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Has anybody done any conversions to the Iron Kingdoms Setting from Privateer Press. I'm thinking about doing this, but if someone else has already started the process I'd like to see what you've done.
I'm working on a Gun Mage conversion. It's a rough draft and it's a teensy bit geared to a specific campaign setting I'm building.
But I'm working on it, if you'd like to see it.

gigglestick |

scranford wrote:Has anybody done any conversions to the Iron Kingdoms Setting from Privateer Press. I'm thinking about doing this, but if someone else has already started the process I'd like to see what you've done.I'm working on a Gun Mage conversion. It's a rough draft and it's a teensy bit geared to a specific campaign setting I'm building.
But I'm working on it, if you'd like to see it.
Please, let us see it!
IK is one of my favorite settings.

Lucifer Draconus II |

I'd love to see some conversions of IK for PF RPG.
I said in another thread I'd love to see Paizo or Green Ronin liscence the IK setting & create a PF based version of the setting. But instead of two big $50 books , create one big $50 book of crunch with a solid overview of the world. Then release a series of $20 gazateers covering the various nations individually.

Weylin |
Only movement I have seen regarding iron Kingioms is not what I would call support. That was relasing them as PDFs.
Personally, I never understood why they went out ot print. I keep running across many serious fans of that setting...both Iron Kingdoms and Warmachine. Including a few who mixed the two...Military Campaign using Warmachine for the battles and Iron Kingdoms for the RPG.
I would love to see the whole setting reworked for Pathfinder RPG myself.

Weylin |
They did what GW did with their Warhammer Fantasy setting & more recently with their WH 40k rpg.At least they had the good idea of liscencing them to companies willing to support them.
Makes me wish Privateer Press woudl do the same with Iron Kingdoms and let someone else deal with it and actually support...a book on mechanika and two monster books is not supporting a setting to me.

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Orannis wrote:scranford wrote:Has anybody done any conversions to the Iron Kingdoms Setting from Privateer Press. I'm thinking about doing this, but if someone else has already started the process I'd like to see what you've done.I'm working on a Gun Mage conversion. It's a rough draft and it's a teensy bit geared to a specific campaign setting I'm building.
But I'm working on it, if you'd like to see it.
Please, let us see it!
IK is one of my favorite settings.
It's really NOT too much of a change. Still needs work and there's 5 dead levels I'd like to figure out something for, ideally.
The basic philosophy I had going into this: Rune Bullet is a boring ability. Yes, it does a lot of twink-licious bonus damage, but it is about as interesting as a Commoner.
Here's my version:
Rune Bullet: At 3rd level, the Gun Mage develops the ability to convert his spells into magical energy which he then imbues into a bullet. He may, as a free action, lose any 1st-level spell to imbue one bullet currently loaded in a firearm he wields with a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 round. At 6th level, and every three levels thereafter (9th, 12th, 15th, 18th) the enhancement bonus, level of spell sacrificed, and number of bullets imbued increase by 1 (For example, a 6th level Gun Mage could sacrifice a 2nd level spell to imbue up to two bullets with a +2 enhancement bonus, or a 1st level spell to imbue up to two bullets with a +1 bonus). Note that you cannot grant an enhancement bonus of greater than +5. You may, instead of an regular enhancement bonus, give the bullets any of the various ranged weapon enchantments applicable to ammunition. To do this, you must bestow at least a +1 regular enhancement bonus.
Sorry, for the pseudo-official-handbook talk, I want to be clear but am kind of in a hurry.
Anywhosit, with a spell progression identical to the bard, the result is that you attain the next level of Rune Bullet the level before you gain access to the next level of spellcasting, which creates a nice little progression IMHO. I also think this makes the ability more interesting, while making the Gun Mage feel a bit more like a "Gun Sorcerer" being able to adapt magical offense on the fly.
The only other thing I did was give them a slightly more generous bonus feat progression. The thing I most need is some sort of sweet, Pathfinder-style capstone ability at 20. Suggestions please!
Here it is:
("Dead" Levels marked with a *)
(Bard Spell Progression)
1 Arcane Focus, Bond With Magelock Cantrips
2 Reinforcing Runes 1st Level Spells
3 Rune Bullet +1
4 Bonus Feat 2nd Level Spells
6 Rune Bullet +2
7 3rd Level Spells
8 Bonus Feat
9 Rune Bullet +3
10 4th Level Spells
12 Rune Bullet +4, Bonus Feat
13 5th Level Spells
15 Rune Bullet +5
16 Bonus Feat 6th Level Spells
18 Rune Bullet +6
20 Bonus Feat

