Dretch The Halls With Boughs of Demons

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Okay, I've finally got a handle on the Pathfinder rules and would love to give GMing it a chance. Characters must be demons with CRs of 7 or less. If the demon has a CR of less than 7, you may add a number of class levels (core classes + Witch only) that makes up the difference between 7 and the demons' CR.

I'll reveal more about the adventure later.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Will this be one shot adventure?

sound interesting
i would like to try a succubus or incubus (if you will have me)
although i would be interested in knowing what kind of adventure it is before i commit
also what are the charcter creation rules
and starting equipment

*raises hand* So a lowly 'Half-fiend' would be a CR adjustment of 4 and three class levels?

What of the more exotic cross breeds such as the Fey-ri?

Do count me as interested. *curtsies*

sounds fun. I'll give it a try. Right now i'm thinking a Babau (cr6) rogue 1.
A question though. Does it have to be a demon or just an outsider? Cause there is only a couple of demons below CR 7 in the beastiary.

I'm interested. Not quite sure what I want to play just yet. I'll think it over.

Lazaro wrote:
Will this be one shot adventure?

For now, yes. If interest for a campaign is desired near the end of the adventure, I'll accomadate players willing to make the transition into a campaign arc.

Raven34 wrote:

sound interesting

i would like to try a succubus or incubus (if you will have me)
although i would be interested in knowing what kind of adventure it is before i commit
also what are the charcter creation rules
and starting equipment

I set the CR at 7 so as to allow Succubi (which have no male counterpart in this adventure).

See my next post for the low-down on character creation

Sihdthwen Shayarnril wrote:

*raises hand* So a lowly 'Half-fiend' would be a CR adjustment of 4 and three class levels?

What of the more exotic cross breeds such as the Fey-ri?

Do count me as interested. *curtsies*

Half-fiends have varying CRs. If the base creature has 4 HD or less its CR is +1. If the base creature has 5 - 10 HD or less its CR is +2.

Since Fey-Ri are not listed in the Pathfinder bestiary, they are not a racial option.

Sihdthwen Shayarnril wrote:

sounds fun. I'll give it a try. Right now i'm thinking a Babau (cr6) rogue 1.

A question though. Does it have to be a demon or just an outsider? Cause there is only a couple of demons below CR 7 in the beastiary.

Any outsider with demon blood, or any core (PF RPG) race with the half-fiend template (so long as the base creature has a CR of no higher than 7 at the start) will do.

Characters with the half-fiend template must choose one demon type that they are descended from. Depending on the demon type chosen, modifications will be made to the template to reflect the uniqueness of their demonic ancestry.


Ability Scores - 20 point buy.
• +2 to one Ability Score will be rewarded by GM based on character background & history.
Races (Character not to exceed CR 7)
• Any of the core PF RPG races with the half-fiend template applied. Aasimars & Tieflings are allowed, but they must have the Half-fiend template.
• Any Demon with a CR no higher than 7. If the demon has a CR of less than 7, than they may add a number of class levels that makes up the difference between 7 and the demon's CR.
• The follwing Bestiary races are allowed, but must have the Half-fiend template; boggard, doppelganger, drow (noble), duergar, giant eagle, ettin, gargoyle, genie (djinn only), gnoll, goblin, griffon, harpy, hobgoblin, kobold, lizardfolk, minotaur, ogre, orc, satyr, tengu, tiefling, yeti
Character Classes
• Standrad PF Classes + the Witch class from the Advanced Player's Guide playtest
• Feats gained will be based on total hit dice, not character level.
Wealth - 33,000 gp / Must be spent as follows;

Weapons ----------------------- 12,000 gp limit
Armor/Protection -------------- 10,000 gp limit
Magic Items-------------------- 5,000 gp limit
Standard Adventuring Gear -- 2,000 gp limit

I strongly suggest not spending all your available money for Standard Adventuring Gear, as haveing liquid assets will come in handy during the course of play.
Half-Fiend CR Adjustment:

Base Creature HD / CR Adjustment
4 or less / +1
5 - 10 / +2

Characters with the half-fiend template must choose one demon type that they are descended from. Depending on the demon type chosen, modifications will be made to the template to reflect the uniqueness of their demonic ancestry.

If there are any questions regarding this, please feel free to ask.

Okay, I think I'm going to throw my hat into the ring for as a shadow demon.

I'm definately interested, I'm thinking maybe Half-Fiend Drow Witch...not sure how many levels in Witch I would get, but im working that out now.

[EDIT] okay i worked it out, and ill post how it works out for you.
Half fiend is CR +2 if between 5-10 HD, and a noble drow is determined by level, so a 5th level Half fiend witch drow should be CR 7.
please correct me if my math is wrong.[EDIT]

Link through to character so that you may verify it's development. *bows*

Am going to work up with the Half-fiend-Drow Noble-Witch.

