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Scapular of True Devotion
Aura faint abjuration and conjuration; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 21,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This sacramental item consists of two bands of cloth that rest on the shoulders, connecting a darkwood placard in back and a mithril hook at the front. When the wearer attaches a symbol of his deity to the hook, the placard becomes decorated with appropriate religious text or icons, often providing a hint as to what type of energy the item is associated with.
Whenever the wearer uses the channel energy ability to heal, those affected gain energy resistance 1 for every die of damage healed. For example, a 5th-level cleric who channels positive energy to heal 3d6 hit points of damage would provide energy resistance 3. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the wearer’s Charisma bonus (minimum 1 round). The type of energy the scapular protects from—acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic—is chosen during the item’s creation and cannot be changed.
If the wearer channels energy to harm his opponents, the scapular of true devotion adds 1 point of energy damage (of the same sort it otherwise protects from) to the normal damage done by the channel energy ability. This extra damage is not affected by a successful Will saving throw.
Rumors persist of scapulars which deal alignment damage, similar to holy or anarchic weapons, but if true, these items must be incredibly rare.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Elemental Channel, resist energy; Cost 10,500 gp

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

Huh. Not bad. A bit questionable on how useful this is and a little weak for clerics dealing damage, as it looks like they only get +1 extra point of energy damage, but on the whole, nothing seems really wrong here.
I guess the only thing that bothers me about this is that it doesn't light me on fire. I don't see the adventure this sparks or the PC who seeks this item out. It's kind if like a golembane scarab, nice if you find it, but no one's really shopping around for these.
That it plays with the new channel energy rules is a nice nod, though, and goes a long way toward making it feel fresh.

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

This is a pretty neat item. Kind of a weird, uninspiring name, though. I can't really see myself bragging about my PC's possession of a scapular of true devotion. Doesn't quite have an awesome ring to it. Nevertheless, it is most obviously an awesome item, regardless!
I think the "channel energy to heal = energy resistance bonus" vs. the "channel energy to harm = bonus energy damage" is an innovative idea that uses the cleric's channeling ability from the Pathfinder rules in a really unique way. And, allowing the cleric to choose between energy protection or energy damage as he heals or harms is great accompaniement. For example, if I'm a good-aligned cleric and I'm wearing a scapular of true devotion to Sarenrae, I'm likely going to have it relate to fire energy. Then, I can use one my channelings to extend fire resistance to my comrades as I heal them or add some holy fire damage to my channeling on top of my positive energy damage as I blast a bunch of blasphemous undead into cinders. So, I really like what this does. I also see you had 49 words left on your entry and kind of wish you'd gone ahead and defined the holy and anarchic versions of the scapular, too. Otherwise, including the "Rumors persist..." line in the last statement is really just a throwaway and not needed.
Mechanically-speaking, I completely agree with the judges about the duration of the energy resistance. Making it dependent on the wearer's Charisma bonus is a misstep, I think. You would have been better served to make it a flat duration (5 rounds maybe?) or even a random amount (2d4 rounds?) instead. That way, if you do multiple channelings in a single combat (which often becomes necessary if the monsters are taking out PCs left and right), you could have the energy resistance extend for however many additional rounds you rolled.
But, to me, the true wonder to this item is the bonus energy damage on channelings (and it should be more than 1 point...it should be the same 1 point for every die of damage channeled). Presumably, you can extend that damage if you take additional channeling feats to affect outsiders like Alignment Channel and Elemental Channel. And boy, layering on extra fire damage to nail water elementals ought to be fun. I'm also assuming Selective Channeling would let you exclude targets from this extra damage or energy resistance. And, I would guess that a channeling designed to Turn Undead or Command Undead wouldn't apply any effect from the scapular because neither of those heal or harm their targets.
Anyway, I really like where you went with this item. I think maybe you meant to say the energy damage adds 1 point for every die of channeling a cleric or paladin puts forth. In fact, it almost has to be that to warrant the 21,000 gp price of this item. Otherwise, it's too high for just a few points of energy resistance per die of channeling and 1 point of energy damage each channeling. Other than that, I'll point out the one nitpick about italicizing your spell names in the construction requirements. And in some ways, I like that you included Elemental Channel as a feat requirement...but presumably, you'd want it to be Elemental Channel devoted to the single type of element you'd want to attribute to the scapular...in which case, if I've got Elemental Channel (water), I'd prefer to pump my scapular up with fire instead of ice. So maybe Elemental Channel isn't the appropriate feat requirement for crafting this item?
Regardless, I've got to say I really like where you're headed with this item. I don't think it's quite finished yet, but it's still got a 90% perfect execution. And you're spot on from a flavor and conceptual imagination standpoint. Welcome to the ranks of RPG Superstar! You've got a chance to parlay this item into a run for the whole title. Make the most of it! And best of luck!

