Mortika runs Slumbering Tsar (PFRPG)


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posting for the dot.

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

Durnast is somewhat disturbed at not finding any sign of Jylan or Chyressa's remains. Wasn't there an outside building? Could we also search there, and on "the grounds" themselves? (with Swiftpaw's help perhaps?) If we can't find them, there may not be anything we can do, but Durnast would seriously like to find them if we can before leaving.

Also, perhaps we could load up alot of fire-wood when we leave, to make a funeral pyre with?

Loot Talk:
I am going to lay out how I see the 'best use' of everything, but it's just my appraisal:

3x Ring of Protection +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
There's four AC items here, so we should all get one probably...? Monty already has an identical Natural Armor +1 item, so I think he should definitely get a Ring of Protection. Artimus seems the most 'frontline' type along with Monty, and the Ring would help his Touch AC for sure. Then again, the Rings overlap 100% with Protection from Evil... ???

Undead-Bane Longsword +1
Dagger +1
Unless somebody wants to keep it, I think we could probably sell the Dagger whenever convenient, though having it actually wielded by somebody who MIGHT use it would be prudent until then. I actually think it would be good in-character to keep the Longsword, to remember Jylan, Artimus?

Armor of Puffer-Fish (Leather Armor +1)
2x Small black leather armor
2x Small masterwork rapier
Small master work cleaver
30 Small darts
Was that Puffer-Fish Armor on the guy Monty grappled? Good thing he didn't get to find out, then. Too bad we're not Gnomes or Halflings, this was a cool item. I think most of this stuff can be sold off wherever real gold is used (though the image of a Monk with a Cleaver seems intriguing...?)

50-foot silk rope whoever wants to hold onto it?
spellbook Durnast will be making use of this in my spare time for the near future
Gem of Seeing (True Seeing) I could see taking this, given I can Glitterdust or Dispel invisible or illusioned creatures for everybody's benefit... but if you think otherwise, do share. It's worth quite a bit if we ever need the cash, but in the mean-time it definitely seems useful.
Ring of Featherfall I see Artimus wearing this, given he might have the hardest time climbing up a deep hole with his armor, and I certainly already have Featherfall, while Monty has that Monk juju stufff...?
3x Potion of CLW split between Durnast, Alia, Monty? (Artimus has better healing... I think...?)
Elixir of Hiding this seems like either Alia or Monty would like it...?
Bag of Holding (Small) who knows?

880 iron bits, if we want to leave Tin any money, this would be most useful in town...
1,200 gp
6 rubies (worth 675, 500, 600, 400, 350 275 gp)
masterwork lockpicks everything else: sell for gold whenever, though if I pick up some dimensional space spells or items, could be nice decor for our home on the road...?
two silver urns (worth 20 gp each),
griffon tapestry

Yes, after another hour, Swiftpaws indicates a spot, and you can start digging. After a little while, Hetman the undertaker comes around, and he joins in.

Shortly before noon, you can uncover the bodies of Jylan and Chyressa, each stabbed once, neatly, in a carefully-placed killing blow. Their bodies are bound in straps of hard leather. There are other, less fresh bodies there, too.

Hetman's face is set with grim determination. "Haven't even finished with them orc bodies from last night. Well, never grew fat wishin' for work. I'll bring a cart over for all these folks.

"And you slew the Benderkaupft gnomes as well? Tricky bit there. Couple of months ago, one of 'em took a dislike to a visitor who was shooting off her mouth down at the saloon. He no more looked at her and wiggled his fingers, as she started screaming. Two minutes later, she was dead on the floor. Died of fright, nothing but sheer terror. You could smell it on her."

m Halfling Rogue 3 / Transmuter 3 / Shadow dancer 1

When they arrive at Camp Nadeq sighs and look around.

”I never thought i would be glad to see a hole such as this again, but if i had to listen to one more lecture from those righteous priesty guys we helped, i would have lost my mind.” he says to Rasina and tip his wide brimmed hat to block the sun.

”Things cetainly haven't been still around here, huh? If the rumors are true some new guys killed Gurg. You know, the ugly giant. I guess that act alone makes them some decent guys, but we should keep our eyes and ears open. People like them allways bring trouble.” he says with a knowing look. He lowers his voice ”Oh, and i need to speak with you about something i heard.” he adds glancing at their company. ”But not here”

Raising his voice he says "if you will excuse me, I think it will be wise to find out what has happened here at Camp. See you at our tent in half an hour".

If no one objects he walk around the nearest tent and disappear into the shadows.
stealth 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (6) + 24 = 30
while hidden he cast disguise self on himself. (50 minutes)

A minute later a fat fine dressed gnome with a bowler hat walks out from the behind the tent, walks by the others nodding and tipping his hat and disappear into Camp.

He will spend the half hour to ask some non-suspicious questions about what has been going down the last week.
Diplomacy (gather info) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Rasina looks around the dusty and smelly camp and idly wonders if her parents ever made it up this far north. She hoped not, this place reeked of evil. She shields her eyes from the glare of the sun, and urges her horse forward anyway. she feels the scars of her recent adventures and wonders if she will ever stop feeling the pain and loss.

