So I'm mapping out an Aldori Swordlord to play for PFS and I'm trying to decide on the last level for the build right now it looks something like this before buying any items:
Male Human Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) 10 Monk (Master of Many Styles) 1
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +0
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 80 (10d10+1d8+11)
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +5 (+3 vs. fear); +4 to avoid being knocked prone
Defensive Abilities bravery +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed strike +14/+9 (1d6+2/x2)
Special Attacks weapon training abilities (heavy blades +1)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +10; CMB +12 (+14 Disarming); CMD 27 (29 vs. Disarm, 31 vs. Trip)
Feats Combat Expertise +/-3, Combat Reflexes (5 AoO/round), Crane Riposte, Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dazzling Display (Sword, Aldori dueling), Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sword, Aldori dueling), Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snake Fang, Snake Sidewind, Snake Style, Stunning Fist (3/day) (DC 15), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Sword, Aldori dueling)
Traits Issian Noble (Brevoy), Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +17 (+21 to avoid being knocked prone), Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Profession (Bodyguard) +14, Sense Motive +17
Languages Common, Goblin
SQ ac bonus +0, fuse style (2 styles), stunning fist (stun), unarmed strike (1d6)
Other Gear You have no money!
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +0 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Bravery +3 (Ex) +3 to Will save vs. Fear
Combat Expertise +/-3 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Reflexes (5 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Crane Riposte When you deflect an attack, you may make an attack of opportunity
Crane Style Penalty when fighting defensively reduced to -2 and dodge bonus increases by 1.
Crane Wing May deflect one attack per round while fighting defensively or using total defense
Dazzling Display (Sword, Aldori dueling) Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Fuse Style (2 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe
Improved Disarm You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when disarming.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Issian Noble (Brevoy) +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Sense Motive checks.
Snake Fang If opponent misses you, make an attack of opportunity as an immediate action
Snake Sidewind Gain a bonus to avoid being knocked prone, and use Sense Motive check to confirm critical hits
Snake Style Gain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks
Stunning Fist (3/day) (DC 15) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Stunning Fist (Stun) (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This conditio
Unarmed Strike (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Weapon Training (Blades, Heavy) +1 (Ex) +1 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Heavy Blades
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So if anyone could give me some advice one way or the other I would really appreciate it.
So without any of the specifics on why I'm asking the question, I know that by RAW a character cannot wield a weapon that requires more than two hands to wield, but can you use the weapon as an improvised weapon?
So can my Titan mauler with throw anything throw a huge greataxe, and if so could that same titan mauler with catch off guard use said huge greataxe in melee? (using improvised dmg and crit of course)
Adamantine Dragon wrote: Every single day when I log into these forums and read a post I come away thinking "Thank the RPG Gods that I have spent an entire 30+ year gaming career somehow, inexplicably, against all odds, playing with kind, decent, intelligent, compassionate, witty, creative and cooperative human beings."
Who knew they are so rare?
I will thank them all again today in my latest campaign update for being who they are.
Thanks Ciretose and others for reminding me how fortunate I am.
You are very fortunate, I just hope the next place I move to will have people that are far nicer gamers
Idk at my table the only Gm is a jerk but he is the glue that holds us together, if he isn't running the group falls apart in less then one game no matter which of us runs.
So why do we keep letting him treat us like crud? He is the only game in town.
So my first character for pfs has retired and now I'm looking at creating a new character. I was thinking of creating a multiclassed sword saint samurai/ swordlord fighter. He would focus on burst dmg and intimidation, I just don't know how viable the build would be.
I would greatly appreciate the great and powerful master creators of the advice forums looking over some of the features of both classes and seeing if you see the same synergies I see or if I've failed my will save vs illusions
Me I've been practicing martial arts for over 20 years, so while I would Luke to agree that I would be an npc class something tells me I'd be wrong. I'm currently emploied as a crime scene investigator with my ms so I'm not stupid. In my off time I teach martial arts. I enjoy a heavy affair with music, and used to perform ... So without further ado here is my block
Monk (sensei)/bard(investigator)
Str 12-13 I've never claimed to be strong.