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During 3E, we've seen numerous attempts to merge clerical turning with energy aspects. Divine Feats have come along that have allowed you to burn turning attempts to resist or deal energy damage. So we're not in groundbreaking territory with this item.
However, the designer has taken the concept and melded it so well with the PF channel energy mechanic, that it definitely seems fresh and new. This is a well-designed item that extends channeling in a fundamental and simple way, using the existing Elemental Channel feat as its base. I love that this is a requirement in constructing this item.
I also love the very simple but flavorful transmutation of the garment itself to match the trappings of your deity. When a user first dons the item, this effect personalizes it for them. It makes the Player want to hold on to the item because he or she now feels like it belongs to them. It's a nice touch.
I think the mechanics are basically solid, with some editing needed for intent and clarity. I wish you had come up with a better name. That's the first thing people see, and they need to get excited about your item right then and there. "Scapular" is not the word to accomplish this.
Regardless, you've produced a great item here, and I look forward to seeing what else you can do as the contest kicks into action next week. Good Luck!

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It's "scapular" not scapula. Its a small card like item that is worn around the neck usually on a small thong or cord. Usually of a patron saint. Its a Catholic thing. I have several. ;)
Oops! misspelled but fixed. Yeah, I had to research what this was. It's a neat item that definitely fits the theme, but the word itself doesn't evoke "COOL!" for me.

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

It's a neat item that definitely fits the theme, but the word itself doesn't evoke "COOL!" for me.
Same deal with me. I understood the name. It just sounds too much like "scapula" to leave you inspired by it...because that's where a lot of players' minds will go when saying it aloud or reading it. I think this is sort of one of those times where a real-world name for something isn't necessarily the best name to use for an item. But at the same time, it works perfectly for those very familiar with scapulars. So everyone's mileage is going to vary on it.

Kevin Carter RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4 aka K. B. Carter |

Congrats on making it to RPG Superstar 2010! I asked myself the same three questions for each of the top 32 items. Here are my responses to your item:
Would this wondrous item unbalance or over-complicate my game if my PCs were to find it and use it?
I think this item is appropriately powered for its cost. It's a nice little boost for a healer without tipping the scales.
Would my PCs be happy with this item if they were to find it during an adventure?
This item both heals damage that has been done in the past and (potentially) prevents damage that will be done in the future, which makes it somewhat tricky to use because a player really wants the damage prevention at the beginning of a fight (before damage has been sustained) and the damage healing towards the end of the fight (after damage has been sustained). I understand there is a sweet spot in the middle of the fight where both aspects of this can be used, but it's going to a very narrow window of time in most fights. One of my complaints about healing in general (and this by no means the fault of your item) is that it's not very much fun. I can't for the life of me find a way to get any of my players to try a healer and I understand their reluctance: you're spending your actions to keep other players on their feet, but you're not directly contributing to the fight yourself. You're essentially the party's water boy. This item doesn't really address that core problem with healing. What I think would make this item more enticing is if you connected the two halves of what it can already do--namely if it allows you to heal one target and deal energy damage to another. Even if it's just a little bit of damage, the healer could pick off wounded targets and feel like he was contributing to the fight in a more meaningful way that just keeping everyone's hit point tanks out of the red.
Does the item spark other ideas for my campaign?
I'm always on the lookout for ways to make healing more dynamic and entertaining, and this item is a good meditation towards a potential solution. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to include this item in a treasure pile, but reading it does ignite other interesting ideas, and that's a very good sign.

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But, to me, the true wonder to this item is the bonus energy damage on channelings (and it should be more than 1 point... it should be the same 1 point for every die of damage...
Yes it should have been 1 point per die. I'm so ashamed I didn't catch that.
But, many thanks for passing me anyway! I'm now off to fiddle with my monster design...

Fern Herold RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Demiurge 1138 |

I had interpreted the healing/dealing of damage to be that, so I caught what you were going for.
So, this is the first of the Superstar items I've seen this year, and I gotta say... it's solid. It doesn't sing to me, in much the same way all of the judges were content but not overwhelmed. But the mechanics are reasonable, the price seems right, and you have a firm grip on spelling and grammar, which are all all very important.
Color me cautiously optimistic, and I hope to see more fire in your Round 2 entry!

