My Pathfinder RPG wish: A Character Builder

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I must admit that I love the WoTC Character Builder (I'm shameless). I downloaded the basic version and I find it to be easy to create and keep organized Player Characters. Even if you hate 4E you must admit that it is a great tool!

Of course Paizo doesn't have the capital that Wizards does and the creation of such a downloadable tool is a mere fantasy. Wouldn't it be nice to have such a wonderful tool?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

There are a couple companies who would be happy to sell you one. HeroLab is one.

Jib wrote:
I must admit that I love the WoTC Character Builder

PCGen supports Pathfinder RPG and it's free. I haven't used the WotC Builder, so I can't compare the two.

Google Heroforge. It may not be perfect, but considering its free...

Grand Lodge

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The Only Sheet ( ) is fantastic. It's Excel based, mature, and has native Pathfinder support.

Sovereign Court

The 4th edition character generator is almost amazingly good for something from WotC, much better then what happened with the 3rd edition one. There is the small problem that once you've got it you never need to buy a book from them again, or to start with for the most part.

I used HeroForge for 3.5, it worked great until my version of excel got too out of date. I switched to Linux about a year ago, so we'll see how PCGen works on it.

Silver Crusade

I also really like the WoTC character builder. Would be great if we got something like that. They want to build Iphone apps and all that I think Paizo could do something like the character builder. I think it would also help out a lot of newer players to roleplaying games.

Super Genius Games

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Hero Lab with the Pathfinder files is amazingly simple. I just love it.


The 4E character builder is more than just an electronic fill in the blanks PC generator... it gives you the stats of how a certain powers/ feats/ skills will work for your PC before you select it. It is a wonderful tool my friends.

I will explore your character sheet creators! If they work with Pathfinder they just might fill the niche for me.

This works well, and is free.


There are two Pathfinder spreadsheets in development here: PG/communityContent/houseRules/ogresSheetAnExcelCharacterSheetCreatorLikeNo OtherAlphaTesting

and PG/communityContent/houseRules/erian7sExcelBasedCharacterSheet

I'm working with erian_7 on his. It's quite nicely done.

I think the OP is looking for a full-fledged character creator application sporting some of the features the WotC Character Builder has (step-by-step creation, full rules text, etc.), not just a spreadsheet that does some of the math for you.

Herolab maybe what he's looking for then, or PCGen.

Scott you read my mind!

But a PC generator for Pathfinder is cool too. Perhaps with what WoTC did will inspire someone to follow suit for Pathfinder?

Scott Betts wrote:
I think the OP is looking for a full-fledged character creator application sporting some of the features the WotC Character Builder has (step-by-step creation, full rules text, etc.), not just a spreadsheet that does some of the math for you.

I would greatly appreciate it if Paizo would do this. There are many complexities and variables one has to factor in when creating and advancing a character. Such a resource would be greatly welcome. Paizo would be able to ensure that their product is constantly up to date with the latest source material by releasing their data-sets with the new product releases. (The only way I would ever pay for such a character creator is if it was created by the publisher -- well unless it was complete garbage, but I highly doubt that there would be such a concern if Paizo released it).

For now, there are 3 good free resources available (as previously mentioned) for Excel. (They certainly do a whole lot more than just doing some of the math for you as well).

The download links would be:

Pathfinder sCoreGen
Also there is the adVance sheet which is a spellsheet creator. (This is an essential resource which sadly died in 3.5e when the evil Wizards shut down Ema's Spellsheet Creator site) I really wish Paizo would make such a resource as well!!!

Erian 7's Pathfinder Character Excelerator
This is currently under development. Check the forum threads under "Community Content / Houserules" for discussion threads on this.

Ogres' Pathfinder RPG Character Creator
This is currently in alpha phase testing, but shows excellent promise -- but I could be biased in thinking so since it's my project :) Check the forum threads under "Community Content / Houserules" for discussion threads on this.

Reading over the Cavalier I noticed just how many new little tweaks are in each PC. A character builder could make it super easy to not only make PCs for Pathfinder but add to the simplification of playing them.