Hearing Nadeq talking to her, she realizes how glad she is to have him around, he made life more bearable to deal with. She replied to him good naturely, Well Nadeq, I didn't see you turn down any of their meals they cooked for us, so dealing with their lectures is a small price to pay. They are only words after all.

Continuing after a moment she says "Yes, these people do bring trouble, but in a place such as this, trouble finds you more often than not.

Leaning close to whisper to him "I agree, we should talk in private when we get a chance." before she waves goodbye to him.

Edit: She will disguise herself to hide her celestial bloodline before arriving at Camp.

[ooc]Disguise 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13


In this thread, spoilers are set so that any player should feel free to read them, if you can keep player knowledge separated from character information.


You track down the blacksmith, a gaunt man who looks you over very carefully as he converts money for you. 5 gold coins = 1 iron bit.

How much money are you converting?

You saunter into the "Sip o' Blood" tavern, a large, L-shaped common room with a small kitchen and living quarters in the northern wing. A menu on the wall sells assorted drinks and meals of roast pigeon, horsemeat, turtle soup, and coyote, and "daily specials" which appear to include clearly moldy bread.

The Campies gather here to eat, drink, and smoke their foul local pipe weeds to excess. A constant stuffy haze fills the room from dawn until nightfall when the establishment closes. The proprietor of the place, Lucky Bjorc Balsam, runs the bar with the help of six local wenches.

At this point in the day, there aren't more than four or five people there. Not because they're all working, but because most of the Camp hasn't woken up yet. You strike up a passing conversation with two dirty dwarves, who identify themselves as Pak and Weylan.

"The the fools down in Bard's Gate installed an embassy here, of all things, a month ago, in the building on the west side next to Mama Grim's shop. (The building is stout and well-standing, but it had been abandonned ever since the team of pyromanic alchemists sought out the fire snake last season. Crazy bastards, the lot of them. I don't image anyone wanted to risk squatting there; no telling what traps alchemists leave behind.) The city set a man named Sammar here as an ambassador. (It strikes us as the kind of post that the "brightest and best" probably wouldn't be grasping at.)

"In any case, a consortium of merchant guilds decided to send a large caravan north, through the damned lands to trade with whatever kingdoms might lie behind. They came in about five days ago and made all a fuss around Camp, buying things, consulting Pak here (I represented myself as something of a sage, don't you know) and driving poor Finn to drink."

At that, they laugh, and an elf on the other side of the bar looks up, blearily from whatever it is he's drinking. Then he goes back to his cups.

"So, two days ago, the whole lot of them finally head out. Finn sells them the horses he always sells people. (They're good horses, too. They always find their way back here, once their riders are dead.) And there's been this tension in town. The Clantock orc band has been our local cut-throats and mercenaries, a well-established presence. (I would hasten to add, we have a mery lot of cut-throats. Clantock's boys are just pro-active about it.) Anyways, there's also this new gang, the Pounders. Ogres and giants, the lot of 'em. And the Bard's Gate people hire the giants to guard them through the Desolation.

"And yesterday, one of the giants comes stumbling back into town, half-dead, and the orcs are all smug. Last night, one of them raised a cheer to the horros of the Desolation, for making life easier.

"That's the wrong cheer around here, don't you know?

"So, yesterday evening, a paladin and his cohort come riding into town, and they kill the giant. 'Cause he's a giant, I guess. (Actually, I thought I saw him this morning. Hard to miss a giant. But I could be mistaken. People move about in disguises all the time.)
But, so's I heard, the Benders --gnomes, much like yourself-- went and killed him last night. They were over at the Usurer's pretty early this morning."

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Mikka strode into Desolation a bit behind her allies, her mind occupied with numerous thoughts. Until she was more familiar with the area she wished to draw little attention. As such she wore her cloak closed, the hood pulled up. Razorwing holding a pattern high above helped her to feel a little more at ease.

Or as at ease as was possible in a place that reeked of evil and undeath.

Looking ahead of her she saw Rasinia. They had shared blood and battle along with the others, had dug the earth to lay allies to rest. Her normally smiling eyes felt tired from the many tears shed over lost friends.

Purpose had brought her here to Desolation. Purpose to destroy the evil that infected this place. To rectify the corruption of nature that defiled this entire region.

Sub- consciously her handslid over her belly to the birthmark that held Freya's favor.

'Give me strength'

m Halfling Rogue 3 / Transmuter 3 / Shadow dancer 1



I will buy 20 iron bits

”Wrong cheer indeed, my friend. Do you know what this merchant consortium was trading with? I myself represents a merchant company that may be interested in doing business here. ”

While Weylan answers, Nadeq orders a round for the dwarves.

”This paladin. What do you know about him and his consorts? What types of people are they? Are they sellswords? My company is going to need protection and they sound pretty damned good at what they are doing since they could take on a giant.”

I don't know if it is needed but... ,
bluff 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Male Human Paladin 7

Loot Talk

I agree about the longsword. If no one has a desire for it, I was thinking it would be good to take the longsword to remember Jylan with. Having an adamantine weapon as a backup is a good thing, but I don't have any problem with putting that back into the group pool if we need the cash for anything. My sword was purchased for usefulness but Artimus would take sentimentality over that anytime.

