Lucifer Draconus II's page
42 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
DougErvin wrote: jeremy.smith wrote: Marc Radle 81 wrote: One important question though ... are you saying the only option for an actual print copy of this will be print on demand? In other words, there will not be a traditional print run so people can purchase a copy here through Paizo, in a store etc?
I just wanted to make sure I was clear on this point
That's the current plan. Our last run into the book distribution world was a big monetary loss for us.
If the sales go well, we may try going into distribution, but at this time, print on demand is our plan. I can live with print on demand either through Lulu or Amazon.
Doug So can I .. now it just needs to be released so I can order it :P
RunebladeX wrote: well i guess im one of the rare GM's who like an overly fleshed out setting. to me the point of playing in a campaign setting is to explore someone else world and take on fantasy and to have the design done for you. If i have to go about building up a world i might as well design my own.
now i know it would be unfeasible to map every city and hamlet but i don't think it is unfeasible to have a few maps of say, the kindom capitals or biggest cities.
"We've looked at boxed sets and they're just not economically feasible. In order to produce a box set on par with the Forgotten Realms box set for Golarion, we'd have to charge $100+ for it and I don't imagine we'd sell enough to make it worth the time and investment to produce and print it."
i would easily pay 100-150 bucks for such a campaign setting. and i think others would too. when you keep in mind all the books that would be needed to purchase to get just a little more info on a few things it could easily go into the 300-400 dollar range for all those other books. And the other books would still sell. even if the campaign setting had more info on varisia for instance and a city map or 2 i would still purchase a completely detailed book on varisia.
I don't want to shell out $100 to $200 for a campaign setting.. but there seems to be plenty of extra info on various regions in Golarion in the PF Companians & Guides to.. books.Sure I'd like a regional map of each covered region , which wasn't done in the origional book. It wouldn't hurt to have a basic map of a key town or city for each core kingdom , to be fleshed out later in a companion. I liked the book but wished there was a bit more info but it wasn't nessessary.
I love RIFTS & have since it first came out. Sure there are issues with balance but that's delt with with restrictions. I also will convert to SDC the next time I run it. One of my DMs won't run it because he believes it's broken even though he likes BtS & Palladium Fantasy 2nd.I think he main problem is he wants a game that covers ALL rule callings he may have to deal with..he's admitted as such.Plus he doesn't like some of the super powerful OCCs in the game (most are in supplements like Dimensional books). All has to do is not allow them & keep it core. That & convert to SDC. I'd love to get him & the group to play in RIFTS for 6 months with me GMing. I'm not great..it's been a decade or so since I ran any game, but I think I could pull it off.
Weylin wrote: When it comes to an Asian setting for Golrion, I would rather see all original from Paizo than reworking of someone else's asian setting (Kara-tur/Rokugan) anyway. So I am glad those are both pretty much or entirely off-limits.
Never thought TSR or Wizards handled Oriental Advantures all that well myself. I will admit, a lrage part of that is I am a lot more critical when it comes to asian settings. Legend of the Five Rings, Qin" thw Warring States and Sengoku top my list of Asian settings. L5R more than the other for developing an original world based on Japanese culture (with a dash of Mongol in one case) and Chinese geography. The other two were great in incorporating the mystical into primarily historic settings.
Wonder how compatible Heroes of the Jade Oath would be with PFRPG.
I like Kara Tur mainly for nostalgic reasons. LoFRs.. is ok, but I'm not big on learning a new rule set. I'd have bought the D20 version but was pissed that they used the L5R setting instead of the original KT setting. I wanted an updated version of that to add to my FR campaigns. That won't happen now so I'll wait for Paizo's Tian Xia books. How is the Qin: the Warring States RPG ?
Lilith wrote: I think it's been previously stated that a Pathfinder Chronicles Companion book wouldn't be enough to do justice to Tian Xia, and would likely be a hardcover book. If so, I'd buy that if they go that route. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for it.
They did what GW did with their Warhammer Fantasy setting & more recently with their WH 40k rpg.At least they had the good idea of liscencing them to companies willing to support them.
Zaister wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Why do you have to have a specific one for a Tian Xi setting? The ones they have already in Golarian work just fine.
[Goes on about Golarion goddesses]
He said goodness, not goddess. :)
Personally, I would rather not see half a year's worth of product dedicated to pseudo-east-asian stuff when there's still so much left of Avistan and Garund to explore. And beyond these continents, I'd very much prefer to see Arcadia or Casmaron explored than Tian Xia. A Tian Xia AP wouldn't be nessessary but a PFC Companion giving a in depth overview on the lands & people would be choice.Then eventually further Companions eventually dealing with the individual cultures in more detail.Then a AP or series of APs set in Tian Xia.