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Congratulations on a your RPGSS 32!
This item ties in very well with the new channeling mechanics, it's nice to see the tie in to the unique Pathfinder mechanics. My only real criticism of the item is that it's rather bland and doesn't really evoke a lot of excitement. This seems like an item that will lie mostly forgotten until a few key encounters here it will really shine.
I look forward to seeing your round 2 entry! Good luck monster crafting.

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With the channel energy system for clerics being so new, I had a feeling there
would be a couple of items like this. This is the first one I've seen in the
contest and it's a good solid idea. With all the old feats, items, and abilities that took up a certain number of your per day turn undead uses now void, there is a lot of
room to reuse and expand upon those ideas. I'm surprised you didn't make a link
between the deity's domains and the energy type of the scapular of true
devotion, as deities with the earth domain using acid and fire domain using
fire. After all, it would be unusual for a cleric of Sarenrae's to channel energies that do cold damage, but then again it works
fine the way you have it. I like the use of the word 'scapular' instead of
making this a necklace of true devotion. Using item names from real world
religions and militaries adds more depth to the item and in turn makes the
fantasy world seem more realistic. I like what I see and am looking forward to
what you do next. Welcome to RPG Superstar 2010!

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Great job making the cut twice now! I liked how your item ties to the channel energy mechanics, and increases in power based on your channel strength, but agree that the bonus should be for a static duration - it doesn't need to be tied to two different variables. As for the name, I don't mind Scapular at all - I like learning new words, and think it's cool to say "my character has a magic scapular instead of a magic necklace like everyone else", however, I thought True Devotion was a bit generic and didn't really relate to what the item does. I was expecting something more closely tied to alignment or along the lines of the phylactery of faithfulness.
Finally, from a pure player viewpoint, it seems a bit expensive for what it does. I'm curious to see the math/thought process you used on pricing.

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

Dan Jones RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka SmiloDan |

This looks like a good beginning, but is a little weak. It's good that it's scalable, but it might be better if it provided 2 or 3 or even 5 points of energy resistance per die of channeling. At 20th level, fire resistance 10 is not very useful (it's actually only HALF the minimum result of the damage dice of a spell for that level), but fire resistance 20 or 30 or 50 is. You'll be fighting things throwing around meteor swarms, great wyrm breath weapons, and balor nimbuses by then.
Maybe tie the duration to the number of channel dice the cleric gets? Or just a flat 3 rounds or 5 rounds? Probably at least 5 rounds, since breath weapons re-charge in 1d4 rounds, so you're guaranteed at least one or two chances to take advantage of the item.

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I love the beginning flavor text, and the touch of the adding of relevant symbols is a cool effect.
Mechanically, however, this item is terrible. This item is completely overcosted. A minor ring of energy resistance only costs 12000gp and functions continuously at 10 points of resistance (which is equivelent to a 19th level cleric with this item), and the benefit for negative channelers is basically non-existant (1 point of damage ooo ahhh, that's worth 21000gp. Even if it was written correctly 1 point of extra damage per die is still pretty weak at this cost.) As already pointed out, duration based on the wearer's stat is a flaw as well.
The name is weak, and unrelated to the item's function.

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I love the beginning flavor text, and the touch of the adding of relevant symbols is a cool effect.
Mechanically, however, this item is terrible. This item is completely overcosted. A minor ring of energy resistance only costs 12000gp and functions continuously at 10 points of resistance (which is equivelent to a 19th level cleric with this item), and the benefit for negative channelers is basically non-existant (1 point of damage ooo ahhh, that's worth 21000gp. Even if it was written correctly 1 point of extra damage per die is still pretty weak at this cost.) As already pointed out, duration based on the wearer's stat is a flaw as well.
The name is weak, and unrelated to the item's function.
This item is more like a resist energy, mass however, so it should provide a lower amount of resistance than a single person item (or be way more expensive than the single person item)

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Reckless wrote:This item is more like a resist energy, mass however, so it should provide a lower amount of resistance than a single person item (or be way more expensive than the single person item)I love the beginning flavor text, and the touch of the adding of relevant symbols is a cool effect.
Mechanically, however, this item is terrible. This item is completely overcosted. A minor ring of energy resistance only costs 12000gp and functions continuously at 10 points of resistance (which is equivelent to a 19th level cleric with this item), and the benefit for negative channelers is basically non-existant (1 point of damage ooo ahhh, that's worth 21000gp. Even if it was written correctly 1 point of extra damage per die is still pretty weak at this cost.) As already pointed out, duration based on the wearer's stat is a flaw as well.
The name is weak, and unrelated to the item's function.
You know, I saw that in my first reading yesterday, and somehow completely missed it today as I'm trying to critique these items. Thanks for the reminder. That makes this item somewhat better (but still overcosted in my opinion.)