I also agree on the defensive items, all of us getting a little boost is a good thing. If I had a choice, I'd love the amulet over the rings, just because I have some spells that won't stack with the ring but will stack with the amulet, I believe shield of faith is deflection as well. I'm not terribly worried about it though, as I think I have the highest AC in the group and that spikes against whoever I am smiting. If someone else has more of a need, then they can take my share, I tend to be of the mindset that whoever needs the item a most gets it.

I don't mind carrying any of the things that need to be hauled, I am slowed down by my armor more than encumbrance, so carrying the rope or bag or whatever else isn't an issue.

I can heal myself as a swift action with my lay on hands, so its no problem at all if the potions go to the others.

Looks like the ring of featherfall was the last thing that was suggested to go towards me. I will certainly wear it, but I am not hurting for it either if someone else has a desire for it. Alia being able to get to a high point to shoot and then just drift down when combat moves would be useful for example.

When the bodies are discovered, Artimus will lower to a knee before the bodies, speaking quietly to himself in the form of a prayer though rather than sending it to a god it is more directed to their spirits. He offers to carry on their work and that their names will be remembered.

As he finishes he will nod towards Hetman as he stands. "I suspect that you rarely have to worry of work in such a place. Hopefully we will not have to bring you more soon. Treat their bodies with respect, please. They deserve that much."


You can think of the awful trials at the Tombs that way, but there's another perspective, if you like.

The battle against the followers of the frog god and Orcus was, like most adventures, violent and costly to both sides. That was warfare. And gods being what they are, the dark powers will take this setback with characteristic fury, but then rebuild their flocks, hopefully somewhere else.

But the climactic battle, which cost some people their lives and others some measure of their puissance, was a clear triumph. The Black Monolith had been a moral poison on the area for ages, and it was broken, forever, by goodness and virtue. Not by capital-g-Good, not by celestial hosts breaking demon bones, or godly powers being flung about, but by the selfless and willing sacrifice of decent people.

Every mortal dies. But these people died knowing that even at the end, their lives mattered.



Weylan rolls his unfocused little eyes and swears in Dwarfish. "Haven't you been listening? They were trying to trade with things north of the Desolation. Who knows what's up there? Demons, maybe? Or a lost civilization, enslaved to dragons. (Centaurs, who get offended that we're using horses as beasts of burden.) If anybody knew who was up there, Bard's Gate wouldn't be sending such an impressive caravan. (They wouldn't be trying to set up an embassy, either. Who's Sammar supposed to be ambassador to? Us?)

"And, as we say, the paladin was likely killed. The Benders brought tribute to the Usurer at first light, I heard one of 'em making some sort of clatter there with a suit of armor. So, either he's dead, or being held for torture. (Knowing the Benders, I'd say torture might be likely.) Or maybe they're singing gnome ballads to him and his pals. (As I say, torture.)"

Pak takes the lead in the conversation. "In any case, if you'd be wanting to hire guards, I'd talk to the rangers. Out that door, down to the gallows, then turn right. They're camped on the left side of the road."

Weylan looks at his friend contemptuously. "He said he wants guards, not guides! My friend, you'll want to see the Furious Fourteen, the best sellswords --hell, the only sellswords now that the Pounders are through-- in Camp. And I'd be obliged if you mentioned my name. (I mean, we can't express our gratitude properly for buying us a round of this swine pee, but the Fourteen pay refferal bounties in hard iron.)"



Well done. scanton will be disappointed, I'm sure, that Chyressa doesn't get to come back and haunt you. So it goes.

Hetman nods. "Dignity and respect are hard currencies around here, but I'll see what I can do."

m Halfling Rogue 3 / Transmuter 3 / Shadow dancer 1

”If you don't mind me asking, do you know why the Benders killed the Paladin?”

When they have answered Nadeq will stand up and put on his hat. ”Thank you gentlemens, you have been more than helpfull. If you will excuse me I will consult with my superior” With that he tips his hat and takes his leave, heading back to his tent. My understanding is that we have stayed in the Camp before our adventure at the Tomb of Abysthor, and have some sort of camp.

When he gets there he seeks out Rasina and find a private place for them.

”Apparently Gurg the giant led an expedition for a merchant company into the Desolation. None of them returned, except Gurg who went on a killing spree and was downed by a group led by some Paladin who in turned was murdered by the Bender gnomes because (insert answer from the dwarves). Sounds like everything is at it should be” he comments dryly.

He then lowers his voice and leans towards her



”So what i wanted to talk to about is this contact of mine who told me about a guy named Bartileus with the flattering title 'the Butcher of Eamonvale'. He was seen in Camp about a few months ago. Apparently he is wanted in several cities and should bring a nice reward if caught or killed. If you hear anything about him i trust you to share it with me. Oh, and we don't need to tell the others about the reward, do we? You know me, i don't like to share” he says with a grin. ”Let's just tell them he as an old acquaintance of ours and we have heard he has been around here, and split the reward fifty-fifty, what do you say?”

Nadeq Shuzar Qedan wrote:
”If you don't mind me asking, do you know why the Benders killed the paladin?