Xaaon of Korvosa wrote: James Jacobs wrote: Eventually, yes... there'll be an Adventure Path that goes to Tian Xia. And there'll be plenty of associated books to support it. We can't use Kara-Tur or any of the other WotC material, though... which just means we'll have to come up with our own. Which is fine with me. What about L5R stuff? WotC licensed that from AEG, So could you license it from AEG also?
Although I'm sure Paizo-created OA would be awesome too! And I'm thinking Paizo created Tian stuff would incorporate all the cultures, not just Japanese culture...Which I would welcome. From what I've read in the PFCS book, the various Tian subraces cover various different Asian cultures. The Tian-Dan seem to be based loosely on the Vietnamese , while the Tian-Min on the Japanese , the Tian-Shu the Chinese.. I don't know about the Tian-Sing .. possibly Tibetan & the Tian-La as Mongolian . This is mainly based on the sample names given in the PFC book's write up on the Tian.
On a side note it looks like I'll have to change the name of my Pseudi-Chinese Empire from Tian-Long to something else or maybe not grrr LOL.
I'd love to see some conversions of IK for PF RPG.
I said in another thread I'd love to see Paizo or Green Ronin liscence the IK setting & create a PF based version of the setting. But instead of two big $50 books , create one big $50 book of crunch with a solid overview of the world. Then release a series of $20 gazateers covering the various nations individually.
Because I want official Tian Xia goodness :) I have the main PFCS but would like to see more official info on these lands & peoples. I don't want to do the work myself & then when Paizo comes out with theirs , then have to scrap mine.I know I wouldn't have to scrap it but I'd prefer to use an official supplement I can then tweak for my own use.
Also I'm working on my own Post Apocalyptic & Fantasy settings for use with another game system so I don't have time to work on my own version of Tian Xia for PFC.
James Jacobs wrote: Eventually, yes... there'll be an Adventure Path that goes to Tian Xia. And there'll be plenty of associated books to support it. We can't use Kara-Tur or any of the other WotC material, though... which just means we'll have to come up with our own. Which is fine with me. Cool any idea when such a product especially a Pathfinder Chronicles Companion for Tian Xia will see light of day ? I prefer the PC companion as APs are out of my price range currently.
Must clarify.. I wasn't asking Paizo if they could use OA/KT stuff for Pathfinder. I was just saying I loved the old Kara Tur/OA stuff & was wondering ... when there might be a Pathfinder Chronicles Companion &/or Adventure Path based in Tian Xia as I want some Oriental goodness for PFC.
Is there any plans for a Pathfinder Companion &/or a adventure path ( with Players's guide) based in Tian ? I love the old Oriental Adventures & Kara Tur stuff for AD&D . I want some Tian goodness for Pathfinder RPG & the Pathfinder Chronicles setting.Gimme Gimme!!!
Nice I can't wait to see it. I'm planning on getting the omnibus asap. I'd love to see a serious remake of Conan done now with a good actor. With a story based on the actual official Conan mythos not the 'newer' ones .I could actually see Gerald Butler as Conan LOL.
I'm looking for a potentual new group to try Pathfinder RPG group or players from the Portland metro-area (if possible on the westside Beaverton/Hillsboro).I prefer to play PRPG with the Miniature/Tactical combat & movement rules NOT used as I don't like those rules. I don't want to rely on using miniatures , battle grids n' such just to play combats. I'd also like to be able to play RIFTS , Robotech or some other game every once in awhile.I prefer to be a player but wouldn't mind running the occasional pickup game from time to time. I prefer to game on Friday nights , Sat or Sunday afternoons. I won't be able to start until mid-Dec. as my current Sunday group is still going. Once they start the diceless Super Hero game I'm dropping out of the group.
Love the comic series but never played the RPG. I'd love to try it but not sure I could get my gaming buddies to play it. Maybe if let them try out the comics first but then I'd have to find a copy of the RPG.Personally I wish he'd have gone OGL with it first , as it might've caught on then.