Dex 14-17 depending on how you assign stat bench marks
Con 14-15 just cause I'm in pretty good shape.
Int 16-19 again depending o. Where the benchmarks are.
Wis 16- 17
Cha 14-15 people generally like me
yes I have a compleat conversion from Iron kingdoms to Pathfinder, the only class not converted is Warcaster but I see that as an NPC class
I love the this idea so much I'm thinking of making a gnome alchemist just so I can this
Thank you for all the good advice, I appreciate all of it, and apologize for not responding quicker, time has been tight around here.
First off I want to say that the reason I chose the Wolf Shaman druid is because I like the flavor of the archetype. So I don't think I'll be changing that aspect of the idea, but I appreaciate the options presented that would make the build easier with different divine classes.
Second in regard to the arcane class, I'm not too picky about what class or archetype but I will say I want something that fits within the scope of the character, Which is a Mystical Wolf Shaman that blurs the line between arcane and divine. So I'm looking for options for an arcane class that mix well with the Druid spells.
With regards to what the GM is allowing us to draw from, as I understand it only pathfinder books are being allowed.
As for party roll I plan on picking up the slack as party healer/buffer while my companion acts as a combat support character.
Finally, Druid and Mystic Thurge class levels are completely non-negotiable, I can live with not having 9th level spells in either class if need be.
Again thank you for your assistance in this matter, I greatly appreciate it.
when I acualy get to play a character I want (as aposed to what the party needs) I play monk/???
I like monks and mesh thm well for what ever I end up going with in the end.
And yes I've even done a (ex)Monk/(ex)Barbarian it was fun.
So I want to build a mystic thurge with druid and sorcerer levels insted of the usual claric/wizard or claric/sorcerer.
so far my druid is a buffer druid of the wolf arctype. all i'm looking for is a sorcery bloodline that is inherintly naturey wihout all the fey stuff conveluting everything.
any help and/or Constructive cirtisism would be helpful
Thank you
Okay I like the idea and while several other people have given good sugestions I wuld give different ones.
First, if being slot less increases the cost by 200% and being completely unique is a discount of about 200% then that balances out. But I wouldn't give a discount for learning a technique from someone because what works for one person won't work for another.
Second, the technique can't be traded out ever. Okay, so one you know it it is yours forever. At the same time it can never be stolen, sundered or broken. Well if you want to give a discount for learning the technique then yes it can be stolen. A dishonest monk can spy on a master using a particular technique and steal the secrets of the technique. The technique can be sundered if you lose a body part, you have to learn to use it without the body part by "crafting" a new one paying 50% of the original price (you just lost a body part, you have more important things to worry about.) For can't be broken, well if you break something then you can't use the technique till the broken bone is healed. So if you keep the discount for being taught, you should get rid of the fact that the technique can't be stolen. (as I would suggest)
Third, anything that would make any prepared caster forget a spell for the day should make the monk lose the technique permanently, disjunction, no but any sort of mind effecting spell that can make someone forget something would be really dangerous.
Fourth, Having Secret technique a free feat for all monks it far more dangerous than anyone realises, either that or I missed something, all it would take is for someone to be an equipment monk to throw the entire thing out of whack. Instead, it would work very well as a feat with the prerequisite of UM VOP and ki pool.
Finally, and this is one thing I think would bring everything together. make it so that all techniques are supernatural and duration sustained, so you can't use two techniques at once. If you want a bonus to wis and energy damage at the same time, too bad. Unless you create a technique that gives both at the same time. But this stipulation might make the cost of inventing techniques drop a bit.
Those are my suggestions, I hope everyone has a nice day.
Personally if it was me a lethal whip would still require exotic weapon proficiency.
At the same time I'm having the same problem, and the short answer is that unless you build that style yourself there are none that work well. Me personally I circumvented this by having a high Dex specializing in throwing weapons then taking the Archery style.