Pak gives you a blank stare. Weylan replies, in a voice dwarves use for their small children, "Because."

Oooh, awkward.

The tension is broken when a rough-looking woman, with more than a touch of hobgoblin blood by the looks of her features, bursts in. "Finn!" she shouts. "Your horses are back! Haul yourself out here and put 'em back in their pen!"

The elf tries to stand, fails, and tries again, shuffling unsteadily out the door. The last time you saw someone have that kind of difficulty moving, it was a zombie. Zombies don't smell this bad, however.

And if you have been in Camp before, it was only for hours, on your way out toward Tsar, or to pick up Richard. More likely, this is Nadeq's first time here.


"Sure, we don't have to tell anyone else. Consider this a reward when you saved my life battling the undead monstrocity next to the black pool. Hmm, I wonder if any of his companions survived the encounter, or did the gnomes get them too"

m Halfling Rogue 3 / Transmuter 3 / Shadow dancer 1



”I knew i could count on you

”Well, they didn't mention anything about it, but when i asked into it they got uncomfortable. If they downed a giant and made a rucus here in Camp, they should be easy enough to track. Unless they are dead of course. Let's talk to the others about this.”

Nadeq will share the story about Gurg and the Paladin with the others(already written in bold, and see spoiler from GM for details) and ask their opinions, but not his conversation with Rasina.

Once Nadeq is finished with the conversation with her Rasina will wait for Richard and Mikka join the group and hear what Nadeq says about the Paladin and Gurg.

"My opinion is we should avoid the Fourteen sellswords, and see if we can track down the paladins cohort. As we all know his companion would be more trustworthy. I am not convinced the paladin was killed, either. But who knows for sure? Also I am troubled by what happened with the caravan put together by Bards Gate. Do you think asking that Sammar fellow about the caravan is wise, because there was betrayal here, I am certain. But who betrayed whom? we need better answers."

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

By the way: Someone's "consort" is his lover or companion. That person's "cohort" in general parlance means his comrades-in-arms. In D&D-specific language, it means "henchman".

Chris Mortika wrote:
By the way: Someone's "consort" is his lover or companion. That person's "cohort" in general parlance means his comrades-in-arms. In D&D-specific language, it means "henchman".

Man, long day for me today, I could have sworn the post said consort, he he. BTW it depends on how strict his vows are, he he. Seriously, she would say cohort.

EDIT so it DID say consort, lol!

Edited post above to say cohort.

m Halfling Rogue 3 / Transmuter 3 / Shadow dancer 1
Nadeq Shuzar Qedan wrote:
”This paladin. What do you know about him and his consorts?"

By the way: Someone's "consort" is his lover or companion.

:D Oh well, english is not my first language.

Not to worry. Ask me about semicolons someday.

Tinthariel starts working in the kitchen, preparing the evening meal, and you've never seen him look ... happier, or perhaps fulfilled is a better term.

Durnast, Montegue, what are your plans for the rest of the morning? Is anybody going to talk to the rangers, or will you leave that for another day? Montegue, if you know Sammar's mind, he would wish you to get a move on after Gurg in short order.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Sorry. I've been out of town on a business trip, and hate posing on our tiny new netbooks. Takes me twice as long to type responses, and the screen size is ridiculous.

Montague is a bit discouraged by all the pandering to camp politics.

"I think some of us should go talk to the rangers about what we might face". "I am not very eloquent in my speech, and would appreciate somebody to accompany me".

"If we wait too long Gurg may be killed, or missing, and we have people and merchandise missing". "Let's get these ceremonies over with, and get on the road". "The Desolation waits for nobody.

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

Durnast stands in somber reverence during Artimus' speech to fallen comrades.

If it appears Tin along with Hetman can handle proper burials, then we may not have to haul all the bodies out to the desert ourselves.
I am all for seeing the Rangers, and then getting out to the desert to find this ambush site, but I had previously written that I wanted to send Cam to ASK the Rangers if they still prefer to meet with us in Camp, or if they would prefer a rendezvous further in the desert, possibly at one of the outposts they maintain (?). If they don't mind us visibly walking over to their camp, then we can meet them ASAP.

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

As if in response to her thought, a fresh breeze wraps around Mikka throwing back her hood and opening her cloak.

'You won,' it seems to whisper,'honor them in memory, not mourning daughter'

The yougn woman's shoulders straighten, her stride picking up its usual confidence, her grip on the unusual staff tightens, as her eyes take on their usual sparkle.

As Windrazor lets out a shriek from high above and dives toward her she cannot help but smile.

She increases her pace, seeing two of her companions finishing a hushed conversation.

m Halfling Rogue 3 / Transmuter 3 / Shadow dancer 1
Rasina Songhair wrote:

"My opinion is we should avoid the Fourteen sellswords, and see if we can track down the paladins cohort. As we all know his companion would be more trustworthy. I am not convinced the paladin was killed, either. But who knows for sure? Also I am troubled by what happened with the caravan put together by Bards Gate. Do you think asking that Sammar fellow about the caravan is wise, because there was betrayal here, I am certain. But who betrayed whom? we need better answers."

