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The interaction between the size rules and distance rules of the Eidolon will make for poor play experiences. In years of gaming, the situations in which a huge creature can travel along side the PC for levels at a time are very limited.
The combination forces players to make the sorts of decisions which aren't very fun...namely guessing the room size of the combats they will face (equal parts IC and metagaming) and getting screwed if they choose poorly. The clearest examples are mounted combat and 3.5 animal companions. Neither were much fun unless you knew far in advance whether or not your creature could fit through the door.
A relatively simple fix is allowing the creature a size max and to grow.
The Large Evolution would allow the Eidolon to switch between Large and Medium size categories. The Huge evolution would allow all three. Switching size is not especially difficult to adjudicate (after all, 1st level arcane casters get the ability in Enlarge Person and it was a hallmark ability of mellee oriented clerics in 3.5). For ease of play and to limit abuse it could even have a long cast time.

MaverickWolf |

This is a good idea. I've been meaning to ask my DM about this. I'd settle for just being able to squeeze one size smaller at the cost of being flatfooted or something. Just so I can get my Large sized Eidolon through a frakking door.
You can. Check page 193 of the core rulebook, or here.

Selgard |

Absolutely /not/ /ever/.
Being Large and Huge has to have a penalty. With all the free stuff you get for it considering how woefully under-priced Large and Huge are, they seriously need Some penalty.
Right now the sheer size of them, physically, is the only draw back.
If the Summoner wants to go the "omg I have a pet bigger than a house!" route he best take Reduce Person as one of his spells and be prepared to cast it alot.
Mind you, I love the Summoner and Eidolon and plan to play one as soon as I'm able.. but there just has to be some drawback to the sheer power the size increases give you.

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You can. Check page 193 of the core rulebook, or here.
See now I just feel silly.
The OP's idea still isn't bad for day to day stuff. I'd like to bring my Eidolon into town without freaking out the whole town.

deathmaster |

Being Large and Huge has to have a penalty. With all the free stuff you get for it considering how woefully under-priced Large and Huge are, they seriously need Some penalty.
Agreed, the penalty is part of why they are cheap. The large upgrade isnt too much of a penalty and is cheap to go along with the growth of animal companions.
huge is pretty bad, trying to get a huge creature around doesnt work very well and pretty much the only thing that can make one playable is the reduce person spell.
So yeah, you want a huge pet be ready to cast reduce a lot. Being able to shrink it for free would mean the cost needs to go up significantly

mdt |

Just a note, Jason has already stated there will be a transmogrify spell that will allow you to reset your eidelon's evolution points, at a monetary cost. I wish he'd put it out so we could play test with it.
So there is a way to take the huge/large off.
And, to those who say an evolution would be unfair that allows switching sizes... please give an example of how it would be game breaking? Now, before you start typing your hot little responses, remember, switching from huge to large would remove all the huge perks and then switching further down to medium would remove all the large perks and moving down to small would [i]reset the medium bonuses to small bonuses.
So to me, a 2pt 'Amorphous' evolution that allows it to change to any size that it has access to (small/medium if no other points spent) doesn't seem to be a game breaker to me.