Monks: A Treantmonk Guide (Optimization)


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A problem, though, is that the flat-footedness is only when you attack unarmed enemies with an improvised weapon. Attacks with non-improvised weapons are not flat-footing the enemy, even if used in the same round. Finally, the bonus attacks from Medusa's Wrath are unarmed and must be made against a dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, stunned, or unconscious foe - and require that you do at least one unarmed strike as part of a full-round action.

Essentially, Medusa's Wrath doesn't combo with flat-footing enemies using Catch Off-Guard.

Dark Archive

I couldn't find a Pathfinder reference that disallows AoOs on your turn, like there is in 4e.

If you have the Greater Trip feat and successfully trip an enemy, do you get an AoO on the enemy -- or is it just your allies that get the extra AoO?

In the case of Greater Trip he provokes from you and all your allies. This isn't true for all the combat maneuvers though.

Silver Crusade

LoreKeeper wrote:

In the case of Greater Trip he provokes from you and all your allies. This isn't true for all the combat maneuvers though.

Do you have a reference to support that statement?

Sean Clark 391 wrote:
LoreKeeper wrote:

In the case of Greater Trip he provokes from you and all your allies. This isn't true for all the combat maneuvers though.

Do you have a reference to support that statement?

Greater Dirty Trick

Greater Steal

Greater Sunder

Greater Grapple

Greater Feint

Greater Disarm


Only the rules:

Greater Trip wrote:

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Trip. Whenever you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes attacks of opportunity.
Greater Bullrush wrote:

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to bull rush a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Bull Rush. Whenever you bull rush an opponent, his movement provokes attacks of opportunity from all of your allies (but not you).

There have been various statements by the developers to that effect - but I wouldn't be able to point you to one specifically.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

kingpin wrote:
What level are you playing at?

Yeah, level 1.

Silver Crusade

Abraham spalding wrote:
Sean Clark 391 wrote:
LoreKeeper wrote:

In the case of Greater Trip he provokes from you and all your allies. This isn't true for all the combat maneuvers though.

Do you have a reference to support that statement?

Greater Dirty Trick

Greater Steal

Greater Sunder

Greater Grapple

Greater Feint

Greater Disarm


I am not sure that I understand the relevance of your post: none of the feats that you linked references anything to do with attacks of opportunity.

Sean Clark 391 wrote:
I am not sure that I understand the relevance of your post: none of the feats that you linked references anything to do with attacks of opportunity.


LoreKeeper wrote:
In the case of Greater Trip he provokes from you and all your allies. This isn't true for all the combat maneuvers though.

You then asked:

Sean Clark 391 wrote:
Do you have a reference to support that statement?

Then I provided the list of greater combat maneuver feats that specifically support LoreKeeper's position -- that not all combat maneuvers provide an AoO when you have the greater feat for that maneuver.

New to Monk builds and I have a few questions about the introduction of "Brass Knuckles" in APG. I assume the idea is that you can enhance these items much like a weapon, so that a monk can get the same benefits of magic weapons that other classes once had, without dipping into the exceptionally expensive Amulet of Mighty Fists.

So in theory, a Monk could a set of +1 Merciful Ghost Touched Brass Knuckles.

This would have a base value of 18,000gp, being equivalent to a +3 magic item. True?

Not every magic weapon benefit can apply to the Brass Knuckles, such as Keen and Vicious do not.

My only real question is, are Brass Knuckles a pair or are they single handled weapons? So do you need to get two enchanted separately, and thus could have two completely different enchantments?

And if so, could you just flurry with only one fist to stress one type of Knuckle if need be? Say you had a Flaming Knuckle and a Shocking Knuckle, then faced some fire elementals, so you only wanted to attack with the Shocking Knuckle.

This might all be explained in APG, but I don't have it just yet.

Thanks guys.

I've created a Cold Iron and a Silver variant of the Brass Knuckles in case I have to fight Fey or Werecreatures. The Silver ones have been used and since they are blunt weapons they do not suffer the -1 penalty to damage.

Enchantments on the weapons themselves allowing them to do Monk damage could be unbalancing and at 4th level you can hit creatures needing magical weapons anyway. For organized play I doubt I'll see any enchanted Brass Knuckles.

Monks do not care whether or not they come in pairs - I assumed that you buy one at a time. A flurry of blows can all come from the same fist so the point is moot.

First off, apologies if there's a rule against reviving old topics. I couldn't find the information on it and since this is a guide thread I figured it might still be "active" in one sense or another.

Anyway, the thing I want to bring up is to ask about the viability of a Tengu monk. They seem to have an ok stat array for it, but what's really catching my eye is their proficiency with the 7-branched sword, which is a 1d10 two-handed disarming monk weapon, 20/x3 critical.