You know what? Why not, I'm interested. Half-Fiend Noble Drow Sorcerer, Abyssal bloodline. I'll have a sheet up later, depending on how much of a bonus to CR they would get.

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
You know what? Why not, I'm interested. Half-Fiend Noble Drow Sorcerer, Abyssal bloodline. I'll have a sheet up later, depending on how much of a bonus to CR they would get.

You get five levels (5 HD) plus +2 CR = CR 7.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Can we get a hands up of who is actually playing so far as I would like to have a go at this but there are already 50 bajillion names down above me. :)

Just a question in regards to creation of Tieflings (not that I have decided to play one, but just as a query): Will you be using the Demon-Spawn Racial Ability Modifiers from Bastards of Erebus or just the normal ones from the Bestiary?
Bestiary Tiefling Ability Modifiers are: +2 DEX +2 INT -2 CHA
Demon-Spawn Tiefling Ability Modifiers are: +2 STR +2 CHA -2 INT

Having a 22 in both Dexterity and Charisma fills me with a sense of glee I have not felt before.

*raises hand demurely*

This is the beginnings of my character.

Noble Drow, Half-fiend, witch.

Alias of Sunset/Sihdthwen Shayarnril.

Hit Point Rolls?
1Lvl:1d6 ⇒ 1
2ndLvl:1d6 ⇒ 3
3RdLvl:1d6 ⇒ 4
4thLvl:1d6 ⇒ 4
5thlvl:1d6 ⇒ 4

*raises hand nonchalantly*

im hoping to play, i did put my name in relatively early.

this is my (Ekeebe's) very basic character, DM, as you read this character i am transposing the other basic details from paper to the profile.

ill have it finished by later tonight.

um DM, i think there may be a discrepancy in your math for spending money.

Ravendragon wrote:

Wealth - 33,000 gp / Must be spent as follows;

Weapons ----------------------- 12,000 gp limit
Armor/Protection -------------- 10,000 gp limit
Magic Items-------------------- 5,000 gp limit
Standard Adventuring Gear -- 2,000 gp limit

I strongly suggest not spending all your available money for Standard Adventuring Gear, as haveing liquid assets will come in handy during the course of play.

the total amount we are allowed to spend is 29,000 GP of our 33,000 GP.

not sure if you wanted us to have a spare 4,000 GP in liquid asset, not including that which we will get as spare change from our item budgets, but if so, then so be it, i just wasnt sure whether or not you meant to do this or not.

flash_cxxi wrote:
Just a question in regards to creation of Tieflings (not that I have decided to play one, but just as a query): Will you be using the Demon-Spawn Racial Ability Modifiers from Bastards of Erebus or just the normal ones from the Bestiary?

I don't have the physical book or PDF of that product, but if you could post up all the the pertinent information regarding Demon-Spawn, I'll allow it.

Also people, remember that when you apply the half-fiend template to state the specific type of demon that exists in your familail ancestry.

RE: Money
Yeah, it looks like I messed up my math, so add 1000 gp to each spending category.

RE: Hit Points
First HD = Maximum
2nd + = 3/4 Max result

I've given some thatought to the adventure arc and I've decided to repurpose Incursion (Dungeon Magazine mega-adventure with Dragon Magazine tie-in) for Pathfinder.

Your characters will act as agents and scouts for the lead invading army that plans to enslave all of the Prime Material Plane; this will be a homebrew world that you will help me to develop as we play the game.

Eventually your characters will climb the noble ranks and will be the Generals that leads each regime into battle.

this is really cool
I will happily play a succubi
I will sort out the charcter asap (on sunday if not today!)
I assume that all stats start as 10 then i add the 20points and then the race bonus! ( eg +17 charisma)

do any pc's want to be related to mine?? (call me mummy?!!)

i looked at shadow demon, they dont like sunshine do they!!

Raven34 wrote:
I assume that all stats start as 10 then i add the 20points and then the race bonus! ( eg +17 charisma)


Raven34 wrote:
i looked at shadow demon, they dont like sunshine do they!!

also correct.

Raven34 wrote:

this is really cool

I will happily play a succubi
I will sort out the character asap (on sunday if not today!)
I assume that all stats start as 10 then i add the 20points and then the race bonus! ( eg +17 charisma)

do any pc's want to be related to mine?? (call me mummy?!!)

I looked at shadow demon, they dont like sunshine do they!!

*raises hand*

Why not? Hi MOM! =D

okay, the only thing i have to do for my character now is to work out what to do with the extra 1,000 gp in each budget, and work out the stats of my familiar...but anyway, other than that, my character is finished, so if you want to go over it, Ravendragon, then please do so, and tell me if anything is wrong.


Raven34 wrote:
do any pc's want to be related to mine?? (call me mummy?!!)