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Great info! I've been toying with the idea of kitbashing IK into PF myself and will gladly throw out what I come up with for comparison notes and such as I get it all together. I also agree that IK would lose something integral to its very spirit if it were ever redone for 4e.
I see whats meant about IK slowing down. They still seem to support Warmachine/Hordes well enough, but I agree...more support beyond the odd mini for IK would be nice, especially with the new stuff they keep bringing us for WM/H. Still, easily my favorite setting since the original Dragonlance.

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Hmmm...looking over the Character Guide at the different races just now and something occured to me. The Races of Men in the Iron Kingdoms carry Optional Ability Adjustments according to their ethnic backgrounds. I used these when I was running IK, has anyone else used these optional adjustments?
In light of the conversions we are working on, I am thinking that such adjustments add a good deal of flavor and help to differentiate between the varying nations of Western Immoren. To that end, it may work to give humans in PF_IK these adjustments instead of the standard +2 to any Ability that humans normally get in Pathfinder. Whats says the majority?
As for the other tweaks IK humans get, I am still looking over those and comparing them to the closest things I can get in PF and will post something in regards to that in the next few days. Bloody work and all taking away from my game time...lol...alas, I do have to have the income so I can continue to pay Paizo's bills. ;)

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I agree wholeheartedly. There was a lot of thought that went into the monsters for IK and they all have a lot of spirit to them. I know some aspects of IK may seem under or over powered in comparison to other settings, but things balance out when used in conjunction with the intended settings. Of course, there is also the age old stratgem of the DM Caveat to tweak a monster, npc or some such when applying it to another setting or if its just a particularly nasty example of its kind. Ask me some time about my friend's creation affectionately known as "The Damned Thing" ;)

Dance of Ruin |

There was a conversion attempt going on a the old PP forums (here), but you would have to be a registered user to download that particular attachment. I don't know if the forum still accepts new users, though, as they relaunched their web site & forums a while back.
Also, the word is they are developing an in-house rules system they feel is more in line with the world of Immoren. It's gonna be a while until it's out, though.

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Golarion will experience steam and mechanika at some point... Give me time. ;) Technology of all forms will soon be within fingertips reach - gotta finish my submission for PF on mechanoids and tech-dominant planes, tech traits, etc. ;)
Any recommendations on something specific that you just NEED to have covered? I will try my best to put as much together as I can cram into it. ;)

Xaaon of Korvosa |

The forums over at privateer are still active and accepting new people. Just log on through their site and see if you can find the conversion from there.
those look like 4e conversions?

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Time for some necromancy..
Though it's probably already been confirmed elsewhere, I just wanted to say:
Last summer, when I was looking for the WG and CG, I emailed PP about supporting 4e or PRPG, and they replied to me that they were, in fact, making their own rpg.
I also wanted to ask if there are any other attempts at converting IK to PRPG.. With Ultimate Combat being playtested, and they have a Gunslinger.. An alchemist was brought to us via the APG.. it seems more and more likely that not much work really must be done..
Except bringing power armour and mecha in the game..
If anyone has more conversions, please feel free to post here =)

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Part of the problem is that neither company (Privateer Press nor Paizo) will ever officially support this, which really bums me to no end, since I love both products and both settings.
With the advent of the APG and now the ulitimate gunfighter class, I can see easier adaptations occurring of the 3.5 material that PP did put out.