If I understand correctly, a monk would be able to flurry with this weapon, and while by RAW she wouldn't get the 1.5x strength multiplier to damage, she would still be able to get the -1/+3 given by power attack for a weapon wielded in two hands.

Even without enhancing the sword, this option seems to do more damage all through a monk's 20 levels, and this gap is wider at early levels. Would this be enough of a reason to consider a tengu even with their penalty to constitution?

Scarab Sages

The con penalty is bad for a melee combatant, which the tengu would be. The natural attacks of the tengu would be worthless for the monk. 1d10 is nice, but power attack is pretty terrible for a monk. The loss on the to-hit usually outweighs the bonus damage unless you're talking about opponents with extremely low ac's.

A 1d10 weapon has a base dpr of 5.5 damage. Monks get 1d10 unarmed at 8th level, and superior bonuses at 12+. They can get those bonuses sooner by snagging a monks robe.

So the sword is superior from 1-7, equal 8-11, and inferior 12-20. It's inferior for slightly more time than it is superior. It's got basically the same things going for it as the temple sword, with the addition of dealing 1 more damage. In trade, you're taking a -2 to con.

I think you could work with it, but personally I'd look for a more appropriate race.

Monks using a non-light sword in two hands (for example a temple sword) get the -1/+3 ratio of power attack, also they use their new BAB for determining how much damage they deal when they flurry.
What's the stat array of tengu?

Scarab Sages

leo1925 wrote:


Monks using a non-light sword in two hands (for example a temple sword) get the -1/+3 ratio of power attack, also they use their new BAB for determining how much damage they deal when they flurry.
What's the stat array of tengu?

Yep, I know. Most of the time, it's still suboptimal because they lack the weapon training bonuses of the fighter that makes power attack less likely to cause a miss.

Tengu get +2 to dex and wis, and -2 to con

Magicdealer wrote:
leo1925 wrote:


Monks using a non-light sword in two hands (for example a temple sword) get the -1/+3 ratio of power attack, also they use their new BAB for determining how much damage they deal when they flurry.
What's the stat array of tengu?

Yep, I know. Most of the time, it's still suboptimal because they lack the weapon training bonuses of the fighter that makes power attack less likely to cause a miss.

Tengu get +2 to dex and wis, and -2 to con

And how is a monk going to inflict damage without power attack? (aside from going the agile route), and yes with those stats the tengu don't make good STR monks.

Scarab Sages

:/ a monk won't inflict any damage if he misses his target. Monks in general suffer more from attack penalties because they're already eating a -2 from flurry, and they have a somewhat harder time stacking bonuses to improve their to-hit.

By this, I mean if they're using an amulet of mighty fists, their bonus from that will improve more slowly than another character. They can't take advantage of dueling gloves or weapon training or greater weapon focus.

And too many people prioritize dex over strength, hurting them even more. *glances at the tengu*

Let's look at the difference between 1d10 and -1/+3 versus unarmed with the monks robe and -1/+2.

Levels 1-8 you're dealing anywhere from 8.5 dpr to 14.5 dpr. With the temple sword, at level 20, you're at 1d10 +18 or 23.5 dpr.

Unarmed, you've got 2d10 +12 or 23 dpr.
Not much difference there.

The big benefit mostly lies in the ease of enchanting the weapon, though if your dm uses the current version of brass knuckles, you're looking at a .5 dpr increase with the seven-branch sword at level 20.

Now, I'm not saying power attack is useless. It can be helpful against dr, or when the ac of your enemies is low. Against average ac or higher enemies though, it reduces your chance to hit by more than the improved damage is worth.

Dear Treatmonk, your guides make my character's private parts go tingly. Thanks and continue doing stuff for other classes!


By not having the sanity required to read all the 368 posts in this thread, so my comment isn't doubled, I decided to question the utility of the "Martial Artist" archetype and the usefulness of Weapon Specialization (Unarmed Strike.)

I have a current build that plays with Dragon Style feats (doing 1+1/2 STR) and was thinking if 2 feats are worth +4 dmg.

Thanks and congrats in your good work!

Master Treantmonk,

What is your opinion on the latest clarification, I believe that they are calling it, made on a Monk's Flurry of Blows? The first link is to the original thread which was locked by the moderators after three days (insisting it was in the wrong forum). The second link goes to the new thread in the General discussion.

Locked Thread

Flurry of Changes to Flurry of Blows

Basically the ruling is that the design and development team always believed that their text on the monk was sufficient for players and authors alike to believe that the as if two-weapon fighting actually meant exactly like two-weapon fighting.

