New races?

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest General Discussion

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

FenrysStar wrote:
Unless there is some reason you can't have them, may I please suggest an upcoming Bestiary include the lupin race? I have the write up for them in the one Dragon hardcover Paizo put out a ways back. Also can we please put back the Werebear? My other main totem is Grizzly so I have interest in potentially playing ursine humanoids.

Lupins are the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast. We can't touch them. We can, of course, do a different dog-faced race, but they'd have a different name and different stats and different flavor text. They would not be Lupins.

Dark Archive

QOShea wrote:

Says the guy with the name of an animal headed Egyptian deity with the picture of yet another animal headed Egyptian deity.

So the Egyptian gods were descended from rakshasha?

The God-Kings were said to walk among men and rule as pharoahs, perhaps they *were* Rakshasa, living the good life, as animal-headed 'gods?' Lesser ranked Rakshasa, living in the courts of their faux-divine brethren, would be required to keep a human form and use their magic as 'priests,' so as not to 'confuse' the lesser races as to the nature of their animal-headed dieties (or threaten the primacy of the highest-rank Rakshasa, who sits the throne of God-King).

James Jacobs wrote:

Check out the Oni section in the Bestiary; there's a paragraph that talks about the oni subtype. Basically, there are indeed more kinds of oni out there, but ogre magi are generally the most common or well-known. All oni are native outsiders who also have to have a humanoid subtype, as they are evil spirits housed in mortal flesh. The majority of onis have the giant, goblinoid, tengu, or reptilian subtypes, but ANY humanoid subtype is possible. Including orc.

We haven't actually statted up any other forms of oni yet, but it's really only a matter of time.

I have to ask, how would Oni be listed in the Rangers favored enemy table? Outsider (oni) or Outsider (evil)?

QOShea wrote:
I have to ask, how would Oni be listed in the Rangers favored enemy table? Outsider (oni) or Outsider (evil)?

Oni don't have the evil subtype, so they don't ping on that particular favored enemy radar. Oni have the following subtypes: native, oni, shapechanger; any of those will work for hunting down Oni, although of course the oni subtype is the best if you want only Oni to be your focus. The Ogre Mage also has the giant subtype, but that's presumably because they're in the form of an ogre rather than being an inherent trait of an oni.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

If you want a ranger to fight against oni, you should take the Outsider (native) favored enemy. As Zurai says, oni do not have the evil subtype, so Outsider (evil) would not help against an oni. Likewise, just as there's not an option for Outsider (demon), there's not an option for Outsider (oni).

Outsider (native) is the way to go.

You know, I never noticed that Outsiders didn't have an Outsider (other subtype) in the list like Humanoids did.

By the way, why is there no option for Enemy/Demon or Enemy/Devil ?
It would certainly fit the niche of some fiend hunters, inquisitors, slayers and the like...

Seldriss wrote:

By the way, why is there no option for Enemy/Demon or Enemy/Devil ?

It would certainly fit the niche of some fiend hunters, inquisitors, slayers and the like...

Outsider[evil) covers them both and many other types

Seldriss wrote:

By the way, why is there no option for Enemy/Demon or Enemy/Devil ?

It would certainly fit the niche of some fiend hunters, inquisitors, slayers and the like...

I think the answer to that is, those are the default enemy choices. The GM can always allow an equivalent substitution (IE: Hellspawn (Demons & Devils) instead of Outsiders, the advantage being that any demon/devil with a (native) subtype would still count, but non-hellspawn outsiders would not). As long as the GM keeps the limits within the same general level as the existing groups, it's all good.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Seldriss wrote:

By the way, why is there no option for Enemy/Demon or Enemy/Devil ?

It would certainly fit the niche of some fiend hunters, inquisitors, slayers and the like...
Outsider[evil) covers them both and many other types

I don't know, I think Outsider (evil) is just too broad.

But that's just my personal taste.

Demons are different from devils. *shrug*

SmiloDan wrote:

I think it would be neat to have a generic shifter-like race with 2 main branches: animalistic humanoids, and animal-headed humanoids.

There would be several different subraces included in the main race, to represent canids (fox, wolf, jackal, coyote, hyena), feline (cat, tiger, lion, leopard), corvids (crow, raven, jackdaw), ursine (black bear, grizzly), porcine (boar, pig, warthog), bovine (ox, bull), cervid (deer, stag, moose, elk), etc. etc.

The animalistic humanoids would have limited shifting ability, granting a small bonus to a physical ability score and a single special ability.

The animal-headed humanoids would have more permanent abilities, but lack some ease of interaction with regular humanoid folk due to their weird appearance.