Helic |

Part of the problem is that neither company (Privateer Press nor Paizo) will ever officially support this, which really bums me to no end, since I love both products and both settings.
Sigh. I loved Iron Kingdoms setting, bought the rulebook, but ultimately there are far too many really bad rules in that tome. Pathfinderizing it would be a huge improvement. Almost every rule in the IK setting was IMO done backwards; firearms were overcomplicated (Craft: Small Arms and Concentration skills required???), mekanica was stupidly overcomplex, and Warjacks were both too expensive and too easy to kill (Crush Construct spell, a 2nd level spell that does 1d6/level to constructs), Cleric healing limits that weren't very limiting, insanely limiting resurrection rules, feats that should be Prestige Classes and Prestige Classes that should have been handled by feats...I could go on and on.

Firstbourne |

I've taken ideas from the IK world and applied them to my game, but I never considered a full conversion.
IK were one of the best settings that I ever read - the world was amazing and the attention to detail blew me away.
Unfortunately, the people at Privateer seemed to have made their decision that minis are where the money is at, and have abandoned the RPG side of things.
I had the opportunity to meet the Privateer staff at Origins several years ago - great people, I just wish they stuck it out and kept the RPG stuff alive.

Helic |

IK were one of the best settings that I ever read - the world was amazing and the attention to detail blew me away.
Unfortunately, the people at Privateer seemed to have made their decision that minis are where the money is at, and have abandoned the RPG side of things.
I had the opportunity to meet the Privateer staff at Origins several years ago - great people, I just wish they stuck it out and kept the RPG stuff alive.
IMO they did the right thing; Warmachine is one of the better tabletop minis games out there, and they couldn't translate their ideas for Iron Kingdoms to a RPG without breaking the D20 system in one way or another. Steampunk fantasy works a lot better as a minis game.
And from what I recall they were doing the RPG as a means to raise cash to do Warmachine in the first place. I don't think their plan was to abandon their RPG line, but when push came to shove, a business has to follow economic reality.

Cergorach |

PP are right, miniatures is where the money is, cheaper to develop, cheaper to make (white metal allows for short production runs, books do not), and most miniatures folks want to have more then one of (what would you want of two of the same adventure).
Did PP really translate IK to D20 or was it made with D&D in mind? They could have easily gone the Spycraft route if they wanted deeper changes, would have sold as easily as any of the other D20 products at the height of the D20 era. But I would like to point out that before there was Warmachine, there was IK D20, we're talking about years (RPG 2000, Warmachine 2003).
The reason PP started with IK D20 instead of WM is because at the time the D20/OGL was at it's hight, If you made the right products, your books could just as well have been made from gold leave. I don't know if it was enough of a success to finance WM, but at the time it might not have been the best time to launch a new miniature game, all the eyes were on D&D/D20/OGL and Magic in 2000, not to mention that the biggest player on the market (GW) was bussy with the LotR miniature game.
I love IK, it's a shame that my old RPG group didn't like Steampunk. I now also enjoy WM. Would like a PF version for IK, even if it only was a well made fan conversion.

Dice in a barrel |
I agree with the general theme that IK was a good setting, but the rules somewhat hit and miss, better as a wargame.
A lot of questions need to be answered in a fan conversion tho, eg:
-Should characters be allowed greatcoats for a small AC bonus and no penalty?
-Should different types of humans (Caspian, Khadorian) gain additional bonuses+penalties?
-Should warcaster be a basic or prestige class?
-How to balance the magi-tech items
To be honest, I think that the release of the gunslinger class may herald new ideas along the steampunk/pulp style of play.
Perhaps amateur gunslinger feats could be made better, simple guns not require an EXWP feat, while newer, more powerful firearms are gunslinger only without an extra feat.