Of course for the high Dex I had to sacrifice and I sacrificed int meaning no improved trip/disarm.
And I tend not to attempt to disarm I trip from 15 ft away meaning no AoO unless I'm adjacent to a different enemy.
Mysterious Stranger wrote: I don't think the GM's problem is math, I think it is reading. He obviously misread the trait. No it is math but not how you think, he had us all roll backgrounds and in mine I go starting gold x10 and with my starting gold being 900 from rich parents I should have gotten 9000 not 10000 but he is standing by that.
Now he apparently doesn't allow magic items to ever be bought, nor does he allow items made of special materials to be bought, if you want an adamentine ax either you have to find one, or you find adamentine and make it yourself.
I bought a shop and my background already has me as a noble with a huge amount of farm land outside of town. So I'm thinking that I need to keep as much of the money I can, because if the City is ever attacked I'm gonna need to fork over the cash to repair my fields.
but i really don't want to live large or buy everybody their stuff.
I guess I could hand over a large protion of the gold to the church, I hate undead and haveing them on my side would be a great thing to have.
Well it is offical I can't buy equipment made of special materials, and after buying Masterwork everything I can and even buying a military trained heavy hourse and equipment for that I still have 8523 gp left.
Is there anything else You woul suggest.
Jadeite wrote: Doesn't Rich Parents just increase the characters starting wealth to 900 gp? That's what I thought but gm did the math and gave me 10000
And I have 2 reasons for keeping my light armor,
First, 4 words, plus five dex bonus. even with mithril the highest dex bonus medium armor can accommodate is +5 with a armor check penalty where as my studded leather armor accommodates +5 and only has a -1 armor check penalty before I make it masterwork.
Second, again the Gm said no magical items I don't think he will allow special materials to be used.
Sorry I probably should have said that, I'm a duel whip fighting Ranger. built with point buy, I have a 20 dex, 18 with a +2 racial bonus, and bare minimum for everything else, Favored enemy is undead.
It isn't the most optimised build but it is a very strong support character, ie after my turn enemies are either prone or disarmed.
I guess i could go master work weapons and armor but the lack of metal equipment makes things like mithril and adamantine difficult. besides if magic can't be bought I doubt special materials will be different.
I guess I could run for mayor retire the character and just make a new one with less money.
hey everyone, so my GM started a new game a few weeks ago and ran everyone through a little background randomization, I had finished my character and had taken rich parets as one of my traits. When my turn came up I rolled and started with 100x starting gold.
I started the game with 10000 gp and a build that used less then 100.
The first thing I bough was a store to sink some money in, but the GM says that it costed a total of 100 gp to buy and costs a total of 20 gp a month to maintain.
So now I have a fully funtioning store that makes me 40 gp a month, and 9780 gp left to spend. and after a few weeks I still haven't made a dent in that starting money.
I would have started the game with magic weaponsbut the GM says you can't buy magic weapons or items.
I need help I don't know what to do with the money, someone please help me to blow my money.
The way I handle it is that HP doesn't represent how many times your character can take getting stabbed in the chest or having an ax embedded in your head, it represents the energy the character has to use to actively prevent the blow that would have killed him to land.
So against Low lv pee-ons as the heroes land that killing blow they smash through the enemies weapon/shield/armor (equal chance d3), making it useless.
But that is me so feel free to light the fires of the flames.
Just to be clear Enought of the rest of the group has had it with his GMing style that I've taken over, I have a funny stoy about how he couldn't belive that a cr 4 encounter couldn't challenge a Party of 5 4th lv characters and 1 lv 1 and 2
But essentialy long story short, I used a CR 1 giant spider to confuse and ultamitly kill a character (compleatly on accident, I go out of my way to keep characters alive without letting them know) when another character set the fire phobic web entangled fighter on fire. It wassn't my fault my players did it.
Well I took a try at play testing the samurai at starting level.