I play in a bi-weekly RM2/C game. My GM uses stuff from D&D/D20 & even Pathfinder in his game. I like it alot. I'll check out your pathmaster wiki asap. I was working on a Eberron conversion but got sidetracked & may end up using a conversion from a member of the ICE boards instead.
insaneogeddon wrote: Cool unique assorted witch abilities would have to be: removing ones eye to spy, potion use, western hex or eastern evil eye type curse mechanic, some sort of flight via a proxy object ability (be it a broom or a carpet or a house if your powerful enough or some other dead organic type thing), an extra nipple with which to feed your familiar and gain power and see what your familiar saw, a cauldron that can melt anything, immunity to disease (yet still visually effected and a carrier), the ability to steal breath from sleeping/unconscious people, being considered a friend/unhassled by all vermin, the ability to bestow your consciousness into other things and ride along (making occasional suggestions), some abilities limited too or some bonus at night doubled on the full moon, maybe an immunity to lycanthropy and a hate or kinship and the ability to curse people with it, the ability to network with other witches in series.. thats all I can storm up. I like this for a Witch especially this part'an extra nipple with which to feed your familiar and gain power and see what your familiar saw,' at least for 'Evil'/Chaotic Neutral Witches/Warlocks with lesser Demon/Elemental based familiars.It fits the whole mythology of Witches thing.
jeremy.smith wrote: seekerofshadowlight wrote: Case in point the DD had a d12 , but medium BAB. To make it match they raised the BAB to full, thus bringing it in line with the rule Wrong.
DD has an average BAB, not a full.
EDIT - and just in case this argument comes up again, I've put together a blog entry to explain our logic, where all our precedents came from, and why we did it this way - blog post link
This way, I don't have to retype it - I can just link to it.
EDIT2 - the summation of my blog
Jeremy Smith wrote:
The clear precedent in the Pathfinder RPG is to leave it intact. We can't increase BAB, because no class had its BAB changed (positively or negatively). We can't decrease its HD, because no class had its HD lowered, only increased. We can't increase its HD, because the BAB doesn't call for it and only existing classes should get d12.
The precedent is set by the Dragon Disciple, who kept his d12 HD and his Average BAB, breaking the HD/BAB rule, but implementing an overarcing corollary to the rules above - if a change to bring something in line with the Pathfinder Design Paradigm would mean taking something away, don't do it.
This is the logic that left the Soulknife at d10 / Average BAB.
Just read the blog entry... I see no problem with this. Quibbling over one minor change that can be changed to how you'd prefer it with minimal work..I just can't understand. You don't like it wait for the official Pathfinder Psionics book. I don't have access to the XPHB so I either have to 1) wait till Paizo publishes their own Psionics rules , 2) buy a 3pp book , like Dreamscarred's upcoming book or 3) use the 3.0 PHB & hope I can deal with the needed conversions if I run a PFRPG based Eberron campaign.I'll choose option #2, especially if Dreamscarred's Psionic Book for PFRPG turns out as good it seems to be turning out.
I missed the cut off on the poll but voice my choices here .
Wishful fantasies :
1)Kara Tur - I'll have to wait for the Tian supplement.
2)Al-Qadim - I'll have to wait for the appropriate PFC supplements.
3)Greyhawk - Closest we came was Troll Lord's GG's Castle Yasyg (Sp?).
4)Eberron - Being used by WotC & I hope they don't butcher it like they did with FR.
Loved to see Paizo liscence & update for PFRPG :
1)Talaslanta a favorite.. I'd even go for Paizo just updating the default system or reprint 4th ot 5th ed.
2)Iron Kingdoms in co-operation with Privateer Press , but revise it so you don't need to purchase two $45+ books. One $50 CS book with rules specific to the setting & solid info on the world , including a basic gazateer to the lands.Then produce smaller $20 gazateers focusing on indevidual lands in more detail.
3)Scarredlands. Great setting & a great fit for PFRPG.
I don't have the Beastery yet but can't wait to get it. I don't mind it not having 'Monsterous PC' rules beyond the advice.Though I do like playing some MPCs like Drow , Genesai & Tieflings. If I want to play them I'll use the FR setting & the rules published in the FR supplements. If I want to play monsterous races such as Orcs , Hobgoblins n' such I'll play in Eberron setting. If I play in Golarion (sp?) I'll play standard races or Tieflings , using the rules in PF adventure path player's guide that includes them.
Would I like to see a Monsterous PC book ? Sure but I'm not biting at the bit for it.I didn't like the Savage species book , just to confusing.If as a DM & a player wants to play a monsterous race, i'd 1) decide whether it'd work in the given setting I'm using at the time . 2) If not, deny the request or 3) If it would work, come up with rules so he could play it & it wouldn't break the game.
Question: Does the Beastery have stats for Genesai ?
