Nerioth |
Now, the question is, how much magical gear can an Eidolon have? Now under the magic items on the body, it says that any humanoid-shaped body can wear up to 15 magic items. Stacking with the creatures inherent natural armor and you have an insanely powerful creature. With the wording being humanoid-shaped body, would that mean that only the bipedal form can actually use magic items and two other forms can't? Under the evolutions, they can already use weapons and armor so what would be the ruling on this? Also for the cost of the armor, would it be x2 for nonhumanoid in reference to quadruped and Serpentine and only x1 for the bipedal. This is of course assuming that they are referring to biped as a humanoid type creature.

Zurai |

The magic item slots that might change based on evolutions are: gloves. bracers, and boots (need limbs of some sort), rings (need fingers or claws, though a generous DM might allow tails too), chest (vests and the like; need an actual torso), shoulders/back (need a torso and/or limbs depending on how it's defined).
Every Eidolon should be able to handle armor, helmets, belts, and amulets at the very least.

Zurai |

I would rule that the gear stays with the Eidolon. When you summon a creature with gear (not call, summon), the gear vanishes with the creature when it dies or the spell's duration runs out. Eidolons don't actually die on the Material plane, and they're treated as summoned monsters, so I'd say the gear stays with them.

MaverickWolf |

I'd like to suggest that the equipment vanishes with the eidolon. Perhaps the eidolon's inherent nature (which is different from a typical summoned creature) infuses the equipment with its magic, making the equipment almost as much a part of its being as its appendages.
I like that we have the options to equip the eidolon. The idea of a sword and board armored 'angel' at my side seems pretty darn cool to me, and I don't mind spending evolution points on it, that's for sure. To be honest, I'd probably allow switching out the free claws evolution for Simple Weapon Proficiency. As is, eidolons are inherently monstrous by default, and if these are outsiders of some sort, the natural weapons don't necessarily match up.

lenankamp |

Waiting on an answer to this one. When I first read class I assumed they were creatures with all the possible slots for magic items just like a person, with a few logical exceptions.
However for my playtest, I'm only allowing the armor and weapon slots, no other magic items, even non slotted, work, the magical nature of eidolons interferes with the way they work. It's a necessary for class balance at this point.

Kolokotroni |

Waiting on an answer to this one. When I first read class I assumed they were creatures with all the possible slots for magic items just like a person, with a few logical exceptions.
However for my playtest, I'm only allowing the armor and weapon slots, no other magic items, even non slotted, work, the magical nature of eidolons interferes with the way they work. It's a necessary for class balance at this point.
only problem there is it hurts the potential playtest value if hte ruling is that they actually have slots. You might have a result where the eidolon seems balanced in the party, but the same eidolon might have been kind of rediculous with the amulet of might fists, ring of protection and cloak of resistance added to its abilities.

![]() |

The whole gear question is crazy.
What if you make an Eidolon without a mouth? Do you suppository his potions?
If you have crab claw hands it doesn't say you can't wear rings.
I know, I know these are things that can be settled at the table but without some kind of guidelines I don't look forward to that argument.
Might I suggest an "Incorporation" Mechanic. Using a good formula you can can make magic items a part of your Eidolon without making him a god (Well more of one). Humanoids get the best incorporation rate with (and say lose their starting NA bonus), Quadrupeds second, Serpentine last with some boost to compensate. On the Evolutions that add limbs/features they can allow for new slots.
Essentially you can cover your Eidolon with Gear but only some of it works (your choosing) and if he gets poofed he only takes what is incorporated and everything else falls to the ground. If you want to change his gear it is as simple taking a minute to refit him (so no hot swapping in combat).
I love the Eidolons but they are already overpowered without being able to turn them into magic item Christmas Trees.

-Anvil- |

A magic item buffed eidelon in conjunctjion with the summoners other abilities seems overpowered at first glance. Not to mention the specifics of cost, craft dc, etc with armor for weird humanoid forms. then there's the body slot problems for magic items to sort out. It's a big can of worms.
I would suggest an alternative system for Eidelon gear. Here is the gist:
-Eidelons have a base number of body slots for gear/magical gear based on their form and Summoner level.
-As the Summoner gains levels the Eidelon gains new slots for gear
-Evolution points can be spent to increase the number of slots never to exceed a pre-set maximum.
It's an easy way to balance out some of the problems. A chart could also be provided with the summoner class addressing extra costs or requirements for crafting armor with less than human forms in mind.
What happens to equipment upon 'unsummoning' would depend on just what makes an eidelon and where it goes to.
My two cents.

Virgil RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

Don't forget wealth by level guidelines. Any wealth directed at the eidolon is wealth deprived from the owning summoner. I assure you, casters still use and need gear of their own. I've seen many a PC make or break based on being able to match their expected wealth, and efficiency counts too. Even the PF core book acknowledges that having 100% more wealth expected for your level should have encounter CRs raised by +1, so it's only logical that having less would see your ability to perform reduced. Splitting the wealth 50/50 is close to not even being able to cover all of your defense bases, and leave large gaps; meaning that you're definitely paying for the advantage of a bigger eidolon.