Maybe include a sub-race that is small for small animals, like mice, rats, etc.

And maybe include a sub-race that is quadrupedal, but with humanoid heads, like sphinxes.

Alluria Publishing has covered this partially with Remarkable Races—Pathway to Adventure: The Anumus

You can check out the OGC material from this PDF (along with 10 other Alluria published races) in my character sheet (the Pathfinder Character Excelerator posted at the Pathfinder Database.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Seldriss wrote:

By the way, why is there no option for Enemy/Demon or Enemy/Devil ?

It would certainly fit the niche of some fiend hunters, inquisitors, slayers and the like...

Because that's too limiting a category. Ranger favored enemies should be pretty broad, so that there's a relatively good chance that you'll get to use the power.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:

Lupins are the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast. We can't touch them. We can, of course, do a different dog-faced race, but they'd have a different name and different stats and different flavor text. They would not be Lupins.

If we can have dog-faced people, which I'm not opposed to BTW, can I have an official Pathfinder living construct player race?

I'd even be willing to say pretty please.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd rather have Paizo come up with new and original ideas instead of making a "Battlecrafted" race as a cheap hack of the Warforged.

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
I'd rather have Paizo come up with new and original ideas instead of making a "Battlecrafted" race as a cheap hack of the Warforged.

And they already have at least two different types of mechanical metal men anyway, some in Numeria and some on one of the other planets (although it's possible these two examples are the same race, just separated by their loss of space travel). So, really, it's kinda inevitable that we'll eventually see something, just nothing like Warforged, because these are alien machine men from outer space!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Alien Machine Men from Outer Space vs. Ninja Celestial Zombie Pirates ...

Dark Archive

Gorbacz wrote:
Alien Machine Men from Outer Space vs. Ninja Celestial Zombie Pirates ...

Probably gonna have to wait for the Tien chronicles book before I can stat up my Awakened Monkey Ninjas...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
As Zurai says, oni do not have the evil subtype, so Outsider (evil) would not help against an oni.

Which makes sense, as from what I recall, oni are not universally evil in the lore. Don't they sometimes serve as guardians and functionaries for the forces what is?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Set wrote:
QOShea wrote:

Says the guy with the name of an animal headed Egyptian deity with the picture of yet another animal headed Egyptian deity.

So the Egyptian gods were descended from rakshasha?

The God-Kings were said to walk among men and rule as pharoahs, perhaps they *were* Rakshasa, living the good life, as animal-headed 'gods?' Lesser ranked Rakshasa, living in the courts of their faux-divine brethren, would be required to keep a human form and use their magic as 'priests,' so as not to 'confuse' the lesser races as to the nature of their animal-headed dieties (or threaten the primacy of the highest-rank Rakshasa, who sits the throne of God-King).

Do you have some sort of ultra cool job that is preventing you from being an RPG writer? Because judging from the number of ideas that I've seen you put out on these boards, that's probably what you should be doing.

Drakli wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
As Zurai says, oni do not have the evil subtype, so Outsider (evil) would not help against an oni.
Which makes sense, as from what I recall, oni are not universally evil in the lore. Don't they sometimes serve as guardians and functionaries for the forces what is?

Pinning down any of the Yokai as Good or Evil is hard usually. The tales lean one way or another depending on the Yokai in question, but there are also tales that are the exception. In game terms, something like Oni or Joro-Gumo or Yuki-Onna would have "Usually Evil" on their entry if you based it more on the legends.

You also have the unusual status of some Yokai as nushi of a place (similar to the Roman genius loci). And that nushi may be benevolent or malevolent, but it is always the master of that place.


I'll add my support to Erian_7's recommendation to look at the Remarkable Races Series from Alluria publishing available at Paizo or DrivethruRPG. There are 15 in all, all now available, with subraces for anumus and entobians. Each book features backstory, description, game mechanics, associated feats, an associated PrC, magic, equipment and/or associated creatures. Plenty of ideas. Note I am not in any way affiliated with Alluria publishing. I just like this series.

The Anumus could actually be fitted reasonably easily into PF and Golarion given their particular creation method and other races from the series could be added reasonably easily with appropriate adjustment of the provided backstory.

Steven Purcell wrote:

I'll add my support to Erian_7's recommendation to look at the Remarkable Races Series from Alluria publishing available at Paizo or DrivethruRPG. There are 15 in all, all now available, with subraces for anumus and entobians. Each book features backstory, description, game mechanics, associated feats, an associated PrC, magic, equipment and/or associated creatures. Plenty of ideas. Note I am not in any way affiliated with Alluria publishing. I just like this series.

