Mortika runs Slumbering Tsar (PFRPG)


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Female Human Ranger 7
Mikka wrote:
Mikka looks up at Alia, eyes rimmed red. She nods quietly a guesture at once somber and intense. "You're right. The only way we can do this is together. It's just that...all the vileness here fills me with so much..rage, sometimes I can't think straight I just want to incinerate it. But thank you. It helps to remember that out here none of us is alone in the darkness."

"We are a pack...No, not a pack, we were a pack and you were one. Now because some have died, we must merge and form a single pack. But it will take time. We need direction and purpose for that... Come we must talk to the others."[b]

While we wait for the reclaimers, let's plan our future moves

As the little groups of people fall silent, one after the other, Alia stands up and walks to each of them. [b]"It's time to decide what we will do after they bring back Veren's companion. Let's come together and talk."

While everybody assembles, she instructs Swiftpaws to stand guard and watch for the reclaimers.

"Before meeting the reclaimers, we had planned to go back to the camp. Does it still stand? Nadeq told us he needed things and I also need some special arrows. Afterwards, I suggest we go back to the building where we left Richard and explore it. There may be information inside. What do you say?"

Rasina looks up at Alia, and feels a sense of gratitude flowing to her. Echoing her own thoughts and realizing how much she missed Richard, she replies to the human ranger, "Your plan has merit, I will stand with you on this, Alia. I pray Richard has not succumbed to any of the abominations lairing in the Desolation. We should hurry."



Taking 10 on a Sense Motive roll, if you're actually trying to gain the spirits, you can tell that trying to engage the orc as he's carrying out his gravely wounded and dead companions, would be the wrong time.

If you just want to establish yourself as a lout, so that he under-estimates you, go ahead.



the orc's words hang troubling in your mind. What sort of enclosure would make it 'perilous' to retrieve her, before dusk? Thinking carefully, you sift through an orderly list of the druidic seplls known to you, and come up empty.

Alia, you see a small black lizard, about the size of a squirrel, skitter across the sands, coming from the north. It's moving towards you, with purpose.

Female Human Ranger 7

Knowledge Nature 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22 to know what sort of beast it could be (+2 if it is native of the desolation).

Can it be a sort of animal used for animal messenger or is it poisonous?

Animal Messenger seems a good guess.

It scurries up to Rasina and hisses at her There would seem to be a piece of parchment tied to its body.

"Unto Rasina, staunch ally against the unliving, devotee of aerial flexibility, and mistress of my secret heart, come fond greetings from Richard, the fixed foot of your encompassing journeys.

"I have received word that my holy and noble order has sent me a companion, meaning for me to train him in the ways of battlefield ministry. He arrives here now, and as I am sworn to protect this tomb, he will likely gain but little skills watching me.

"If it be the case that you are still alive, I should send him to you, to further the cause of his education, to provide support for your mission, and to feel the bitterest pangs of envy, so to practice the spiritual exercises that would tame them."

Rasina approaches the lizard, and reads the note. She looks down for a moment, and a couple of tears flow down her cheek. She approaches Artimus and Alia, and shows then the contents of the note. Artimus and Alia can read the spoiler.

Once they have done so, Rasina asks them, "Would this be ok with you, to have him join our band? I can vouch for Richard on this manner, he would not seek to betray us in this manner."

She indicates the lizard, waiting patiently, "I am sure he expects a response, where should we have him meet us? Here or the Camp?"

The lizard looks at Rasina and hops up and down, not-entirely lizardlike.

scanlon, you ready?

Female Human Ranger 7
Rasina Songhair wrote:

Rasina approaches the lizard, and reads the note. She looks down for a moment, and a couple of tears flow down her cheek. She approaches Artimus and Alia, and shows then the contents of the note. Artimus and Alia can read the spoiler.

Once they have done so, Rasina asks them, "Would this be ok with you, to have him join our band? I can vouch for Richard on this manner, he would not seek to betray us in this manner."