roguerouge Star Voter Season 6 |

Congratulations on advancing! If the last two years are any indication, you're in for a wild ride. This is very competitive and my suggestions here are based on what I'd be looking for in later rounds with audience voting.
First, you need to keep in mind how things work at the table. Minor bonuses lasting a brief period of time are a pain in the prat. I'm picturing: "Let's see... I get 4 points off for the past three rounds. What's your charisma bonus, Bob? 15? You bastard! Yep. The dragon's breath weapon killed me. If you'd just put more points into it, I'd still be... Wait! Bob channeled energy last round! It's back up. I'm alive." This is not the stuff of drama. This is the stuff of book-keeping.
Second, why would I spend 21K on this item when I can spend it elsewhere and get better bang for my buck? Coupled with the hassle of keeping track of the thing, this scapular is getting sold at the first opportunity. Not to mention that this takes up a precious magic item slot. By the time you can afford 21K items, those slots better be mechanically valuable. And Energy Resist 5 for a 3-6 rounds just isn't worth it when you could be boosting your AC +3.
Finally, as a named bonus, wouldn't it be overwhelmed by the resist 20 for 90 minutes offered by the second level spell, resist energy, as cast by a cleric of a level with sufficient wealth for your item? I'm not a pathfinder expert at this point, but that was the first thing that came to mind.
Flavor will curry favor with some voters, but you need to be able to nab the votes of people who vote based on mechanics and table convenience.
Again, congratulations!

Kevin A RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 8 aka NJKrosse |

Congrats on being among the 32.
I think you did a better job than I.
I do have a question though. The type of energy, is denoted by the deity, but you also say that the type of energy the scapular protects is chosen during the item's creation. Is the act of attaching a symbol of one's deity part of its creation? In which case whichever deity gets to this item first wins. Or is the energy chosen when a new symbol is attached?
Other than this, I do like the item, and I can't wait to see what kind of phantastical monster arises from your imagination.

Charles Evans 25 |
I have some concerns that this is a toy much more useful to those who channel negative energy than to those who channel positive; after all extra damage almost always comes in handy, but energy resistance in a middle of a fight when your enemies may well not be using such attacks???
The item is neat, and I can see why the judges picked it, but I suspect there would be a bias in-play of evil guys tending to use this more than good guys.
Congratulations on making it through to (at least) a top 32 again, and maybe with inquisitors soon to be seeing print we will also see your item from 2008 in print too... :D

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This is a fun, thematic item, that'd I'd probably pick up if I were playing a cleric. I like the idea of being able to pull out some energy resistance along with some healing when the chips are down. The first breath weapon puts fear into the hearts of the PCs, this item gives them courage against the second breath.
Well done!

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Congratulations on making it through to (at least) a top 32 again, and maybe with inquisitors soon to be seeing print we will also see your item from 2008 in print too... :D
Haha! You remembered the Malleus Maleficarum!
I was actually thinking, with the addition of the witch class, of offering a Grand Grimoire or Book of Shadows as this year's submission.

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I do have a question though. The type of energy, is denoted by the deity, but you also say that the type of energy the scapular protects is chosen during the item's creation. Is the act of attaching a symbol of one's deity part of its creation?
The type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire) is chosen by the creator of the item, and has nothing to do with the deity who's symbol is attached to the scapular. The deity only determines what type of energy (negative or positive) the user channels.
So, a scapular of true devotion (fire) would grant fire resistance if a paladin of Shelyn healed her friends with it, and deal fire damage when a cleric of Zon-Kuthon used the same scapular to blast his enemies with the channeled hate of his god.
And, thanks for your (and everyone's) congratulations and good wishes!

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The energy resistance feature doesn't excite me, but the energy damage added to Channel Energy very much does. I could totally see a holy symbol or scimitar of Sarenrae (or holy symbol or mace of Asmodeus) that added +1 hp / die of Fire damage to any channel energy attempt that inflicts damage to another.
A scapular, or other holy item, that conferred the effects of a Bless spell on anyone healed by your Channel Energy could be neat, borrowing from the Combat Medic (Heroes of Battle) concept of a 'kicker.'
One that used Aid in it's creation, and gave those healed 1 temporary hit point / die of Channeling for 1 minute could be quite useful as well, despite having a relatively small effect. (You Channel heal for 5d6, all of those healed also gain 5 temporary hp for 1 minute.)
More importantly, IMO, than just being a neat item in it's own right, this item is a brainstorming tool for potentially dozens of interesting new items, based off of the Channel Energy mechanic.
Well done!