The Anumus could actually be fitted reasonably easily into PF and Golarion given their particular creation method and other races from the series could be added reasonably easily with appropriate adjustment of the provided backstory.

I should probably note I am also not associated with Alluria at all. I did really like the Entobians--insect race that morphs into a new race as the game progresses using a series of metamorphosis feats.

My interest in what can be described as humanoid and humanized animals. Take the Manimal template from GR's Advanced Bestiary and use it to make races whole cloth so to speak of many standard animal but make sure their level adjustment, or its equivalent in Pathfinder, is kept down to as close to +0 as possible. So you could see wolf folk, bear folk, cat folk, rabbit folk etc.

James Jacobs wrote:
FenrysStar wrote:
Unless there is some reason you can't have them, may I please suggest an upcoming Bestiary include the lupin race? I have the write up for them in the one Dragon hardcover Paizo put out a ways back. Also can we please put back the Werebear? My other main totem is Grizzly so I have interest in potentially playing ursine humanoids.
Lupins are the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast. We can't touch them. We can, of course, do a different dog-faced race, but they'd have a different name and different stats and different flavor text. They would not be Lupins.

I just have a soft spot for lupins after I played one in SpellJammer years ago. Heck, I gave the Dover from Bastion Press consideration. I could come up with alternative names all day like Kaenyd...but I'm partial to this sort of thing.

OK, I took about ten to fifteen minutes and whipped this up for consideration:


+2 to one ablility score that players may choose at character creation to represent their varied nature.

Medium: Kaenyds are medium sized creatures with no benefits or penalties due to size.

Normal Speed: Kaenyds have a base speed of 30 ft.

Keen Senses: Kaenyds receive a +2 bonus on all Perception checks.

Track Master: Kaenyds receive a +2 bonus on all Survival checks related to tracking.

Brawler: Kaenyds get Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat at first level.

Languages: Common and Kaenyd if the character has a high enough Int bonus for more languages see the human entry in the RPG.

Kaenyds are a newly discovered race on Golarion with limited contact in Darkmoon Vale where they sometimes get confused for werewolves. They also move about in Cheliax by pretending to be Tieflings with mixed results. At their core Kaenyds are a peaceful, nomadic people that wish to get along with others.

They are also sometimes confused with gnolls with whom they share some common ancestry by their own admission. However, the two are as different from one another as elves and drow. In fact this is the correlation that Kaenyds themselves make when you get enough beer or other type of alcohol in them to loosen them up.

With their natural skills Kaenyds tend to be rangers more often than not with druids a close second. The race is very fond of Erastil and often claim Old Dead Eye as their patron deity and sometimes credit him with their creation as "Hounds of the Hunter" as they like to put it. It should come as no surprise then who Kaenyd rangers, druids and clerics serve as a matter of course with rangers more often than not selecting archery as their chosen combat style.

Kaenyds generally get along well with elves and half-elves who sense a kind of kinship of natural stewardship in protecting the land. Those Kaenyds that are accepted by human settlements find staunch allies in almost any endeavor. Rumors the logging company in Darkmoon Vale has hired a group of Kaenyds to keep the werewolves at bay and the fey off their backs have not been substantiated as of yet.

Dark Archive

I like most of what I see with the Kaenyds. However, Of the races that have been published so far, only half humans have been given the single +2 to any stat. I think you should figure out what lays at the core of what you like about a canine race and build your attribute bonuses around that. Maybe +2 to Con to represent their ruggedness, +2 to Wis to represent their attention and focus, and -2 to Dex to represent that canines are not really known for being agile creatures. Jut my 2 cp. I would also suggest that you tighten things up a little, and submit you work to the Pathfinder Database.

Comes to anthopomorphic animal races, I generally like them. I dont mind either humanoid versions of animals or the "neko-jin/cat-girl" types

My issues usually arise from the naming of the races. Names derived from the english names or latin species names for the animals (Tiger = Tygar, Wolf = Wolven/Lupin). I would rather see more original names for these races. My other issue is that when there is no actual trace of the species they appear to be based on they often still have personality attributes based on those species...anthro-wolves gather in packs, mate for life, etc etc. I would rather see more thought out and original cultures for them...possibly even extremely civilized instead of the more usual barbaric/tribal/rustic cultures.


David Fryer wrote:
I like most of what I see with the Kaenyds. However, Of the races that have been published so far, only half humans have been given the single +2 to any stat. I think you should figure out what lays at the core of what you like about a canine race and build your attribute bonuses around that. Maybe +2 to Con to represent their ruggedness, +2 to Wis to represent their attention and focus, and -2 to Dex to represent that canines are not really known for being agile creatures. Jut my 2 cp. I would also suggest that you tighten things up a little, and submit you work to the Pathfinder Database.

