishstick.

Urizen wrote:
I've resisted the aliases thus far. Haven't crossed the Rubicon yet.

Come to the dark side Urizen!


Ebony Jaguar wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I've resisted the aliases thus far. Haven't crossed the Rubicon yet.

Come to the dark side Urizen!



Ebony Jaguar wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I've resisted the aliases thus far. Haven't crossed the Rubicon yet.

Come to the dark side Urizen!


Indeed, it's quite addicting, Urizen.

[rolls dice behind DM screen]


Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

By the way, Fryer, don't lose your cool! ;P
I don't know why he has his hate on for me. I never did anything to him or his posts. In fact, one could argue that I was standing up for him when I made fun of shifty's remarks saying that they would never agree because of religious differences. Of course that isll just sematics anyway. :)
Wait, who hates you today?
Auxmaulous. He's a noob. Judging by his post history the DM fiat thread is the only thing he has posted in with any regularity.
I new I had seen the name though. He has a big presence on the WOtC and Dwarvenforge boards. Judging from what I have read he is one of the 4E Avengers.

No Fryer, not a noob - been playing since 1980 - maybe a noob to the idiocy/sock puppetry of these boards. And no, not a 4evenger, maybe you should go back and re-read my posts on the Wotc boards, not that you actually care or that it should impede the trash you spout about another poster.

Boy, these boards are admind/moderated horribly.

Pretty sad actually.

This looks like the right thread.

Looks like Aux has excellent skill rolls.

And this is why it is never cool to mention individual posters' names when you get in beefs with them. Especially here on this thread. It's bad form. That's what we have FB for people!

Okay, you guys got crossways. I hope there is a way we can back this up without things getting more unpleasant.

The Exchange

Patrick Curtin wrote:
And this is why it is never cool to mention individual posters' names when you get in beefs with them. Especially here on this thread. It's bad form. That's what we have FB for people!

+1, Fryer looses all Boob privleges for the day.

Aux, welcome to our little playhouse. That said, we do try to keep this thread devoid of all outside grudges, it works as a good neutral zone. We would like it if it stayed that way, as it really does mean alot to some of us to have a place to just come and blow of steam by being as asinine as we want. That said, if you're not a big fan of the Paizo boards, then why even post here?

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