When the game first started we had ample room to maneuver and The samurai was able to stay mounted on his horse and as such dominated combat.
At this point the GM of the game started to go out of his way to kill the character. (a GM that usually shows his rolls starts to his rolls vs the Samurai and always score max damage)
The next combat took place in a crowded space. The Samurai stood and soaked every hit at max damage until the combat was over. The combat ended with the samurai with one hit point left.
After healing the next combat again had the Samurai taking every hit of damage, but due to the parties work preventing flanks he wasn't hit as often.
Things went along this way until the Barbarian finally decided to join combats. Then she started doing more damage then him and the combats started getting too easy because all the attacks came at the samurai and the party was being ignored.
By the end of the Dungeon the Gm felt that he needed to over power the group by several times the level of the Party. In the final Combat, the BBEG Crited and maxed out damage (42, 2 0ff from dead dead) and When the Samurai used his resolve to stay up and make an attack the GM looked over the rules and eventually just declared that a rock from the ceiling and killed him.
From the Gm's point of view the Samurai is overpowered and not fair to other classes. So he went out of his way to kill him. But from a players point of view, when we entered the dungeon I felt a bit limited to what I could do.
My opinion I wish there were schools of combat for the samurai, Orders that influence how he fights, but that is just me.
No he is right a Samurai never retreated, they do tactical withdraws.
And Musashi is not a samurai, he is a rounin Kensai, Big difference.
and yes they did wear banners on there back, it was on a pole mounted on their back.
I humbly and graciously accept your opinion as just that, your opinion. I happen to be of the exact opposite opinion and hope that you can graciously accept my opinion.
I would have preferred if the samurai was an alternative class for the paladin, but if Paizo wants a historically accurate samurai, then so be it.
But by the same token I also want a Kensai alternative class for the monk, so I can play the wandering swordsmen.
donald frick wrote: Suggested changes....
Eliminate banner, greater banner and bonus feats
Eliminate mount
Honor Bond: functions like divine bond (mount or weapon) per paladin but gain use and progression starting from 1st level (or possibly 3rd)
Eliminate resolute and unstoppable from Resolve ability
Resolve: functions like mercy per paladin but gain use and progression starting from 1st level (or possibly 3rd)
Give Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats at 2/7 (3/8 or 4/9) level
Give new ability
Unstoppable: functions like evasion but for fortitude and will saves as per "mettle" from previous roleplaying games
All wonderful new classes that I am excited to play test!
I love this Idea, but making a samurai a Cavalier/Paladin Kinda defeats the point.
Yes the class works, you just copy and pasted the Cavalier and to a new book and changed the name to Samurai.
My suggestion would be slightly different based on my views of samurai.
1) Change Orders. Instead of using the Cavalier's Orders class feature create combat arts (Basically the same thing just slightly different, each combat art focuses on a different style of combat and gives bonuses for using that style (i.e. Mounted combat, Archery, twf, thf, skirmish, etc)).
2)Remove Mount, make that either require a feat or taking a particular combat art.
3)Remove proficiency with shields, Samurai view shields as cowardly and dishonorable. Give them a feat sort of like twd but for thf, or something likes the monks AC bonus just earlier in the career(not the Wis to AC).
4)Change Unstoppable, Unstoppable should work something like evasion and improved evasion.
5)Replace challenges, Samurai weapons are sacred to them and should not be tossing out ancestral weapons so that they can get the new hot item they found in the dungeon so instead of having a Challenge Feature like the Cavalier give them the ability to chose either to have the challenge or the ability to upgrade their weapon. Each Combat art should have a challenge feature or a starting masterwork weapon depending on the choice of the Samurai.
Okay, so a guy in my group and I are having an argument about noting at all.
He says that it is impossible to create a pathfinder character with the feel of a videogame character and I'm saying it can be done with backstory and effort.
The bet is I have to build a lv 15 version of either Ryu or Fei Long doesn't matter which, but I'm a bit mor partial to Ryu, I was looking at Ki Mystic for his focus of ki and the flavor just works.