Actually, I think you have the right idea. I will edit the above to reflect that.

Weylin wrote:

Comes to anthopomorphic animal races, I generally like them. I dont mind either humanoid versions of animals or the "neko-jin/cat-girl" types

My issues usually arise from the naming of the races. Names derived from the english names or latin species names for the animals (Tiger = Tygar, Wolf = Wolven/Lupin). I would rather see more original names for these races. My other issue is that when there is no actual trace of the species they appear to be based on they often still have personality attributes based on those species...anthro-wolves gather in packs, mate for life, etc etc. I would rather see more thought out and original cultures for them...possibly even extremely civilized instead of the more usual barbaric/tribal/rustic cultures.


In certain ways that's what happened with the Dover in Bastion Press. It's probably obvious that I took canid and played around with the spelling to create the race name.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
FenrysStar wrote:
Unless there is some reason you can't have them, may I please suggest an upcoming Bestiary include the lupin race? I have the write up for them in the one Dragon hardcover Paizo put out a ways back. Also can we please put back the Werebear? My other main totem is Grizzly so I have interest in potentially playing ursine humanoids.
Lupins are the intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast. We can't touch them. We can, of course, do a different dog-faced race, but they'd have a different name and different stats and different flavor text. They would not be Lupins.

Dog faced race? Don't we already have Gnolls?

Couldn't edit my entry here but I did fix it on the note pad entry and submitted it to the database.

And Crimson, if it were that simple then why do we have the half human races and halfings? Or Drow? Or Duergar? Or Derro? Aren't they just humans with prosthetics?

The Exchange

FenrysStar wrote:

Couldn't edit my entry here but I did fix it on the note pad entry and submitted it to the database.

And Crimson, if it were that simple then why do we have the half human races and halfings? Or Drow? Or Duergar? Or Derro? Aren't they just humans with prosthetics?

Races 101 via wikipedia

See Also
I would also point out





I’m very sorry though I did not understand the prosthesis inquiry. All the others have a standing in fantasy and in mythology. I just don’t see the need for another dog or hyena faced race.

Crimson Jester wrote:
FenrysStar wrote:

Couldn't edit my entry here but I did fix it on the note pad entry and submitted it to the database.

And Crimson, if it were that simple then why do we have the half human races and halfings? Or Drow? Or Duergar? Or Derro? Aren't they just humans with prosthetics?

Races 101 via wikipedia

See Also
I would also point out





I’m very sorry though I did not understand the prosthesis inquiry. All the others have a standing in fantasy and in mythology. I just don’t see the need for another dog or hyena faced race.

I don't see the need for humans quite frankly.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

We've already got a precedent for a simian race in the Mwangi Expanse; the charu-ka.

I support this, as soon as plausible! I must play a talking Gorilla! A Gorilla Psion!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Drakli wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

We've already got a precedent for a simian race in the Mwangi Expanse; the charu-ka.
I support this, as soon as plausible! I must play a talking Gorilla!

There's also the Derhii, the flying apes from Crucible of Chaos, though they are probably a bit too high-powered for PCs, at least compared to other PC-equivalent races.

Drakli wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

We've already got a precedent for a simian race in the Mwangi Expanse; the charu-ka.
I support this, as soon as plausible! I must play a talking Gorilla! A Gorilla Psion!

would you name him grodd?

MerrikCale wrote:
Drakli wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

We've already got a precedent for a simian race in the Mwangi Expanse; the charu-ka.
I support this, as soon as plausible! I must play a talking Gorilla! A Gorilla Psion!
would you name him grodd?

[mojo jojo]" Professor: Please disregard first note. I have Blossom. Come alone to my lair. Do not bring Buttercup or Bubbles. You must come without them! When you arrive, you must not be accompanied by anyone, especially Buttercup and Bubbles; they are to remain uninformed by you by not telling them anything. Remember, Mojo know you no fool, so come alone without Buttercup or Bubbles, by yourself, with no one with you, alone, yourself."[/mojo jojo]

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
smaller][mojo jojo]" Professor: Please disregard first note. I have Blossom. Come alone to my lair. Do not bring Buttercup or Bubbles. You must come without them! When you arrive, you must not be accompanied by anyone, especially Buttercup and Bubbles; they are to remain uninformed by you by not telling them anything. Remember, Mojo know you no fool, so come alone without Buttercup or Bubbles, by yourself, with no one with you, alone, yourself."[/mojo jojo][/smaller]

Wouldn't that be a monkey with Artificer levels?

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