[Super Genius] What Kinds of Products Do You Want / Need?

Product Discussion

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An actual Oriental Class or Oriental Classes. The ninja comes to mind. I noticed your classes normally have paths they can follow. The ninja class can have the option of going the mystical ninja route, or the guy with extraordinary skill.
I am sure some will want a Samurai class for the upcoming Tian Xia publication.

wraithstrike wrote:

An actual Oriental Class or Oriental Classes. The ninja comes to mind. I noticed your classes normally have paths they can follow. The ninja class can have the option of going the mystical ninja route, or the guy with extraordinary skill.

I am sure some will want a Samurai class for the upcoming Tian Xia publication.

We're not likely to do an actual ninja, because the Shadow Assassin is pretty much our take on that.

A samurai class might be a great idea in a few months...

More archetypes, that is the thing my players are all wanting.

Me I'd love to see more PC races and I love your take on different classes and want to see more.

As long as we're shooting for the moon: An NPC generator.

Not a d100 list of random characteristics but different aspects of a NPCs personality ala the 1e AD&D DM Guide.

I like working on NPCs, and a well-crafted one is GM time well spent. However, sometimes, you need something to get the spark going. Reasons like:

A. Writer's block
B. Players suddenly want to seek out a NPC that you have to make up on the fly.
C. Source of inspiration
D. Avoid the GM-rut of NPCs stereotyping. All the barmaids are the same, the barkeeps are the same, the shopkeepers are the same, etc.

I still use the AD&D DM Guide from time to time. However, I'd love to see a fresher product that utilzes the design sensibilities & experience of today. I'm actually surpised such a product was never released for 3e. Tons of classes, monsters, rules, etc. but no major innovations in NPC design aids for GMs.


Well the Youxia archetype form their Martial Archetypes book mixed with almost any full BAB class (thou specially Cavalier and Paladin) make a very very nice Samurai character.

The Exchange

joela wrote:
I'd like products that'd take Pathfinder core elements like the classes and races and adapt them to another setting. Example: A fighter supp that details how to adapt the Pathfinder fighter to a fantasy Asian setting, Africa, Renaissance era, etc. Or take the elf and translate it closer to its Norse equivalent. Or how to adapt gnomes into the mythical Japanese or Amerindian versions.


I've been wanting an Aztec/Mayan-like campaign setting. Basically a PF version of Maztica. So a small book with a little fluff and info but mostly focused on builds for the bases classes as they existing a particular region would be nice.

I could get behind a product that covered multiple fantasy versions of real world regions/cultures(African, Aztec, etc) or fantasy equivalents of various eras (such as the previously mentioned Renaissance) showing how the base classes would look in those regions/eras. Since Paizo is already working on an Asian themed setting, I'm not interested in another asian-themed product.

Also a race book showing what the various core races as well as the more popular "monster as PC" races (Drow, Goblin, Tiefling, Tengu)would be like in various regions/settings would be interesting.

A Necromancy or Tainted themed class book would be cool too. Not a book for evil PCs, but a book that has builds for the bases classes that are either influenced or tainted by necromantic or some other type of negative energy. I'm sure a similar book has been done for some system at some point in time, but I've never seen it and I'd like to have a book like this for PF.
While I would like a PF version of the Book of Vile Darkness, that is not the kind of book I'm talking about. I don't want a book of evil. I want a book of good characters(classes) with necromancy themes. Necromantic Fighter, Necromantic Ranger... etc.

You could also do a Fey themed book for the classes.


Trying to write specificmaterial for cultures that were not as "advanced" in areas that come to mind with more standardized medieval fantasy (like mayan for example) can be a bit tricky. And the biggest mistake one can fall on is trying to change or limit the class options a character might have. Because believe it or not almost every mechanical option the game has to offer can be linked to some legend, story, icon, deity of any given culture.
I say this because I have spent a very good part of the last couple of years building a Incan/ pre incan and all around pre colonial south american setting. Which has involved a lot of traveling and storytelling. Point being that alternate class builts APG style might not be a good way to go in this specific situation. However, the way SGG handle archetypes presents a more flexible way of addressing this type of concept. And I am not ashamed to say that I stole the Archetypes idea for my own setting, which allowed me to represent cultural archetypes (Like the Pururauca, Pishtaq, Mamaquna) in a way that would have been too limited through regular class variants.

So consider this both a bit of a critique on most culture based class variants and a +1 on the idea of then done through archetypes. Oh and sorry for the ramble.