That's cool.. having certain PDFs combined into one themed book would work, especially the races of/enemies of idea..cool.
Looking forward to this, can't wait!
LMPjr007 wrote: Lucifer Draconus II wrote: I saw online a reference to LPJ Design doing a Pathfinder RPG capatible version of NeoExodus ? Is this being worked on & if so , when do you think it'll be released? Also if it is, will there be a POD version through LULU or just a PDF ? There is a Pathfinder version of NeoExodus: A House Divided coming. I would say by spring 2010 (but since my wife is pregnant, this date might change GREATLY!!!). There will be a POD version and a PDF version. I am interested to know would you like the PDF to be exclusive to Paizo.com Store only or all the PDF stores as normal. Let me know... Thanx for the reply. Congrats on the upcoming new addition to the family. The PDF doesn't need to be exclusive to Paizo.com unless Paizo requires it to be so, which I doubt they would.Next spring or hopefully summer would be awsome. Would the Pathfinder NeoExodus be just the campaign setting book or also include future conversions of the supplements ? Have you thought of putting up a Neoexodus setting wiki like what's been done for Pathfinder ?
Weylin wrote: David Fryer wrote: Capt. D wrote: I would love to see a Rifts style game using the Pathfinder rules.The idea of dimensional rifts were used in at least one d20 game, in MC's WoD, throw in some robotic armor, cyborgs, space ships, a few alien races, make it completely compatible with PfRPG and you have a setting that could allow for nearly any style of game. d20 Modern tried, but didn't quite pull it off. One of the things my group didn't like about d20 modern was the lack of actual classes at 1st level. None of us liked the fast hero, smart hero, that just feels too generic. Plus we almost never use prestige classes, so waiting till higher levels to be the class you want to be kind of put most of my group off of the game.
I spend a small fortune on Rifts books and if I my group could play the same type of games using our default system, I could save a lot of money.
I'd also like to see a zombie, supers, steampunk and pulp setting. My primary concern would be that any other genre would have to the same rules and not just be "compatible". I want to be able to use materials from PfRPG product X in product Y without any conversion or modification. If I want to create a mixed genre game where one player is a modern super, another is a fantasy fighter, some one is an alien bounty hunter and someone else is a cyborg, they can all work under exactly the same rules. I would like the rules and power levels of the PC's to be as equal as possible.
I know that if anyone can make this work it is Paizo.
It just occurred to me that the other settings, classes, etc could be released as a subscription like the PF Companions and Adventure Paths. A quarterly line of 100 pg books called Pathfinder Alternatives, or something much cooler, could be much better than actual full blown rule books. Each issue could focus on certain a certain setting, you could subscribe or only buy the issues that pertain to the settings you want. +1 I loved the concept of Rifts. I loved the setting. I loved the character... I love RIFTS too.. why didn't you just convert to SDC ? I am if I ever run it again.
Back to topic:
I'm all for :
1) P-A setting such as James' setting.
2) Zombie Apocalypse inspired by Deadworld.. magic , demons & intellegent Zombies riding Harleys ..Hail King Zombie!!! Mature rating a must ;)
3) A Space opera ispired by Star Wars, Warhammer 40k & Dune.
Erik Mona wrote: I'm curious.
Please choose one of the following. I'd appreciate it if you could elaborate a little bit on your thoughts on the following question, if you would.
1) I am interested in a "Modern" Pathfinder RPG because:
A) I specifically prefer the rules conceits of d20 Modern (Fast Hero, Smart Hero, etc., talent trees, other mechanics stuff).
B) I am excited by the idea of a "Pathfinder" Modern RPG, regardless of mechanics.
If the game becomes as successful as it appears it may, something like this is definitely within the realm of possibility in the medium to long term.
Please pick one of the choices above and expound a bit on the way you voted the way you did.
B... though I wouldn't mind a strictly Pathfinderized ModernD20 game I do want some changes especially to the wealth rules...I want money not wealth roles. It's one thing I dislike about Buffy/Angel & the WoD games.Plus I don't want to be tied to an organization unless it fits the setting I choose to run or play in.Plus rename the lame classes..strong, quick ??? What kind of class names are they ? Get rid of the miniature/tactical combat/movement rules...my biggest gripe with 3.0/3.5 & it's kin.
I'd love to see a PFRPG based version of Jame's game..I love post-apocalyptic games. In fact I'm working on my own for use with ICE's old Cyberspace rules.