Jib wrote:
Reading over the Cavalier I noticed just how many new little tweaks are in each PC. A character builder could make it super easy to not only make PCs for Pathfinder but add to the simplification of playing them.

That simplification is exactly what my work (and others) aims to accomplish. My sheet, for instance, takes character class abilities, feats, racial abilities, and traits and puts them all on a single sheet. It summarizes the mechanics of each and auto-advances elements that are dependent on things like class level and/or ability scores (version uploaded tonight has the cavalier in place, but I haven't finished fully automating its class abilities). Kor's has a similar page and also a page for various attacks (I handle attacks as an "on-the-fly" changeable section of the front page).

Now, mine is most definitely an automated character sheet more than a full-on character generator, but as folks above have mentioned you'll probably want to check HeroLab or PCGen if you're looking for a more robust program.

I'm currently building my own character creation program.

You can see the details on my Blog

or go to the thread where I posted it orginally.

It has been awhile and with all the new Pathfinder rules and classes I wondered if anyone else has created something helpful to creating PCs, keeping track of them as they level up, and generating a character sheet.

Scarab Sages

Im not sure if your looking for free or willing to pay for the product. but I bought Hero Lab. It is not web based like the character from WoTC. Which I hate to admit I have used from launch of 4e. Granted I no longer play 4e since Pathfinder went live with Kingmaker AP. I picked up hero lab 3 months ago and have loved it very much. Currently Im running Carrion Crown, have all the encounters put into the game so I can run combat for villians and heros.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Jib wrote:
It has been awhile and with all the new Pathfinder rules and classes I wondered if anyone else has created something helpful to creating PCs, keeping track of them as they level up, and generating a character sheet.

HeroLab is the way to go.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Yep. If you got the cash to spend, go with Herolab. Customizable character sheet outputs, feat and spell descriptions, all the classes, archetypes, and options from the Pathfinder library.

Silver Crusade

I'd buy Herolab...

if they would hurry the frack up with a mac version.


I'd buy them all, every last update.

But one that is MADE by Paizo would be awesome, that comes with updates for free (just not the rules with what those things are, so you still gotta buy the books) when there are new races, spells, monsters and gear added.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

I'd buy Herolab...

if they would hurry the frack up with a mac version.


I'd buy them all, every last update.

But one that is MADE by Paizo would be awesome, that comes with updates for free (just not the rules with what those things are, so you still gotta buy the books) when there are new races, spells, monsters and gear added.

I believe PAIZO licensed Herolab because they have no intention on spending resources on making and updating one themselves. You're essentially asking for a good deal of work to be done for free.

If that's what you want, download PCGen (which IS Intel Mac compatible) at and bring to it a lot of patience.

Grand Lodge

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Erian 7's Pathfinder Character Excelerator
This is currently under development. Check the forum threads under "Community Content / Houserules" for discussion threads on this.

Ogres' Pathfinder RPG Character Creator
This is currently in alpha phase testing, but shows excellent promise -- but I could be biased in thinking so since it's my project :) Check the forum threads under "Community Content / Houserules" for...

Whats the latest update on Erians and Ogre updates?

Herolab is really, really good. I use a combo of Herolab and Kyle Olson's Combat Manager (beautiful tool for combat!).

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Herolab's pricing is outrageous, I hope a lot of that is going back to Paizo for the license.

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I really wish that Paizo would have put money towards building a character creator rather than an MMO, but perhaps there is room for both? Perhaps the character creation process they will use for making a character for the MMO, could also be ported over for the pen & paper RPG?

A character creator, although not lucrative, would be self sustaining.

I'm on old gamer (yes both in terms of my age and the amount of time I have been playing), and I know that as a new gamer I would be overwhelmed and likely confused at the complexities involved in creating a character in Pathfinder. (Heck I found 1st edition a little overwhelming at first). The down side of offering so many options, is that it makes character creation quite an overwhelming process, even for us veterans.

I truely appreciate Paizo's efforts in giving us many options in the character building process, but there needs to be a better way to catalogue and access them. The online PRD is extremely helpful, but I really think they need to go to the next step.

Making a character creator is supporting their own product.

