What's your Drop-Everything Movie?


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Shadow13.com wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Shawshank Redemption.
All that man-rape kind of makes the movie a downer.

"Squeal like a pig BOY!"

Deliverance - Another pretty good movie that's easily identified and hard to stop watching... like a car accident or a train wreck or car accident on a train wreck.

Scarab Sages

Sebastian wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:
kessukoofah wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
PulpCruciFiction wrote:
Back to the Future.


Damn. Damn.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

I'm confused. What do you have against such a great movie?

That's a Dr. Brown quote when he, in 1955, is waiting for Marty to show up for their attempt to send him back to 1985. He looks at 3 different watches muttering 'damn' more and more times.

/end nerd mode


Yup! I love Back to the Future, and typically I will stop and watch whenever I find it on the air (particularly if it's near the end - I absolutely love the climax).

*Facepalm* Ya, I remember now. Don't know how I forgot in the first place. Time to borrow my brother's box set again.

Also, that make much more sense then you disliking the movie.

Shadow13.com wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Shawshank Redemption.
All that man-rape kind of makes the movie a downer.

Well I'd like to tell you that Andy fought the good fight and the Sisters left him alone. But prison is no fantasyland.

PsychoticWarrior wrote:
prison is no fantasyland.

Wait...prison isn't a fantasyland?

It's not a place of magic and happiness?

How come I'm just now hearing about this?
Why hasn't anybody told me about this until now?

All these years...I've been living a lie.
My dreams have been crushed.

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So you are saying that women's prisons are not filled with stunning, sweaty, young, scantily-clad, oh-so-repentant bad girls and the beautiful but domineering female guards who watch over them in an atmosphere of unbearable sexual tension?


Dark Archive

Shadow13.com wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:
prison is no fantasyland.

Wait...prison isn't a fantasyland?

It's not a place of magic and happiness?

How come I'm just now hearing about this?
Why hasn't anybody told me about this until now?

All these years...I've been living a lie.
My dreams have been crushed.

This really doesn't seem to be the thread to try quoting the movies that are being discussed.

Zombieneighbours wrote:
But the winner is Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain

Yes! Great movie!

I like the part when the blind man "levels up".
You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.

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Bill Lumberg wrote:

So you are saying that women's prisons are not filled with stunning, sweaty, young, scantily-clad, oh-so-repentant bad girls and the beautiful but domineering female guards who watch over them in an atmosphere of unbearable sexual tension?


Hardly. It's mostly meth-heads with black eyes and no teeth.

Fortunately, I don't spend very much time in prison because I made sure to max out my ranks in Escape Artist.

PulpCruciFiction wrote:
Shadow13.com wrote:
PsychoticWarrior wrote:
prison is no fantasyland.

Wait...prison isn't a fantasyland?

It's not a place of magic and happiness?

How come I'm just now hearing about this?
Why hasn't anybody told me about this until now?

All these years...I've been living a lie.
My dreams have been crushed.

This really doesn't seem to be the thread to try quoting the movies that are being discussed.

Oh, don't worry.

That wasn't a quote, it was just a really bad joke.

Liberty's Edge

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This is IMO one of the best fantasy films ever made.

Shadow13.com wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:
But the winner is Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain

Yes! Great movie!

I like the part when the blind man "levels up".
You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.


Amélie wrote:
Let me help you. Step down. Here we go! The drum major's widow! She's worn his coat since the day he died. The horse's head has lost an ear! That's the florist laughing. He has crinkly eyes. In the bakery window, lollipops. Smell that! They're giving out melon slices! Sugarplum, ice cream! We're passing the park butcher. Ham, 79 francs. Spareribs, 45! Now the cheese shop. Picadors are 12.90. Cabecaus 23.50. A baby's watching a dog that's watching the chickens. Now we're at the kiosk by the metro. I'll leave you here. Bye!

Sovereign Court

Oh and Incredibles, that gets me every time.

Dark Archive

Shadow13.com wrote:

Oh, don't worry.

That wasn't a quote, it was just a really bad joke.

Right, but what your joke was responding to about prison being a fantasyland was a quote; I wasn't sure you had caught that based on your response. Based on that and the fact that someone misunderstood Sebastian's Back to the Future quote earlier, I just meant that there wasn't a great record of people recognizing movie quotes in this thread. Sorry for the confusion.