DitheringFool wrote:
And if we change topics, how about followers? I hate the Leadership feat. We need better follower/henchman rules.

Okay, I am interested. What do you hate about Leadership?

Investment and return are way off. Leadership provides a considerable boon for a single feat. And the concept is hard to balance. The power of a level-2 character is almost certainly more then any other feat provides. I think it needs to step out of the normal rules and build special 'follower' rules, where the follower isnt as powerful as a normal character but can still contribute meaningfully and be survivable.

I'd also like to see a more comprehensive system for taking a monster/creature/animal as a cohort.

Liberty's Edge

Kolokotroni wrote:
DitheringFool wrote:
And if we change topics, how about followers? I hate the Leadership feat. We need better follower/henchman rules.

Okay, I am interested. What do you hate about Leadership?

I'd also like to see a more comprehensive system for taking a monster/creature/animal as a cohort.

Hmmm ... now that's an interesting idea ...

BTW, hey there Kolokotroni, don't you have a SGG base class report / review you still need to do? :)

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DitheringFool wrote:
And if we change topics, how about followers? I hate the Leadership feat. We need better follower/henchman rules.
Okay, I am interested. What do you hate about Leadership?

Well...I don't like that it is a feat, but I'm coming at this from an OSR perspective. Henchman, men-at-arms, and hirelings were expected! I know d20 took a different approach and adding a half dozen extras will only make combat slower and completely throw out the already delicate CR/EL system, but why not! I loved this product: Hirelings: Into the Wild - I would gladly pay for this caliber of material.

I don't know - maybe the feat could be used for people who want a lot of people or high level hirelings with PC classes. Maybe there could be a feat tree? But I like the idea that anyone can get up to Charisma bonus in hirelings (people with NPC classes) without the feat. We just need better moral and loyalty bonuses. Just thinking out loud...

Marc Radle wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
DitheringFool wrote:
And if we change topics, how about followers? I hate the Leadership feat. We need better follower/henchman rules.

Okay, I am interested. What do you hate about Leadership?

I'd also like to see a more comprehensive system for taking a monster/creature/animal as a cohort.

Hmmm ... now that's an interesting idea ...

BTW, hey there Kolokotroni, don't you have a SGG base class report / review you still need to do? :)

Dont even get me started, I need to find and do bad things to that DM's employer who has deemed his free time (to prepare for a game)expendable. I still havent played it. Trust me as soon as I get a chance you'll have your report. I havent forgoten.

Frerezar wrote:
Well the Youxia archetype form their Martial Archetypes book mixed with almost any full BAB class (thou specially Cavalier and Paladin) make a very very nice Samurai character.

Youxia+Palladin = Sword Saint and very cool. My group attacked all three archetype sets with zeal they were a good buy for me.

wraithstrike wrote:

An actual Oriental Class or Oriental Classes. The ninja comes to mind. I noticed your classes normally have paths they can follow. The ninja class can have the option of going the mystical ninja route, or the guy with extraordinary skill.

I am sure some will want a Samurai class for the upcoming Tian Xia publication.

We're not likely to do an actual ninja, because the Shadow Assassin is pretty much our take on that.

A samurai class might be a great idea in a few months...

1 out of 2 is ok for me. You could also put the Ronin in the Samurai class build. IIRC, and I may not Ronin is a dishonorable Samurai.

Realmwalker wrote:
Frerezar wrote:
Well the Youxia archetype form their Martial Archetypes book mixed with almost any full BAB class (thou specially Cavalier and Paladin) make a very very nice Samurai character.
Youxia+Palladin = Sword Saint and very cool. My group attacked all three archetype sets with zeal they were a good buy for me.

Where have I heard sword saint before, and why do I feel ashamed for my brain failing me on this.


If I may say, right now one of my friends is building an adventure around Samurai orders portrayed by Cavaliers giving up their mounts for the Youxia Archetype, and "solo" or clan;ess samurai adding the Weapon Champion Arc on top of that (cavaliers are cool like that).
It feels very very faithfull, so I don;t think a whole new class is needed.

wraithstrike wrote:
Realmwalker wrote:
Frerezar wrote:
Well the Youxia archetype form their Martial Archetypes book mixed with almost any full BAB class (thou specially Cavalier and Paladin) make a very very nice Samurai character.
Youxia+Palladin = Sword Saint and very cool. My group attacked all three archetype sets with zeal they were a good buy for me.
Where have I heard sword saint before, and why do I feel ashamed for my brain failing me on this.