"I agree. Seeing what happened at the Tomb, we could use some allies when we try go for Tsar. Besides i have never liked orcs anyway. But before we do anything else, perhaps we should get a room somewhere to establish some kind of homebase?"

Male Human Paladin 7

Hey, Artimus is an attractive man. Its easy to confuse consorts and cohorts.

Artimus will nod his head to the others. "I will accompany you, Durnast. If they wish to speak with us now, I will join you. We can go see to Gurg as soon as possible. I would like to rest when possible, the fight was rough on me, but if we can keep the giant alive that is worth pressing on."

Nadeq Shuzar Qedan wrote:
"I agree. Seeing what happened at the Tomb, we could use some allies when we try go for Tsar. Besides i have never liked orcs anyway. But before we do anything else, perhaps we should get a room somewhere to establish some kind of homebase?"

"Yes we should, unless Richard can procure us some lodging at his temple, or whats left of it." She utters a throaty laugh. "I wonder if that boarding house where the paladin went is still available? It may be worth checking out, kill 2 birds with one stone, we may be able to discover what truly happened."

Chamomile flies invisibly over to a collection of crumbling adobe buildings, lean-tos, and tents surrounding a patch of surprisingly healthy and bountiful garden. The mud-brick abodes are of obviously
ancient construction and have many gaps in their walls and roofs, covered only by stretched animal hides and blankets. There are two dogs napping in the shade, one of whom looks around and sniffs the air as the pseudo-dragon flits by. Cam finds a woman practicing pole-arm maneuvers against a pell, lands on top of a nearby tentpole, and speaks telepathically to her.

<Hey there. I love what you guys have done with the place.>

"What? Who's there?" she demands, looking all around her. Her feet shift to a more stable stance.

Chamomile drops the invisibility. <Just the most cunning little dragon as far as the eye can see, that's who. My name is .. well, it's a little bit of a secret. But my friends all call me Chamomile. Like the tea. I'm here on a secret mission, one that only I can succeed at.>

"Wh--" the woman begins. But then she stops herself and asks, with a bit more composure, "What can we do for you, Chamomile-like-the-Tea?"

<I'd be happy to explain. Last night, one of my allies met with one of your allies -->

"Ganelar, he was on watch. He reported meeting with a ranger visiting from the south, one of the six who struck down the giant yesterday evening."

<That's right! I knew I was right, coming to speak to you. You're so much brighter and quicker than most humans.>

"That's because I'm not human. But do go on."

<Oh. Huh. Anyways, one of my other friends asked me if I would come talk to you to see if you still wanted to meet with us, as we ended up killing some people this morning and they were worried that you might not want to be seen with us --which I think is silly, because who wouldn't want to be seen with me and my friends?-- but they didn't want to troop all in here if it would make the rest of the Camp people mad at you, so they wanted to know if it was still all right or if we should meet somewhere else, like maybe, they were thinking, some rendez-vous out there in the Desolation --which I think is silly, because there hae to be safer places to meet outside of the camp, like maybe anywhere (well, anywhere that isn't a pit; you humans have problems with pits) but my friends are men and women of action and danger, so maybe they want to meet up in the Desolation just because it's dangerous. So, what's your call?>

She looks at the pseudodragon for several seconds. "Here would be fine. In five minutes?"

<Terrific. See you then. And yeah, really: great garden.>


Finnelaus, the owner of the livery stables, stumbles as one of his charges, fresh from the Desolation, knocks him aside. "Damn it, girl," he says, his words slurred, "what's the rush? You been injured again?" The elf sways a little as he inspects her for gashes and claw marks, and it isn't until he looks down at her cannons and ankles that he sees the damage, and the blood. "Holy hells!" he breathes, suddenly lucid. Then, having made it back home, the mare collapses on top of the elf.


Following the halfling's lead, the new arrivals move off to the boarding house on the west side of town. They don't get there.

Windrazor sees it first, and screeches an alert. You look up and see, riding the currents out of the north, an enormous creature, an assembly of the body of an eagle, with fathers of an unnatural orange and bright crimson, the black skin wings of a bat, and the head of a stag, wreathed in flickering blue flames. Underneath it, its shadow is writhing and chittering.

Anybody who succeeds with a DC 19 Knowledge arcana check:


The bird-body and stag-head are indicative of a Peryton. You've heard that they tear out people's hearts with their wolf-like teeth. But the reports you've heard never reported the bat wings or bizarre shadow.

Alia, outside the boarding house: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Artimus, outside the boarding house: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Chamomile, just leaving the rangers' encampment: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Durnast, inside the boarding house: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Mikka, in the Camp commons, riding west on a horse not trained for war: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Montegue, outside the boarding house: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Nadeq, in the Camp commons: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Rasina, in the Camp commons: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Richard, in the Camp commons: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Swiftpaws, next to Alia: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Windrazor, in the skies above Mikka, with no cover: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Thing One, coming in from the north: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Thing Two, ??: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
23 - Alia
22 - Montegue, Swiftpaws
17 - Durnast, Chamomile
14 - Mikka
13 - Artimus, Nadeq
12 - Them both, then Rasina
9 - Richard
5 - Windrazor

For the new players: feel free to post your actions out-of-order if you like, along with any contingencies.