So anywho any assistance would help.
Okay so just to be honest I'm the new guy in this equation, anyhoo, I just joined a group who has been gaming for a few years, several people have had to move and so when I asked if I could step into one of the vacant slots they said yes immediately.
Now comes the problem, I am getting screwed by the rest of the party in a sort of haze the new guy way and i can't do anything about it. I'm a healer and I tend to have everyone leaning on me to survive only to be dropped in the last round. Then they will leave me stable but unconscious while they loot everything, this last time the GM laid out cleric specific items for the loot and when we made it to town the loot was sold and I got 10 gold while everyone else got 20000 that's right 20000!
Out of character I was pissed and I said something, they all just go that that is just something their character would do and I was lucky I was getting anything at all (same from GM).
I'm tried talking to them out of character but that doesn't work, I'm thinking of withholding healing, something which would go against my character's core, and probably result in a TPK but What else can I do?
Subject says it all I just want to know because there is no yes or no answer in the book... unless I missed it
Just cause you know he's a caster before the fight starts doesn't mean every NPC knows he's a caster. Besides your so involved in trying to prove me worng you wouldn't notice someone with a rocket launcher if they were right next to you.
Taunt does work, it is all a question of timeing and distence, like any tactic
No the point is that a taunt only serves to get another person's attantion, any attantion gained because of a taunt is a benifit,so hey thanks for proving my point. APG has the same taunt feat I discribed, it is a simple demoralization check with bluff insted of intimidate.
Besides your thinking that the bad guys now who exactly is the dangerous one "Oh! that guy right there is in the back kill him first before this big guy with a sword shouting at me because the smaller guy is more dangerous" Worst case of metagaming I have ever heard and if it was my game you can bet I would turn that smaller guy into something huge.
btw sorry for my grammer/spelling I'm on my phone
Why do I fudge well because for the last 3 years I've been gaming I have never rolled higher then a ten before modifications for any save, skill check, attack damage, stat, etc.
I know the probablility of this clame (I had to look it up because I didn't belive it was abnormal) But for some reason I keep playing, it got to the point right before I started Fuging that I rolled 6 stat lines in frount of the GM and the Group and had nothing higher then a 6, ya I got free dinner for a week but the fact remained that my first 6 characters all died in the first hour. Now I GM and fuge everything because dice HATE me
So I take it none of you in here has seen a good action movie in the last decade? Wow what a bunch of losers. No wonder your sucky GM's think taunting will never work.
In case you were wondering that was a taunt, and I bet that after reading that someone will immediately post a flaming retaliatory comment about me and my mother. I don't mind because it only serves to prove my point. Yes in a truly militaristic setting taunting will have little effect, the other side is trained not ignore taunts. But in a smaller setting, with a group of adventurers a Fighter, cleric, Paladin, aka Tank character can taught some of the lesser guys into attacking him. Hell if he is a really good trash talker he could probably distract the big baddy too.
It is vary easy to handle with one feet
Use Bluff to make a demoralize check.
Then the GM should just act everything out accordingly
Again incase anyone missed it the bigging of the post was a deminstration of a taunt and in no way represents my views of anyone's GM style or intellegence.
So stop me if I'm wrong but Your looking for a full BAB arcane caster, something like a Paliden or Ranger.
Well then how about Mageknight, and have a unique spell list that imbunes his weapons and armor with special qualities. Severly limit ranged touch attack and Ranged AOE spells and foucus on buffs, and melee attack spells. Let wizards and other casters keep utility spells.
But that is my 2 cents take it or leave it.
P.S. At the same time threads like this just make me think that you are looking at 4th edition for insperation.
well as the topic says I'm thinking of a monk weapon master that uses pistols, he would have 2 and once he shot with them he would use them as clubs till he had a chance to reload.
Any ideas hints or suggestions?
Or on the other side feel free to call me an idiot and why.