I pulled it from a Korean Comic Book which found its way into 2 Hong Kong action movies. "The Stormriders" Sword Saint was a Mystic Swordsman with divine powers.

If you want to see the people that should have done the live action Dragonball Z movie this is the movie to watch.

wraithstrike wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

An actual Oriental Class or Oriental Classes. The ninja comes to mind. I noticed your classes normally have paths they can follow. The ninja class can have the option of going the mystical ninja route, or the guy with extraordinary skill.

I am sure some will want a Samurai class for the upcoming Tian Xia publication.

We're not likely to do an actual ninja, because the Shadow Assassin is pretty much our take on that.

A samurai class might be a great idea in a few months...

1 out of 2 is ok for me. You could also put the Ronin in the Samurai class build. IIRC, and I may not Ronin is a dishonorable Samurai.

Th Shadow Assassin does make a very good Ninja.

Liberty's Edge

Put me down for "alternate Stealth rules that cause less confusion", please.

STEAM-PUNK stuff would be amazing to see. Been working on making a setting for it, and well, 3.5 rules and all just seem like a long haul to translate.

PS: I'd be more then willing to help with development (hint hint).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I am sure you have already heard this, but how about some more of the awesome "One Night Stands"!

Lord Fyre wrote:
I am sure you have already heard this, but how about some more of the awesome "One Night Stands"!

Actually we *don't* hear that too often. Those products are among our very favorites to produce, and we're very proud of them, but they are neither huge sellers (compared to some other lines of ours), nor the source of a lot of public feedback.

We will keep making them from time to time, both because we think they're great, and because we think a game company ought to produce adventures periodically just for the good of the hobby. On the other hand, Paizo continues to be one of the greatest and most prolific adventure producers in the history of table RPGS, which I think both helps promote the health and growth of Pathfinder as a whole, and lessens the need for we smaller companies to focus on such products.

But fan feedback *always* counts for something, so we will note your request! After all, we'll need *something* to run at PaizoCon next year...

Lycanthropes. Anything and Everything that has to do with Lycanthropes and Were-X critters.

It's entirely possible that Complete Magic will fill the gap nicely, but the Witch needs more variety in hexes. The Inquisitor needs more teamwork feats.

Basically, there are a few APG classes that only have a handful of options that often have a "best" choice, meaning that there's going to be a lot of build similarity between two PCs. Breadth of choice would be good.

Anguish wrote:

It's entirely possible that Complete Magic will fill the gap nicely, but the Witch needs more variety in hexes. The Inquisitor needs more teamwork feats.

Basically, there are a few APG classes that only have a handful of options that often have a "best" choice, meaning that there's going to be a lot of build similarity between two PCs. Breadth of choice would be good.

For oracles, we already have Advanced Options: Oracle Curses which greatly broadens the choices for the curse an oracle takes. Available here.

We're working on a set of witch hexes right now, and have other APG material -- including teamwork feats, eidolon evolutions, judgments, and alchemical options, in the works.

Oh, and if you have any of our class books you might want to pick up this, which gives alternate favored class bonuses for all our classes. It's in the vein of supporting the APG (in this case by backwards engineering APG bonuses for our 3pp classes), it's easily fungible, and it's free!

I want a massive Atlas of Golarion. Detailing every major city and notable town named on the current map of Golarion. I know this takes away some of the creative work most GM's love to do but I do not have the time to create towns and cities in the detail that I know you all could come up with. I would buy a product like this in a mili-second. Oh.. make it alphebetical too instead of by region! Also, provide names of taverns, temples and shops too... and notable NPCs in the town. Hrm.. what else... how about a sourcebook of encounters. I loved the 1st Edition "Book of Lairs" series which provided me with instant detailed random encounters. Provide charts where a DM could roll randomly depending on the climate/environment of the encounter too.... I'll think about this more instead of just rambling on.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
A really good urban sourcebook....

That's a really interesting idea ...

However, that's a lot of material to cover. Would you (and everyone feel free to chime in) be interested in buying each section, as it got written, as small, cheap pdfs? Or would you want the whole thing done as a short prudct including all those topics before you'd be interested in getting it?

My opinion: Break it into sections but make it books. I'm much more interested in a paper version. They could be magazine size.

My $0.02.

Buy my stuff, buy my stuff, buy my stuff.

So hey. I just bought some of your stuff. <Grin>

Honestly it's coincidence. I've had my eye on some things recently, but I'd say you actually asking us what we want/need helped convince me to click the buttons.