Yeah, it will fit well with Shaya and myself.

welcome to the happy family, mummy!

great!!! (this is fun)
are you two twins??
I will have seduced your father, you two were the product!
I will fit in my background with yours
do you want me to have raised you or instead i left you to fend for yourselves when you were really young, (only the strong and worthy survive)and then when you had achieved sufficent power to be of use to me I had found you,
This is good, we are obviously all evil but we now have a reason to trust each other a little bit(i imagine there is no word for trust in drow or abysal)

edit.looking at your backgrounds i think the option of leaving you to fend for yoursleves works better

um, we arent twins, just sisters, and it would be better if your character left us to fend for ourselves when we were young.

the best option for why you found us, is probably that we are old enough to be of use to you now, and you sought us out after you found out that we both decided to dump the frow matriarchal society and wanted to forge a path of our own.

Happy to go with sisters and being left to grow up as the cute little Drow we have become today.

As for the words of "Trust" in the Drow language? Of course there are. In Drow-ish it is usually a term one uses during intimacies. Where else does one think little Drow come from. ;)

As for the coming back since we are of use to you?

*smiles innocently*

Of course, mother dear, please teach us the ways of the world.

*bats eyelids demurely*

ooc there is still more for me to do, this is what i have so far

daugthters of mine, you are offered the profane gift and are told the truth about what it will mean, you are welcome to take it if you want

*Accepts said 'gift'.*


Thank you, dearest mother.Knowledge check Planes:1d20 ⇒ 7 ;) Result relative to the finished characters skills to understand the pros, cons and implications of such a 'gift'

I shall endeavor to show my self worthy of such favor from yourself.

I must admit to very much looking forwards to this adventure, even if it might be for such a short while. Will do my best to finish all the details of the character as time permits. Higher level characters are complicated!

*curtsies again*

*Leans against wall, smirking*
"You two are lucky, you know that? You've got this far just because your mother pulled a few strings. The rest of us, we had to work to get here."

Still working on my sheet, but I'm getting farther.

Elaugolg Kenafin wrote:

*Leans against wall, smirking*

"You two are lucky, you know that? You've got this far just because your mother pulled a few strings. The rest of us, we had to work to get here."

Still working on my sheet, but I'm getting farther.

Turns head and looks calmly @ Elaugolg Kenafin. *blinks slowly*

*smiles sweetly*

"Oh look.......a male." *continues to look innocent and nonthreatening, even as she shifts to stand slightly in front of Shalessa and Xiera.

"And how goes things with you, perchance? I do not believe we've been introduced?" As she speaks the Drow lass turns slightly towards her subject of interest, hands and arms flexing slightly by her sides.

Again, I apologize for an unfinished character. *curtsies*

Out of curiosity, how do you want magic items to work for an incoporeal character?

"Elaugolg Kenafin, my dear." He takes a deep, vaugely mocking bow.

He flashes a toothy smile at the women. "Now, would you grace me with the pleasure of knowing your names?" The sarcasm drips from his words.

Shaya laughs, a clear honest sound,

"I won't speak for the others and at the moment I wont tell you mine." Her smile is a small quirk of her lips, "What I will speak freely of is about a family motto, of sorts." She winks mischievously at Elaugolg.

"Be nice, until it is time to not be nice." Her smile grows slightly, to show a hint of pointed, white teeth.

"Of course, there are others but they can await for further times to fill the boredom with entertainment."

Still plugging away at it/her *curtsies* I also apologize for loading this OOC thread up with such useless trivia. *glances @ Elaugolg Kenafin* *smiles*

Belltrap wrote:
Out of curiosity, how do you want magic items to work for an incoporeal character?

They will need to have the Ghost Touch magical quality. You can add it to armor for the cost of a +1 increase; otherwrise it will cost 2000 gp to add it.

Alright. Also, what stats do you want me to use for attack rolls and Combat Maneuvers, since the shadow demon stats use either Dex or Cha, lacking strength and Agile Maneuvers or Weapon Finesse?

thank you, Shalessa Earandil, oh dear mother, i shall recieve this give gladly, if not happily.

oh, and Ravendragon, how is the +2 to stat for background going to work, is it if you like the background, or is generic, becuase i haven't factored that in yet.

[edit]oh, and DM, do you want traits, or no traits at all?[edit]

Xiera Sidth wrote:
oh, and Ravendragon, how is the +2 to stat for background going to work, is it if you like the background, or is generic, becuase i haven't factored that in yet.

Xiera gains a +2 to her Charisma score. This is a generic bonus (as it is part of character creation; it has no bonus type, not even untyped.

Xiera Sidth wrote:
[edit]oh, and DM, do you want traits, or no traits at all?[edit]

No traits, please.

no problem, just wanted to work out the last couple of details.