Liberty's Edge

Kemper Woodlock wrote:

Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Better of Dead
Lethal Weapon 1 or 2
Princess Bride

Wow, 80% compatibility. Although I suppose that goes up to 82% since I'll stop on Baron if it's the scene where Uma is painted into the wall...

Also, Princess Bride, original 3 Star Wars, Star Trek II, IV, VI, A Clockwork Orange, a bunch of other that have already been mentioned, Grifters, Blow, Crimson Tide, True Romance, Spaceballs, any pre-90's Bill Murray movie, any John Belushi movie other than 1941, any John Hughes movie, Serenity, (damn, it's a wonder I ever get anything done in life), most Paul Newman movies, especially The Hustler, The Color of Money and Slap Shot, The Jerk, and a bunch of other movies.

Even really bad ones.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Bill Dunn wrote:
Breaker Morant

+1. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and bump it to the top of the queue.

My own list would include 13th Warrior and any Bond movie, the older the better.

Charlie Bell wrote:
Bill Dunn wrote:
Breaker Morant

+1. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and bump it to the top of the queue.

And speaking of Breaker Morant, star of the movie Edward Woodward just died today. He was 79. I'm definitely breaking the movie out tonight and tossing it in the DVD player.

Jurassic Park, Apollo 13, Thirteen Days, Winged Migration, Star Trek: First Contact, Jackson's LotR trilogy, 1950's Day the Earth stood Still

Dark Archive

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Shadowborn wrote:
If I come across Big Trouble in Little China, then I find I'm unable to change the channel.

Glad to know I'm not the only one. :D

But another one for me is Ghostbusters. It's on, I watch it.

Dark Archive

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Jurassic Park
Fifth Element
Super Troopers
Dark Knight
Batman Begins

Just can't get enough of those...

The Exchange

The Sea Wolf (Edward G. Robinson/Ida Lupino)
Soylent Green
The Omen (Gregory Peck/Lee Remick)

It's weird that two of those three movies have Edward G. Robinson in them...I think he must be transmitting a cultural truth to me, or something.

A true story: "The Sea Wolf" was on tv, and our new dog had just run away. All of my family went out looking for our dog, and I sat on the couch and I thought, "I need to see this; the dog can wait."

Also, I once watched "The Omen" three times in a row, straight. Then I took a break for dinner/bathroom, and then sat down and watched it a fourth time.

We don't have an aerial but everytime my niece watches "Monsters Inc." I feel compelled to join in. Also "Air Force One" with Harrison Ford. I love that film. Happy Gilmore too. I don't know what it is about "Happy Gilmore." I've even seen the French version before those were included on DVDs.

Silver Crusade

Big Trouble In Little China
Horror of Dracula
7th Voyage of Sinbad

Wow, now I know I'm not alone in the world reading all of the previous posts. I probably have more than one, being a film buff, (including most of the ones mentioned before: Star Wars (ep. 4-6), Star Trek, Princess Bride, Kurosawa films, Blade Runner, Alien & Aliens, and so forth).

I was going to say 'Master and Commander' but I just realized that there is one (or rather three) that are my ultimate stumble-upon and watch to the end movies.

A Fistful of Dollars
For a Few Dollars More

and, of course, the ultimate:

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.

Fantastic. I didn't realize I had winners in this category. But those are also the most likely to be a weekend movie on a lazy Saturday afternoon (or night). Plus, there used to be a Clint Eastwood marathon every time I went to stay with my Grand parents, so any of those (plus 'Where Eagles Dare') is a sure winner and feel good movie in my book. No baggage, just great, stark storytelling and happy memories.

So awesome.

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any Jason Bourne

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

Ghostbusters, 13th Warrior, Back to the Future, Any Star Wars movie, Fifth Element, Boat that Rocked, The Batman, Any movie from Cornetto trilogy, the Incredibles and Willow.

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Space Balls, Young Frankenstein, The Patriot

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5th Element and Space Balls despite not being my favorite movies are rewatchable for me, and I don't generally rewatch a movie until years after the first time I saw it.

The Exchange

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Pirates of the Caribbean, AKA the best adventure movie ever made.

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Bryan wrote:
Airplane! or the Naked Gun

Damn right! If you don't drop whatever you are doing to watch Leslie Nielsen at his best, you have no soul!

Only exceptions are cases where your life is in risk... And only because dying would stop you from watching the movie anyway.


Beetlejuice is mine.

The very first movie I ever owned on VHS, I liked Beetlejuice for most of my life.