HeroLab Review:

HeroLab does an average job. The user friendliness of their program has not evolved. Their interface is at times awkward. Once you learn how to navigate HeroLab's elements, it becomes a more useful tool... but my adage in software design is that people should not have to learn how to navigate the shortfalls of your software and interface to figure out how to use it. My test: a brand new player should be able to easily create a new character with little difficulty. HeroLab does not fully deliver in this regard. (Disclaimer: once proficient with HeroLab it can be extremely useful, however my critique is solely from the new player perspective. Also, HeroLab is based on a "generic" engine which supports other game systems, so there will naturally be some limitations.)

Additionally, with Traits, Feats and Class Abilities, the d20 character sheet format is no longer suffucient for player needs. Many of these character features provide conditional bonuses. I'm sure everyone who has played this game has realized after the fact that they had a bonus that they could have applied to a roll, and would have made a notable difference. There needs to be a better way to record these conditional bonuses. For some classes (like the ranger) keeping track of conditional modifiers is very important.

Along with my suggestion that Paizo develop a character creator, I strongly suggest that a new character sheet format be made as well. One of the best improvements I feel I offered in the character sheet that I was developing in Excel (well I still am, but at a snail's pace), was a break down of statisical areas where similar information was displayed:
- Abilitiy scores (which includes an area where ability score conditional modifiers were noted)
- Skills listings (which includes an area where skill conditional modifiers were noted)
- Attack modifiers (which includes BAB, Melee AB, Ranged AB, CMB and an area where conditional modifiers that affected these were noted)
- Defensive modifiers (which includes AC, Flat-footed AC, Touch AC, CMD and an area where conditional modifiers that affected these were noted)
- Saving throws (which includes an area where saving throw conditional modifiers were noted)
- Spell Information area (which includes Concentration modifier, Spell DC's, Spells available and an area where conditional modifiers that affected these were noted)

I would highly recommend a similar format in any future design of Pathfinder character sheets... especially automatically generated ones.

The creation of spell selection sheets is also so vitally important for the game, especially if your character makes their selections from a broad selection of spells, such as clerics. Originally debuted in the now defunct "Ema's Character Sheets" these sheets became a lifesaver for spell casters. HeroLab at least has an option for this, but needs some serious refining.

These are all very important elements that need to be made easy to access and use for new players to the game! To ensure the continued prosperity of the Pathfinder game, it needs to attract new players to the game. I believe a character generator with a decent Graphic User Interface would greatly assist in this endeavor and would help ensure the continued profitability and existance of the Pathfinder RPG.

Because such a product would be more supportive in nature and would be more of a marketing tool to promote their other products, the character generator that they should develop should focus on a cost recover basis (by helping to support and promote their product, they will make additional revenue from sales of their other products).

Perhaps for $20 a year, you would have full access to the creator and all updates. For $0 you would have access to core rulebook material only. (Ideally, the product would be free to all users, but the amount of time to create and keep such a product does have a cost and either it has to charge on access basis, or on an increased cost of all RPG products -- and I think most would agree that its better to just charge the people that use it.)

Paizo, please if you are listening, please create a character generator for your product.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

All this makes me think it's time to look at PCGen again; it's been a couple years and the Pathfinder support was *very* limited last time I checked it out.

Plus, it would be cool if it were no longer so dang slow.

Silver Crusade

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Trikk wrote:
Herolab's pricing is outrageous, I hope a lot of that is going back to Paizo for the license.

I am sure a lot of it is going to feed the developers and their families.

Hero Lab seems to get a lot of love. Anyone know if it is a one time purchase or pay as you play (how much is it too?)?

Can you build encounters and monsters with Hero Lab?

I agree that it would have been nicer to devote time and talent to a set of tools for Pathfinder rather that develop an MMO.

Thanks for all your help!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jib wrote:

Hero Lab seems to get a lot of love. Anyone know if it is a one time purchase or pay as you play (how much is it too?)?

Can you build encounters and monsters with Hero Lab?

I agree that it would have been nicer to devote time and talent to a set of tools for Pathfinder rather that develop an MMO.

Thanks for all your help!

