Into the depths - Maure Castle pbp (IC Thread)


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Male Gnome Oracle (Waves) 12

"Let's get out of this accursed room, double-quick!" McGoon urges. "I can turn you into a small animal and you can squeeze through the hole in the wall."

If Jon allows him, McGoon will (temporarily) turn him into a sparrow with his Punitive Transformation, allowing him to get through the hole. Otherwise he'll turn himself into a sparrow and fly through.

I think I made it to the other side with Kjell.

Male Gnome Oracle (Waves) 12

Edited to mention Jon instead.

I am so sorry I've been out. The holidays turned me around and I'm afraid I lost track of some things. I'll try to catch up.


Neifel, sit on Jon, would you? Can't have him throwing away treasure!

I'd like to sit on you! sit on him indeed

Neifel attempts to grapple Jon.

1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24

see below see below see below

Have internet so whats going on?

Dunleary spelltricker wrote:
Have internet so whats going on?

You and Jon missed Val and Jon and cornelius lossing a few items to 9 magic eating holes :) Jon you need to remove from your sheet your bag of holding that is attached to your horse and anything that might have been in it. Also your flaming sword, the lance and you wooden shield, Sorry.

Neifel sits on jon and jon seems to stop fight back but as with Val no seems to have a strange glazed look on his face. Cornelius seems to have stopped bucking as well

Am I in control of myself?

Jon is sad and cries. Jon's Horse laughs at Jon.

Edited: Jon lost his magical weapons. Thankfully he had a backup masterwork handaxe. Which is now his main weapon. I'll name it Chopworthy.

Valorius wrote:
Am I in control of myself?

yep you are so is jon and cornelius the effect only lasted about two rounds. you however are a bit groggy.

Strangely as quickly as the excitiment had begun the effects of the holes end on your compatriots. You all look around at each other for a moment as if waiting for someone to start throwing there valuables to the holes again. After a moment several let out a deep sighs of relief as nothing else occurs.

Now onto you interrogation of the prisoner

Valorius pulls at his gold locks and gnashes his teeth.

"Damn it, damn it damn it, I lost my sword! Like a moron I just threw my sword at that infernal contraption! How am I going to get another sword as powerful as that? Damn it!"

Male Gnome Oracle (Waves) 12

reposted from above

Once everyone is ready and the gnoll is tied up and gagged, he brings the hyena-man back to consciousness with a few spells of light healing.

"Sorry we had to knock you on the head, friend," he begins soothingly, "but we had to know that you wouldn't call out for help. We have a little proposition for you."

Valorius wrote:

Valorius pulls at his gold locks and gnashes his teeth.

"Damn it, damn it damn it, I lost my sword! Like a moron I just threw my sword at that infernal contraption! How am I going to get another sword as powerful as that? Damn it!"

"I feel your hurt, friend. I watched the smith forge that blade myself, and dip it into liquid fire to temper the edge. I shall not see its like again. Still, this bastion of evil owes us now. Let us exact our vengeance from it!"


Well sir, I think this is dead.

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