Augment Summoning

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

My player was looking at taking this for his summoner and just pointed something out: Augment Summoning requires that you take Spell Focus : Conjuration but there are only 4 spells (if we counted correctly) that that feat would benefit in the Summoner spell list. It seems a steep price to pay for that Augment feat.

Any chance we can get an official wave of the prereq for Summoners? I may just house-rule it anyway.

Yrtalien wrote:

My player was looking at taking this for his summoner and just pointed something out: Augment Summoning requires that you take Spell Focus : Conjuration but there are only 4 spells (if we counted correctly) that that feat would benefit in the Summoner spell list. It seems a steep price to pay for that Augment feat.

Any chance we can get an official wave of the prereq for Summoners? I may just house-rule it anyway.

The odds are there won't be a waving of the prerequisite.

The usefulness of Augment Summoning to Summoners is such that without Spell Focus (Conjuration), all Summoners will take the feat - likely at first level. It is likely that Human Summoners will anyway.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Yrtalien wrote:
Any chance we can get an official wave of the prereq for Summoners? I may just house-rule it anyway.

Wouldn't matter, isn't the Summoner's summons Supernatural?

If so, then Augment Summoning wouldn't work on their summons even if you didn't need the SF prereq.

Dark Archive

Jason ruled Augment Summoning works on the SLA and not the eidolon, for whatever reason he wants. Even if it didn't work on the SLA, it would work for his summoning spells, obviously.

Spell Focus might only work on about 4 spells (7 if you count the Planar Binding line), but they are all very good spells, especially at low levels when you take the feat. I don't really see much issue with it being required.


Remember that the APG will have new summoner spells, and AugSum may apply to some of those.

Considering the poor Druid in regards to the use of Spell Focus (Conjuration) to get Augment Summoning, I think if the Summoner has 4 spells that benefit from the feat he's doing well...

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