As an aside, it's occurred to me that there's something really amazing going on. WotC pulled 3.5e and moved on. Fine. Paizo took a big gamble and bet the house of Pathfinder. Again, fine. What's amazingly cool is how much 3rd-party goodness is coming flying out of the wood-work for PFRPG. It's a snowball effect, I think. More support for a system makes a system more appealing to players. More players means more market for developers. Anyway, Owen, thanks for being part of the system I happen to prefer, and making it more fun.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
A really good urban sourcebook....

That's a really interesting idea ...

However, that's a lot of material to cover. Would you (and everyone feel free to chime in) be interested in buying each section, as it got written, as small, cheap pdfs? Or would you want the whole thing done as a short prudct including all those topics before you'd be interested in getting it?

I'd pay for it in smaller installments, especially since I'm mainly interested in buying/maintaining house and such. Though I'd prob buy the complete works if they were offered in a print edition.

Shadow Lodge

A steampunk-esque, inventor/technologist, mad scientist character class. Think Sparks from Girl Genius, or Nikola Tesla. It's one of the few holes in the Pathfinder system that isn't fairly easily filled with multiclassing / prestige classes / archtypes.

Scarab Sages

Kthulhu wrote:
A steampunk-esque, inventor/technologist, mad scientist character class. Think Sparks from Girl Genius, or Nikola Tesla. It's one of the few holes in the Pathfinder system that isn't fairly easily filled with multiclassing / prestige classes / archtypes.

I do note that I'm a huge fan of both Tesla and Girl Genius, but I do wonder how steampunky most people want their Pathfinder.

Would a generic artificer who simply could be steampunky, but also had more magic or alchemical options work for you, or do you really want a class dedicated to shock rapiers, clanks, and dirigibles?

Shadow Lodge

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

I do note that I'm a huge fan of both Tesla and Girl Genius, but I do wonder how steampunky most people want their Pathfinder.

Would a generic artificer who simply could be steampunky, but also had more magic or alchemical options work for you, or do you really want a class dedicated to shock rapiers, clanks, and dirigibles?

Ideal for me would be the later option. But hey, I'm not the one who has to try to sell it. Although judging from your near-universal acclaim on this forum, I think you could work it.

But if the former idea works better for you and your business sense, who am I to argue?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
A steampunk-esque, inventor/technologist, mad scientist character class. Think Sparks from Girl Genius, or Nikola Tesla. It's one of the few holes in the Pathfinder system that isn't fairly easily filled with multiclassing / prestige classes / archtypes.

I do note that I'm a huge fan of both Tesla and Girl Genius, but I do wonder how steampunky most people want their Pathfinder.

Would a generic artificer who simply could be steampunky, but also had more magic or alchemical options work for you, or do you really want a class dedicated to shock rapiers, clanks, and dirigibles?

For me it is less punk and more steam romantic period if that makes sense.

The Ghoul wrote:
I want a massive Atlas of Golarion. Detailing every major city and notable town named on the current map of Golarion. I know this takes away some of the creative work most GM's love to do but I do not have the time to create towns and cities in the detail that I know you all could come up with. I would buy a product like this in a mili-second. Oh.. make it alphebetical too instead of by region! Also, provide names of taverns, temples and shops too... and notable NPCs in the town. Hrm.. what else... how about a sourcebook of encounters. I loved the 1st Edition "Book of Lairs" series which provided me with instant detailed random encounters. Provide charts where a DM could roll randomly depending on the climate/environment of the encounter too.... I'll think about this more instead of just rambling on.

Just to let you know, no 3PP can produce any Golarion content because Golarion isn't OGL.

R. Hyrum Savage wrote:

While our schedule for the next couple of weeks is set, since we're small, we can also be agile. What kind of Pathfinder products do you need? Or want?

There's got to be something. Go for the moon! We're Geniuses, we can handle it. :D


Let's see:

- Genius Guide to Fire Magic
- Genius Guide to Acid Magic
- Genius Guide to Sound Magic
- Genius Guide to Water Magic (with offensive lethal spells on par with the other spells)
- Genius Guide to Light Magic
- Genius Guide to Darkness Magic
- Genius Guide to Force Magic

- Genius Guide to Polearms
- Genius Guide to Double Weapons
- Genius Guide to Crossbows
- Genius Guide to Swords/Spears/Axes/Hammers

That's all I can think of right now.

Scarab Sages

JiCi wrote:

Let's see:


I think it's safe to say those are all going to happen, though obviously over time.