Male Human Cleric / 7

With the coming of the acolytes, they had brought him news of his chapel.
It had been looted and destroyed. No one had dared ask by whom ... and no one will probably come forward to say anything about it.

That's Camp ... A good thing he didn't leave anyone at the chapel, they could have been seriously hurt.

Richard took it up as his duty to help the acolytes clean out the tomb.

He hasn't been with his friends for more then a few minutes.
The acolytes looking at him for guidance took up most of his time.

On the way back to Camp he's exhausted, talking little the entire journey back to Camp.

Rasina's little joke snaps Richard to attention, with his chapel gone he has no place to stay.

"I'd say that boarding house is our best bet. Orcs make me nervous, and they smell bad ... Ugh ..."
"Since my chapel is gone, I've got no place to stay, I might aswell get a room there too."

m Halfling Rogue 3 / Transmuter 3 / Shadow dancer 1

How far away is it from the Camps common? If it is within about one round Nadeq will do the following.

Knowledge arcana. 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
"What the... what is that?" he burst out before he starts gesturing and mumbling.
Suddenly he moves off at high speed for someone with his short legs, drawing his bow as he go, and with a blink of the eye he disappears into the shadows.

stealth 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (6) + 24 = 30

Cast expeditious retreat and move behind a tent and hide, drawing his bow as part of his move action.
If it is not within one round, he will still try to hide, but without casting expeditious retreat first.

Male Human Cleric / 7

"What in Thyr's name is that ... ?!?"

The exhaustion flies from his bones as this horrible creature comes into sight.

Instinctively Richard grabs his holy symbol, the words of a spell are at the tip of his tongue.

I delay my action until I know where the creature is goind and/or what his actions are.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Montague will be more than happy to claim the Ring of protection, and is proudly admiring it's shining beauty, when an ominous shadow appears on the ground. He looks up with a start..."What the...Everyone take cover...A...a...something is flying in".

Montague then looks for a post or a building corner or something he can take hard cover behind, until the combat begins on the ground. If the beast heads towards him he will spend a ki point for AC. If not he holds action.

Well, it looks like trouble has found us. She thinks to herself.

Move 30' to a place that has cover, preferably on the other side of the courtyard where Nadeq went. As part of move draw potion of shield of Faith and drink it as standard action. AC now 23 for 10 rounds

Nadeq Shuzar Qedan wrote:
How far away is it from the Camps common?

The creature is moving in fast. At a simple move, it will cross over the boarder that separates the Desolation from the outskirts of the Camp this round. If it picks up speed, it might pass Gurg's abandoned litterpile, the Wellhouse, the rangers' encampment, and get to the Camp commons by the end of the round, but it won't have an opportunity to do anything else.

Round One
23 - Alia:
22 - Montegue: holds action
22 - Swiftpaws:
17 - Durnast:
17 - Chamomile:
14 - Mikka:
13 - Artimus:
13 - Nadeq: dismounts, hides and draws bow
12 - Them
12 - Rasina: dismounts, moves to cover (there's a building made of two low silos right next to the commons, a temple of some sort) and quaffs shield of faith
9 - Richard:
5 - Windrazor:

Female Human Ranger 7

Alia will take the rings of protection and feather fall. I've updated the common loot to reflect what everyone has said. I could also do with the bag of holding if it's fine with every one else.

Alia looks upwards to the flying horror. "Durnast, a strange beast in flying from the desolation. Do you know what it is?"

She then growls to Swifpaws and draws her bow as she moves towards the common to reach the temple shadow and hide there.
Swiftpaws follows her and flattens in the temple shadow.

For Swiftpaws, stealth 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
For Alia, stealth 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31


Getting my dot :)

Round One
23 - Alia: hide in shadows (to the west of the temple)
22 - Montegue: holds action
22 - Swiftpaws: hide in shadows (to the west of the temple)

19 - One of the temple acolytes, a woman some of you have already met, walks out of the front door of the place wearing her black wool robes and carrying two large, empty baskets, looking towards the market in the south-east corner of Camp. She gets to the center of the commons --within a few feet of the now-empty gibbet-- before she looks to the north and her eyes widen. "Pathways of Damnation!" she mutters, as the baskets fall to the ground.

17 - Durnast:
17 - Chamomile:
14 - Mikka:
13 - Artimus:
13 - Nadeq: dismounts, hides and draws bow
12 - Them
12 - Rasina: dismounts, moves to cover (there's a building made of two low silos right next to the commons, a temple of some sort) and quaffs shield of faith
9 - Richard:
5 - Windrazor:

Female Human Mooncaller Druid 4

Taking note of the vile flying creature, Mikka calls to Windrazor to continue his dive toward her, as she begins to gather the natural energies in the sky to strike.

Stop horse. Cast call lightning 1 round casting time. Windrazor will get to her asap

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)

Stepping outside (in the shade of the entry-way), Durnast stops in his tracks. "Oh."
What does a 25 Know:Arcana/Planes and 24 Know:Religion (Taking 10 on all) get me on what exactly this is, or what it's abilities/ vulnerabilities/ intent might be?

to the Skeribar woman: <5 minutes then.>
(looking up) <Don't take it personal if they're a bit late, though.>

Chamomile hustles back to find Durnast.
(I had thought he would stay Invisible, but your call)

Male Human Paladin 7

I am currently assuming the amulet of Natural Armor and having taken Jylan's sword. As I said before, if my previous blade is needed to be sold to get something I have no problem with that, until then I'll hold onto it in case adamantine is needed for something.

