Rake |
Hah. I like that idea, actually. An object familiar, just like the wizard. A broom would be perfect, too.
If witches gain their powers by learning to unknown powers that speak through or possess their familiers, it seems in keeping with the flavor of the class that said unknown powers might inhabit objects as well.
I wonder where the whole witches-and-broomsticks thing got started, anyway.
DarkWhite |
Fly spell at 5th level, Fly hex at 10th level.
Probably witches don't require a broom to fly, but it does make for good flavour. Maybe Brooms will appear in the equipment chapter of the APG with additional benefits (+4 to Fly skill checks?)
Carpets might make good alternatives for Qadiran/Vudrani witches.
gamer-printer |
Hah. I like that idea, actually. An object familiar, just like the wizard. A broom would be perfect, too.
If witches gain their powers by learning to unknown powers that speak through or possess their familiers, it seems in keeping with the flavor of the class that said unknown powers might inhabit objects as well.
I wonder where the whole witches-and-broomsticks thing got started, anyway.
Since witches appeared rather late in the medieval world, not appearing in the Bible until the King James Bible 1602. Faerie lore is much older. Some diminuitive faeries were known to fly on twigs and sticks, which led to some riding brooms.
Witch lore picked up faerie lore and used it as one in the same.
So the idea of witches and broomsticks came from faeries on twig/brooms.
Spacelard |
Too cartoony for me.
Anyway the witches riding broomsticks is probably a sanitized version for the kids. From my understanding it was Fly Agaric/Henbane smeared on the broomstick which was then..."riden"...and the poisons absorbed through the mucus membrane and then the witches "flew".
To me witches never flew on broomsticks unless you believe Hollywood/Disney. Except in a William S. Burroughs way.
Rufus Reeven |
One reason might be too near to Madame Rowling's franchise.
Fairly certain R.K. Rowlings has no patent on witches on broom sticks, just like Coca Cola has none on Santa Claus, but yes, it would probably remind some of the younger players of a certain series of books/films.
Not sure it is a bad thing, though. I mean, I'm reminded of LotR (book AND film) every time a player decides to go with "one of them rangers".