It's actually a set of one time pays where you pay once for the base program and D20 SRD capability than other one time payments for expansions such as game systems and game system supplement. You can say make a one time payment for core rules than other one time payments for books and supplements you want to use with them. So if you use nothing beyond the core rulebook, you pay for Herolab, than one more time for basic Pathfinder support and you're done. You're elligible for any free updates made to that material but if you want other books supported than it's more payments. A pretty fair deal which means you only pay for what you're going to use.

You can pretty much do all the stat crunching for characters and monsters within Herolab as long as you have the supplement packages for the Bestiaries you want to use.

There's extensive support also available for published Adventure Paths, and just about every other supplement put out by Paizo.

Right now if you want total Pathfinder support, Herolab is THE game in town. If you want free, there's PCGen but you only get rulebooks and rulebook support is unpredictable, I believe at this point they're up to getting most of the APG to work, more or less. But given that all this work is being done pro bono, it's a good deal

Jib wrote:

Hero Lab seems to get a lot of love. Anyone know if it is a one time purchase or pay as you play (how much is it too?)?

Can you build encounters and monsters with Hero Lab?

I agree that it would have been nicer to devote time and talent to a set of tools for Pathfinder rather that develop an MMO.

Thanks for all your help!

It's like 20 for core and then 10 for every other hardcover book. It's pretty expensive for what it does.

LINK to Hero Lab Pathfinder pricing page for the additional data sets/bundles.

You one time purchase the program which includes one game mode and it's "core" rules, ie. pathfinder, or dnd3.5, or wod, etc. You can purchase additional data sets or bundles of data sets for the game mode you choose initially, or even purchase another game mode.

So it is not "pay to play", in that you do *not* pay a monthly fee, but you do have to purchase the program and then additional (beyond core) data sets/bundles separately.

-- david
(PCGen Data Gibbon and admin)

Jib wrote:
Hero Lab seems to get a lot of love. Anyone know if it is a one time purchase or pay as you play (how much is it too?)?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Black_Lantern wrote:
Jib wrote:

Hero Lab seems to get a lot of love. Anyone know if it is a one time purchase or pay as you play (how much is it too?)?

Can you build encounters and monsters with Hero Lab?

I agree that it would have been nicer to devote time and talent to a set of tools for Pathfinder rather that develop an MMO.

Thanks for all your help!

It's like 20 for core and then 10 for every other hardcover book. It's pretty expensive for what it does.

Right now the only other character builder on the planet which does what Herolab does to that level of coverage, is the WOTC character builder which requires a 9 dollar per month subscription to use. None of this kind of work is going to be done on a timely basis for free.

I won't bash the kind of work that the PCGen folks are doing, but support for books in PCGen may not be present a year after that book comes out, or it may be never. And the level of depth that Herolab goes through in support of thinks like Adventure Paths is value worth paying for.

Currently Core and APG are in, although there is still some work to be done in the APG, mostly in the area of alternate favored class bonus. That is my personal project after the New Year.

The following data sets are also in:
Pathfinder AP Player Guides: All
Pathfinder AP "chapters": RotR, 2nd Darkness, CotCT
Pathfinder companion: Cheliax, Dwarves, Qadira, Sargava
Gamemaster: Critical Fumble deck
Pathfinder chronicles: Guide to River Kingdoms, Heart of the Jungle
Pathfinder companion: Inner Sea Primer
Core: Core Rulebook, APG, Bestiary, Bestiary 2, Bonus Bestiary, Character traits web enhancement, and UC & UM are in aplha status and actively being worked on.

This is at the 5.17.9 program, and downloading directly from the SVN for the Paizo data.

-- david
(PCGen Data Gibbon & admin)

LazarX wrote:
Right now if you want total Pathfinder support, Herolab is THE game in town. If you want free, there's PCGen but you only get rulebooks and rulebook support is unpredictable, I believe at this point they're up to getting most of the APG to work, more or less. But given that all this work is being done pro bono, it's a good deal

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Mr. Bender, if what you've read from me implies that I disparage PCGen, I'd like to assure you that it is far from my intention to do so. For a free project you guys do phenomenal work, and my expectations are framed with the realization that this is all being done on volunteer time. One thing I think you folks do have over Herolab is the character sheets which are bloody excellent in output.