Artimus' eyes go wide when he sees the creature come racing in towards town. The woman who cries out from the center of the square draws him back into reality though and he dashes toward her, crying out for her to get down as he assumes a defensive stance above her.

Hoping she'll drop prone so I can take any hits that might come her way by standing above her. I am not sure on distances right now, so if I can get there in a move action, I'll take a full defensive action this round. If it takes more than that, I'll move as necessary to get there. I'm trying to wait to make sure we'll actually be fighting this and its not just passing overhead before using a smite since I was hoping to save my last one for when we go after Gurg.

Round One
23 - Alia: hide in shadows (to the west of the temple)
22 - Montegue: holds action
22 - Swiftpaws: hide in shadows (to the west of the temple)

19 - One of the temple acolytes, a woman some of you have already met, walks out of the front door of the place wearing her black wool robes and carrying two large, empty baskets, looking towards the market in the south-east corner of Camp. She gets to the center of the commons --within a few feet of the now-empty gibbet-- before she looks to the north and her eyes widen. "Pathways of Damnation!" she mutters, as the baskets fall to the ground.

17 - Durnast: As if the Peryton weren't menace enough, this seems to be some hellbred variation. The blue flames indicate that it has considerable spell-casting power. The shadow, on the other hand, is outside your current experience. It's as if it were independently alive itself.

17 - Chamomile: Speeds back to Durnast.
14 - Mikka: begins casting call lightning.
13 - Artimus: rushes over to defend the cleric. It'll take a full round.
13 - Nadeq: dismounts, hides and draws bow

12 - The hellbred peryton lets out a blood-curdling laugh, a sound like a mynah bird might make. Its gaze sweeps over the Camp, flitting first to the ranger Chamomile was just speaking with, and then fixing on Artimus. It wheels and stoops. As it gets close to you, Artimus, you get the clear impression that this thing is not just vile, but stinks of the lower planes. Its attack roll: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30, which just barely avoids being a critical. Its damage: 2d4 + 10 ⇒ (3, 4) + 10 = 17. And it is stopped right in front of Artimus.

Its shadow seems to be itself alive, filled with an assemblage of insect-like body parts, and swarms over Artimus and the cleric. (Artimus, you get an attack of opportunity against it. AC 19.) In the area of the shadow, the lighting dims to normal indoor illumination. Once in the shadow, Artimus and the cleric both take 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5 points of damage. The woman screams in pain and distress.

Durnast, seeing it in action, you understand that the shadow really is another entity, a swarm of some type. It seems hell-wrought itself.

Artimus, you'll need to make to saving throws: Fortitude save (DC 15) to shrug off the poisonous effects of the stinging and biting, and a Will save (DC 15) in order to concentrate enough to act.

12 - Rasina: dismounts, moves to cover (there's a building made of two low silos right next to the commons, a temple of some sort) and quaffs shield of faith

9 - Richard: you're up, good priest.

5 - Windrazor: dropping to join Mikka.

I'll see what I can do to get a map to you folks. But assume that Artimus is 90' from the entrance to the boarding house, and 15' from Richard, Mikka, Rasina, and Nadeq.

Male Human Paladin 7

Woohoo, if that was almost a critical hit and you got a 30 it means that when I smite him he'll have to roll a critical threat just to hit me.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Attack of Opportunity with Power Attack
1d8 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 Damage

Assuming its not undead or the bane effect kicks in. Not sure since its shadowy, but I assumed it was more demon/devil-ish

Artimus grunts as it hits him, though he is glad he took this stance because he suspects the cleric wouldn't have taken such a powerful blow nearly as well. He swings up at it, but the strike leaves him off balance and his return blow is a bit wild.

1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 Fort Save
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 Will Save

Male Human Diviner 7 (favored class)
"Durnast, a strange beast in flying from the desolation. Do you know what it is?"

"...A monstrosity... but... changed... tainted by flames of Hell..."

For a moment thinking a well-placed Fireball might be his best option, Durnast realizes the abominations must be Hell-born, and thus immune to fire (if I misunderstood, that would be my action: DC 18 7d6). Instead, frantically thinking of some way to assist Artimus against these horrors, Durnast remembers a scroll ready to draw from his pack, and it's glyphs almost flowing from the vellum of their own accord, he once again conjures a flickering field of colors, which engulfs both the Peryton and it's amorphous cohort (but not Artimus or the Cleric). Rainbow Pattern, DC19 or Fascinated

What else do I (and Cam) see going on? Any reaction from the Orcus Shrine or the Usurer's compound?

Female Human Ranger 7

For Round 2:

Alia takes a step to the south to get a clear view of the creature and targets the Peryton. She draws her ivory coloured bow and four arrows speed towards the creature head.

