(Those don't look like Iconics in) the Blog

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Dark Archive

Yet another bouncy blog from Crystal Frasier.

But I don't think that's Harsk petitioning the Dwarf lord in their halls of stone, (hair is a tad dark, no heavy crossbow) and that definitely does not look like Seltyiel.

Any guesses?

Dark Archive

Its probably Harsk and Seoni. Seoni has a blond hair, I just think that the artist didn't get the proportions correct on Harsk. The axe is exactly the same, he's just as tall as Valeros. I figure Seoni going to a dwarf hold would need warmer clothing, as she is pretty much a varisian and used to a Mediterranean climate.

Her cloak has the simple of the prophecies of kalistrade on the back. Bit odd, if its seoni, and I think it migh well be.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

did anyone else make their eyes bleed trying to read the text?

*hides bloody rags* Uh no...

Who said that?


Those aren't iconics. One's a dwarven king, the other dwarf is a diplomat from another dwarf kingdom, and the blonde woman is a Druman diplomat there to help negotiate a peace.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Dissinger wrote:
Its probably Harsk and Seoni. Seoni has a blond hair, I just think that the artist didn't get the proportions correct on Harsk. The axe is exactly the same, he's just as tall as Valeros. I figure Seoni going to a dwarf hold would need warmer clothing, as she is pretty much a varisian and used to a Mediterranean climate.

Varisians would be less inclined to Mediterranean temperatures than temperate climes, as Varisia was meant to be at approximately the same latitude as the Pacific northwest. They do travel quite a bit, but I don't think that the Varisian people as a whole are particularly adapted to the climate one might find in northern Garund, which is approximately where the Mediterranean would be in Golarion.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Those aren't iconics. One's a dwarven king, the other dwarf is a diplomat from another dwarf kingdom, and the blonde woman is a Druman diplomat there to help negotiate a peace.

I thought the proper phrasing for "A person from Druma" was "Drumish"?



Officially, it's "Drumides."

Does it have an official pronunciation? :)


Ask an optometrist. Or an RPG superstar finalist.

A-HAHAHA! Oh, man.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Ask an optometrist. Or an RPG superstar finalist.

Ouch, Sean. Ouch.


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Tarren Dei wrote:

Why are you squinting with that one eye like that? Did you get something in one of your irides? :->

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