Helic |

I agree with the general theme that IK was a good setting, but the rules somewhat hit and miss, better as a wargame.
A lot of questions need to be answered in a fan conversion tho, eg:
-Should characters be allowed greatcoats for a small AC bonus and no penalty?
I should think greatcoats are armor without requiring a proficiency in such; i.e it's +1 armor bonus without spell failure or ACP. With the caveat that you can't add enhancement bonuses to it (because it's technically not armor, but basically a robe).
-Should different types of humans (Caspian, Khadorian) gain additional bonuses+penalties?
Build regional types as if they were non-humans (+2 in X and Y, -2 in Z), but allow a 'non-regional' option that operates like a normal human (+2 where you want it), while still getting the other regional bonuses. This makes a certain 'type' for regionals while not crippling someone who wants to be from that region but with a class that depends on "Z".
-Should warcaster be a basic or prestige class?
Definitely prestige. Warcasting (that is, using spell pool/whatever to influence warjacks) should be a Feat (available at 3rd level or 2nd level spells), while being a full Warcaster should be better at it. This way you can make junior warcasters (feat only) and full warcasters (prestige class).
Oh, and those Feats like Greylord? They should be prestige classes.
-How to balance the magi-tech items
Thought long on this one previously. My best solution:
Ditch 'standard magic items may take HP' and 'double cost'. Make Mekanica CHEAPER than standard magic items by a large factor. They're a hassle to design and have lots of limitations (skill requirements, design limits, power sourcing, etc.), so being a lot cheaper is a better solution than "Normal items might take your Hit Points away!"
Constructs should be a LOT cheaper. Not quite 'expendable' cheap, but definitely not Golem-range expensive. Counter this by making 'jacks dumb enough to be combat ineffective unless they have a Warcaster backing them up. This makes 'jacks good for labor/industrial where they can be micro-managed by their user, but not for battle without daddy warcaster (perhaps they only get partial actions like zombies). How exactly to pull this off I'm not sure, but maybe a Warcaster's influence boosting a 'jacks STR/DEX and BAB, adding combat feats and base movement. A lot of this could be spread across a prestige class of 10 levels. For example, the basic warcasting feat might look like this:
Warcaster [Combat]
You have attained a mastery over the arcane energies that drives 'jacks.
Prerequisites: Profession: 'Jack Handling 3 ranks, able to cast 2nd level Arcane Spells
Benefit: Select one 'jack within 30' that you have gained command of with the Profession: 'Jack Handling skill. This 'jack may take Full Round actions (or a Move action and an Attack actions) so long as it remains within 30' of you. That 'jack also gains a +2 enhancement bonus to its STR and DEX while in range.
You may use the Profession: 'Jack Handling skill on this 'jack as a free action rather than a Full Round action.
Normal: 'Jacks may only take partial actions. Using the Profession: 'Jack Handling skill requires a Full Round action.
Now that you have this, the Warcaster prestige class can build on it. Command more 'jacks, increase the range, handle more than one 'jack at a time, increase the STR/DEX bonuses.

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Constructs should be a LOT cheaper. Not quite 'expendable' cheap, but definitely not Golem-range expensive. Counter this by making 'jacks dumb enough to be combat ineffective unless they have a Warcaster backing them up. This makes 'jacks good for labor/industrial where they can be micro-managed by their user, but not for battle without daddy warcaster (perhaps they only get partial actions like zombies). How exactly to pull this off I'm not sure, but maybe a Warcaster's influence boosting a 'jacks STR/DEX and BAB, adding combat feats and base movement.
Perhaps making the Warcaster a prestige class with something that functions similar to a Summoners eidolon?
You could even have your Warcasting feat as a prerequisite. And have 'jack handling an ability of the WC instead of a tacked on skill..

Mark Norfolk |

I agree with the general theme that IK was a good setting, but the rules somewhat hit and miss, better as a wargame.
A lot of questions need to be answered in a fan conversion tho, eg:
-Should characters be allowed greatcoats for a small AC bonus and no penalty?
-Should different types of humans (Caspian, Khadorian) gain additional bonuses+penalties?
-Should warcaster be a basic or prestige class?
-How to balance the magi-tech items etc.
I for one found the mechanika rules terrible. When I was thinking of restarting my IK campaign I was planning to use the simpler Steam and Steal instead.
While making conversion notes I realised there's not a lot of steam in the steampunk setting.Cheers

Darkon Slayer |

I realised there's not a lot of steam in the steampunk setting.
Which is why I don't use that term when I play or run a campaign that is like that, I know its a bit Long winded, but I prefer to call it " magic meets the industrial revolution" I don't know why or when it got started being called steampunk, but I just don't like that term.