JiCi wrote:

- Genius Guide to Polearms
- Genius Guide to Double Weapons
- Genius Guide to Crossbows
- Genius Guide to Swords/Spears/Axes/Hammers

That's all I can think of right now.

That's really interesting! What do you want from a Genius Guide about a weapon or group of weapons?

OwenKCStephens wrote:

That's really interesting! What do you want from a Genius Guide about a weapon or group of weapons?

Speaking for myself, I always thought there was scope for different weapons to do a bit more than d-whatever damage. Something to represent an expert in such a weapon to emphisise it's differance to others.


Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
JiCi wrote:

Let's see:


1) I think it's safe to say those are all going to happen, though obviously over time.

JiCi wrote:

- Genius Guide to Polearms
- Genius Guide to Double Weapons
- Genius Guide to Crossbows
- Genius Guide to Swords/Spears/Axes/Hammers

That's all I can think of right now.

2) That's really interesting! What do you want from a Genius Guide about a weapon or group of weapons?

1) I figured that much, but these examples are based on the common spell elements, unlike your current products which focus on rather uncommon ones, like earth and air magic, which in turn it tends to be neglected because very few creatures are resistant or immnue to them, and thus those spells tend to be more powerful than the others.

2) Well, "groups of weapons" seems a better idea, since you could make a bunch of new stuff for many weapons. For instance, if you focused on a single weapon, like the longsword, it could be much harder to come up with materials than focusing on a broader selection of sword-like weapons, like the dagger, shortsword, longsword, bastard sword, greatsword, scimitar, falchion and so on. Say you got a feat that allows you to use the flat of the blade as a shield, this shouldn't be exclusive to a single weapon, but to any one-handed weapon and/or two-handed weapon. See what I mean ?

So yeah, "groups of weapons" would be a great idea; just take each group presented for the fighter's weapon training class ability.

Suggestions for these guides:
- New weapons for the selected group (no-brainer)
- New feats (i.e. for polearms, a feat that allows you to hit adjacent opponents, which most reach weapons don't allow; for flails, a feat that allows you to attack with a whip without provoking attacks of opportunity)
- Updated use with the new combat maneuvers, like drag and reposition
- A few (1 to 3) prestige classes related to the weapon group
- New magic items

If there are super genius games guide to weapon groups I will never forgive you if you dont do a super genius guide to firearms, and possibly a class or set of options designed to specialize in firearms. I have been thinking gunslinger really hard at Owen for the last month or so.

In regards to that I would agree with mark norfolk, i would want options that make the weapons 'feel' more like what they are. To take advantage of rapier's quick small cuts, as opposed to great swords that are almost bludgeoning weapons. I dont think 1d6 damage and 1 crit range cuts it in the end.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Of the new spell list I would say change darkness to shadow as a draw from the plan of shadow and I would beat someone with sweet sting for that book.

As for the combat weapon books. I would say new combat manevurs and or maybe combat style feat tree's. or something.

Kolokotroni wrote:
If there are super genius games guide to weapon groups I will never forgive you if you dont do a super genius guide to firearms, and possibly a class or set of options designed to specialize in firearms. I have been thinking gunslinger really hard at Owen for the last month or so.

Ok, this is what we have for weapon groups:

Axes: battleaxe, dwarven waraxe, greataxe, handaxe, heavy pick, light pick, orc double axe, and throwing axe.

Blades, Heavy: bastard sword, elven curve blade, falchion, greatsword, longsword, scimitar, scythe, and two-bladed sword.

Blades, Light: dagger, kama, kukri, rapier, sickle, starknife, and short sword.

Bows: composite longbow, composite shortbow, longbow, and shortbow.

Close: gauntlet, heavy shield, light shield, punching dagger, sap, spiked armor, spiked gauntlet, spiked shield, and unarmed strike.

Crossbows: hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, heavy repeating crossbow, and light repeating crossbow.

Double: dire flail, dwarven urgrosh, gnome hooked hammer, orc double axe, quarterstaff, and two-bladed sword.

Flails: dire flail, flail, heavy flail, morningstar, nunchaku, spiked chain, and whip.

Hammers: club, greatclub, heavy mace, light hammer, light mace, and warhammer.

Monk: kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, siangham, and unarmed strike.

Natural: unarmed strike and all natural weapons, such as bite, claw, gore, tail, and wing.

Pole Arms: glaive, guisarme, halberd, and ranseur.

Spears: javelin, lance, longspear, shortspear, spear, and trident.