Unless a monk uses unarmed strikes (identically enchanted unarmed strikes) they insist that all flurry attacks must now be divided among a primary hand and an off-hand. If the monk possesses an identical enhancement and weapon property on his unarmed strikes (or a natural weapon and has the Feral Combat Trainings feat) he may make all of his flurry attacks with that single unarmed strike or natural weapon. But even then, the ruling suggests that the monk must be using different parts of his body--which doesn't jive with the natural weapons from Feral Combat Training.

Weapons must be used in groups of two (primary and off-hand) or interspaced with an unarmed strike (primary or off-hand) as well. So there is no more flurry with a single kama.

I would welcome your views on this matter, Master of the Monks who are Treants.

Master Arminas

Unless I'm reading the profile wrong - and I may be, I'm notoriously bad at this - it looks like TM hasn't made a post on the PF forums since last October. He might still check stuff, but it seems like a longshot.

Scarab Sages

Treantmonk wrote:

The reason I think that you need two weapons to use Flurry of Blows (or at least strike with two different fists, etc) is:

Flurry of Blows wrote:
When doing so he may make one additional attack using any combination of unarmed strikes or attacks with a special monk weapon (kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, and siangham) as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat

Using the Two weapon fighting feat requires two weapons.

So, although it doesn't say specifically that you have to use two weapons under Flurry - it does say so under Two Weapon Fighting.

For Flurry of Blows to be an exception to the rule (like it is for Str bonus to off hand weapons), it would need to say specifically that you could flurry with one weapon, unlike TWF.

I am fairly sure that a monk can flurry with a single weapon
I'm pretty sure that you could flurry with a single weapon

Are you seeing something I'm not? Or vise versa?

So those of us asking for Treeantmonk's opinion on the current monk contreversy if you look at page 2 of the comments you can see him stating the same conclusion that SKR has recently posted. The comments from Treeantmonk were made back in 09.

Dark Archive

Putting together a Human Martial Artist Monk for PFS; the idea of getting the whole Weapon Specialization tree sounded too good to pass up for a 3/4 BAB class. Anyway, should look like this:

Str: 18
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 09
Wis: 14
Cha: 07

Acrobatics: 1
Perception: 1
Stealth: 1
Use Magic Device: 1

Soul Drinker (add HD of last slain enemy as temp HP 1/day)
Dangerously Curious (+1 to UMD & makes it a class skill)

Human: Toughness
1st Lvl: Stunning Pin
Monk 1: Improved Grapple

Was thinking about possibly going Cornugon Stun (and using a Temple Sword) instead of Toughness, but having only ten HP at 1st level scares the crap outta me. :)

Anyone got thoughts or suggestions?

Sovereign Court

Weapon Spec tree doesn't work unless you are going Weapon Adept archetype, since the feats require levels of fighter. unless you are going for monastic legacy feat, then it might work.

are archs allowed in PFS?

Dark Archive

Nezthalak wrote:

Weapon Spec tree doesn't work unless you are going Weapon Adept archetype, since the feats require levels of fighter. unless you are going for monastic legacy feat, then it might work.

are archs allowed in PFS?

Ah, but that's why he's a Martial Artist. From Ultimate Combat:

Martial Arts Master (Ex): At 4th level, a martial artist
may use his monk level to qualify for feats with a fighter
level prerequisite when those feats are applied to unarmed
strikes or weapons with the monk special quality. This
ability replaces slow fall.

And archetypes are allowed in PFS, as far as I can tell. Rondelero Duelist, Dawnflower Dervish and Aldori Swordsman are all allowed.

Grand Lodge


While doing my Trait Guide I have come upon a few traits that would be perfect for your guide.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Mizu Ki Hikari Rebel (Chu Ye)

You have trained in martial arts under the banner of Mizu Ki Hikari rebels.

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls made with unarmed attacks.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Quain Martial Artist (Quain)

Having grown up in Quain, you were taught under various schools of martial arts, and have used all you have learned to hone your fighting prowess.

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls when using unarmed strikes.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

A straight +1 damage to all unarmed attacks... as a trait. Not bad.

Damn. More perspective of the monk from a DPR perspective. How one dimensional. If thats how you want to play it though and you're referring to a uber optimized monk build, doing 60 damage a round isn't really a problem. Attack bonus of +16, not really maxing it out there. Should be hitting an atk bonus of around +22.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

The equalizer wrote:
Damn. More perspective of the monk from a DPR perspective. How one dimensional. If thats how you want to play it though and you're referring to a uber optimized monk build, doing 60 damage a round isn't really a problem. Attack bonus of +16, not really maxing it out there. Should be hitting an atk bonus of around +22.

... thread rezzing spell? You really shouldn't prepare those. Just annoys people.

A monk has a bonus when disarming; he picks up the weapon he disarmed, making it very hard for the target to pick it up.

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