The existence of both give us one of that greater options... choice. Right now I have both installed on my system and intend to keep it that way. If I had half a sense on how to code XML though, I would crib your output sheets into Herolab


All the character generators/maintainers have their good/bad points as well as issues.

You can download PCGen from HERE. There are Windows and Mac installers, and a full zip file for other Operating Systems.

You can download Hero Lab from HERE. The demo is full function, excepting printing/saving and is Pathfinder Core only.

The various spreadsheets are available by searching for links on this site and see Heleman's post above.

My suggestion is to try as many as you feel comfortable with and pick the one that meets your needs.

-- david
(PCGen Data Gibbon & admin)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Remember that the spreadsheets will often require that you have Excel, although some will run on the free alternative Open Office. Which can be downloaded from


I did not take what you wrote as disparagement at all. If that is the way my post came across, I apologize for my choice of words.

You mentioned that only the rulebooks were available, and in my mind that "translated" to Core & APG only, so I was pointing out that more were available.

And I completely agree, more choices is better!

-- david

LazarX wrote:

Mr. Bender, if what you've read from me implies that I disparage PCGen, I'd like to assure you that it is far from my intention to do so. For a free project you guys do phenomenal work, and my expectations are framed with the realization that this is all being done on volunteer time. One thing I think you folks do have over Herolab is the character sheets which are bloody excellent in output.

The existence of both give us one of that greater options... choice. Right now I have both installed on my system and intend to keep it that way. If I had half a sense on how to code XML though, I would crib your output sheets into Herolab

I'm a huge fan of PCgen. Once you get the hang of it you can out put characters in about 5 minutes. I appreciate how it allows you to make non-core classes and races with ease. I think for the price (FREE!) it's the best game in town.

That said it only has the core rule book bestiary and APG. Lucky for me that's all I use.

Yea, that is a problem for some of the sheets. Thanks for mentioning it as I keep forgetting (old age and crs!). I used to have Excel on my laptop when I was working, but as a retired person I stick with Open Office since it is free, and meets 99.9% of my needs.

-- david

LazarX wrote:
Remember that the spreadsheets will often require that you have Excel, although some will run on the free alternative Open Office. Which can be downloaded from

I'm still hoping that with all their efforts in developing an MMO, that they will also piggy-back off their character creation process and adapt it for pen & paper players to make characters.

Lantern Lodge

Like several others, I would highly recommend Hero Lab, an officially licensed product, to anyone looking for a Pathfinder character generator. The Pathfinder support for Hero Lab is outstanding.

First, the comprehensiveness of the product is unchallenged by any other product other than pen and paper. Not only do they have support for the Core Rulebook, but also the APG, UM, UC, Bestiary 1, Bestiary 2, all of the APs, all of the Campaign Setting sourcebooks, and all of the Player Companions.

Second, the timeliness of new releases is similarly outstanding. They work with Paizo to get early access to content and it is generally within days that they have support for most content within each new Paizo product.

Third, the ease of use is excellent although like many software products there are some quirks. A couple examples I have encountered are selecting a bonus spell as a favored class bonus and remembering to remove a human ethnicity before selecting a different race. But overall, this is extremely easy software to use. So easy that my kids were using it to crank out characters left and right as new Pathfinder players at ages 13 and 10. My wife, a reluctant role-player at best, has found it far easier than trying to make her way through four huge rulebooks and tens of supplements.

Fourth is support. Also excellent. Here and especially at the Lone Wolf boards. People are very helpful and you'll quickly get a nice answer to any trouble you are having. They also recognize areas where the product could be better and work to improve them. In response to many requests, they have released the ability to create custom character sheets and to share them with others. They are working on a Mac version. I'm also excited to see where they go with Realmworks which sounds like excellent support for us GMs.

Which brings us to money. Any product with the support that Hero Lab provides is not going to be free. It definitely costs money to put all the work into the product that they do. I find the product to be worth every dollar. Others will not and will decide to stick with pen and paper or to use one of the other options. That's the beauty of choice.

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