Thrown: blowgun, bolas, club, dagger, dart, halfling sling staff, javelin, light hammer, net, shortspear, shuriken, sling, spear, starknife, throwing axe, and trident.

So what you're saying is to add a new group such as this:

Firearms: pistol, musket, rifle, carbine, cannon, blunderbuss, rocket launcher, and bombard. (Note that I've only list gunpowder weapons, and not revolvers, semi-automatic and automatic weapons; some examples come from Dragon Magazine July 2004 issue #321)

I did notice that the "usual" firearms section (usually found in the DMG) has been omitted in Pathfinder, much like the Asian weapons section. That could indeed be arranged with a Genius Guide.

Scarab Sages

A couple things -

1) more low to mid level monsters - types that players don't already know about!

2)PF Half-breeds other than human-elf and human-orc. It would also be neat to have half-breeds between PCs and monsters the PCs are likely to mess around with.

3) Also, the urban setting one would be awesome.

I'd much prefer mini-pdfs to a big one. I'd be more likely to buy the pieces I'm interested in than to pay for a big one that includes the stuff I'm not interested in.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

In your polearm list you forgot a few

Also another idea would be to do culture weapon groups. Indian, Asian, Persian, African, Native American etc.

I would find something like that useful for adding a bit more spice to foreign places. Course the same goes for general gear too. But that might be going a bit far for what SGG normally does. :)

Shadow Lodge

Mythos bestiary. Yeah, I know that PF AP #46 is supposed to have a huge one. But there can never be enough! In fact, I challenge you to set your Geniuses on a project to convert the entire Malleus Monstrorum to PFRPG. Or at least the non-deity portions of it.


I would be all over SGG to weapon groups. Specially if they add some innate abilities or combat maneuvers for said groups on top of a bunch of new feats.

Scarab Sages

I would like to see a "Stronghold Builder's Guidebook"-like product. This old 3.0 book gets a lot of wear and tear in many of my campaigns, and even though the math doesn't always seem right, we still love it.

Also, airships. Lots and lots of airships.

Deidre Tiriel wrote:

A couple things -

1) more low to mid level monsters - types that players don't already know about!

2)PF Half-breeds other than human-elf and human-orc. It would also be neat to have half-breeds between PCs and monsters the PCs are likely to mess around with.

3) Also, the urban setting one would be awesome.

I'd much prefer mini-pdfs to a big one. I'd be more likely to buy the pieces I'm interested in than to pay for a big one that includes the stuff I'm not interested in.

As in monsters that are 100% new..or new twists on classic monsters..or both?

Dark_Mistress wrote:

In your polearm list you forgot a few


Well, I only went with the weapons listed in the Core Rulebook. I'm surprised that the new weapons in the Advanced Player's Guide haven't been added to the groups.

Blade, Heavy: Falcata, Khopesh, Temple sword

Blade, Light: Sword cane, Swordbreaker dagger

Close: Bayonet, Brass knuckles, Cestus, Wooden stake

Crossbows: Double crossbow

Hammers: Battle aspergillum

Monk: Brass knuckles, Cestus, Temple sword

Pole Arms: Bardiche, Bec de corbin, Bill, Glaive-guisarme, Lucerne hammer, Mancatcher

Spears: Boar spear, Chain spear, Pilum

Thrown: Boomerang, Chakram, Lasso,

JiCi wrote:

So what you're saying is to add a new group such as this:

Firearms: pistol, musket, rifle, carbine, cannon, blunderbuss, rocket launcher, and bombard. (Note that I've only list gunpowder weapons, and not revolvers, semi-automatic and automatic weapons; some examples come...

Actually I would want early revolvers included, cant have a gunslinger without a revolver :P

The Exchange

KnightErrantJR wrote:
I know this is opening up a can of worms, but a product with the prices of what dead monsters are worth would be kind of cool.


I could actually go for something like this. I don't know how many times I've had players ask a question related to this.

Capt. D wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:
I know this is opening up a can of worms, but a product with the prices of what dead monsters are worth would be kind of cool.


I could actually go for something like this. I don't know how many times I've had players ask a question related to this.

Loot for less spare monster parts anyone? Venom glands, dragon teath, troll hide, it seems to me in a world where fantastic creatures exist and are presumably killable, there would be 'big game hunters' who go after them for their valuable parts. It might be a small market, but I could easily see armorers, weapon smiths, alchemists, Wealthy collectors, and many more being interested in monster parts.

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