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Mark Norfolk wrote:Which is why I don't use that term when I play or run a campaign that is like that, I know its a bit Long winded, but I prefer to call it " magic meets the industrial revolution" I don't know why or when it got started being called steampunk, but I just don't like that term.I realised there's not a lot of steam in the steampunk setting.
Magicpunk works, don't you think? ;)

Helic |

While making conversion notes I realised there's not a lot of steam in the steampunk setting.
Sure there is, it's just not small scale steam. Steamjacks are powered by steam. Locomotives are powered by steam. Industrial equipment is driven by steam. Warcaster armor was the smallest thing driven by steam. Adventurer gear...not so much.

Mark Norfolk |

Mark Norfolk wrote:Sure there is, it's just not small scale steam. Steamjacks are powered by steam. Locomotives are powered by steam. Industrial equipment is driven by steam. Warcaster armor was the smallest thing driven by steam. Adventurer gear...not so much.
While making conversion notes I realised there's not a lot of steam in the steampunk setting.
That's it. The adventurers don't use 'jacks and large scale industrial equipment much, if at all. They may ride on steamboats, they may ride on the very few locomotives in the IK but of the 'tech they'll encounter will be powered by accumulators: batteries for magic items which are charged by arcane spell-casters. The adventurers need to feel the steam a little more than when they use mass transit vehicles.

Wallsingham |

While I really hope someone does a conversion for IK, it's just so friggin daunting a task, I don't think it will ever happen.
Warmachine has killed the IK RPG. It was too much of a cash cow to spend time on the RPG.
My group had just finished The Witchfire Trilogy and were getting ready to go after Vinter and his Skorne buddies!
I bought all those books and then my game was put on hold as everyone got deployed, married and new jobs.... by the time I had the group ready to go again, PP had moved on and we gravitated to PF instead of 4E.
Miss the gritty, gnarly, hunky, clunky goodness that was Iron Kingdoms!!
Long Live Julian Hellstrome, Father Dumas and King Leto!!!
Have Fun out there!!
~ W ~

Helic |

That's it. The adventurers don't use 'jacks and large scale industrial equipment much, if at all. They may ride on steamboats, they may ride on the very few locomotives in the IK but of the 'tech they'll encounter will be powered by accumulators: batteries for magic items which are charged by arcane spell-casters. The adventurers need to feel the steam a little more than when they use mass transit vehicles.
I'm a little confused by this. Do you want magic items powered by steam technology? You're looking at something the size of a small backpack and in the order of 50 pounds. You might get it down to 5-6 pounds if you assume that magic can be powered by toy-grade steam tech.
Besides, steampunk does not equate to 'everything powered by steam'; it's more of an early industrial revolution aesthetic (with a touch of fantastic stirred in). Nothing wrong with early electrical devices in your steampunk setting either...which is basically what all this mekanica stuff runs on. Magic batteries.

Mark Norfolk |

Mark Norfolk wrote:
That's it. The adventurers don't use 'jacks and large scale industrial equipment much, if at all. They may ride on steamboats, they may ride on the very few locomotives in the IK but of the 'tech they'll encounter will be powered by accumulators: batteries for magic items which are charged by arcane spell-casters. The adventurers need to feel the steam a little more than when they use mass transit vehicles.
I'm a little confused by this. Do you want magic items powered by steam technology? You're looking at something the size of a small backpack and in the order of 50 pounds. You might get it down to 5-6 pounds if you assume that magic can be powered by toy-grade steam tech.
Besides, steampunk does not equate to 'everything powered by steam'; it's more of an early industrial revolution aesthetic (with a touch of fantastic stirred in). Nothing wrong with early electrical devices in your steampunk setting either...which is basically what all this mekanica stuff runs on. Magic batteries.
I have no problem with accumulators generally and I know what steampunk is - but I don't think the IK is it it (in a literary sense). But to a certain degree there should be more technological items around for the party to interact with and see the social impact of - mechanika or otherwise.
Besides, the mechanika construction rules are awful.