I can pretty much recite the dialogue from memory, but it still makes me feel cheerful to watch Bee- er that movie. :P

Grand Lodge

Highlander, dazed and confused, and pretty much any classic war movie(bridge too far, longest day, devil's brigade)

I've got quite a few, but the major ones for me are:

The Crow
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Pirates of the Carribean (First one only)
He Died With A Felafel In His Hand

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O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Dark Archive

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Nice to see all the 13th Warrior love! That movie bombed hard, and yet is one of my favorites.

Also Sahara, Labyrinth, The Incredibles, Rock & Rule, The Avengers, either Captain America, Aliens, Big Trouble in Little China, Tequila Sunrise, Highlander, The Muppet Movie (the original), The Crow, Prophecy, Vamp, The Thirteenth Floor and Lost Boys.

If I had to pick one, it would be Sahara or the first Captain America movie, both are feel-good movies for me.

Silverado, Blazing Saddles, Hunt For Red October, Glory, Apollo 13, Princess Bride, The Magnificent Seven...

Dark Archive

Mad Max and The Road Warrior
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
John Carpenters - The Thing and Halloween (I or II)
Pretty much any Harryhausen - Gwangi, Sinbad movies, Jason and the Argonauts
Them! (doesn't get much airplay these days)
The War of the Worlds (Original - as Them!, isn't really on the tube much anymore).
Taxi Driver (rarely on)

I own all of these movies - some in multiple DVD format, but yes - when they are broadcast on the TV as part of programming - idk what it is I just want to watch them. Maybe since I saw most of these movies on TV as a kid so there is something to them coming on as programming and wanting to watch them without my deciding to put them on (Blu-ray, DVD).

Hell, in SoCal in the mid 80's they would play Mad Max as the "weekend movie" on Channel 9 - and that would mean once in the morning, once in the afternoon and again the next day. And I watched it each time. That, the Family Film Festival and Kung Fu theatre formed my early concepts of film entertainment.

There are a few more that escape me right now but of course when they come on I will be paralyzed in front of the tube.

Publisher, Forest Guardian Press

Movies I will drop everything for:

The Road
Mad Max 2
Mad Max 3
Silent Running
Seven Samurai
28 Hours Later
Salute of the Jugger
Conan the Barbarian
Appleseed Ex Machina
Appleseed Alpha
Final Fantasy
FInal Fantasy VII
House of Flying Daggers

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Any Ghost in the Shell, not just the movies.
Thor Dark World

O Brother Where Art Thou?
Nightmare Before Christmas
13th Warrior
Princess Bride
Any starwars
I'm sure I've forgotten some.

Princess Bride
Blazing Saddles
History of the World, Part I
..Screw it, nearly anything by the master we call Mel Brooks
Hang 'Em High
Captain America (especially the early scenes before he becomes Cap)

Dark Archive

Ooh, I forgot A Fish Called Wanda! There's a few comedies that I love and will watch repeatedly.

A Fish Called Wanda
Better Off Dead

Oooh, yeah A Fish Called Wanda is on my list.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Someone dropped this thread into The Lazarus Pit. Love it.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Trying to keep it brief -
Star Wars "Empire Strikes Back"
Five Element Ninjas (aka Chinese Super Ninjas)
Mystery Science Theater: The movie (aka riffed This Island Earth)
Flash Gordon
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Big Trouble in Little China

Blade Runner

If I see that it's on TV I immediately grab my BluRay and pop it in.

People still "channel surf"?

Boondock Saints, V for Vendetta, 13th Warrior, among many, many others.

I don't really watch TV, but these movies I'l watch pretty much any time for any reason.

Crimson Tide
The Empire Strike's Back
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Spy Game
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Terminator 2
Street Fighter (So bad that it's good)

There are a few others that used to make the list, but have been ruined by extended cuts that I vastly prefer. Kingdom of Heaven for instance.

Sovereign Court

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Kids in the hall; Brain Candy

Irontruth wrote:
People still "channel surf"?

Yeah I still have cable for NFL and the EX loved the movie channels. When I come home from drinking I enjoy the random factor.

Sovereign Court

Pan wrote:

Kids in the hall; Brain Candy

Irontruth wrote:
People still "channel surf"?
Yeah I still have cable for NFL and the EX loved the movie channels. When I come home from drinking I enjoy the random factor.

That makes sense. I never watch TV these days, but if I ever get a flatscreen TV and some good cable, I might.

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