She indicates the lizard, waiting patiently, "I am sure he expects a response, where should we have him meet us? Here or the Camp?"

"At he camp will be easier. To come here he will have to cross part of the desolation alone. This is too dangerous if he does not know his way."

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Do you mean me?

Alia Wolfsdottir wrote:
"At the camp will be easier. To come here he will have to cross part of the desolation alone. This is too dangerous if he does not know his way."

"Very well, then. I need some ink and paper to compose a message." Once she has goten the writing supplies from Durnast, she composes a message on a piece of parchment,


Richard, rock of my soul, and longtime soul brother. Your companions aid is eagerly awaited. We can be found at the Camp, at the inn where Tinthariel is located. We will arrive by the morrows arrival. We all lok forward to his arrival.

She affixes the message to the lizard, and says, "Return this message to your master."

For now Veren is still to preoccupied to keep pushing the matter

Male Human Cleric 7

"Yes Richard this is a fine vintage, but I'm bored to death". "How can I carry out the will of Vionir if I never even go out in the sun". "I so hope these friends of yours will be willing to accept my help". "I don't see how you can stand being cooped up here all the time".

Veren glances at the sun - its trek across the sky seems overly slow; even for the Desolation. He looks to the oasis. A mixture of relief and trepidation marring his scant smile. Vilgara... what happened? What do you know? Will things ever be the same again?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Hey folks. This might be a double post, but that's better than none at all.

Please meet me in the discussion thread.

Male Human Cleric 7

Email from Chris everybody.

I wanted to drop this note to everybody in the campaign whose email addresses I could find: I have tried posting in both the PbP campaign and campaign notes threads, multiple times each day, for the past week. Those threads are either "temporarily down" or else the thread eats my posts. (I post to the rest of the boards well enough, although they collapse regularly, too.)

This is terrifically frustrating. If Paizo's web team can't fix the problem, I suggest moving the game to another enviornment. (Contrariwise, it might just be an issue with my internet connection...)

I would appreciate it if someone who can post in the PbP threads would pass along this message.

--Chris Mortika

Male Human Cleric 7

Looks like this game has died, but just in case...I'll be travelling a lot over the next two weeks, but should have Internet every evening (US Eastern Time). Please feel free to play my character, to move along the game as needed

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Well, whether the game is dead or not, I'm afraid my time has gotten tighter, and I have come to a deeply reluctant conclusion, that I can't devote the attention to this game that it deserves. (As well, my supervisor at work has asked me to keep off non-business websites, so that's a limitation, too.)

I encourage anyone who is thinking about taking up the reins and moving with the campaign to do so. I'll be happy to provide the background that I've filled in, and the insights that Greg Vaughan has explained to me.

My apologies for the initial faltering, and in particular for leaving you folks on a hook so long.

Chris Mortika wrote:

Well, whether the game is dead or not, I'm afraid my time has gotten tighter, and I have come to a deeply reluctant conclusion, that I can't devote the attention to this game that it deserves. (As well, my supervisor at work has asked me to keep off non-business websites, so that's a limitation, too.)

I encourage anyone who is thinking about taking up the reins and moving with the campaign to do so. I'll be happy to provide the background that I've filled in, and the insights that Greg Vaughan has explained to me.

My apologies for the initial faltering, and in particular for leaving you folks on a hook so long.


I for once could not take over GMing this PbP. My workload and two little ones at home would not be compatible with the time you need to spend on that. So I would be a fool to call you on that.

I just have to say that I enjoyed myself a lot playing with you and that you brought this setting to live in a fantastic way. So thank you for all of that.

To the other players, if someone wants to take over as GM, I'll be happy to continue. Otherwise, Chris, I'll be happy to for you to send me whatever you've got on the setting and on Greg Vaughan explanations as I am planning to run that gigadventure for the new tabletop group I'm setting.

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