Fnipernackle |

if anyone seems interested i can post my armored-engineer core class which gives you a power armor you get to customize and choose what powers it. i can either give the link to the thread where its posted or the link to the class if anyone at all wants me too.
id like to see a gun mage conversion. i may do one if i dont like the spellslinger in UC and i may even make my own gunslinger class if the UC version is similar to the playtest (i hated the fact you couldnt pick deeds like a magus does arcana).

BlackKestrel |

yes I have a compleat conversion from Iron kingdoms to Pathfinder, the only class not converted is Warcaster but I see that as an NPC class
Link? After reading Ultimate Combat and Inner Sea Magic I am starting to get the itch to do a conversion to PF from the old 3/3.5 rules and I hate to duplicate work that has already been done.

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I'd love to see some conversions of IK for PF RPG.
I said in another thread I'd love to see Paizo or Green Ronin liscence the IK setting & create a PF based version of the setting. But instead of two big $50 books , create one big $50 book of crunch with a solid overview of the world. Then release a series of $20 gazateers covering the various nations individually.
I would absolutely buy in and so would my group!

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Lucifer Draconus II wrote:I would absolutely buy in and so would my group!I'd love to see some conversions of IK for PF RPG.
I said in another thread I'd love to see Paizo or Green Ronin liscence the IK setting & create a PF based version of the setting. But instead of two big $50 books , create one big $50 book of crunch with a solid overview of the world. Then release a series of $20 gazateers covering the various nations individually.
If you all can post it would be greatly appreciated or email me. My email is in my profile. Thanks in advance I love Iron Kingdoms!

BlackKestrel |

After looking at all the IK to PF conversions I could find on the web I decided to make my own as most were incomplete in one way or another. You can get the conversion document here. Please note that this is only the first version with more changes and updates planned. After I am happy with the state of IKCG conversion (and some NQ material) I will tackle the Liber Mechanika, Five Fingers, No Quarter and Monsternomicons mostly likely in this order.
Comments welcome
This thread is cross posted on the Privateer Press forums

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Found the following:
Gun Magus homebrew
Finally, this homebrewer has created a Gun Magus archetype that might be worth considering, if you’re allowed homebrew. The ability to “shoot spells” is still quite limited, again falling quite short of what the Arcane Archer can do, but you get grit, deeds, and spells. Furthermore, ErrantX is one of the best d20 System designers out there right now: his homebrew has long been widely regarded as some of the best out there, his long-running homebrew PrC competitions have been wildly popular and have produced some incredible work, and he currently is a professional RPG author for Dreamscarred Press, hired as the Lead Developer of their forthcoming Path of War supplement. If you’re unfamiliar, Dreamscarred Press is responsible for Pathfinder’s psionics system, and are, themselves, extremely well thought of. ... They certainly have superior design skills."
The source link:
http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/28743/how-can-i-build-a-caster-who-f ires-spells-through-their-guns-or-magic-amplifiedThe Gun Magus Archetype
Gotta say, ran my 7th/6th Gun Magus/Gunslinger (Pistoleer) through Tomb of Horrors in my local group's game yesterday and it was MAGICAL. The combination of Gish with Grit was nothing short of awe-inspiring.
There's some extra bells and whistles with that because the character has a rich history but the point being, the Archetype, when applied to Magus is SOUND. Almost a perfect conversion of -everything- I wanted for my old Gun Mage character from Iron Kingdoms d20.
I am also perusing your work Black Kestrel and can I just say, "Thank you" for taking the initiative!