Belltrap wrote:
Alright. Also, what stats do you want me to use for attack rolls and Combat Maneuvers, since the shadow demon stats use either Dex or Cha, lacking strength and Agile Maneuvers or Weapon Finesse?

Use whichever of the the abilities you have a higher score in; I think that's perfectly fair.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Ravendragon wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Just a question in regards to creation of Tieflings (not that I have decided to play one, but just as a query): Will you be using the Demon-Spawn Racial Ability Modifiers from Bastards of Erebus or just the normal ones from the Bestiary?

I don't have the physical book or PDF of that product, but if you could post up all the the pertinent information regarding Demon-Spawn, I'll allow it.

Also people, remember that when you apply the half-fiend template to state the specific type of demon that exists in your familail ancestry.

If you send me (or tell me) your e-mail address I can send it to you, I have it typed up. my e-mail is flash_cxxi@hotmail.com

Just a question for if I were to make a character and there were still places available: Are you allowing either the Spell Compendium or Magic Item Compendium, or it it just Pathfinder sources (and by Pathfinder sources, is it just Core + Bestiary, or is it any of the PFRPG Edition Paizo Books such as APs, Companions & Chronicles)?

In terms of spare wealth-- do I have to get a ghost touch bag to hold it in?

Also, I'm considering using poison. Would that be compatible with claw attacks from an incoporeal creature?

flash_cxxi wrote:
Just a question for if I were to make a character and there were still places available: Are you allowing either the Spell Compendium or Magic Item Compendium, or it it just Pathfinder sources (and by Pathfinder sources, is it just Core + Bestiary, or is it any of the PFRPG Edition Paizo Books such as APs, Companions & Chronicles)?

Strictly Pathfinder. Assuming that the players can supply me with the Pathfinder information they wish to use, I'll allow it. I'm not rich as other gamers and have access to all Pathfinder products to date.

Belltrap wrote:
In terms of spare wealth-- do I have to get a ghost touch bag to hold it in?

That would be silly of me to make you buy it, so consider it a GM gift.

Belltrap wrote:
Also, I'm considering using poison. Would that be compatible with claw attacks from an incoporeal creature?

If anyone could point me to a RAW regarding this I'd be forever grateful.

Belltrap wrote:
Also, I'm considering using poison. Would that be compatible with claw attacks from an incoporeal creature?

In order to use poison you will have to either purchase special 'ghost touch' gloves (cost 2,100 gp) that enable to you to deliver poisonus touch attacks or use them to apply coat of poison to a weapon.

Alternatively you could dip a ghost touch weapon in a vat of poison.

i think I am ready
can you have a look at my profile and tell me if i can have the ring of counter spells (i have possibly gone over on my spending in a category) i am happy to take it out, i have taken two feats from the pathfinder beastiary, is that ok?

Getting closer to being a finished and complete character. A perusal of equipment and such just so that the DM is happy with the purchases? Only a few simple tweaks and tucks and Shaya is ready *Bows*

Here is my entry. A half fiend minotaur barbarian. I just need the background and equipment.
I will create an avatar soon, but my connection is pretty jumpy right now.

Wich plane will the campaign take place in? this might change his background



AC 17 (15 in rage), Touch 11, Flat-Footed 15
HP 81 (10+7+7+7+7+7+8+28) Rage (95)

Fort +8 (10 rage), Ref +7, Will +6
Defensive abilities: Natural cunning, DR 5/magic, Immune: Poison, Resist acid, cold, electricity, fire 10, SR 17



Speed 40 ft Fly 70 ft (average) Initiative +2

Base Attack +7 CMB +14 CMD 25

Melee greataxe +12/+7 (3d6+9/×3), bite +7 (1d8+3), gore +7 (1d6+3)
Ranged Minotaur double crossbow +7 (2d6*2)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks smite good 1/day, powerful charge (gore +14, 2d6+9)

Rage: +14/+9 3d6+12

Power attack + rage: +12/+7 3d6+18



Acrobatics 1 rank + 3 class + 2 dex = 6 (+4 on jump checks from increased speed)
Climb 1 rank + 3 class + 6 str = 10
Intimidate 7 rank + 3 class = 10
Knowledge (nature) 1 rank + 3 class - 1 int = 3
Knowledge (Religion) 6 rank - 1 int = 5
Perception 7 rank + 3 class +1 wis +4 race = 15
Stealth [/ooc] = 7
Survival [ooc]7 rank + 3 class +1 wis +4 race
= 15



Great Fortitude,
Improved Bull Rush,
Power Attack,
Extra rage

Class feats
Fast movement
rage 14 rounds/day


Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th)


3/day—darkness, poison; 1/day—desecrate, unholy blight (DC 14)


Here is Gorzak.

Belltrap here. He's obviously not done yet-- still need to do some work on skills and items and maybe switch around a few feats, then write-up his backstory, but here are some preliminary stats.

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