Grapple. (Yup, again.)

Rules Questions

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So, are you helpless when Grappled? When Pinned? None of the above?

Do the +5 always aply in subsequent rounds? Or when the target tries to get out it doesn't?

Xum wrote:

So, are you helpless when Grappled? When Pinned? None of the above?

Do the +5 always aply in subsequent rounds? Or when the target tries to get out it doesn't?

you are not helpless when grappled. Think of it like 3 levels of binding:

Grappled: something has a hold on you interfering with your movement.

Pinned: something has immobilized you but can still struggle to get free or use vocal/mental actions.

Helpless: You have a dex of 0. No movement. Someone could gut you like a pig with no danger or difficulty. You are a zero threat.

The +5 happens in rolls after you intitiate the grapple to represent the fact that you are in the dominant position. If you grapple a guy, and he reverses the grapple, any successive checks he makes is at a +5 after gaining the dominant position.

Does the "Damage" option for the grappler allow him/her to make an attack? Or does it allow him/her to automatically damage the grapplee without making an attack roll?

Mynameisjake wrote:
Does the "Damage" option for the grappler allow him/her to make an attack? Or does it allow him/her to automatically damage the grapplee without making an attack roll?

It's automatic. The grapple check takes the place of the attack roll.

That seems like a pretty good reason to grapple.

Xum wrote:
I don't think adding more feats is the solution. The way things are now leave some pretty messy stuff for the Grapler, but nothing can be done about it now...

Well, I don't think there needs to be a "solution" as there really isn't a problem per se. At the same time, however, feats exist solely to break the rules. In many situations, you want some characters due to their flavor or niche to be able to break certain rules.

The monk or other unarmed combat vehicle, in this instance, probably should be able to learn some kind of fighting style which gives them this ability. We've all seen people who are very good at taking the advantage in a grapple. It doesn't seem unnecessary to develop a feat or a chain of feats which allow them to do just that.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:


The RAW do allow the grappled to make a full attack action, assuming they can do so with only one hand. Since flurry does not require two hands to perform, a monk could flurry.

Grappling is not always the best idea. Grappling a monk is one such example. I think folks need to remember that the grappled condition is not as severe as it once was. You are no longer draped all over the target. It is more like you got a hold on them, typically an arm (hence the restriction). The pinned condition is more of your greco-roman wrestling hold.

Hope that clears it up..

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Thanks for the clarification, Jason. I cannot say that this answer makes me extremely happy (as I posted above regarding my fears and the 'Iohannes Felicitus Cena' example...), but at least we have the official answer and no more argues should be made regarding it. However, I have a couple of questions to add.

From your answer we know that there are at least two types of Full Attacks that cannot be made while grappled: Full Attack with a Two Handed weapon (it's pretty self-explanatory...), and Full Attack with Two Weapons (since by definition it's not a thing you can do 'with only one hand'); however, what about:

1) Creatures with Natural Attacks: do they lose one of their Natural Attacks while grappled (like you said, 'It is more like you got a hold on them, typically an arm (hence the restriction).'), or do they still can make a Full Attack with all of them ? Judging by your answer, I would say that they lose at least one attack (best bet = Claw, if allowable)...

2) Creatures with both Natural Attacks and Manufactured weapons (like a Lizardfolk); do they lose one of their Natural Attacks (perhaps the Claw) and keep the Manufactured weapon, lose the Manufactured weapon and keep the Claw, or lose nothing ? Judging by your answer, I would say that they lose one of either choice, more probably the Claw (one of the arms is holded in a lock, and the creature uses the Manufactured weapon, since it's usually better because it gives iterative attacks)...

Thanks for your feedback !

Jason Bulmahn wrote:


The RAW do allow the grappled to make a full attack action, assuming they can do so with only one hand. Since flurry does not require two hands to perform, a monk could flurry.

Grappling is not always the best idea. Grappling a monk is one such example. I think folks need to remember that the grappled condition is not as severe as it once was. You are no longer draped all over the target. It is more like you got a hold on them, typically an arm (hence the restriction). The pinned condition is more of your greco-roman wrestling hold.

Hope that clears it up..

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Thanks for the clarification. A follow up question is, can a pinned character perform a full attack action? RAW I would say yes as it is a type of grapple but by Mr. Bulmahn's explanation it seems that they would not be able to since it is more of the greco-roman wrestling hold.

Dragon Monk wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:


The RAW do allow the grappled to make a full attack action, assuming they can do so with only one hand. Since flurry does not require two hands to perform, a monk could flurry.

Grappling is not always the best idea. Grappling a monk is one such example. I think folks need to remember that the grappled condition is not as severe as it once was. You are no longer draped all over the target. It is more like you got a hold on them, typically an arm (hence the restriction). The pinned condition is more of your greco-roman wrestling hold.

Hope that clears it up..

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Thanks for the clarification. A follow up question is, can a pinned character perform a full attack action? RAW I would say yes as it is a type of grapple but by Mr. Bulmahn's explanation it seems that they would not be able to since it is more of the greco-roman wrestling hold.

Considering they can only make mental and verbal actions, Full attack is obviously out.

The Exchange


Creature A is grappled by Creature B.

Creature A's turn -- other than casting a spell, full attack or escape(reverse) what exactly can he do? (i.e. does he get the typical move and standard for the round

(e.g. draw dagger (move) and attack (standard)???


draw potion (move) and drink (standard))???


Creature A has handy haversack and spell components within--can he draw as a move and cast as a standard (no somatic)???

Dark Archive

Bad thread necro! Bad!

Yes you can attack while grappled, yes you can draw and drink a potion while grappled, and yes you can cast a spell while grappled, but you have to succeed on a concentration check.

Sovereign Court

@ Xum,

Although I agree that a pinned character should not be allowed a full attack, it isn't explicitly denied. I think it's safe to assume the pinned condition prevents the character from making attacks, but it needs to be added to RAW.


A pinned creature is limited in the actions that it can take. A pinned creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check. A pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material component. A pinned character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level) or lose the spell. Pinned is a more severe version of grappled, and their effects do not stack.

Example change:

A pinned creature is limited in the actions that it can take to the following options:
- A pinned creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check.
- A pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material component.
- A pinned character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level) or lose the spell.
Pinned is a more severe version of grappled, and their effects do not stack.

Dark Archive

Why are you replying to someone who posted in 2009? He can't hear you, he's in the past.

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