I'm re-reading RA Salvatore's Icewind Dale trilogy. I'm almost finished with 'Streams of Silver'. I'll take a brake after 'Halfling's Gem' & read Richard K. Morgan's ' The steel Remains' before reading more of RA Salvatore's 'Drizzit' novels.Drizzit is one of my favorite Characters. I'm not sure how many more FR novels I'll be able to read since I'm not big on the changes to the setting.
I saw online a reference to LPJ Design doing a Pathfinder RPG capatible version of NeoExodus ? Is this being worked on & if so , when do you think it'll be released? Also if it is, will there be a POD version through LULU or just a PDF ?
deinol wrote: James Jacobs wrote: The central idea of "Unspeakable Futures" is that a great apocalypse hit the earth, and in the wake of that event, the Lovecraftian monsters and Great Old Ones took over the world. The apocalyptic landscape's now a deadly place of robots, monsters, magic, psionics, cultists, and several Great Old Ones who have established domains on Earth—and whose very presence causes reality to change. For example; in Ithaqua's domain, there's a never-ending winter. In Hastur's domain, the city of Carcosa has infested the world like a parasite. In Tsathoggua's realm, the dead come back to life in true zombie apocalypse style. And so on.
It's a hoot!
I was mildly interested in hearing about your project before. After reading this, I would definitely buy it!
Where do I sign up for the "Unspeakable Futures" subscription?
;) I'd buy this LOL. Would it be compatible with the PFRPG or have a version of the rules in the main product ?
All my friends & I have pronounced Drow rhyming it with Cow. Never heard of the Dro thing.. sounds like a pot refrence to me :P
For me.. since I don't own the PFRPG yet other than the beta PDF.. The thing I dislike is that they kept the horrible Miniature/Tactical combat & movement rules grr. If they included them it should've been as strictly optional rules with 'Official' rules dealing with movement in combat in a non-tactical manner. It's the thing I hate most about 3.5 rules & now Pathfinder RPG.I'll buy the PDF for now & get a usedcopy of the print version later when I can better afford to.
I like Psionics in my fantasy . Eberron is one of my favorite settings in part because of how they intergrated psionics into the setting. I don't have the expanded PsHB , nor am I going to buy it for $40+S/H. So I'd buy a Paizo Psionic book. Not sure about a Paizo-ized ExPsionics HB though but , as I said I don't own or have not read ExPSHB I can't debate it's merits. If I'm going to buy & support Pathfinder RPG , whether I use the Pathfinder Chronicles CS or FR or especially Eberron I'll want a Paizo Psionics book at least somewhat compatible with the previous rules.
Ok cool thanx. I'll look into ordering the PFC CS asap.
So BN.com picked a older image & looks like the other ISBN number was added in wrong (I think), as the main page has the correct ISN but wrong cover image. Is there a paizo product with the ISBN # ISBN: 1601251122 ? Just clarifing so I don't get the wrong item , it's happened before. Thanx.
Here's the link to the page on BN.com with the ad. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/used/product.asp?EAN=2694185846089&Itm =1
I don't want to order the wrong product.
I'm looking to buy the PFC CS online but the ISBN number & cover doesn't match. The ISBN is : ISBN: 1601251122
The cover has a couple giants on it. Is this a 2nd printing of the PFC CS ? Any help is appreciated.
no no no..PF 1st ed. nearly perfect..it's tainted by evil miniature/ Tactical combat/movement rules...e-v-i-l!!! Where as PF2nd ed. without the evil M/T C/M rules..utter perfection LOL
Nice. Thanx... now I just have to wait until Paizo publishes aarrrggh the waaaait! LOL
No new edition of PF.. for at least 10 years IF that. If they do, the ONLY change I want is getting rid of the evil miniature/Tactical combat/movement rules grrr. The reason I won't buy the HC PFRPG is 1) $50 price tag & 2) MiniatureTactical combat/movement rules.I'll buy the $9.99 PDF till I can find a used cheap version of the HC.
Just watched #5 & can't wait till #6 is up. Thanx.
Sweet. I really enjoyed the videos. When are the last two going to be posted ? I'm so jonesing for PF fiction LOL.
I want Pathfinder fiction... be it novels , short stories or comix. How about publishing a anthology like GW's old 'Inferno!' . It had several short stories , plenty of good art & a few short comics to boot. Have it come out quaterly & have one or two trilogies a year in addition to it & it'd be golden. Anymore news on the Cunnimgham stories ? I think a a anthology like 'Inferno!' would be awsome. I'd collect & read them often.It would also be a way of testing the water with unknown or newer authors & artists. That & be a way to see if longer comics would be desired.