Power Word Unzip |

Scapular of True Devotion
This is an item that will become more and more powerful as the game progresses, and in a way, that's a good hook all on its own. It gives a character reason to adventure and garner more power. I like the mechanics, and it's pretty simple to understand how it's used. This is a great item to give to an NPC villain who can channel negative energy (such as an umbral dragon).
The physical appearance of the item seems kinda goofy to me, though. I'd hate to be wearing a little wooden sign all the time. (But maybe it's because the wooden placard hanging around the neck reminds me of the undead kobold shaman from Crown of the Kobold King. Hee hee.)
Neat concept, though. And it's always nice to see a fellow Raleigh boy get something right - just like NCSU did last night against Duke!

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Congrats on making it back into the contest this year! I happen to really like the name, but I have a fondness for archaisms and unusual words. I like the effect too - it's neat without being overkill. Costing... interesting question. The effect of the item is kind of variable, from small for a low-level, low-CHA wearer to high for a high-level, high-CHA wearer, so it's kind of hard to peg what it should be.
I also wonder whether a paladin should be able to use this with lay on hands; not entirely unreasonable, but not spelled out (unless I'm misremembering).
This was actually the first item I read, so sorry that it ends up being ironically the LAST item I commented on, but I like it. You've obviously got the skills to do well, so best of luck to you and hope you knock it outta the park.
Superstar Class of 2008 4EVAR!!! :)

Tobias Mullen RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Orange Toque |

Things I like: Clerics I've played with tend to be very showy about their deities, so the placard changing when a holy symbols is attached is very nice. I am a huge fan of items that scale as you level, so another plus there. And preventing hit point loss through the energy resistance is very nice, because I like to see divine casters use their abilities for things other than healing. Adding a little more damage to a divine caster's abilities is great too.
Things that didn't grab me: I want the user to have control over what type of energy was being used in the channeling. A cleric of an ice god who picked up one of these that was already keyed to do fire damage probably wouldn't be happy. Basing the duration on character stats has already been mentioned, so I won't go into more detail there.
This is still something that I would show to the clerics in my games, though. And it makes me want to play around with more items that boost channeling energy. You've got me thinking and that is what a good item does in my opinion.
Looking forward to seeing your monster.

Sean McGowan RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka DankeSean |

I was actually thinking, with the addition of the witch class, of offering a Grand Grimoire or Book of Shadows as this year's submission.
If only the new classes had been available for use. I had an (IMO) absolutely lovely item in mind for summoners. Oh well, maybe next year. And hey, what am I complaining about, we both got in without APH classes, so cool! I'm actually glad to see you among the second-timers that made it; speaking as a spectator the malleus from the first year was really neat, and I absolutely adored your ghost bard.
This one doesn't excite me quite as much, but it is a well designed item that does its one thing very well without going overboard. The idea of playing with channeling is neat, and the mechanics are tight (aside from neglecting to mention the damage upgrades with level as well, but it seemed such a no-brainer that I automatically assumed it was a simple mistake rather than failure to design it with that in mind. Only half a point off for that one.) All in all, good job. And based on your history, very much looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve next.

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6 |

I like this a lot. I love clerics and magical sacramental items. The flavor is excellent and the mechanical concept is interesting.
I do think it's a bit overcosted. Compare to a phylactery of positive channeling at 11,000 gp, which bumps healing by +2d6 for each channel. I'm not sure a few rounds of a specific energy resistance is worth twice that. Then again, I completely blew the costing of my item, so what do I know?
Congrats and good luck on Round 2!

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I like this item, both as a player and GM.
As a player, particularly a player of clerics, I like items that make healing more effective. Quite frankly, spending 3/4 of my combat healing the party just sucks. Little bonuses that let me do something else are appreciated. Dealing extra damage when channeling to damage is a big plus. My only concern is the price; at 21000 gp, there are a lot of items that could be better than this. In this slot, there are items better than this at about this cost. As a 5th level, that eats up a lot of target "wealth by level" target; and I think this item is most appropriate for mid-level clerics. I think if it were costed closer to 12k it would be better.
As a DM, I like items that add flavor to characters much more than the standard buffing items that people seem to want an abundance of. This gives you the best of both, it is a reasonable buff, but focused enough that characters of the right persuasion can find it cool.