1st Attack with deadly aim, manyshot and rapid shot
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 + damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
2nd Attack with deadly aim, rapid shot 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
3rd Attack with deadly aim, point blank shot 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20, damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

If the creature is within 30', add 1 to all attacks and damage, if it's an evil outsider, add another 2 to all attacks and damage.

Male Human Cleric / 7

Richard looks at the horrible thing landing ... and ask for his gods protection.

Grabbing his holy symbol he utters the words to his protective spell.

"Thyr protect me."

I cast protection from evil, on myself for now.

Male Human Priest (Dreamer); HP 32/32; MP 19/19; Dodge 70/35/14

Seeing the beast land, Montague rushes forward. (Second move action) to provide flanking to the paladin. If I have to spend another ki point to reach flanking without invoking an AAO i will. I will also make every effort to avoid the shadow

Acrobatics (1d20+14=23) to avoid AAO when closing to melee.

Durnast, since you were collecting data about the horror, I'll consider your action "delaying until I have a better idea what it is." You got that better idea once it attacked Artimus and the acolyte, and so I'll move you in the initiative order to immediately after that. (Since we've already established its attack.)

Round One
23 - Alia: hide in shadows (to the west of the temple)
22 - Montegue: holds action
22 - Swiftpaws: hide in shadows (to the west of the temple)
19 - One of the temple acolytes walks out of the front door of the place to the center of the commons.
17 - Durnast: holds action.
17 - Chamomile: Speeds back to Durnast.
14 - Mikka: begins casting call lightning.
13 - Artimus: rushes over to defend the cleric. It'll take a full round.
13 - Nadeq: dismounts, hides and draws bow

12 - The hellbred peryton attacks: 1d20+13, which just barely avoids being a critical. Its damage: 2d4+10. And it is stopped right in front of Artimus.

Its shadow swarms over Artimus and the cleric. Once in the shadow, Artimus and the cleric both take 2d6 &#8658; (1, 4) = 5 points of damage. The woman screams in pain and distress.

Artimus, you'll need to make to saving throws: Fortitude save (DC 15) to shrug off the poisonous effects of the stinging and biting, and a Will save (DC 15) in order to concentrate enough to act.

12 - Durnast now acts - You do indeed suspect that it's either from the aches of the Abyss (and thus highly resistant to fire), or else from the pits of Hell (and thus immune to flame entirely). You cast rainbow pattern. The creature has spell resistance, and you can see your spell flicker around the edges of its aura, but your spell does take effect. However, it's strong-willed enough to throw off the effects of the spell.

Artimus, make another Will saving throw, please.

(And no, neither the rest of the temple staff nor the Usurer have reacted yet.)

12 - Montegue now acts moving to flank the creature with Artimus. Two notes: the hellbred peryton can of course fly, and appears to have preternaturally good command over its own movement, so it might be able to hover above the two of you, denying you the flanking bonus. But for now, you're good. And two, ...

the shadow seems to be able to move independent of the creature.

12 - Rasina: dismounts, moves to cover (there's a building made of two low silos right next to the commons, a temple of some sort) and quaffs shield of faith

9 - Richard: casts protection from evil on himself, curious as to how this stranger will handle the bizarre horror.

5 - Windrazor: dropping to join Mikka.

Round Two
23 - Alia: Sends four arrows flying. It is indeed within 30'. And it is indeed an evil outsider. It turns to you, shrieking in rage. "After I feast on these hearts, I'll eat yours, right in front of your dying eyes," it vows.

22 - Swiftpaws:

19 - Acolyte: Caught up in the rainbow pattern, holds her action to make sure she can follow it if it leads her away.

17 - Chamomile:

14 - Mikka: call lightning will be complete.

13 - Artimus:

13 - Nadeq:

12 - The hellbred peryton:

12 - Its shadow:

12 - Durnast

12 - Montegue

12 - Rasina:

9 - Richard:

5 - Windrazor:

Male Wolf Animal Compagnon 4

Swiftpaws remains in the temple shadow, ready to move on the creature if Alia asks for it.

Rasina after downing her potion sees the hellbred beast land and attack the armored man who rushed in selflessly to assist the poor acolyte. She thinks "If that is not the paladin then I'm the lord of Bard's Gate. And he does have friends. In any event, he is in serious trouble as the fiend went straight for him. I cannot let him fall. She grips her weapons and breaks for the hellish creature move action to flanking position from the monk, Acrobatics check 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22. She decides to distract the creature in order to help the paladin defenses, while preventing any counterstrikes fron the creature in return. [ooc] Fight defensively, -4 to hit, +2 shield bonus for 2WD feat, total AC 24 currently; Aid another action for +2 AC for Artus, +5 to hit, +2 flank, -4 fight defensive for total +31d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 vs AC 10

m Halfling Rogue 3 / Transmuter 3 / Shadow dancer 1

Nadeq fits an arrow to his bow and moves toward the corner of his cover. He takes aim at the beast and sees the armored man take a hit.
"Guess the Benders didn't kill off our paladin after all." he thinks to himself as he steady his aim and release his shot.

move to the corner of his cover, and shoot an arrow
1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 10 + 1 = 19
1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
+ 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 if i can sneak attack it.

If it is possible he will hide again after the shot.
Stealth 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39

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